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A temperate bacteriophage designated TP446 was isolated from culture supernatants ofAeromonas salmonicida strain A446. Phage TP446 adsorbed to all of the typical and atypical strains ofA. salmonicida tested that possessed A-layer, the surface protein array that represents the primary virulence factor of this fish pathogen. In contrast, TP446 failed to adsorb to mutants lacking A-layer. These results indicate that the A-layer is a component of the receptor for phage TP446.  相似文献   
Introduced species often pose serious threats to biodiversity, but occasionally confusion arises as to whether a species really is introduced or is in fact an overlooked native. A recent UK conservation dilemma has centred on the status of the pool frog Rana lessonae. This species has been the subject of documented introductions from central and southern Europe since the early 1800s, the accepted position being that all UK R. lessonae populations are descended from these introductions. However, a closer examination of early UK literature sources, and recent discoveries of isolated, native R. lessonae populations in Sweden and Norway, led some herpetologists to question whether the species was in fact present as a native at some locations prior to the introductions. Research was initiated along four major lines of enquiry: genetic, bioacoustic, archaeozoological and archival. A high degree of convergence among the genetic and bioacoustic investigations demonstrated that the potentially native UK pool frogs were closely related to Scandinavian frogs, thus ruling out introductions from further south as a potential origin. Subfossil evidence of pool frogs was found from ca. 1000 years before present, demonstrating that the species occurred in the UK prior to known introductions. Archival sources produced no historical support for introductions from northern Europe. The postglacial history inferred for these northern populations is consistent with the known climatic and geographical conditions. Taken together, the evidence for the native status of the pool frog is compelling, and furthermore the UK population appears to be part of a distinct northern clade.  相似文献   
Flagellar hooks were purified from Helicobacter pylori and Helicobacter mustelae. The 70 × 16nm H. pylori hook was composed of FIgE subunits of 78kDa, while the 72 × 16nm H. mustelae hook was composed of 87kDa subunits. N-terminal sequence was obtained for the FIgH proteins of both species, and for an internal H. mustelae FlgE peptide. Degenerate oligonucleotide primers allowed amplification of a 1.2 kb fragment from the H. mustelae chromosome, which carried part of the flgE gene. The corresponding H. pylori gene was cloned by immunoscreening of a genomic library constructed in λZAP Express, The translated H. pylori flgE sequence indicated a protein with limited homology with the hook proteins from Salmonella typhimurium and Treponema phagedenis. Mutants of H. pylori and H. mustelae defective in hook production generated by allele replacement were non-motile and devoid of flagellar filaments but produced both flagellin subunits, which were localized in the soluble fraction of the cell. The level of flagellin production was unchanged in the mutants, indicating that the regulation of flagellin expression in Helicobacter differs from that in the Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   
Summary The enzyme protochlorophyllide (pchlide) reductase has been identified amongst the peptides, resolved by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), of chloroplast membranes from oat and barley plants. In support of this identification the enzymic activity associated with the enzyme has also been measured in the same preparations. A higher level of enzyme was found in plants which had been darkened prior to extraction. Based on this data, mechanisms for the light regulated diurnal variation of the reductase are discussed.  相似文献   
The unicellular alga Gonyaulax polyedra reacts to short days and low temperatures by forming asexual cysts. Its photoperiodic response is elicited via the physiological mediation of melatonin. This indoleamine known as a dark signal in vertebrates is also synthetised by this dinophyt attaining concentrations as high as in the mammalian pineal gland. Its level varies in a circadian fashion, showing a steep increase after the onset of darkness, followed by a gradual decline towards the beginning of photophase. The critical photoperiod of the encystment response shows in Gonyaulax polyedra the remarkably high precision of about half an hour. Under otherwise non-inducing conditions, a single addition of 10 –4 M melatonin, given 1 h before the onset of darkness, elicits encystment as much, and with similar kinetics, as in short-days. The effect of melatonin action during long-day conditions (11:13) and low temperature (15°C) has been investigated. After addition of 10 –4 M or 7x10 –5 M melatonin each 3 h, the cyst-inducing capacity depends on the circadian phase of treatment. The differences in efficiency of melatonin observed are negatively correlated with the endogenous melatonin production of Gonyaulax polyedra which is higher at the begining of darkness. These results lead to novel consequences relating to the rapid catabolism of this substance and the dependence of its efficiency on light.  相似文献   
Marine and freshwater ecosystems are increasingly at risk of large and cascading changes from multiple human activities (termed “regime shifts”), which can impact population productivity, resilience, and ecosystem structure. Pacific salmon exhibit persistent and large fluctuations in their population dynamics driven by combinations of intrinsic (e.g., density dependence) and extrinsic factors (e.g., ecosystem changes, species interactions). In recent years, many Pacific salmon have declined due to regime shifts but clear understanding of the processes driving these changes remains elusive. Here, we unpacked the role of density dependence, ecosystem trends, and stochasticity on productivity regimes for a community of five anadromous Pacific salmonids (Steelhead, Coho Salmon, Pink Salmon, Dolly Varden, and Coastal Cutthroat Trout) across a rich 40-year time-series. We used a Bayesian multivariate state-space model to examine whether productivity shifts had similarly occurred across the community and explored marine or freshwater changes associated with those shifts. Overall, we identified three productivity regimes: an early regime (1976–1990), a compensatory regime (1991–2009), and a declining regime (since 2010) where large declines were observed for Steelhead, Dolly Varden, and Cutthroat Trout, intermediate declines in Coho and no change in Pink Salmon. These regime changes were associated with multiple cumulative effects across the salmon life cycle. For example, increased seal densities and ocean competition were associated with lower adult marine survival in Steelhead. Watershed logging also intensified over the past 40 years and was associated with (all else equal) ≥97% declines in freshwater productivity for Steelhead, Cutthroat, and Coho. For Steelhead, marine and freshwater dynamics played approximately equal roles in explaining trends in total productivity. Collectively, these changing environments limited juvenile production and lowered future adult returns. These results reveal how changes in freshwater and marine environments can jointly shape population dynamics among ecological communities, like Pacific salmon, with cascading consequences to their resilience.  相似文献   
The capsid of P22 bacteriophage undergoes a series of structural transitions during maturation that guide it from spherical to icosahedral morphology. The transitions include the release of scaffold proteins and capsid expansion. Although P22 maturation has been investigated for decades, a unified model that incorporates thermodynamic and biophysical analyses is not available. A general and specific model of icosahedral capsid maturation is of significant interest to theoreticians searching for fundamental principles as well as virologists and material scientists seeking to alter maturation to their advantage. To address this challenge, we have combined the results from orthogonal biophysical techniques including differential scanning fluorimetry, atomic force microscopy, circular dichroism, and hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. By integrating these results from single particle and population measurements, an energy landscape of P22 maturation from procapsid through expanded shell to wiffle ball emerged, highlighting the role of metastable structures and the thermodynamics guiding maturation. The propagation of weak quaternary interactions across symmetric elements of the capsid is a key component for stability in P22. A surprising finding is that the progression to wiffle ball, which lacks pentamers, shows that chemical and thermal stability can be uncoupled from mechanical rigidity, elegantly demonstrating the complexity inherent in capsid protein interactions and the emergent properties that can arise from icosahedral symmetry. On a broader scale, this work demonstrates the power of applying orthogonal biophysical techniques to elucidate assembly mechanisms for supramolecular complexes and provides a framework within which other viral systems can be compared.  相似文献   
A reduced exopolysaccharide phenotype is associated with inability to synthesize polyhydroxyalkanaote (PHA) stores in Sinorhizobium meliloti strain Rm1021. Loss of function mutations in phbB and phbC result in non-mucoid colony morphology on Yeast Mannitol Agar, compared to the mucoid phenotype exhibited by the parental strain. This phenotype is attributed to reduction in succinoglycan synthesis. We have used complementation of this phenotype and the previously described D-3-hydroxybutyrate/acetoacetate utilization phenotype to isolate a heterologous clone containing a Bradyrhizobium japonicum phbC gene. Sequence analysis confirmed that this clone contains one of the five predicted phbC genes in the B. japonicum genome. The described phenotypic complementation strategy should be useful for isolation of novel PHA synthesis genes of diverse origin.  相似文献   
The sorting and assembly machinery (SAM) complex functions in the assembly of beta-barrel proteins into the mitochondrial outer membrane. It is related to the Omp85/YaeT machinery in bacterial outer membranes, but the eukaryotic SAM complex is distinguished by two peripheral subunits, Sam37 and Sam35, that sit on the cytosolic face of the complex. The function of these subunits in beta-barrel protein assembly is currently unclear. By screening a library of sam35 mutants, we show that 13 distinct alleles were each specifically suppressed by overexpression of SAM37. Two of these mutants, sam35-409 and sam35-424, show distinct phenotypes that enable us to distinguish the function of Sam35 from that of Sam37. Sam35 is required for the SAM complex to bind outer membrane substrate proteins: destabilization of Sam35 inhibits substrate binding by Sam50. Sam37 acts later than Sam35, apparently to assist release of substrates from the SAM complex. Very different environments surround bacteria and mitochondria, and we discuss the role of Sam35 and Sam37 in terms of the problems peculiar to mitochondrial protein substrates.  相似文献   
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