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Habitat enhancement for birds is frequently implemented during mine site restoration. Cliff‐nesting birds often colonize anthropogenic environments such as mining areas (aggregate sites and quarries for aggregate and cement production). Mining activity can compromise breeding success, causing cliff‐nesting birds to depend on the management and restoration of mining areas. The objective of our study is to assess the importance of mine site habitats for Sand Martin conservation and reconcile mining activity with breeding success in Mediterranean environments. We studied Sand Martin breeding habitat preferences in mining areas at three spatial scales. At the mining site scale, we compared 10 mining sites with Sand Martin burrows with 19 mining sites without burrows. At the colony scale (vertical structures with colonies), we evaluated the relationships between the number of breeding pairs, number of burrows, and colony characteristics within 30 distinct Sand Martin colonies. At the burrow scale, we compared the characteristics of the available vertical structure with the areas used by Sand Martins. At the mining site scale, Sand Martins preferred more surface of water bodies, shorter distances to flowing water, older sites, and mining sites which produce aggregates instead of cement. At the colony scale, Sand Martins preferred southwest orientations and stockpiles to vertical extraction faces. At the burrow scale, birds preferred the most vertical areas of the face. Our results support the need for effective habitat restoration and improved management for more effective Sand Martin conservation within mining areas. Simple interventions can enhance habitat quality and conservation of cliff‐nesting birds.  相似文献   
We isolated and characterized the highly polymorphic tetra-nucleotide microsatellite S0719 on SSC7q14-q15 adjacent to the porcine testis-specific phosphoglycerate kinase 2 (PGK2) gene and assigned it to the USDA-MARC linkage map on SSC7 position 77.5 cM closely linked to markers SW859 (76.3 cM) and SWR2036 (79.0 cM). In a panel of 344 individuals representing 11 pig breeds (European, Chinese, and North American), a total of 32 alleles were observed, and the overall breeds' calculated PIC (polymorphism information content), HE (heterozygosity), and NE (effective allele number) were 0.94, 0.94, and 16.41. Breed-specific PIC and HE ranged from 0.66 to 0.87, whereas NE was as low as 2.95 and as high as 7.96. Considering the high allelic variation of S0719 within and among pig breeds (79% of the genotyped animals were heterozygous), the marker is useful for individual animal identification and parentage determination. Finally, S0719 is also a valuable STS marker for fine-mapping QTL on SSC7 as position 77.5 cM is located in 25 QTL intervals (http://www.animalgenome.org/QTLdb/).  相似文献   
Populations of species located at southern range edges may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change as warming temperatures and subsequent changes to ecosystems exceed species-specific tolerances. One such species is Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), a cold-adapted mesocarnivore that maintains a large core population in Alaska, USA, and Canada but exists within several peripheral populations in the contiguous United States. Increases in temperature, declines in snow pack, and climate-influenced increases in fire frequency and intensity, could negatively affect lynx populations, threatening their long-term persistence in the continental United States. Despite these threats, our understanding of broad-scale effects on lynx occupancy and the extent of current lynx distribution in many of these peripheral populations is minimal. We conducted an occupancy survey of lynx in Washington, USA, using a spatially extensive camera-trapping array covering 7,000 km2 of potential lynx habitat. We used the resulting database of detection data to develop single-season occupancy models to examine the abiotic and biotic effects on current lynx occupancy and predict future lynx distribution based on climate change forecasts. Our results show lynx occupancy across the Washington landscape is restricted and dictated largely by abiotic factors, disturbance regimes, and distance from source populations in Canada. Predictions of future distribution suggest lynx will be increasingly challenged by climatic changes, particularly at the southern and lower elevation portions of their range in Washington. Our results paint an alarming picture for lynx persistence in Washington that is relevant to current deliberations regarding lynx delisting from the Endangered Species Act. Our simple camera design was a highly effective method for surveying lynx across broad spatial scales, and could be a key monitoring tool for lynx that is easy to implement by researchers and government agencies. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Consistency of animal personality traits is expected. Mounting evidence suggests that animal personalities will change with time and major life events. Research into this phenomenon is often limited to span only short periods of time in the animals’ life or have few measures across their life. We measured Exploration, Activity and Boldness of litters of meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, in a pair of novel object tests six times over a year, representing a large proportion of the lifespan of the vole. Our null hypothesis was that the personality traits would not change, and our first alternative hypothesis was that personality traits would change equally for all individuals as they aged. Neither was supported. The data support our third hypothesis that traits would change and change unequally. Activity and Boldness were consistent across time. However, Exploratory behaviour increased with the vole's age. The supported models show that personality traits change consistently for related individuals, but the litters differ in their change with age. This suggests that meadow vole life history affects how personality traits develop, but not necessarily their magnitudes. We also tested the repeatability of traits across the testing intervals. We discovered that the repeatability of these three personality traits varied across time, depending on the trait. Activity was repeatable equally across ages. Exploration became more repeatable and Boldness became less so. Thus, personality traits may be more malleable than supposed, especially over long periods of time.  相似文献   
Although genetic and environmental factors contribute to neurodegenerative disease, the underlying etiology common to many diseases might be based on metabolic demand. Mitochondria are the main producer of ATP, but are also the major source of reactive oxygen species. Under normal conditions, these oxidants are neutralized; however, under environmental insult or genetic susceptibility conditions, oxidative stress may exceed cellular antioxidant capacities, leading to degeneration. We tested the hypothesis that loss in mitochondrial reserve capacity plays a causative role in neuronal degeneration and chose a cone photoreceptor cell line as our model. 661W cells were exposed to agents that mimic oxidant stress or calcium overload. Real-time changes in cellular metabolism were assessed using the multi-well Seahorse Biosciences XF24 analyzer that measures oxygen consumption (OCR) and extracellular acidification rates (ECAR). Cellular stress resulted in an early loss of mitochondrial reserve capacity, without affecting basal respiration; and ECAR was increased, representing a compensatory shift of ATP productions toward glycolysis. The degree of change in energy metabolism was correlated with the amount of subsequent cell death 24-hours post-treatment, the concentration-dependent loss in mitochondrial reserve capacity correlated with the number of live cells. Our data suggested first, that loss in mitochondrial reserve capacity is a major contributor in disease pathogenesis; and second, that the XF24 assay might represent a useful surrogate assay amenable to the screening of agents that protect against loss of mitochondrial reserve capacity. In future experiments, we will explore these concepts for the development of neuroprotective agents.  相似文献   
Abstract: A 12.4-kb plasmid, pTF-FC2, that was isolated from Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and which is capable of replication in a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria, has been sequenced. The extent of the regions involved in both replication and mobilization have been delineated. The site of initiation of replication ( oriV ) has been localized on a 185-bp fragment and the origin of transfer ( oriT ) on a 138-bp fragment. Three proteins that were essential for replication and four that were essential for mobilization have been identified. The origin of replication was clearly similar to that of the IncQ plasmids although no complementation or incompatibility between pTF-FC2 and the IncQ plasmid, R300B, was detected. There was a clear similarity in the size,location and amino acid sequence of the proteins of the pTF-FC2 mobilization region with those of the TraI region of the IncP plasmids, RP4 and R751.Two inverted repeated sequences which had 37/38-bp and 38/38-bp sequence identity with the Tn 21 transposon were identified. The C-terminal part of a transposase and the N-terminal portion of a resolvase were located between the inverted repeats. These open reading frames are most likely the remnants of a defective transposon. A protein with homology to a mercury- resistance regulator was also present within the transposon-like element although no gene encoding for mercury reductase could be indentified.  相似文献   
Linkage mapping of the MC3R gene to porcine chromosome 17   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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