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Relaxin is a peptide hormone with known actions associated with female reproductive physiology, but it has also been identified in the brain. Only one relaxin gene had been characterized in rodents until recently when a novel human relaxin gene, human gene-3 (H3) and its mouse equivalent (M3) were identified. The current study reports the identification of a rat homologue, rat gene-3 (R3) relaxin that is highly expressed in a discrete region of the adult brain. The full R3 relaxin cDNA was generated using RT-PCR and 3' and 5' RACE protocols. The derived amino acid sequence of R3 relaxin retains all the characteristic features of a relaxin peptide and has a high degree of homology with H3 and M3 relaxin. The distribution of R3 relaxin mRNA in adult rat brain was determined and highly abundant expression was only detected in neurons of the ventromedial dorsal tegmental nucleus (vmDTg) in the pons, whereas all other brain areas were unlabelled or contained much lower mRNA levels. Relaxin binding sites and relaxin immunoreactivity were also detected in the vmDTg. These together with earlier findings provide strong evidence for a role(s) for multiple relaxin peptides as neurotransmitters and/or modulators in the rat CNS.  相似文献   
The effect of porcine relaxin on rabbit articular and growth plate chondrocytes in primary culture was investigated by measurement of total collagen production and analysis of the phenotypes of newly synthesized collagen chains. A 24-h treatment of monolayer articular and multilayer growth plate chondrocytes with 2 micrograms per ml relaxin had no effect on total DNA and did not significantly modify the amount of [3H]proline-labelled collagen chains secreted by the cells. However, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated relevant modifications in relaxin treated chondrocytes. A significant increase was observed in the proportion of type III collagen and in the intensity of the band corresponding to alpha 2I chains. Two-dimensional peptide mapping of CNBr-cleaved molecules indicated that the band that was identified as alpha 1II on monodimensional gels contained a significant proportion of alpha 1I collagen chains, as demonstrated by the presence of alpha 1I cyanogen bromide-digested peptides. The intensity of this band was increased by relaxin treatment. Furthermore, total RNA analysis by slot blot and Northern blot techniques showed a dose-dependent stimulation of alpha 1I and alpha 1III mRNA levels after incubation with increased relaxin concentrations, but no change in the amount of alpha 1II mRNA. These results suggested that when added to cartilage cells in vitro, relaxin modulated the expression of type I, type II and type III collagen genes by amplifying the dedifferentiation process.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide probes containing multiple non-radioactive labels have been prepared by utilising and extending the methods used to prepare polyamide-oligonucleotide conjugates. The probes were prepared by incorporating suitable amino acid residues, such as lysines, in the polyamide, which were then used as sites for the attachment of the non-radioactive labels. The procedures developed give control over the distance of the label from the oligonucleotide, and also the inter-label distance. The labels can be conveniently introduced while the substrate is still on the solid support. Even though fluorescent oligonucleotide probes prepared in this way carrying multiple carboxyfluorescein labels gave low levels of fluorescence due to quenching, the probes containing ten biotin labels gave a detection sensitivity of approximately 5 attomole (3 million molecules).  相似文献   
In order to study the molecular regulation of flower development in the monoecious species oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), cDNAs of 12 MADS box genes from this plant belonging to seven distinct subfamilies were previously isolated and characterized. Here studies carried out on five of these genes, each likely to be involved in floral morphogenesis: EgSQUA1 (SQUAMOSA subfamily); EgAGL2-1 (AGL2 subfamily); EgGLO2 (GLOBOSA subfamily); EgDEF1 (DEFICIENS subfamily); and EgAG2 (AGAMOUS subfamily), are described. In order to determine where and when in the plant these genes are likely to function, their spatial and temporal patterns of expression were studied during the development of male and female inflorescences, either of normal phenotype or displaying a homeotic flowering abnormality known as mantled. In parallel, the phenotypic effects of ectopically expressing these genes in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants were analysed. The data suggest a broad conservation of floral homeotic gene functions between oil palm and previously described model species, although a few minor variations in the zones of activity of certain genes cannot be excluded. The data also indicate distinct molecular identities for the morphologically similar floral organs of whorls 1 and 2. They also reveal reduced expression of putative B, C/D, and E class genes in mantled flowers, which undergo a homeotic transformation comparable to B class mutants of model species.  相似文献   
The primary stored and circulating form of relaxin in humans, human gene-2 (H2) relaxin, has potent antifibrotic properties with rapidly occurring efficacy. However, when administered to experimental models of fibrosis, H2 relaxin can only be applied over short-term (2-4 week) periods, due to rodents mounting an antibody response to the exogenous human relaxin, resulting in delayed clearance and, hence, increased and variable circulating levels. To overcome this problem, the current study investigated the therapeutic potential of mouse relaxin over long-term exposure in vivo. Mouse relaxin is unique among the known relaxins in that it possesses an extra residue within the C-terminal region of its A-chain. To enable a detailed assessment of its receptor interaction and biological properties, it was chemically synthesized in good overall yield by the separate preparation of each of its A- and B-chains followed by regioselective formation of each of the intramolecular and two intermolecular disulfide bonds. Murine relaxin was shown to bind with high affinity to the human, mouse, and rat RXFP1 (primary relaxin) receptor but with a slightly lower affinity to that of H2 relaxin. When administered to relaxin-deficient mice (which undergo an age-dependent progression of organ fibrosis) over a 4 month treatment period, mouse relaxin was able to significantly inhibit the progression of collagen accumulation in several organs including the lung, kidney, testis, and skin (all p < 0.05 vs untreated group), consistent with the actions of H2 relaxin. These combined data demonstrate that mouse relaxin can effectively inhibit collagen deposition and accumulation (fibrosis) over long-term treatment periods.  相似文献   
The primary structure of ovine Leydig cell insulin-like peptide (Ley I-L) was recently deduced from the corresponding cDNA sequence. It consists of two peptide chains and three disulphide bonds in an arrangement similar to both relaxin and insulin. As in relaxin B-chain, an Arg-X-X-X-Arg sequence exists within the Ley I-L B-chain although it is located four residues towards the C-terminus from the corresponding position within relaxin. This sequence of amino acids is known to be essential for relaxin biological activity and its presence in Ley I-L suggested that the peptide might possess a relaxin-like function. Ovine Ley I-L was assembled by Fmoc-solid-phase synthesis of the separate chains followed by their combination in solution at high pH. The purity and identity of the chain-combined peptide was confirmed by chemical characterization including mass spectrometry. At physiological concentrations, the peptide was shown not to possess relaxin-like activity in the rat isolated atrial chronotropic and inotropic assay. This strongly suggests that Ley I-L is not a relaxin in the sheep. In order to explore further a possible structural relationship between Ley I-L and relaxin, we prepared a synthetic analogue of ovine Ley I-L containing a single replacement of B-chain residue 12, His, with Arg. This was found to possess significant relaxin-like chronotropic and inotropic activity demonstrating that the tertiary structure of Ley I-L is similar to that of relaxin and highlighting the key requirement for the five-residue sequence, Arg-X-X-X-Arg, to be present in position B12-16 for characteristic relaxin activity.  相似文献   
In the equine industry, pregnancy loss during the third trimester constitutes a large percentage of fetal and neonatal mortality and represents a major financial loss and time investment for the breeder. Early identification of placental insufficiency would, in some cases, make it possible to sustain the pregnancy through medical intervention. Recent work suggests that relaxin is a valuable clinical tool for diagnosing placental insufficiency and monitoring treatment efficacy in mares. Relaxin is a polypeptide member of the insulin superfamily that consists of a two-chain structure and three disulfide bonds in a disposition identical to that of insulin. It is typically produced in the ovary during pregnancy and has primary roles in maintaining mammalian pregnancy and facilitating the delivery of the young via remodelling of the reproductive tract. The placenta is the primary source of relaxin in the mare during pregnancy. Its primary structure has been determined and shown to be the smallest of the known mammalian relaxins. It consists of a 20 residue A-chain and a 28-residue B-chain. To undertake detailed biophysical and biological characterization of the peptide, its chemical synthesis was undertaken using regioselective disulfide formation methods. The synthetic equine relaxin showed typical α-helical structure under physiological conditions. The peptide was found to bind to the relaxin receptor, LGR7, in vitro, and its binding affinity was found to be higher than that of the “gold standard”, porcine relaxin, and similar to that of the human relaxin-2 (H2 relaxin).  相似文献   
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