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Pham AS  Reinhart GD 《Biochemistry》2001,40(13):4150-4158
Using enzymatic assays and steady-state fluorescence emission, we performed a linkage analysis of the three-ligand interaction of fructose 6-phosphate (Fru-6-P), phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), and MgATP on E187A mutant Escherichia coli phosphofructokinase (PFK). PEP allosterically inhibits Fru-6-P binding to E. coli PFK. The magnitude of antagonism is 90-fold in the absence and 60-fold in the presence of a saturating concentration of MgATP [Johnson, J. J., and Reinhart, G. D. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 12814-12822]. Substituting an alanine for the glutamate at position 187, located in the allosteric site (i.e., mutant E187A), activates Fru-6-P binding and inhibits the maximal rate of enzyme turnover [Lau, F. T.-K., and Fersht, A. R. (1987) Nature 326, 811-812]. The allosteric action of PEP appears to depend on the presence of the cosubstrate MgATP. In the presence of a saturating concentration of MgATP, PEP enhances the binding of Fru-6-P to the enzyme by a modest 2-fold. Decreasing the concentration of MgATP mitigates the extent of activation. At MgATP concentrations approaching 25 microM, PEP becomes insensitive to the binding of Fru-6-P. At MgATP concentrations < 25 microM, PEP "crosses over" and becomes antagonistic toward substrate binding. The present study examines the role of Glu 187 at the allosteric site in the binding of Fru-6-P and offers a more complex explanation of the mechanism than that described by traditional allosteric mechanistic models.  相似文献   
Shigella flexneri is an intracellular pathogen that is able to move within the cytoplasm of infected cells by the continual assembly of actin onto one pole of the bacterium. IcsA, an outer membrane protein, is localized to the old pole of the bacterium and is both necessary and sufficient for actin assembly. IcsA is slowly cleaved from the bacterial surface by the protease IcsP (SopA). Absence of IcsP leads to an alteration in the distribution of surface IcsA, such that the polar cap is maintained and some IcsA is distributed along the lateral walls of the bacillus. The mechanism of unipolar localization of IcsA and the role of IcsP in its unipolar localization are incompletely understood. Here, we demonstrate that cleavage of IcsA occurs exclusively in the outer membrane and that IcsP is localized to the outer membrane. In addition, we show that IcsA at the old pole is susceptible to cleavage by IcsP and that native IcsP is active at the pole. Taken together, these data indicate that IcsP cleaves IcsA over the entire bacterial surface. Finally, we show that, immediately after induction from a tightly regulated promoter, IcsA is expressed exclusively at the old pole in both the icsP- icsA- and the icsA- background. These data demonstrate that unipolar localization of IcsA results from its direct targeting to the pole, followed by its diffusion laterally in the outer membrane.  相似文献   
A precultivation technique for microorganisms exhibiting overflow metabolism is presented. It is based on a low initial medium volume in the fermenter. The medium feed contains all the nutrients, but is diluted with respect to sugar, the concentration of which determines the biomass concentration at the end of the preculture. By this method, effects of varying activity of the inocula from shake flask cultures are minimised and the metabolic state, i.e. oxido-reductive, oxidative growth on sugar plus overflow metabolite or oxidative growth on sugar alone, can be controlled at the start of the main fermentation.  相似文献   
An in vivo study of antifreeze protein adjuvant cryosurgery   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Pham L  Dahiya R  Rubinsky B 《Cryobiology》1999,38(2):169-175
Cryosurgery employs freezing to destroy undesirable tissue. However, under certain thermal conditions, frozen tissues survive. The survival of frozen undesirable tissue may lead to complications, such as recurrence of cancer. In a study of nude mice with subcutaneous metastatic prostate tumors, we showed that the preoperative injection of a phosphate-buffered saline solution with 10 mg/ml antifreeze protein of type I into the tumor prior to freezing enhances destruction under thermal conditions which normally yield cell survival. This suggests that the adjunctive use of antifreeze proteins in cryosurgery may reduce the complications from undesirable tissues that survive freezing.  相似文献   
Koide S  Bu Z  Risal D  Pham TN  Nakagawa T  Tamura A  Engelman DM 《Biochemistry》1999,38(15):4757-4767
Outer surface protein A (OspA) from the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, is a dumbbell-shaped protein in which two globular domains are connected by a three-stranded beta-sheet segment that is solvent-exposed on both faces. Previous studies showed that the whole protein, including the single-layer beta-sheet, is highly rigid. To elucidate the folding mechanism and the role of the central beta-sheet in the formation of the rigid molecule, we investigated the equilibrium thermal denaturation reaction of OspA. We applied differential scanning calorimetry, heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy, and solution small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to characterize the reaction in detail. All three techniques revealed that OspA denatures in two separable cooperative transitions. NMR measurements on OspA specifically 15N-labeled at Lys residues identified the locations of the two folding units and revealed that the C-terminal segment is less stable than the remaining N-terminal segment. The boundary between the two folding units is located within the central beta-sheet. The interconversion among the three folding states (fully folded, C-terminus unfolded, and fully denatured) is slow relative to chemical shift differences (<24 Hz), indicating that there are significant kinetic barriers in the denaturation reactions. SAXS measurements determined the radius of gyration of the native protein to be 25.0 +/- 0.3 A, which increases to 34.4 +/- 1.0 A in the first transition, and then to 56.1 +/- 1.6 A in the second transition. Thus, the intermediate state, in which the C-terminal folding unit is already denatured, is still compact. These results provide a basis for elucidating the folding mechanism of OspA.  相似文献   
The immobilisation efficiency of the complexes of oligonucleotide/poly(L-lysine) on two polymeric carboxy-rich surfaces, i.e. poly(styrene/maleic acid) (PSMA) and poly(styrene/maleic anhydride) (PSMAA), has been investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and fluorescence-based measurements of DNA attachment. A molecularly thin layer of either electrostatically or covalently (via amide bond) bound poly(L-lysine) allows the 'switching' from COOH-based to NH(2)-based surface functionality. The results indicate that approximately 54-57% and 55-62% of the applied oligonucleotides bind to polymeric surfaces via the route of electrostatic adsorption of poly(L-lysine) and covalent bonding of poly(L-lysine), respectively. This system can be applied conveniently for the detection of nucleic acids in both disposable and reusable biosensors.  相似文献   
Proangiogenic, proliferative effects of tumors have been extensively characterized in subconfluent endothelial cells (EC), but results in confluent, contact-inhibited EC are critically lacking. The present study examined the effect of tumor-conditioned medium (CM) of the malignant osteoblastic cell line MG63 on monolayer, quiescent bovine aorta EC. MG63-CM and MG63-CM + CoCl2 significantly increased EC survival in serum-starved conditions, without inducing EC proliferation. Furthermore, MG63-CM and MG63-CM + CoCl2, both containing high amounts of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), induced relevant phenotypic changes in EC (all P < 0.01) involving increase of nucleoli/chromatin condensations, nucleus-to-cytosol ratio, capillary-like vacuolated structures, vessel-like acellular areas, migration through Matrigel, growth advantage in reseeding, and factor VIII content. All these actions were significantly inhibited by VEGF and VEGF receptor (VEGFR2) blockade. Of particular importance, a set of similar effects were detected in a human microvascular endothelial cell line (HMEC). With regard to gene expression, incubation with MG63-CM abolished endogenous VEGF mRNA and protein but induced a clear-cut increase in VEGFR2 mRNA expression in EC. In terms of mechanism, MG63-CM activates protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, p44/p42-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-mediated pathways, as suggested by both inhibition and phosphorylation experiments. In conclusion, tumor cells activate confluent, quiescent EC, promoting survival, phenotypic, and gene expression changes. Of importance, VEGF antagonism converts MG63-CM from protective to EC-damaging effects. vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2; MG63-conditioned medium  相似文献   
L(+)-lactic acid production was investigated using an enzymatic hydrolysate of waste office automation (OA) paper in a culture of the filamentous fungus Rhizopus oryzae. In 4 d culture, 82.8 g/l glucose, 7 g/l xylose, and 3.4 g/l cellobiose contained in the hydrolysate were consumed to produce 49.1 g/l of lactic acid. The lactic acid yield and production rate were only 0.59 g/g and 16.3 g/l/d, respectively, only 75% and 61% of the results from the glucose medium. The low production rate from waste OA hydrolysate was elucidated by trials using xylose as the sole carbon source; in those trials, the lactic acid production rate was 7.3 g/l/d, only 28% that of glucose or cellobiose. The low lactic acid yield from waste OA hydrolysate was clarified by trials using artificial hydrolysates comprised of 7:2:1 or 7:1:2 ratios of glucose:cellobiose:xylose. For both, the lactic acid production rate of 17.4 g/l/d matched that of waste OA paper, while the lactic acid yield was similar to that of the glucose medium. This indicates that the production rate may be inhibited by xylose derived from hemicellulose, and the yield may be inhibited by unknown compounds derived from paper pulp.  相似文献   
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