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We have investigated the development of Ca2+-dependent gamma-[3H]aminobutyric acid [( 3H]GABA) release in superfused growth cone fractions isolated from rats between the postnatal ages of 1 and 11 days. We have compared this release with the overall morphology of the subcellular fractions, and identified those structures taking up [3H]GABA by electron microscopical autoradiography. In fractions isolated from rats between 1 and 5 days, K+-evoked [3H]GABA release was completely independent of extracellular Ca2+. After 5 days a Ca2+ dependency appeared, which increased with age, such that by 10 days approximately 50% of the K+-evoked release was Ca2+ dependent. Electron microscopical analysis showed that, at all ages, large numbers of GABAergic growth cones were present in the subcellular fractions. Up to postnatal day 5, the growth cones were synaptic vesicle sparse but, after this age, increasing numbers of synaptic vesicle-containing growth cones were seen. These results suggest that during maturation of GABAergic growth cones into synapses there is, initially, a mechanism for release that is independent of extracellular Ca2+ and that the appearance of a Ca2+-dependent [3H]GABA release from growth cones correlates with the appearance of synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   
Bloom Syndrome and Maternal Uniparental Disomy for Chromosome 15   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Bloom syndrome (BS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by increases in the frequency of sister-chromatid exchange and in the incidence of malignancy. Chromosome-transfer studies have shown the BS locus to map to chromosome 15q. This report describes a subject with features of both BS and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Molecular analysis showed maternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 15. Meiotic recombination between the two disomic chromosomes 15 has resulted in heterodisomy for proximal 15q and isodisomy for distal 15q. In this individual BS is probably due to homozygosity for a gene that is telomeric to D15S95 (15q25), rather than to genetic imprinting, the mechanism responsible for the development of PWS. This report represents the first application of disomy analysis to the regional localization of a disease gene. This strategy promises to be useful in the genetic mapping of other uncommon autosomal recessive conditions.  相似文献   
Summary Immunoreactive alpha-transforming growth factor (-TGF) was shown by immunocytochemistry to be present in the rat mammary gland at various stages of development, the staining being most intense in mature myoepithelial cells. -TGF was also detected in the secretions of the mammary glands of pregnant and lactating rats. -TGF in the extracts of rat mammary glands at each stage of development, and in several rat mammary cell lines and in culture medium in which they had been grown, was shown by Western blotting to consist primarily of a protein of molecular weight 50 kDa. The amount of this protein was greater in the mammary gland of the lactating rat than in resting or involuting glands. -TGF was also found in some, but not all, human breast carcinomas, and in benign hyperplastic breast diseases.  相似文献   
In non-nodulated soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Ransom]plants that were subjected to 15 d of nitrogen deprivation inflowing hydroponic culture, concentrations of nitrogen declinedto 1.0 and 1.4mmol Ng–1 dry weight in shoots and roots,respectively, and the concentration of soluble amino acids (determinedas primary amines) declined to 40µmol g–1 dry weightin both shoots and roots. In one experiment, nitrogen was resuppliedfor 10 d to one set of nitrogen-depleted plants as 1.0 mol m–3NH4+ to the whole root system, to a second set as 0.5 mol m–3NH4+ plus 0.5 mol m–3 NO3 to the whole root system,and to a third set as 1.0 mol m–3 NH4+ to one-half ofa split-root system and 1.0 mol m–3 NO3 to theother half. In a second experiment, 1.0 mol m–3 of nitrogenwas resupplied for 4 d to whole root systems in NH4+ : NO3ratios of 1:0, 9:1, and 1:1. Nutrient solutions were maintainedat pH 6.0. When NH4+ was resupplied in combination with NO3 to thewhole root system in Experiment I, cumulative uptake of NH4+for the 10 d of resupply was about twice as great as when NH4+was resupplied alone. Also, about twice as much NH4+ as NO3was taken up when both ions were resupplied to the whole rootsystem. When NH4+ and NO3 were resupplied to separatehalves of a split-root system, however, cumulative uptake ofNH4+ was about half that of NO3. The uptake of NH4+,which is inhibited in nitrogen-depleted plants, thus is facilitatedby the presence of exogenous NO3, and the stimulatingeffect of NO3 on uptake of NH4+ appears to be confinedto processes within root tissues. In Experiment II, resupplyof nitrogen as both NH4+ and NO3 in a ratio of either1:1 or 9:1 enhanced the uptake of NH4+. The enhancement of NH4+uptake was 1.8-fold greater when the NH4+: NO3-resupplyratio was 1:1 than when it was 9:1; however, only 1.3 timesas much NO3 was taken up by plants resupplied with the1 :1 exogenous ratio. The effect of NO3 on enhancementof uptake of NH4+ apparently involves more than net uptake ofNO3 itself and perhaps entails an effect of NO3uptake on maintenance of K+ availability within the plant. Theconcentration of K+ in plants declined slightly during nitrogendeprivation and continued to decline following resupply of nitrogen.The greatest decline in K+ concentration occurred when nitrogenwas resupplied as NH4+ alone. It is proposed that decreasedavailability of K+ within the NH4+-resup-plied plants inhibitedNH4+ uptake through restricted transfer of amino acids fromthe root symplasm into the xylem. Key words: Ammonium, Glycine max, nitrate, nitrogen-nutrition, nitrogen stress, split-root cultures  相似文献   
These recommendations for genes encoding phytochromes were developed independently by Quail et al., but are broadly consistent with the Commission's guidelines. Their original article, kindly provided in advance of publication, appeared as a Letter to the Editor inPlant Cell (6:468–471, 1994) and is published with permission of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.  相似文献   
Successful control of greenhouse whitefly may be achieved by complementary activity of the parasitoidEncarsia formosa and the fungusAschersonia aleyrodis. One way to obtain an additive mortality effect of both entomopathogen and parasitoid would be achieved by the selection of healthy hosts by the parasitoid and rejection of fungus-infected hosts. Third and fourth instar larvae ofTrialeurodes vaporariorum which had been treated with a spore suspension ofA. aleyrodis 0, 4, 7, 10 or 14 days beforehand, were presented to female parasitoids. The parasitoids adopted the oviposition posture on untreated hosts as well as on treated hosts, irrespective of the different stages of infection in the hosts. However, significantly more hosts were parasitized byE. formosa in the control treatment than in the fungal treatment. The parasitoids offered treated hosts, showed rejection behaviour after probing on hosts showing detectable signs of infection (containing hyphal bodies or mycelium in the haemolymph). For instance, when hosts were offered seven days after spore treatment, the parasitoids showed an oviposition posture on a total of 83 (95.4%) out of 87 infected larvae, but laid only 4 eggs (4.6%). In contrast, on 48 (94.1%) out of 51 noninfected (or showing no detectable signs of infection) hosts an oviposition posture was adopted and 40 eggs (78.4%) were found after dissection. When infected hosts were encountered the oviposition posture lasted less than 1′40″ while rejection of non-infected hosts occurred after more than 1′40″. Other experiments were carried out offering treated hosts for 24 h to the parasitoids. The hosts were dissected afterwards. Again, significantly more eggs were laid in the non-infected hosts. When hosts were parasitized shortly after fungal spore treatment they were colonized by the fungus and the parasitoids did not develop. Transmission of the entomopathogen after probing infected hosts was observed to a limited extent. In conclusion,A. aleyrodis andE. formosa can be used together in a glasshouse situation. The parasitoid will be most effective when introduced more than seven days after application ofA. aleyrodis, because from that time onwards it is able to detect and reject fungus-infected hosts.  相似文献   
No-salt flowthrough hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) has been shown to effectively remove process and product-related impurities from bioprocess streams. In this publication, a panel of six antibodies has been used to demonstrate operating principles for the application of no-salt flowthrough HIC in antibody purification processes. The results indicate that no-salt flowthrough HIC provides robust aggregate clearance across operating conditions including flow rate, and variations in resin ligand density. Additionally, HMW reduction has an optimal pH range relative to the isoelectric point of each molecule and high molecular weight (HMW) reduction can be improved by altering the total protein load and/or HMW concentration to drive binding of high molecular weight species to the resin.  相似文献   
The superiority of d-methionine over l-methionine for stimulation of cephalosporin C synthesis in a crude medium was confirmed. The optimal level of dl-methionine was 0.5%. Methionine stimulates growth slightly but this is not thought to be the cause of the marked stimulation of antibiotic synthesis. Of a large number of sulfur compounds tested, only dl-methionine-dl-sulfoxide and S-methyl-l-cysteine showed considerable methionine-replacing activity. Lysine and α-aminoadipic acid were inactive.  相似文献   
In previous work, no chiral differences were found between D and L enantiomers of Leu in their ability to displace one another from the acid-extractable pool in mammalian cells. Recent evidence suggested otherwise. Our aim is to examine whether, in physiological range, D-amino acids have an equivalent ability to displace L-amino acids from the acid-extractable pool of HeLa cells, and vice versa. In the millimolar range, D-Leu and L-Leu have similar uptake and displacement properties with regard to the acid-extractable pool in HeLa cells, despite only the latter isomer being incorporated into protein. Below millimolar concentrations however, a distinct difference was found in the displacement of tritium-labelled L-Leu from the pool by unlabelled D-Leu compared with unlabelled L-Leu. Thus, unlabelled L-Leu in the external medium at 10−4 or 10−5 M displaced an equivalent amount of label from the pool as D-Leu introduced at a concentration approx. one order of magnitude higher, respectively. Reciprocal experiments, in which the acid-extractable pool was preloaded with 3H-D-Leu, confirmed this finding. The chirality difference was noted whether pool prelabelling was carried out at 37 or 0°C; but in order to avoid the complications of active transport mechanisms, the competition work reported here was done at 0°C. Similar chirality differences were observed with other hydrophobic amino acids, including His, Ile and Phe, such as, preferential displacement by the L-Leu racemer compared with the D-Leu racemer below mM levels. This was also true for the D and L forms of the non-utilisable isomer of Leu, norleucine (nLeu). We conclude that D-forms of hydrophobic amino acids have lower affinity for similar or the same intracellular binding sites involved in the acid-extractable pool than their L-forms. The significance of these chirality findings to amino acid pools in cells, and to the predominance of L-forms of amino acids in the biosphere is considered.  相似文献   
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