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Millard JT  Wilkes EE 《Biochemistry》2000,39(51):16046-16055
Interstrand cross-linking studies with the antitumor drug cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) and its clinically inactive isomer, trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), were performed on a fragment of the 5S rRNA gene of Xenopus borealis in the free and nucleosomal state. 5S nucleosomes were formed via histone octamer exchange from chicken erythrocyte core particles. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to probe the ability of platinated DNA to reconstitute into core particles. Both isomers negatively impacted reconstitution when histones were present during incubation with the drug. When histones were not present during the drug treatment, platinated DNA was successfully reconstituted into core particles. These results suggest that platination of histones impedes reconstitution of free DNA. However, already-formed core particles were not disrupted upon platination. Sites of interstrand cross-linking were probed through denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and quantitative phosphorimagery. We found both site-specific enhancement and depression of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) cross-linking in the nucleosomal samples relative to free DNA at both drug concentrations that were tested (0.01 and 0.0025 mM). trans-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) exhibited no detectable differences in the interstrand cross-linking of free and nucleosomal samples.  相似文献   
There is a growing body of evidence to implicate reversible tyrosine phosphorylation as an important mechanism in the control of the adhesive function of cadherins. We previously demonstrated that the receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPμ associates with the cadherin–catenin complex in various tissues and cells and, therefore, may be a component of such a regulatory mechanism (Brady-Kalnay, S.M., D.L. Rimm, and N.K. Tonks. 1995. J. Cell Biol. 130:977– 986). In this study, we present further characterization of this interaction using a variety of systems. We observed that PTPμ interacted with N-cadherin, E-cadherin, and cadherin-4 (also called R-cadherin) in extracts of rat lung. We observed a direct interaction between PTPμ and E-cadherin after coexpression in Sf9 cells. In WC5 cells, which express a temperature-sensitive mutant form of v-Src, the complex between PTPμ and E-cadherin was dynamic, and conditions that resulted in tyrosine phosphorylation of E-cadherin were associated with dissociation of PTPμ from the complex. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the COOH-terminal 38 residues of the cytoplasmic segment of E-cadherin was required for association with PTPμ in WC5 cells. Zondag et al. (Zondag, G., W. Moolenaar, and M. Gebbink. 1996. J. Cell Biol. 134: 1513–1517) have asserted that the association we observed between PTPμ and the cadherin–catenin complex in immunoprecipitates of the phosphatase arises from nonspecific cross-reactivity between BK2, our antibody to PTPμ, and cadherins. In this study we have confirmed our initial observation and demonstrated the presence of cadherin in immunoprecipitates of PTPμ obtained with three antibodies that recognize distinct epitopes in the phosphatase. In addition, we have demonstrated directly that the anti-PTPμ antibody BK2 that we used initially did not cross-react with cadherin. Our data reinforce the observation of an interaction between PTPμ and E-cadherin in vitro and in vivo, further emphasizing the potential importance of reversible tyrosine phosphorylation in regulating cadherin function.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring plasmids isolated from heterotrophic bacterial isolates originating from coastal California marine sediments were characterized by analyzing their incompatibility and replication properties. Previously, we reported on the lack of DNA homology between plasmids from the culturable bacterial population of marine sediments and the replicon probes specific for a number of well-characterized incompatibility and replication groups (P. A. Sobecky, T. J. Mincer, M. C. Chang, and D. R. Helinski, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63:888–895, 1997). In the present study we isolated 1.8- to 2.3-kb fragments that contain functional replication origins from one relatively large (30-kb) and three small (<10-kb) naturally occurring plasmids present in different marine isolates. 16S rRNA sequence analyses indicated that the four plasmid-bearing marine isolates belonged to the α and γ subclasses of the class Proteobacteria. Three of the marine sediment isolates are related to the γ-3 subclass organisms Vibrio splendidus and Vibrio fischeri, while the fourth isolate may be related to Roseobacter litoralis. Sequence analysis of the plasmid replication regions revealed the presence of features common to replication origins of well-characterized plasmids from clinical bacterial isolates, suggesting that there may be similar mechanisms for plasmid replication initiation in the indigenous plasmids of gram-negative marine sediment bacteria. In addition to replication in Escherichia coli DH5α and C2110, the host ranges of the plasmid replicons, designated repSD41, repSD121, repSD164, and repSD172, extended to marine species belonging to the genera Achromobacter, Pseudomonas, Serratia, and Vibrio. While sequence analysis of repSD41 and repSD121 revealed considerable stretches of homology between the two fragments, these regions do not display incompatibility properties against each other. The replication origin repSD41 was detected in 5% of the culturable plasmid-bearing marine sediment bacterial isolates, whereas the replication origins repSD164 and repSD172 were not detected in any plasmid-bearing bacteria other than the parental isolates. Microbial community DNA extracted from samples collected in November 1995 and June 1997 and amplified by PCR yielded positive signals when they were hybridized with probes specific for repSD41 and repSD172 replication sequences. In contrast, replication sequences specific for repSD164 were not detected in the DNA extracted from marine sediment microbial communities.  The maintenance and horizontal transfer of extrachromosomal elements provide one mechanism by which microbial communities can rapidly adapt to changes in environmental conditions. This adaptation can be in the form of plasmid rearrangements and duplications (18, 40), a change in the plasmid copy number (40, 54), or lateral or horizontal movement of plasmids within bacterial populations. An example demonstrating the importance of plasmid-mediated genetic adaptation in natural microbial communities, likely caused by lateral transfer, is the increased frequencies (2- to 10-fold) of catabolic plasmids reported in bacterial isolates obtained from polluted marine and freshwater environments compared to isolates from nonpolluted or less impacted ecosystems (8, 23, 43). Plasmids also play a major role in promoting the widespread distribution of antibiotic resistance genes attributed to the intense and increased use of antibiotics (42).The ability of plasmids to self-transfer or to be mobilized by transfer-proficient plasmids and the ability to replicate in different bacterial hosts are key factors in the spread of plasmid-encoded genes within microbial communities. Plasmids which are considered to have broad host ranges in nature have the potential to significantly affect the microbial community structure and function due to their ability to replicate and be maintained in members of distantly related genera. Thus, to better understand gene flux in natural systems and hence the potential role of plasmids in promoting horizontal transfer within microbial communities, knowledge of the distribution, diversity, and host ranges of naturally occurring plasmids is necessary.At present, most indigenous plasmids from marine and freshwater systems have been only partially characterized with respect to host range, replication mechanisms, incompatibility groups, and conjugal abilities. Plasmids containing similar or related replication systems are considered incompatible if they cannot coexist in a host cell (12, 41). This trait has facilitated the grouping of plasmids from gram-negative bacteria, mainly members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, into more than 30 different incompatibility groups (3). While molecularly based plasmid classification or replicon typing by using DNA sequences of replication origins and incompatibility loci of well-characterized plasmids has been useful in classifying plasmids from bacterial isolates of medical importance (9, 10, 14), plasmids from various marine microbial communities, including sediments, biofilms, bulk water, and the marine air-water interface, have been recently shown to contain incompatibility and replication regions unrelated to those currently defined (11, 53).The present study was undertaken to characterize, at the molecular level, the replication and incompatibility loci of naturally occurring plasmids isolated from gram-negative marine heterotrophs for use as replicon probes to classify and type, at the molecular level, plasmids present in bacterial populations of marine sediments. Replication origins were obtained from plasmids ranging in size from 6 to 30 kb isolated from culturable bacteria of coastal California marine sediments (53). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the plasmids were initially isolated from bacteria belonging to the α and γ-3 subclasses of the class Proteobacteria. Although a sequence and hybridization analysis of the replication origins from the marine plasmids confirmed the lack of homology with previously described plasmids, the replication regions contained features commonly found in previously characterized plasmid replication origins. The replication origins of the naturally occurring plasmids appear to have a broad host range, as indicated by their ability to replicate in members of diverse gram-negative marine genera. In addition to molecular characterization of the indigenous plasmids, the persistence of the replicons in marine sediment bacterial populations was determined by PCR amplification of microbial community DNA extracted on different dates and examined for the presence of homologous plasmid replication sequences.  相似文献   
Wetland seed banks comprise the propagules of plant species that have species-specific germination requirements for germination in either flooded or dry conditions. At the community level, wetland structure and succession during and after a seasonal flooding event depends upon the early life-history requirements of species, including germination under flooded and dry conditions. We examined the effects of simulated flood and post-flood scenarios on seedling emergence from a seed bank of seasonally flooded grassland in the Pantanal, Brazil. Field samplings were conducted in both wet and dry seasons, both of which were subject to flood and post-flood conditions. A total of 70 species emerged from the seed bank, dominated by Poaceae and Cyperaceae. Sixteen species were exclusive to the wet and one exclusive to the dry season. The richness of perennial species was higher under flood conditions, while the richness of annuals was greater post-flood. In general, the aquatic and amphibious species exhibited a significant germination response to flooding. Terrestrial species only germinated in post-flood conditions, with higher richness in the dry season. Four species had high seedling abundance in both treatments. The capacity of regeneration by seeds is high in these grasslands and can be increased by seasonal flooding and drawdown. In these seasonally flooded grasslands, we observed three main germination strategies: under flooded conditions, aquatic and amphibious species; post-flood conditions, an explosion of annual amphibious and terrestrial species; and in moist soil, perennial terrestrial species. The differential responses to flooding versus post-flood conditions help to maintain the structure and species richness in the community over time.  相似文献   
Estrogens stimulate proliferation and enhance survival of the prolactin (PRL)-producing lactotroph of the anterior pituitary gland and induce development of PRL-producing pituitary tumors in certain inbred rat strains but not others. The goal of this study was to elucidate the genetic bases of estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis in reciprocal intercrosses between the genetically related ACI and Copenhagen (COP) rat strains. Following 12 weeks of treatment with the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES), pituitary mass, an accurate surrogate marker of absolute lactotroph number, was increased 10.6-fold in ACI rats and 4.5-fold in COP rats. Composite interval mapping analyses of the phenotypically defined F(2) progeny from the reciprocal crosses identified six quantitative trait loci (QTL) that determine the pituitary growth response to DES. These loci reside on chromosome 6 [Estrogen-induced pituitary tumor (Ept)1], chromosome 3 (Ept2 and Ept6), chromosome 10 (Ept9), and chromosome 1 (Ept10 and Ept13). Together, these six Ept loci and one additional suggestive locus on chromosome 4 account for an estimated 40% of the phenotypic variance exhibited by the combined F(2) population, while 34% of the phenotypic variance was estimated to result from environmental factors. These data indicate that DES-induced pituitary mass behaves as a quantitative trait and provide information that will facilitate identification of genes that determine the tumorigenic response of the pituitary gland to estrogens.  相似文献   
Ma ZM  Abel K  Rourke T  Wang Y  Miller CJ 《Journal of virology》2004,78(24):14048-14052
In rhesus macaques, classic systemic infection, characterized by persistent viremia and seroconversion, occurred after multiple low-dose (10(3) 50% tissue culture infective doses) intravaginal (IVAG) inoculations with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) strain SIVmac251. Monkeys developed classic SIV infections after a variable number of low-dose IVAG exposures to SIVmac251. Once established, the systemic infection was identical to SIV infection following high-dose IVAG SIV inoculation. However, occult systemic infection characterized by transient cell-associated or cell-free viremia consistently occurred early in the series of multiple vaginal SIV exposures. Further, antiviral cellular immune responses were present prior to the establishment of a classic systemic infection in the low-dose vaginal SIV transmission model.  相似文献   
Activity of the Calvin cycle enzyme sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) was increased by overexpression of an Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) cDNA in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants. In plants with increased SBPase activity, photosynthetic rates were increased, higher levels of Suc and starch accumulated during the photoperiod, and an increase in leaf area and biomass of up to 30% was also evident. Light saturated photosynthesis increased with increasing SBPase activity and analysis of CO2 response curves revealed that this increase in photosynthesis could be attributed to an increase in ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regenerative capacity. Seedlings with increased SBPase activity had an increased leaf area at the 4 to 5 leaf stage when compared to wild-type plants, and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging of these young plants revealed a higher photosynthetic capacity at the whole plant level. Measurements of photosynthesis, made under growth conditions integrated over the day, showed that mature plants with increased SBPase activity fixed 6% to 12% more carbon than equivalent wild-type leaves, with the young leaves having the highest rates. In this paper, we have shown that photosynthetic capacity per unit area and plant yield can be increased by overexpressing a single native plant enzyme, SBPase, and that this gives an advantage to the growth of these plants from an early phase of vegetative growth. This work has also shown that it is not necessary to bypass the normal regulatory control of SBPase, exerted by conditions in the stroma, to achieve improvements in carbon fixation.  相似文献   
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