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A controlled cross-over trial in 20 epileptic women, receiving regular anticonvulsant therapy showed that an oral contraceptive with a low oestrogen/ progestogen content had no significant effect on the average frequency of fits compared with identical dummy tablets.  相似文献   
1. (3)H-labelled o-aminoazotoluene was synthesized from [G-(3)H]o-toluidine on a semi-micro scale. 2. An association of (3)H with DNA, RNA and protein from the liver, kidney and spleen of female C57b mice was demonstrated after the administration of a single dose of [(3)H]o-aminoazotoluene. 3. This association is judged to represent covalent binding as a result of experiments involving solvent extraction, examination of the acid hydrolysates of the DNA and RNA and administration of [(3)H]water with unlabelled o-aminoazotoluene. 4. Examination of the extents of binding at various times after the administration of a single dose of [(3)H]o-aminoazotoluene showed that there was a peak of binding to liver DNA in the female mice at about 16hr. that was not present in the male mice. 5. The extent of binding to DNA, RNA and protein at 16hr. in the female C57b mouse liver was greater than that in the spleen and kidney.  相似文献   
Glycoproteins from luminal fluid of the mouse cauda epiciidymidis have been compared with glycoproteins from Triton X-100 extracts of mouse spermatozoa from varying regions of the epididymis, using lectins with specific affinity for different sugar residues. Concanavalin A recognizes 11 glycocomponents on Western blots of fractionated caudal fluid; wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binds 12 proteins; Ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEA) binds seven; and Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) recognizes nine. Several of these glycoproteins display an affinity for more than one lectin, indicating a diversity in their exposed carbohydrate residues; whereas other proteins bind only one of the four lectins used. The results also show that some glycoproteins exhibit a higher affinity for particular lectins. Eight glycoproteins of similar mobility and lectin-binding characteristics are detected in Triton X-100 extracts of spermatozoa from different regions of the epididymis and in caudal fluid. The lectin affinity of some proteins appears or increases in spermatozoa from distal epididymal regions (54 kD, 32 kD), whereas the lectin affinity of others decreases (29 kD, 40 kD). There are differences in lectin affinities between proteins in sperm extracts and in caudal fluid. Some proteins show an affinity for three or four lectins in caudal fluid, but proteins of similar electrophoretic mobility in sperm extracts bind only one or two of the lectins. These data show that glycoproteins of similar mobility are present in caudal fluid and in Triton-X-100 sperm extracts, implying a potential interaction between caudal fluid components and epididymal sperm.  相似文献   
Respiration cycles through three distinct phases (inspiration, postinspiration, and expiration) each having corresponding medullary cells that are excited during one phase and inhibited during the other two. Laryngeal stimulation is known to induce apnea in newborn animals, but the cellular mechanisms underlying this effect are not known. Intracellular recording of ventral respiratory group neurons was accomplished in intact anesthetized, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated piglets. Apnea was induced by insufflation of the larynx with ammonia-saturated air, smoke, or water. Laryngeal insufflation induced phrenic nerve apnea, stimulation of postinspiratory neurons, and stable membrane potentials in inspiratory and expiratory cells consistent with postinspiratory inhibition. Usually the membrane potential of each neuronal type cycled through an expiratory level before onset of the first recovery breath. Variants of the apnea response, probably reflecting the aspiration reflex or sniffing, sneezing, coughing, and swallowing, were also observed. These latter patterns showed oscillation between inspiration and postinspiration without an apparent intervening stage II expiratory phase. However, stage II expiratory activity always preceded onset of the first ramp inspiration after such a pattern. These findings suggest that activation of postinspiratory mechanisms causes profound alterations in the respiratory pattern and that stage II expiration importantly modulates recovery of ramp inspiratory activity. The mechanism of this latter effect may be inhibition of early inspiratory neurons with consequent postinhibitory rebound.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To assess the feasibility and acceptability of screening young children for iron deficiency in a deprived inner city practice and to assess the effects of a programme of dietary education. DESIGN--Prospective study of children in general practice, comparison with historical controls. SETTING--A deprived inner city practice. PATIENTS--127 Children aged 13-24 months. Findings were compared with those in 110 children of the same age studied previously. INTERVENTIONS--All mothers received dietary education antenatally and in the first year after giving birth. Screening for iron deficiency (defined as mean cell volume less than 75 fl and haemoglobin concentration less than 105 g/l) and haemoglobinopathy (when appropriate) was offered for all children attending for immunisation against measles, mumps, and rubella over 12 months; capillary blood samples were taken after immunisation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Uptake of the screening programme expressed as the percentage of all children eligible for immunisation who were screened, and the effectiveness of the dietary education as shown by the prevalence of iron deficiency in the two groups. RESULTS--Altogether, 122 of the 127 (96%) children who attended for immunisation had their haemoglobin concentration and mean cell volume measured; 90% of all children aged 13-24 months in the practice were screened. Dietary education, clinical procedures, and counselling were incorporated successfully into the clinic''s work. Ten children (8%) were iron deficient, all of whom responded to iron supplements, and eight had a haemoglobinopathy trait. In the previous study 110 children (70%) had been screened and 28 children (25%) had been iron deficient. The two groups were similar in terms of sex, social class, and ethnic group. CONCLUSIONS--Screening young children for iron deficiency, sickle cell disease, and thalassaemia when they attended for immunisation was acceptable and successful in a socially deprived inner city practice. Dietary education may have accounted for some of the reduction in the prevalence of iron deficiency that occurred over the two years.  相似文献   
Echovirus 22 is an atypical enterovirus   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Although echovirus 22 (EV22) is classified as an enterovirus in the family Picornaviridae, it is atypical of the enterovirus paradigm, typified by the polioviruses and the coxsackie B viruses. cDNA reverse transcribed from coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) RNA does not hybridize to genomic RNA of EV22, and conversely, cDNA made to EV22 does not hybridize to CVB3 genomic RNA or to molecular clones of CVB3 or poliovirus type 1. EV22 cDNA does not hybridize to viral RNA of encephalomyocarditis virus or to a molecular clone of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus, members of the cardiovirus genus. The genomic RNA of EV22 cannot be detected by the polymerase chain reaction using generic enteroviral primers. EV22 does not shut off host cell protein synthesis, and the RNA of EV22 is efficiently translated in vitro in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. Murine enterovirus-immune T cells recognize and proliferate against EV22 as an antigen in vitro, demonstrating that EV22 shares an epitope(s) common to enteroviruses but not found among other picornaviruses.  相似文献   
Wild carnivore acceptance of baits for delivery of liquid rabies vaccine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A series of experiments are described on the acceptance, by red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and other species, of two types of vaccine-baits intended to deliver liquid rabies vaccine. The baits consisted of a cube of sponge coated in a mixture of tallow and wax, or a plastic blister-pack embedded in tallow. All baits contained tetracycline as a biological marking agent: examination of thin sections of carnivore canines under an ultraviolet microscope revealed a fluorescent line of tetracycline if an individual had eaten baits. Baits were dropped from fixed-wing aircraft flying about 100 m above ground at approximately 130 km/h. Flight lines followed the edges of woodlots midway between parallel roads. Baits were dropped at one/sec, resulting in one bait/36 m on the ground, or 17 to 25 baits per km2. Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) removed many baits, but did not appear to lower the percent of the fox population which took bait. Dropping baits only into corn and woodland to conceal baits, to reduce depredation by crows, reduced acceptance by foxes. Acceptance by foxes ranged between 37 and 68%. Meat added as an attractant did not raise acceptance. Presence, absence, color and perforations of plastic bags did not alter bait acceptance. Dispersal by juvenile foxes probably lowered the estimates of bait acceptance. It took 7 to 17 days for 80% (n = 330) of foxes to eat their first bait. The rapidity with which foxes picked up their first bait appeared more affected by unknown characteristics of years or study areas than by experimental variables. Skunks (Mephitis mephitis) and raccoons (Procyon lotor) also ate these baits, but acceptance was lower. Small mammals contacted baits, but rarely contacted the vaccine, which had the potential for vaccine-induced rabies in some species. Aerial distribution of baits was more cost-effective than ground distribution as practiced in Europe. This system has potential for field control of rabies, although higher acceptance will be desirable.  相似文献   
Indirect immunofluorescence was used to investigate the tissue distribution of the major isoenzymes of Schistosoma mansoni glutathione S-transferase (GSH S-transferase). When polyclonal rabbit antisera against GSH S-transferase isoenzymes SmGST-1, -02, and -3 were applied to cryostat or plastic-embedded sections of fixed adult worms, a punctate pattern of enzyme distribution was observed that was restricted to the parenchyma. Labeling was much more pronounced in males than females, consistent with the biochemically determined distribution of these enzymes between the sexes. Intense immunolabeling was noted within the subectocytoplasmic core tissue of the tubercles of the male that appeared to be connected to deep parenchymal cells by immunoreactive cell processes. Immunofluorescence could be blocked completely by prior incubation of antisera with affinity-purified enzyme. Although schistosome GSH S-transferases have been reported to be protective antigens, no immunoreactivity was detected within or on the tegument, including the dorsal spines of the male. The lack of tegumental immunoreactivity was confirmed by immunoblotting of tegumental membrane preparations following SDS-PAGE. Muscle fibers, vitelline cells, and cecal epithelium also failed to react. The fact that the GSH S-transferases were not uniformly distributed among all parenchymal cells suggests the existence of subpopulations of parenchymal cells that are preferentially involved in the conjugation of electrophiles with glutathione.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of an extracellular triglyceride lipase (from a fungus Rhizomucor miehei) inhibited irreversibly by diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate (E600) was solved by X-ray crystallographic methods and refined to a resolution of 2.65 A. The crystals are isomorphous with those of n-hexylphosphonate ethyl ester/lipase complex [Brzozowski, A. M., Derewenda, U., Derewenda, Z. S., Dodson, G. G., Lawson, D. M., Turkenburg, J. P., Bjorkling, F., Huge-Jensen, B., Patkar, S. A., & Thim, L. (1991) Nature 351, 491-494], where the conformational change was originally observed. The higher resolution of the present study allowed for a detailed analysis of the stereochemistry of the change observed in the inhibited enzyme. The movement of a 15 amino acid long "lid" (residues 82-96) is a hinge-type rigid-body motion which transports some of the atoms of a short alpha-helix (residues 85-91) by over 12 A. There are two hinge regions (residues 83-84 and 91-95) within which pronounced transitions of secondary structure between alpha and beta conformations are caused by dramatic changes of specific conformational dihedral angles (phi and psi). As a result of this change a hydrophobic area of ca. 800 A2 (8% of the total molecule surface) becomes exposed. Other triglyceride lipases are also known to have "lids" similar to the one observed in the R. miehei enzyme, and it is possible that the general stereochemistry of lipase activation at the oil-water interfaces inferred from the present X-ray study is likely to apply to the entire family of lipases.  相似文献   
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