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Are rice chromosomes components of a holocentric chromosome ancestor?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Comparative genomics reveals that cereal genomes are composed of similar genomic building blocks (linkage blocks). By stacking these blocks in a unique order, it is possible to construct a single ancestral chromosome which can be cleaved to give the basic structure of the 56 different chromosomes found in wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, millet and sugarcane. The borders of linkage blocks are defined by cereal centromeric and telomeric sites. However, a number of studies have shown that telomeric heterochromatin has neocentromeric activity, implying that linkage blocks are in fact defined by centromeric-like sites with conserved sequences. The structure of the ancestral cereal genome thus resembles a holocentric chromosome, which is the chromosome structure shared by the closest relatives of the Gramineae, the Cypericeae and Juncaceae.  相似文献   
The ascomycete Saccharomyces cerevisiae exhibits alternative vegetative growth states referred to as the yeast form and the filamentous form, and it switches between the two morphologies depending on specific environmental signals. To identify molecules involved in control of morphologic differentiation, this study characterized mutant S. cerevisiae strains that exhibit filamentous growth in the absence of the normal external signals. A specific amino acid substitution in the cyclin-dependent protein kinase Cdc28 was found to cause constitutive expression of most filamentous growth characteristics. These effects include specifically modified cell polarity characteristics in addition to the defined shape and division cycle alterations typical of the filamentous form. Several other mutations affecting Cdc28 function also had specific effects on filamentous growth. Constitutive filamentous growth resulting from deletion of the protein kinase Elm1 was prevented by modification of Cdc28 such that it could not be phosphorylated on tyrosine residue 19. In addition, various mutations affecting Hsl1 or Swe1, known or presumed components of a protein kinase cascade that mediates Cdc28 phosphorylation on Y19, either prevented or enhanced filamentous growth. The data suggest that a protein kinase cascade involving Elm1, Hsl1, and Swe1 can modulate Cdc28 activity and that Cdc28 in turn exerts global effects that cause filamentous growth.  相似文献   
At the onset of meiosis, chromosomes first decondense and then condense as the process of recognition and intimate pairing occurs between homologous chromosomes. We show here that okadaic acid, a drug known to induce chromosome condensation, can be introduced into wheat interspecific hybrids prior to meiosis to induce chromosome pairing. This pairing occurs in the presence of the Ph1 locus, which usually suppresses pairing of related chromosomes and which we show here delays condensation. Thus the timing of chromosome condensation during the onset of meiosis is an important factor in controlling chromosome pairing.  相似文献   
Vav proteins are multidomain signaling molecules critical for mediating signals downstream of several surface receptors, including the antigen receptors of T and B lymphocytes. The catalytic guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity of the Vav Dbl homology (DH) domain is thought to be controlled by an intramolecular autoinhibitory mechanism involving an N-terminal extension and phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in the acidic region (AC). Here, we report that the sequences surrounding the Vav1 AC: Tyr(142), Tyr(160), and Tyr(174) are evolutionarily conserved, conform to consensus SH2 domain binding motifs, and bind several proteins implicated in TCR signaling, including Lck, PI3K p85alpha, and PLCgamma1, through direct interactions with their SH2 domains. In addition, the AC tyrosines regulate tyrosine phosphorylation of Vav1. We also show that Tyr(174) is required for the maintenance of TCR-signaling microclusters and for normal T cell development and activation. In this regard, our data demonstrate that while Vav1 Tyr(174) is essential for maintaining the inhibitory constraint of the DH domain in both developing and mature T cells, constitutively activated Vav GEF disrupts TCR-signaling microclusters and leads to defective T cell development and proliferation.  相似文献   
From August to September 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) assisted the Alaska Division of Public Health with an outbreak investigation of campylobacteriosis occurring among the residents of Southcentral Alaska. During the investigation, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of Campylobacter jejuni isolates from human, raw pea, and wild bird fecal samples confirmed the epidemiologic link between illness and the consumption of raw peas contaminated by sandhill cranes for 15 of 43 epidemiologically linked human isolates. However, an association between the remaining epidemiologically linked human infections and the pea and wild bird isolates was not established. To better understand the molecular epidemiology of the outbreak, C. jejuni isolates (n = 130; 59 from humans, 40 from peas, and 31 from wild birds) were further characterized by multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Here we present the molecular evidence to demonstrate the association of many more human C. jejuni infections associated with the outbreak with raw peas and wild bird feces. Among all sequence types (STs) identified, 26 of 39 (67%) were novel and exclusive to the outbreak. Five clusters of overlapping STs (n = 32 isolates; 17 from humans, 2 from peas, and 13 from wild birds) were identified. In particular, cluster E (n = 7 isolates; ST-5049) consisted of isolates from humans, peas, and wild birds. Novel STs clustered closely with isolates typically associated with wild birds and the environment but distinct from lineages commonly seen in human infections. Novel STs and alleles recovered from human outbreak isolates allowed additional infections caused by these rare genotypes to be attributed to the contaminated raw peas.  相似文献   
Non-human primates are coming into increasingly frequent contact with humans and with human-modified environments. The potential for monkeys to survive in such modified landscapes is questionable, and is likely related to a species' behavioral plasticity, particularly as it relates to diet. In this study, I explore the ways in which white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) adjust their diet and foraging behaviors in response to anthropogenic impact. I compare a troop of human-commensal monkeys and a similar troop of wild-feeding monkeys living within the Curú Wildlife Refuge in western Costa Rica for differences in overall diet composition and activity budgets to evaluate the impact of habitat change in this context. The commensal-living white-faced capuchins rely on raided coconut (Cocos nucifera) and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) crops and provisioned or stolen human foods for over one-half of their total diet. Regardless of this highly anthropogenic diet, the two study troops do not significantly differ in their activity budgets, and the human-commensal troop maintains wild-foraging activities consistent with those of the wild-feeding troop. These data suggest that the white-faced capuchins at this site are responding to anthropogenic disturbance primarily through the exploitation of human food resources, but they do not yet appear to have lost the foraging skills required to survive in this modified landscape on their own. This study adds to our growing body of knowledge on primate survival in matrix habitats, and will hopefully inform primate management plans throughout the Neotropics.  相似文献   
Hepatic copper storage in man (Wilson's disease), Bedtington and West Highland white terriers, and white perch ( Morone americana ) is characterized by the progressive accumulation of copper in hepatic lysosomes bound to cytoprotective metallothionein. In man, saturation of the liver storage capacity results in the distribution of copper to extrahepatic tissues with multiple organ system dysfunction. To determine if extrahepatic tissue copper concentrations also increase in white perch, copper and zinc levels in liver, brain, heart, gills, serum, and bile were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and compared to striped bass ( Morone saxatilis ). Results showed that brain copper concentrations in. white perch were elevated and significantly correlated with liver copper. Bile and serum copper also increased significantly with liver copper. Copper levels in heart and gill tissues were low. Liver zinc was increased in white perch but not to the same magnitude as copper, and was correlated significantly with liver copper; possibly a non-specific secondary increase related to an overall increase in hepatic metallothionein. Histochemical staining of liver with rubeimc acid for copper was proportional to copper concentrations, and clusters of positive mononuclear cells were also seen in brain and spleen. Foci of macrophages in spleen were also intensely positive with Perl's iron stain which may have been indicative of haemolysis. The patterns of copper distribution seen in white perch present a useful comparative model to study alterations in copper metabolism.  相似文献   
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