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Three questions were asked in an attempt to understand how testosterone (T) concentration in the veins of the remaining testis can double within 24 h after hemicastration in the mature rat without a change in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. These three questions (and their answers) were: 1) Can the testicular hemicastration response occur in hypophysectomized rats? Answer, No. 2) Does LH binding to the testis increase after hemicastration? Answer, No. 3) Is there a neural route to the testis alternate to the superior spermatic plexi? Answer, Yes, apparently there is, since hemivasectomy contralateral to the excised testis partially suppressed the testicular hemicastration response (150.4 +/- 13.2 ng/ml in hemicastrated, sham- hemivasectomized rats [n = 18] vs. 109.4 +/- 11.6 ng/ml in hemicastrated, hemivasectomized rats [n = 18], P less than 0.026). It was concluded that LH was probably necessary to the testicular hemicastration response but that its presence did not provide a mechanism. The response was mediated at least partly through the inferior spermatic nerves associated with the vas deferens. A possible reason, although highly speculative, for failure to previously block the testicular hemicastration response by bilateral denervation of the superior spermatic plexi (Mock and Frankel , 1982) was that during the 12-wk interval between denervation and hemicastration, testicular innervation functionally transferred from the superior spermatic to the inferior spermatic nerves.  相似文献   
Misonidazole (MISO), a selective radiosensitizer of hypoxic cells, forms adducts with cellular biomolecules with rates which are 30-50 X higher under hypoxic as compared to aerobic conditions of incubation. This technique of sensitizer adduct formation was proposed as a possible means of measuring the hypoxic fraction of solid tumors by noninvasive procedures. Iodoazomycin riboside (5'-IAZR) and 5'-[125I]AZR were synthesized and chemically characterized. Measurements of in vitro cytotoxicity and radiosensitizing ability with EMT-6 tumor cells in vitro indicated that 5'-IAZR is approximately 3 X more toxic and effective than is azomycin riboside (AZR) and approximately 10 X more toxic and effective than is MISO. 5'-[125I]AZR was shown to selectively bind to hypoxic EMT-6 cells at rates which were 2.5-3 X faster than those of MISO. The absolute rates of binding of 5'-IAZR to hypoxic cells at concentrations of 10-100 microM are the highest observed in this laboratory for any hypoxic cell radiosensitizer tested to date. These data suggest that 5'-IAZR, when labeled with an appropriate radioisotope (e.g., 131I), might be a useful marker for hypoxic cells in solid tumors amenable to noninvasive detection. Additional studies with animal tumor models appear to be warranted.  相似文献   
Blisters have previously been observed in keratinocyte cultures depleted of vitamin A, and in cultures of keratinocytes from patients with epidermolysis bullosa. We have found that blistering may occur in keratinocyte cultures from normal human epidermis, grown under standard conditions, and our aim was to further characterize the mechanism of blister formation. Keratinocytes were seeded at 10(5) cells per 35 mm collagen-coated dish with a 3T3 feeder layer. Blisters were macroscopic, fluid-filled structures which formed irrespective of donor site, or donor age, and were noted on various alternative substrates (collagen, 3T3 + plastic, plastic alone). Blistering commenced around day 12, prior to confluency, and new blisters were formed for up to 5 weeks post-plating. Maximal numbers (up to 70 per dish) were present around days 12 to 20. Cleavage occurred at the cell/collagen interface to form a blister roof composed of 6 to 9 cell layers. The lowest layer appeared metabolically active, but, in contrast to peri-blister regions, lacked hemidesmosomes. The central 2 to 3 layers contained membrane-coating granules and keratohyalin granules while the superficial strata resembled rudimentary corneocytes. Cultures supplemented with 10(-5) M vitamin A formed no blisters, which correlated with suppressed differentiation. Ouabain (10(-7) M) caused blister collapse and a reversible inhibition of new blister formation. We conclude that blisters are a consistent finding in keratinocyte cultures grown under standard conditions. Their formation may be associated with active transport and triggered during differentiation. Further examination of this phenomenon might shed light on whether differentiation itself has an influence on keratinocyte attachment to substrate.  相似文献   
The accumulation of the relatively large amounts of beta-glucuronidase in microsomal fractions of normal mice depends on formation of complexes with the protein egasyn. Unexpectedly, it was found that the egasyn gene also affects the processing of beta-glucuronidase, which is segregated to lysosomes. In egasyn-positive mice lysosomal beta-glucuronidase from liver has a mean pI of 5.9 with a minor proportion at pI 5.4, whereas in egasyn-negative mice the proportion of the two lysosomal forms is reversed. Combined experiments measuring susceptibility to neuraminidase and to endoglycosidase H and specific binding to Ricinus communis lectin-agarose columns showed that the alterations in isoelectric point were associated with a decrease in complex oligosaccharides of lysosomal beta-glucuronidase in egasyn-positive mice. Since this alteration occurs not only in a congenic strain carrying the Eg0 gene but also in several other inbred strains that are homozygous for this gene, it is considered to be a genuine effect of the Eg gene rather than other genes that might regulate oligosaccharide processing. Also, the alteration is likely to be a result of direct physical interaction of the egasyn protein and lysosomal beta-glucuronidase, since a second lysosomal enzyme, beta-galactosidase, which does not form complexes with egasyn, is unaffected. The results suggest a model in which egasyn not only causes accumulation of beta-glucuronidase in the microsomal compartment but also acts upon the precursor to lysosomal beta-glucuronidase to alter its interaction with trans-Golgi-apparatus processing enzymes.  相似文献   
A boy aged 6 months who presented with poor weight gain, diarrhoea, and infection with Pneumocystis carinii was found to have congenital hypogammaglobulinaemia, which did not improve despite monthly treatment with intravenous gammaglobulin. At the age of 3 years and 2 months he developed severe vomiting and diarrhoea due to cryptosporidiosis, which failed to respond to conventional treatment. Infusion of hyperimmune bovine colostrum produced against parasite antigen, given by nasogastric tube, was started after symptoms had persisted for three weeks. His vomiting and diarrhoea resolved within five days of treatment, and oocysts were no longer seen in the stools after eight days. Later, however, he developed a rare complication, and oocysts were found in the common bile duct. Hyperimmune bovine colostrum may be useful in the treatment of many patients with immunodeficiency disorders.  相似文献   
Stimulation of the exocrine pancreas is associated with marked changes in pancreatic phospholipid metabolism. It has been previously established that de novo synthesis of phospholipids constitutes part of this "phospholipid effect". This study has demonstrated that in vitro stimulation of the rat pancreas utilising bethanecol and pancreozymin results in increased incorporation of labelled glucose into phosphatidyl inositol and, to a lesser extent, other phospholipids, suggesting increased de novo synthesis of these compounds. However, secretin which is believed to act via a different intracellular pathway, did not exert such an effect. The relevance of this animal model is indicated by the demonstration of increased incorporation of labelled glucose into phospholipids of human pancreas stimulated in vitro by bethanecol or sincalide (the active carboxy terminal octapeptide of pancreozymin).  相似文献   
Experimentally induced lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis and the effect of concurrent bacterial infection on the development of these lesions were studied in the golden hamster. Male outbred golden hamsters received intradermal injections at the base of the tail with approximately 10(7) promastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis panamensis, or promastigotes combined with Staphylococcus aureus or Pasteurella multocida or both, bacteria only, or sterile Eagle's minimal essential medium (MEME). The size of the resulting lesions was measured at least twice each week. Hamsters were killed at postinoculation Days 6, 13, 20, 27, 41, or 48, and each lesion was measured, aseptically excised, and bisected; half was used for bacteriologic culture and the other half was prepared for light microscopic examination. Lesions resulting from L. b. panamensis alone progressed from initial erythema to a granulomatous nodule and finally to a necrotic granuloma, often capped by a crateriform ulcer. Lesions resulting from a suspension of L. b. panamensis with added S. aureus or S. aureus and P. multocida, were initially larger, more erythemic and contained a greater proportion of neutrophils up to postinoculation Days 14-21 than did lesions resulting from L. b. panamensis alone. Concurrent infections with bacteria such as S. aureus and P. multocida had little effect on the development of ulcerating characteristics of lesions, but when S. aureus was present it appeared to enhance the severity of the early lesions. Between postinoculation Days 14-28, lesions produced by L. b. panamensis, with or without added bacteria had similar developmental progression of sufficient size for optimal testing of antileishmanial compounds.  相似文献   
(1) Using asolectin (mixed soybean phospholipids) liposomes, extra lipid, with or without additional plastoquinone, has been introduced into isolated thylakoid membranes of pea chloroplasts. (2) Evidence for this lipid enrichment was obtained from freeze-fracture which indicated that a decrease in the numbers of EF and PF particles per unit area of membrane occurred with increasing lipid incorporation. The decrease was not due to loss of integral membrane polypeptides as judged by assay of cytochrome present or SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of lipid-enriched membrane fractions. Moreover, the enrichment procedure did not lead to extraction of low molecular weight lipophilic membrane components or of thylakoid membrane lipids. (3) The introduction of phospholipids into the membrane affected steady-state electron transport. Inhibition of electron transport was observed when either water (Photosystem (PS) II + PS I) or duroquinol (PS I) was used as electron donor with methyl viologen as electron acceptor, and the degree of inhibition increased with higher enrichment levels. Introduction of exogenous plastoquinone with the additional lipid had little effect on whole-chain electron transport, but caused an increase in the 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB)-sensitive rate of PS I electron transport. The inhibition was also detected by flash-induced oxidation-reduction changes of cytochrome f.  相似文献   
The pathways of assimilation of ammonium by pure cultures of symbiont-free Anthoceros punctatus L. and the reconstituted Anthoceros-Nostoc symbiotic association were determined from time-course (5–300 s) and inhibitor experiments using 13NH 4 + . The major product of assimilation after all incubation times was glutamine, whether the tissues were cultured with excess ammonium or no combined nitrogen. The 13N in glutamine was predominantly in the amide-nitrogen position. Formation of glutamine and glutamate by Anthoceros-Nostoc was strongly inhibited by either 1mM methionine sulfoximine (MSX) or 1 mM exogenous ammonium. These data are consistent with the assimilation of 13NH 4 + and formation of glutamate by the glutamine synthetase (EC synthase (EC pathway in dinitrogen-grown Anthoceros-Nostoc. However, in symbiont-free Anthoceros, grown with 2.5 mM ammonium, formation of glutamine, but not glutamate, was decreased by either MSX or exogenous ammonium. These results indicate that during short incubation times ammonium is assimilated in nitrogenreplete Anthoceros by the activities of both glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase (EC In-vitro activities of glutamine synthetase were similar in nitrogen-replete Anthoceros and Anthoceros-Nostoc, indicating that the differences in the routes of glutamate formation were not based upon regulation of synthesis of the initial enzyme of the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway. When symbiont-free Anthoceros was cultured for 2 d in the absence of combined nitrogen, total 13NH 4 + assimilation, and glutamine and glutamate formation in the presence of inhibitors, were similar to dinitrogen-grown Anthoceros-Nostoc. The routes of immediate (within 2 min) glutamate formation and ammonium assimilation in Anthoceros were apparently determined by the intracellular levels of ammonium; at low levels the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway was predominant, while at high levels independent activities of both glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase were expressed.  相似文献   
The incubation of peptidoglycan fragments with ether-treated cells of Neisseria gonorrhoeae resulted in breakdown products that showed the presence of previously undescribed lytic enzymes. The properties of an endopeptidase able to hydrolyse peptide-linked bis-disaccharide peptide dimer to monomer units were examined. An exo-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase was also shown to release free N-acetylglucosamine. The breakdown pattern of glycosidically-linked dimer indicated the existence of an endo-N-acetylglucosaminidase. The activities of the latter enzyme and of the endopeptidase were both sensitive to beta-lactam antibiotics.  相似文献   
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