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Genes involved in the biosynthesis of PQQ fromAcinetobacter calcoaceticus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From a gene bank of theAcinetobacter calcoaceticus genome a plasmid was isolated that complements four different classes of PQQ- mutants. Subclones of this plasmid revealed that the four corresponding PQQ genes are located on a fragment of 5 kilobases. The nucleotide sequence of this 5 kb fragment was determined and by means of Tn5 insertion mutants the reading frames of the PQQ genes could be identified. Three of the PQQ genes code for proteins of Mr 29700 (gene I), Mr 10800 (gene II) and Mr 43600 (gene III) respectively. In the DNA region where gene IV was mapped however the largest possible reading frame encodes for a polypeptide of only 24 amino acids. A possible role for this small polypeptide will be discussed. Finally we show that expression of the four PQQ genes inAcinetobacter lwoffi andEscherichia coli lead to the synthesis of the coenzyme in these organisms.  相似文献   
Summary For transformation of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Zebulon), shoot apical meristems were dissected from seeds and cocultivated with a disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a binary vector carrying genes encoding GUS- and NPTII-activity. The influence of the media conditions, the time of cocultivation and the stage of the developing seed on shoot development and meristem transformation was analysed. Transformants were selected by their ability to grow on kanamycin. Transformation was confirmed by assays for GUS and NPTII. GUS-positive shoots were rooted on rockwool and transferred to soil. Transformation of shoot meristem cells occurred at low frequencies. Chimaeric expression of the two genes was observed in transformed plants. Integration of the foreign DNA in the sunflower genome was confirmed with the polymerase chain reaction.Abbreviations GUS ß-Glucuronidase - NPTII Neomycin phosphotransferase II  相似文献   
Results of a 7-yr field study and a 3-yr slaughterhouse study into reproductive performance and reproductive wastage of ruminants in central Mali are reported. Cattle had delayed age at first puberty (40), long calving intervals (644) and produced few young (3.02) per lifetime. Goats and sheep first conceived at about 11 mo, had shorter parturition intervals (298 and 280 d) but also produced few young (2.64 and 1.92) per lifetime. Conceptions showed a strong seasonality in cattle and mainly occurred during and shortly after the short rainy season. Seasonality was less marked in small ruminants, but most females conceived before the rains. However, maximum litter sizes were associated with late-rain and post-rain conceptions. Early embryonic wastage did not appear to be a major problem but abortions, stillbirths and heavy preweaning mortality were sources of loss of reproductive potential. Additionally at a secondary (government controlled) abattoir, 15.0 % of cows, 31.7 % of goats and 20.0 % of sheep that were slaughtered were found to be pregnant.  相似文献   
The structure of an HLA-A2.4 functional variant (A2.4c) expressed on donor KLO has been examined by comparative peptide mapping with other HLA-A2 antigens of known structure and radiochemical sequencing. All the peptide differences between A2.4c and A2.1 could be accounted for by five amino acid changes at positions 9, 43, 66, 95, and 156. The nature of residues 9, 43, and 95 in A2.4c was determined by sequencing to be identical to those in A2.2Y. The nature of residue 156 in A2.4c was also assigned as identical to that in A2.2Y on the basis of the identity of the corresponding peptide in its chromatographic comparison with A2.2Y. Position 66 was unique to A2.4c. It was determined to be an Asn residue instead of the Lys present in all other HLA-A2 antigens of known structure. This was the only detected amino acid difference between A2.4c and A2.2Y. The results indicate that, from a structural point of view, A2.4c is most closely related to the A2.2 subtype antigens and not to other A2.4 antigens. The data are compatible with the assumption that A2.4c was derived from A2.2Y by a single point mutation event.  相似文献   
The HLA-A2 antigen expressed by donor OZB can be distinguished from the main HLA-A2.1 subtype by isoelectric focusing - it is one charge unit more acidic — and by some alloreactive T-cell clones but not by cytolytic T lymphocyte lines. The structure of variant OZB has been examined by comparative peptide mapping with A2.1 and radiochemical sequence analysis. The two molecules were found to differ in a single tryptic peptide from the 0 region, spanning residues 220–243. The amino acid sequence of this peptide from variant OZB revealed that there was only one amino acid change of Glu instead of Ala at position 236, a hitherto invariant residue in class I HLA antigens. All previously characterized HLA or H-2 natural variants have structural changes restricted to the 1 and/or 2 domains. Thus, variant OZB is unique in that (1) it has one amino acid change in 3 and (2) it has no changes in l and 2. The only detected substitution of this variant may be accounted for by a single base change at the DNA level, suggesting that it might have resulted from a point mutation in the A2.1 gene. The structural features of variant OZB open a novel way to examine the influence of polymorphism in 3 on cytolytic T-cell recognition of naturally occurring class I antigens.Abbreviations CTL cytolytic T lymphocytes - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - IEF isoelectric focusing - MHC major histocompatibility complex  相似文献   
This paper reports on changes induced by the introduction of cattle in a grassland that had remained ungrazed for 9 yr, in comparison with two adjacent grasslands: one that remained enclosed and one that has been continuously subject to grazing. Basal cover was measured on 25 interception lines, each 1 m long, three times during one year. The variables studied were: total cover, cover of grasses and dicots, cover of creeping grasses, floristic composition, and dissimilarity among sites. At the first sampling, 2 yr after cattle re-introduction, the newly grazed site was more similar to the ungrazed than to the grazed site. The newly grazed site had very low cover of dicots; the species of dicots present were different from those found in the continuously grazed area. Creeping grasses had higher cover in the newly grazed site than in the other sites, and continued to increase. At the last sampling, one year later, the newly grazed site had become more similar to the contiuously grazed site. Only after 5 yr of cattle grazing the exotic dicots that were dominant in the continuously grazed site, were recorded in the re-opened site. The absence of propagules of these species or the absence of safe sites may account for this delayed invasion.  相似文献   
Redox interconversion of glutathione reductase was studiedin situ withS. cerevisiae. The enzyme was more sensitive to redox inactivation in 24 hour-starved cells than in freshly-grown ones. While 5 μM NADPH or 100 μM NADH caused 50% inactivation in normal cells in 30 min, 0.75 μM NADPH or 50 μM NADH promoted a similar effect in starved cells. GSSG reactivated the enzyme previously inactivated by NADPH, ascertaining that the enzyme was subjected to redox interconversion. Low EDTA concentrations fully protected the enzyme from NADPH inactivation, thus confirming the participation of metals in such a process. Extensive inactivation was obtained in permeabilized cells incubated with glucose-6-phosphate or 6-phosphogluconate, in agreement with the very high specific activities of the corresponding dehydrogenases. Some inactivation was also observed with malate, L-lactate, gluconate or isocitrate in the presence of low NADP+ concentrations. The inactivation of yeast glutathione reductase has also been studiedin vivo. The activity decreased to 75% after 2 hours of growth with glucono-δ-lactone as carbon source, while NADPH rose to 144% and NADP+ fell to 86% of their initial values. Greater changes were observed in the presence of 1.5 μM rotenone: enzymatic activity descended to 23% of the control value, while the NADH/NAD+ and NADPH/NADP+ ratios rose to 171% and 262% of their initial values, respectively. Such results indicate that the lowered redox potential of the pyridine nucleotide pool existing when glucono-δ-lactone is oxidized promotesin vivo inactivation of glutathione reductase.  相似文献   
Summary Sequence analysis of the actVA region of the actinorhodin biosynthetic gene cluster of Streptomyces coelicolor revealed a succession of six open reading frames (ORFs), all running in the same direction and extending over 5.32 kb. The protein product of actVA-ORF1 strongly resembles that of another gene, elsewhere in the act cluster (actII-ORF2), which codes for a trans-membrane protein previously implicated in actinorhodin export from the mycelium. This suggests that the two gene products may co-operate in actinorhodin export, perhaps being sufficient for self-protection of the organism against suicide. At least four of the other five ORFs are implicated in the control of the C-6 and C-8 ring-hydroxylation reactions, lacking in actVA mutants, that occur at middle to late stages in the actinorhodin biosynthetic pathway. This conclusion was reached by genetic mapping of actVA mutants to actVA-ORF3 and-ORF5 (and perhaps -ORF4), and by the finding of strong resemblances between the protein products of actVA-ORF2 and -ORF6 and the products of genes of the oxytetracycline or tetracenomycin gene clusters that have been implicated in ring-hydroxylation reactions in the biosynthesis of these other aromatic polyketide antibiotics.  相似文献   
Leaf discs of four dicotyledonous species, when incubated at temperatures of 4 to 18°C (optimum at 12°C) for 30 or 60 minutes, responded by accumulations of membranes in the chloroplast stroma in the space between the inner membrane of the envelope and the thylakoids. The accumulated membranes, here referred to as the low temperature compartment, were frequently continuous with the envelope membrane and exhibited kinetics of formation consistent with a derivation from the envelope. Results were similar for expanding leaves of garden pea (Pisum sativum), soybean (Glycine max), spinach (Spinacia oleracea), and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). We suggest that the stromal low temperature compartment may be analogous to the compartment induced to form between the transitional endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus at low temperatures. The findings provide evidence for the possibility of a vesicular transfer of membrane constituents between the inner membrane of the chloroplast envelope and the thylakoids of mature chloroplasts in expanding leaves.  相似文献   
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