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Sustainable control of human filariasis would benefit enormously from the development of an effective vaccine. The ability to vaccinate experimental animals, with reductions in worm burden of over 70%, suggests this aim is possible. However, in experimental vaccinations the challenge is usually administered 2 weeks after the immunisation phase and thus the protection obtained is likely to be biased by persisting inflammation. Using the murine model Litomosoides sigmodontis, we increased the time between immunisation with irradiated larvae and challenge with fully infective L3 to 5 months. Significant protection was achieved (54-58%) and the reduced worm burden was observed by 10 days p.i. The developmental stage targeted was the L3, since no nematodes died once they reached the pleural cavity of vaccinated mice, as has been previously shown in short-term protocols. However, larval developmental rate was faster in vaccinated than in primary-infected mice. Immunological assessments were made prior to challenge and then from 6 h to 34 days post-challenge. Samples were taken from the subcutaneous tissue where the larvae were inoculated, the lymph nodes through which they migrate and the pleural cavity in which they establish. Eosinophils were still present although scarce in the subcutaneous tissue of vaccinated mice before challenge. Cytokine and specific antibody production of vaccinated and challenged mice were L3-specific and Th2-biased and greatly exceeded the response of primary-infected mice. The heightened Th2 response may explain the faster development of the filarial worms in vaccinated mice. Thus, long-term vaccination protocols generated a strong memory response that led to significant but incomplete protection that was limited to the infective larval stage suggesting alternative vaccination strategies are needed.  相似文献   
Transnitrosylation and denitrosylation are emerging as key post-translational modification events in regulating both normal physiology and a wide spectrum of human diseases. Thioredoxin 1 (Trx1) is a conserved antioxidant that functions as a classic disulfide reductase. It also catalyzes the transnitrosylation or denitrosylation of caspase 3 (Casp3), underscoring its central role in determining Casp3 nitrosylation specificity. However, the mechanisms that regulate Trx1 transnitrosylation and denitrosylation of specific targets are unresolved. Here we used an optimized mass spectrometric method to demonstrate that Trx1 is itself nitrosylated by S-nitrosoglutathione at Cys73 only after the formation of a Cys32-Cys35 disulfide bond upon which the disulfide reductase and denitrosylase activities of Trx1 are attenuated. Following nitrosylation, Trx1 subsequently transnitrosylates Casp3. Overexpression of Trx1C32S/C35S (a mutant Trx1 with both Cys32 and Cys35 replaced by serine to mimic the disulfide reductase-inactive Trx1) in HeLa cells promoted the nitrosylation of specific target proteins. Using a global proteomics approach, we identified 47 novel Trx1 transnitrosylation target protein candidates. From further bioinformatics analysis of this set of nitrosylated peptides, we identified consensus motifs that are likely to be the determinants of Trx1-mediated transnitrosylation specificity. Among these proteins, we confirmed that Trx1 directly transnitrosylates peroxiredoxin 1 at Cys173 and Cys83 and protects it from H2O2-induced overoxidation. Functionally, we found that Cys73-mediated Trx1 transnitrosylation of target proteins is important for protecting HeLa cells from apoptosis. These data demonstrate that the ability of Trx1 to transnitrosylate target proteins is regulated by a crucial stepwise oxidative and nitrosative modification of specific cysteines, suggesting that Trx1, as a master regulator of redox signaling, can modulate target proteins via alternating modalities of reduction and nitrosylation.Nitric oxide (NO) is an important second messenger for signal transduction in cells. The production of cGMP by guanylyl cyclase, enabled by the binding of NO onto heme, is considered the primary mechanism responsible for the plethora of functions exerted by NO (1). However, S-nitrosylation, the covalent addition of the NO moiety onto cysteine thiols, is increasingly recognized as an important post-translational modification for regulating protein functions (for reviews, see Refs. 2 and 3). S-Nitrosylation is dynamic, reversible, site-specific, and modulated by selected cellular stimuli (47). With improved detection sensitivity, an increasing number of S-nitrosylated proteins have been identified by proteomics technologies (5, 813). Among the known modified proteins, nitrosylation occurs only on selected cysteines (4, 6, 1417). Non-enzymatic mechanisms proposed to determine S-nitrosylation specificity include the availability of specific NO donors and protein microenvironments that stabilize the pKa of acidic target cysteines (18). Furthermore, several enzymes, including hemoglobin (19, 20), superoxide dismutase 1 (21, 22), S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (2325), and protein-disulfide isomerase (26), have been shown to possess either transnitrosylase or denitrosylase activities. However, an enzymatic system that governs site-specific transnitrosylation and denitrosylation, analogous to the kinase/phosphatase paradigm for regulating protein phosphorylation, has remained largely uncharacterized.Trx11 is an important antioxidant protein with protein reductase activity (27, 28). It has been characterized as an antiapoptotic protein because of its ability to suppress proapoptotic proteins, including apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 via disulfide reduction and Casp3 via transnitrosylation of Cys163 (14, 29). Conversely, Trx1 can denitrosylate Casp3 at Cys163, resulting in Casp3 activation (7). Trx1 appears to govern site-specific reversible nitrosylation of selected protein targets (14, 15), but what are the underlying mechanisms that regulate Trx1 transnitrosylation and denitrosylation activities? Are there additional Trx1-mediated transnitrosylation or denitrosylation targets that have not yet been identified? In this study, we used ESI-Q-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) to analyze the nitrosylation of Trx1 and a Casp3 peptide (Casp3p) under different redox conditions. Because of the labile nature of the S–NO bond, direct identification of S-nitrosylated proteins and their specific nitrosylation sites by MS remains challenging (8). A biotin switch method that is based on the derivatization of protein S–NO with a biotinylating agent is typically used for such analyses (8). However, like any indirect method, both false positive and negative identifications have been reported (30). Recently, we developed a method for direct analysis of protein S-nitrosylation by ESI-Q-TOF MS without prior chemical derivatization (31). Here we applied the same technique to determine the regulation of Trx1 by stepwise oxidative and nitrosative modifications of distinct cysteines and its subsequent ability to transnitrosylate target proteins. Nitrosative modification at Cys73 of Trx1 cannot occur without prior attenuation of the Trx1 disulfide reductase and denitrosylase activities via either disulfide bond formation between Cys32 and Cys35 or their mutation to serines. This is a key observation that has never been previously reported. Consequently, we designed a proteomics approach and discovered over 40 putative Trx1 transnitrosylation target proteins. We further characterized the Trx1 transnitrosylation proteome and identified three consensus motifs surrounding the putative Trx1 transnitrosylation sites, suggesting a protein-protein interaction mechanism for determining transnitrosylation specificity.  相似文献   
Validation and implementation of an internal standard in comet assay analysis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The comet assay is widely used to detect DNA damage in single cells. However, only moderate attention has been paid to the experimental variability of this assay, especially during electrophoresis. To take into account this variation and to be able to compare measurements from different electrophoretic runs, as would be necessary when large numbers of samples need to be analysed, it is important to integrate an internal standard into the assay. This study presents a first step in the validation and implementation of an internal standard in the alkaline comet assay. Untreated and ethyl methanesulfonate treated cells (K562 human erythroleukemia cell line) were used as negative and positive internal standards, respectively, in each electrophoresis run. Three steps were followed: (1) assessment of the different levels of variability which may influence the damage levels of the internal standards, (2) evaluation of the variability across separate electrophoresis runs on the quantification of DNA damage in the internal standards by three experimenters involved in different studies and (3) proposal of an adequate calculation system to integrate the internal standards into test sample data. The application of the two proposed models to samples from a human biomonitoring study is presented. The model which calibrates the measurements against the negative internal standard is the most useful since this negative standard was the most stable across experiments and among the three experimenters. The percentage of DNA in the tail is the most appropriate parameter to analyse induced DNA damage, because its interelectrophoresis and interexperimenter variation is less pronounced than that of tail length.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of an anthropometrical survey conducted on male and female children aged 3, 4 and 5 years in Turkey. A set of 18 body dimensions was taken from 154 males and 132 females. It is considered that the 18 parameters are necessary for the design of school furniture, fittings and equipment in order to minimize musculoskeletal, visual and circulatory problems resulting from badly designed elements. This study identified significant gender differences in a set of 18 anthropometrical measures in this subject group.  相似文献   
Compounds inhibiting DNA repair and synthesis are expected to act synergistically with BCNU, a standard agent in the therapy of glioblastoma multiforme, and improve survival of patients with malignant gliomas. Ribonucleotide reductase (EC1.17.4.1; RR) catalyzes the rate-limiting step in DNA synthesis and plays a critical role in maintaining crucial substrates for DNA repair. We have studied the effects of Didox, an inhibitor of RR on 9L glioma cells in combination with BCNU. We analyzed intracellular dNTP pools and found that Didox significantly depleted the intracellular dNTP concentrations. Experiments using cytotoxicity, growth inhibition and clonogenic assays showed significant synergism of Didox and BCNU. Combination regimens using synchronous administration demonstrated highest cytotoxicity. We have also identified altered gene expression in a number of DNA repair related enzymes after BCNU treatment using large-scale cDNA arrays. The coadministration with Didox could reverse the expression of some of the overexpressed repair gene suggesting possible pathways to circumvent the developing resistance in 9L glioma cells against BCNU. These results introduce the combination of Didox and BCNU as a viable alternative for the treatment of malignant gliomas.  相似文献   
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