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It has long been argued that related asexual and sexual taxa have different distribution patterns. In general, apomictic angiosperms are believed to occur preferentially at higher latitudes and elevations compared to their sexual relatives. It is thus expected that the frequency of apomixis increases with latitude or from warmer to colder climatic regions. However, despite the significant role played by apogamy in fern evolution and diversification, the distribution pattern of apogamous ferns and lycophytes has received little attention. To clarify the ecological diversity pattern and evolutional diversification of apogamous ferns, we analysed a variety of apogamous fern species with reference to latitude, elevation and climatic factors, and reconstructed the ancestral state and estimated the divergence time of Japanese apogamous ferns. Our results on the distribution of apogamous ferns along these two gradients suggest a decline in the proportion of apogamous ferns towards high latitudes and elevations. Temperature was correlated with the proportion of apogamous ferns along both gradients, and the seasonality of precipitation was correlated with the proportion of apogamous ferns along latitude. Reconstruction of ancestral state and estimates of divergence time showed that the crown groups of apogamous ferns diversified less than 15 Ma. The results of our ecological and phylogenetic approaches reinforce the hypothesis based on previously reported phylogenetic results in which the apogamous ferns appears to be correlated with strongly seasonal climates such as the Asia monsoon.  相似文献   
Rsp5 is an essential ubiquitin-protein ligase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . We found previously that the Ala401Glu rsp 5 mutant is hypersensitive to various stresses that induce protein misfolding, suggesting that Rsp5 is a key enzyme for yeast cell growth under stress conditions. To isolate new Rsp5 variants as suppressors of the A401E mutant, PCR random mutagenesis was used in the rsp5 A401E gene, and the mutagenized plasmid library was introduced into rsp5 A401E cells. As a phenotypic suppressor of rsp5 A401E cells, we isolated a quadruple variant (Thr357Ala/Glu401Gly/Lys764Glu/Glu767Gly) on a minimal medium containing the toxic proline analogue azetidine-2-carboxylate (AZC). Site-directed mutagenesis experiments showed that the rsp5 T357A/K764E cells were much more tolerant to AZC than the wild-type cells, due to the smaller amounts of intracellular AZC. However, the T357A/K764E variant Rsp5 did not reverse the hypersensitivity of rsp5 A401E cells to other stresses such as high growth temperature, ethanol, and freezing treatment. Interestingly, immunoblot and localization analyses indicated that the general amino acid permease Gap1, which is involved in AZC uptake, was absent on the plasma membrane and degraded in the vacuole of rsp5 T357A/K764E cells before the addition of ammonium ions. These results suggest that the T357A/K764E variant Rsp5 induces constitutive inactivation of Gap1.  相似文献   
The major aluminum (Al) tolerance gene in wheat ALMT1 confers. An Al-activated efflux of malate from root apices. We determined the genomic structure of the ALMT1 gene and found it consists of 6 exons interrupted by 5 introns. Sequencing a range of wheat genotypes identified 3 alleles for ALMT1, 1 of which was identical to the ALMT1 gene from an Aegilops tauschii accession. The ALMT1 gene was mapped to chromosome 4DL using 'Chinese Spring' deletion lines, and loss of ALMT1 coincided with the loss of both Al tolerance and Al-activated malate efflux. Aluminium tolerance in each of 5 different doubled-haploid populations was found to be conditioned by a single major gene. When ALMT1 was polymorphic between the parental lines, QTL and linkage analyses indicated that ALMT1 mapped to chromosome 4DL and cosegregated with Al tolerance. In 2 populations examined, Al tolerance also segregated with a greater capacity for Al-activated malate efflux. Aluminium tolerance was not associated with a particular coding allele for ALMT1, but was significantly correlated with the relative level of ALMT1 expression. These findings suggest that the Al tolerance in a diverse range of wheat genotypes is primarily conditioned by ALMT1.  相似文献   
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), the principal pro-inflammatory prostanoid, is known to play versatile roles in pain transmission via four PGE receptor subtypes, EP1-EP4. We recently demonstrated that continuous production of nitric oxide (NO) by neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) following phosphorylation of myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) and NMDA receptor NR2B subunits is essential for neuropathic pain. These phosphorylation and nNOS activity visualized by NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry were blocked by indomethacin, a PG synthesis inhibitor. To clarify the interaction between cyclooxygenase and nNOS pathways in the spinal cord, we examined the effect of EP subtype-selective agonists on NO production. NO formation was stimulated in the spinal superficial layer by EP1, EP3, and EP4 agonists. While the EP1- and the EP4-stimulated NO formation was markedly blocked by MK-801, an NMDA receptor antagonist, the EP3-stimulated one was completely inhibited by H-1152, a Rho-kinase inhibitor. Phosphorylation of MARCKS and NADPH-diaphorase activity stimulated by the EP3 agonist were also blocked by H-1152. These results suggest that PGE2 stimulates NO formation by Rho-kinase via EP3, a mechanism(s) different from EP1 and EP4.  相似文献   
We have previously reported that the prolonged transient acidosis during early reperfusion mediates the cardioprotective effects in canine hearts. Recently, postconditioning has been shown to be one of the novel strategies to mediate cardioprotection. We tested the contribution of the prolonged transient acidosis to the cardioprotection of postconditioning. Open-chest anesthetized dogs subjected to 90-min occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery and 6-h reperfusion were divided into four groups: 1) control group; no intervention after reperfusion (n = 6); 2) postconditioning (Postcon) group; four cycles of 1-min reperfusion and 1-min reocclusion (n = 7); 3) Postcon + sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO(3)) group; four cycles of 1-min reperfusion and 1-min reocclusion with the administration of NaHCO(3) (n = 8); and 4) NaHCO(3) group; administration of NaHCO(3) without postconditioning (n = 6). Infarct size, the area at risk (AAR), collateral blood flow during ischemia, and pH in coronary venous blood were measured. The phosphorylation of Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in ischemic myocardium was assessed by Western blot analysis. Systemic hemodynamic parameters, AAR, and collateral blood flow were not different among the four groups. Postconditioning induced prolonged transient acidosis during the early reperfusion phase. Administration of NaHCO(3) completely abolished the infarct size-limiting effects of postconditioning. Furthermore, the phosphorylation of Akt and ERK in ischemic myocardium induced by postconditioning was also blunted by the cotreatment of NaHCO(3). In conclusion, postconditioning mediates its cardioprotective effects possibly via prolonged transient acidosis during the early reperfusion phase with the activation of Akt and ERK.  相似文献   
In this study we have cloned a novel member of mouse protein phosphatase 2C family, PP2Czeta, which is composed of 507 amino acids and has a unique N-terminal region. The overall similarity of the amino acid sequence between PP2Czeta and PP2Calpha was 22%. On Northern blot analysis PP2Czeta was found to be expressed specifically in the testicular germ cells. PP2Czeta expressed in COS7 cells was able to associate with ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 9 (UBC9) and the association was enhanced by co-expression of small ubiquitin-related modifier-1 (SUMO-1), suggesting that PP2Czeta exhibits its specific role through its SUMO-induced recruitment to UBC9.  相似文献   
The habitat and movements of a Pacific bluefin tuna were investigated by reanalyzing archival tag data with sea surface temperature data. During its trans-Pacific migration to the eastern Pacific, the fish took a direct path and primarily utilized waters, in the Subarctic Frontal Zone (SFZ). Mean ambient temperature during the trans-Pacific migration was 14.5 ± 2.9 (°C ± SD), which is significantly colder than the waters typically inhabited by bluefin tuna in their primary feeding grounds in the western and eastern Pacific (17.6 ± 2.1). The fish moved rapidly through the colder water, and the heat produced during swimming and the thermoconservation ability of bluefin tuna likely enabled it to migrate through the cold waters of the SFZ.  相似文献   
X rays are well known to cause genetic damage and to induce many types of carcinomas in humans. The Apc(min/+) mouse, an animal model for human familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), contains a truncating mutation in the APC gene and spontaneously develops intestinal adenomas. To elucidate the role of X rays in the development of intestinal tumors, we examined the promotion of carcinogenesis in X-irradiated Apc(min/+) mice. Forty out of 77 (52%) X-irradiated Apc(min/+) mice developed adenocarcinomas that invaded the proprial muscle layer of the small intestine; 24 of 44 (55%) were in males, and 16 of 33 (49%) were in females. In contrast, invasive carcinomas were detected in the small intestines of only 13 of 64 (20%) nonirradiated Apc(min/+) mice; nine of 32 (28%) were in males and four of 32 (13%) were in females. These differences between X-irradiated and nonirradiated Apc(min/+) mice in the occurrence of invasive intestinal carcinomas were statistically significant (P < 0.05 for males, P < 0.005 for females). In wild-type mice, invasive carcinomas were not detected in either X-irradiated or nonirradiated mice. Apc(min/+) mice had many polyps in the large intestine with or without X irradiation; there was no difference in the number of polyps between the two groups. Also, invasive carcinomas were not detected in the large intestine with or without irradiation. The occurrence of mammary tumors, which was observed in Apc(min/+) mice, was found to be increased in irradiated Apc(min/+) mice (P < 0.01). Apc(min/+) mice had many polyps in the small and large intestines with or without X irradiation. X-irradiated Apc(min/+) mice had highly invasive carcinomas in the small intestine with multiplicities associated with invasiveness. Our results suggest that X radiation may promote the invasive activity of intestinal tumors in Apc(min/+) mice.  相似文献   
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