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To develop a rice cultivar that would be suitable for direct-seedingcultivation in cooler temperate regions, we generated transgenic rice plants inwhich a rice encoding a -class glutathioneS-transferase (GST) under the control of a maize ubiquitinpromoter. GSTs have been suggested to be responsible for tolerance to variousstresses such as cold, salt and drought by detoxification of xenobioticcompounds and reactive oxygen species. A total of 87 R0 transgenicrice plants harboring a chimeric GST gene were generatedusing Agrobacterium mediated transformation. ThreeR2 lines homozygous for the transgene were assayed for GST activityand had higher GST and glutathione peroxidase activities thannon-transformants.Seedlings of the transgenic lines demonstrated greatly enhanced germination andgrowth rates at low temperature grown under submergence. The GST transgeniclines should be useful for breeding rice cultivars suitable for direct-seedingcultivation in cooler temperate regions.  相似文献   
Intracellular replication of Brucella requires the VirB complex, which is highly similar to conjugative DNA transfer systems. In this study, we show that Brucella internalizes into macrophages by swimming on the cell surface with generalized membrane ruffling for several minutes, after which the bacteria are enclosed by macropinosomes. Lipid raft-associated molecules such as glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, GM1 gangliosides and cholesterol were selectively incorporated into macropinosomes containing Brucella. In contrast, lysosomal glycoprotein LAMP-1 and host cell transmembrane protein CD44 were excluded from the macropinosomes. Removing GPI-anchored proteins from the macrophage surface and cholesterol sequestration markedly inhibited the VirB-dependent macropinocytosis and intracellular replication. Our results suggest that the entry route of Brucella into the macrophage determines the intracellular fate of the bacteria that is modulated by lipid raft microdomains.  相似文献   
A new paradigm is proposed for modeling biomacromolecular interactions and complex formation in solution (protein-protein interactions so far in this report) that constitutes the scaffold of the automatic system MIAX (acronym for Macromolecular Interaction Assessment X). It combines in a rational way a series of computational methodologies, the goal being the prediction of the most native-like protein complex that may be formed when two isolated (unbound) protein monomers interact in a liquid environment. The overall strategy consists of first inferring putative precomplex structures by identification of binding sites or epitopes on the proteins surfaces and a simultaneous rigid-body docking process using geometric instances alone. Precomplex configurations are defined here as all those decoys the interfaces of which comply substantially with the inferred binding sites and whose free energy values are lower. Retaining all those precomplex configurations with low energies leads to a reasonable number of decoys for which a flexible treatment is amenable. A novel algorithm is introduced here for automatically inferring binding sites in proteins given their 3-D structure. The procedure combines an unsupervised learning algorithm based on the self-organizing map or Kohonen network with a 2-D Fourier spectral analysis. To model interaction, the potential function proposed here plays a central role in the system and is constituted by empirical terms expressing well-characterized factors influencing biomacromolecular interaction processes, essentially electrostatic, van der Waals, and hydrophobic. Each of these procedures is validated by comparing results with observed instances. Finally, the more demanding process of flexible docking is performed in MIAX embedding the potential function in a simulated annealing optimization procedure. Whereas search of the entire configuration hyperspace is a major factor precluding hitherto systems from efficiently modeling macromolecular interaction modes and complex structures, the paradigm presented here may constitute a step forward in the field because it is shown that a rational treatment of the information available from the 3-D structure of the interacting monomers combined with conveniently selected computational techniques can assist to elude search of regions of low probability in configuration space and indeed lead to a highly efficient system oriented to solve this intriguing and fundamental biologic problem.  相似文献   
An arsenate-resistant mutant AR3 of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a recessive mutant generated by random insertional mutagenesis using the ARG7 gene. AR3 shows about 10-fold resistance against arsenate toxicity compared with the wild type. By using a flanking region of an inserted tag as a probe, we cloned the corresponding wild-type allele (PTB1) of a mutated gene, which could completely complement the arsenate-resistance phenotype of AR3. The size of PTB1 cDNA is about 6.0 kb and it encodes a putative protein comprising 1666 amino acid residues. This protein exhibits significant sequence similarity with the yeast Pho89 protein, which is known to be a Na(+)/Pi co-transporter, although the PTB1 protein carries an additional Gln- and Gly-rich large hydrophilic region in the middle of its primary structure. Analyses of arsenic accumulation and release revealed that PTB1-disrupted cells show arsenate resistance due to low arsenate uptake. These results suggest that the PTB1 protein is a factor involved in arsenate (or Pi) uptake. Kinetics of Pi uptake revealed that the activity of high-affinity Pi transport component in AR3 is more activated than that in the wild type.  相似文献   
ATP, UTP, ADP and UDP induced intracellular Ca(2+) responses and oscillations in HeLa cells that sometimes lasted over 1 h. The response is due to the activation of P2Ys, G-protein coupled ATP receptors, because the oscillations persisted for several minutes even in Ca(2+)-free solution, and suramin and PPADS, antagonists of ATP receptors, partially inhibited the response. The potency of these nucleotides varied with the culture or cell conditions, i.e. UTP was generally most potent but in some cases UDP was more potent; responses to UDP were variable while those to ATP were constant. In addition, Ca(2+) responses to ATP and UDP were additive. These findings suggested the existence of two or more subtypes of P2Ys in HeLa cells. RT-PCR experiments revealed the existence of P2Y(2), P2Y(4) and P2Y(6). Recovery from starvation (culture in FBS-free medium overnight and re-addition of FBS) increased the responses to UTP and UDP but not to ATP, suggesting that the number or activity of P2Y(6) and/or P2Y(4) receptors may increase with cell proliferation in HeLa cells.  相似文献   
Hydrangeae Dulcis Folium, the fermented and dried leaves of Hydrangea macrophylla SER. var. thunbergii MAKINO, suppressed D-galactosamine-induced liver injury by 85.2% when added to the diet at 1% and fed to rats for fifteen days. The hepatoprotective effect is more potent than that of a milk thistle extract and turmeric powder. Some fractionated extracts showed hepatoprotective activity in the D-galactosamine-induced in vitro liver injury model.  相似文献   
Mapping of genetic suppressors, modifiers, and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) requires genetic markers that can be efficiently and inexpensively genotyped for a large number of individuals. To isolate rat genetic markers suitable for this purpose, representational difference analysis (RDA) was performed with amplicons prepared by PCR with the B1 repetitive sequence used as the primer (B1-amplicons). In total, 48 polymorphic DNA fragments were isolated by five series of RDA, subtracting the B1-amplicons prepared from an ACI/N (ACI) rat from those prepared from BUF/Nac (BUF), and vice versa. All the polymorphic fragments detected ``presence-or-absence' polymorphisms with B1-amplicons prepared from ACI, BUF, and their F2 progeny, and each fragment was linkage mapped. Dot-blotting amplicons onto filters at a high density and hybridization of the filters with these B1-RDA markers made it possible to genotype a large number of rats simultaneously for multiple loci. These B1-RDA markers were polymorphic between two given inbred strains of rat at frequencies between 30% and 70%. This is the first report on the isolation of B1-RDA markers among inbred strains of rats. Received: 15 July 1998 / Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   
Pieces of metaphase chromosomes prepared from mouse cells containingneo-tagged human chromosome 7 were transferred to mouse cellswith calcium phosphate to isolate G418-resistant clones. FISHanalysis revealed that the majority of them contained humanDNA at a single site on their genome. These transformants containedSTS markers mapped to various regions of chromosome 7. It isthus suggested that pieces of human chromosomes tend to assembleand integrate on the mouse genome.  相似文献   
The vocal displays of male Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus) are thought to be sexually selected traits. To clarify the specific call types involved in breeding, as well as to provide basic information on the vocalisations of Indian peafowl, we conducted monthly daytime recordings in a large feral population in Japan. Based on 13,420 records, we identified seven different call types made only by males and six alarm calls uttered by both sexes. Furthermore, we found seasonal and diurnal changes in the calling activity of peafowl. Three of the male call types (keow, ka and hoot-call) were particularly important for breeding, as sexually mature males produced them only during the breeding season, in a similar diurnal pattern to other breeding behaviours. A digital video image relating to the article is available at .  相似文献   
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