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We studied the spatial distribution of fruits and plants, mortality and growth rates ofScaphium macropodum (Sterculiaceae) in four 1-ha plots in a tropical rain forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The species is a large deciduous tree and produces wind-dispersed fruits on defoliated twigs. The density of dispersed fruits on the ground decreased with increasing distance from a parent tree. The area under the parent's crown had the highest density of the fruits and the highest mortality of the seedlings immediately after germination. Consequently, the density of the established seedlings peaked 14 m from the tree which is outside its crown. Thick litter mainly from the parent tree seemed to physically prevent the seedlings' root from reaching the soil surface and caused the high mortality. Juvenile and mature trees distributed exclusively, suggesting that regeneration is the most successful outside of the crown of mature trees. Saplings under canopy shade did not grow well.Scaphium macropodum is hypothesized to require a gap for seedling growth and successful regeneration, whereas it can germinate and last under closed canopies as suppressed seedlings or saplings.  相似文献   
Influenza A viruses can be isolated from a variety of animals, but their range of hosts is restricted. For example, human influenza viruses do not replicate in duck intestine, the major replication site of avian viruses in ducks. Although amino acids at positions 226 and 228 of hemagglutinin (HA) of the H3 subtype are known to be important for this host range restriction, the contributions of specific amino acids at these positions to restriction were not known. Here, we address this issue by generating HAs with site-specific mutations of a human virus that contain different amino acid residues at these positions. We also let ducks select replication-competent viruses from a replication-incompetent virus containing a human virus HA by inoculating animals with 1010.5 50% egg infectious dose of the latter virus and identified a mutation in the HA. Our results showed that the Ser-to-Gly mutation at position 228, in addition to the Leu-to-Gln mutation at position 226 of the HA of the H3 subtype, is critical for human virus HA to support virus replication in duck intestine.  相似文献   
Although the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica is a commercially important species, its habitat use is not well understood during its life stages in the river. In this study, we investigated the longitudinal distribution and microhabitat use of young Japanese eels (<200 mm in total length [TL], which correspond to elver and early yellow stages) using 180 quadrates (1 m × 1 m) in six stations in a small river (approximately 11.5 km long, 3.0–25.0 m wide) that flows through paddy areas in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. No differences were observed in the TL of eels among the sampling stations. The analysis using generalized linear models showed that eel density increased as number of weirs decreased. The analysis using generalized additive models showed that water depth, current velocity, and substrate complexity were important factors determining microhabitat use. Eels used shallow habitats (<35 cm) with slow currents (5–40 cm/s) and high complex riverbeds (>0.35 in index of substrate complexity). These findings provide useful information to conserve and manage wild eels inhabiting small rivers flowing through paddy areas.  相似文献   
The factors responsible for conferring germline competence in embryonic stem (ES) cell lines remain unidentified. In the present study, rat ES cell lines (n = 17) were established with 3i medium (SU5402, PD0325901, CHIR99021), 2i medium (PD0325901, CHIR99021) or 2iF medium (PD0325901, CHIR99021, forskolin), and their potential for germline transmission to the G1 generation was examined. Rat strains were divided into an albino group (F344, Wistar or CAG/Venus transgenic rats with the Wistar background) or a colored coat group (Brown-Norway, Dark-Agouti, or BLK rats selected from >F3 generations of Wistar × Dark-Agouti rats based on their black coat color). Successful germline transmission was observed in 57 % (4/7), 40 % (2/5) and 100 % (5/5) of the ES cells established with 3i, 2i and 2iF media, respectively. ES cell lines from the homozygous CAG/Venus transgenic rats were established in all three media, but only the lines established with the 2iF medium were germline-competent. Neither coat-color (albino: 64 %, 7/11; colored: 67 %, 4/6) nor gender of the ES cell lines (XX: 67 %, 2/3; XY: 64 %, 9/14) were likely to affect germline transmission.  相似文献   

Key message

Greatest potential, QTLs for hypoxia and waterlogging tolerance in soybean roots were detected using a new phenotypic evaluation method.


Waterlogging is a major environmental stress limiting soybean yield in wet parts of the world. Root development is an important indicator of hypoxia tolerance in soybean. However, little is known about the genetic control of root development under hypoxia. This study was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) responsible for root development under hypoxia. Recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed from a cross between a hypoxia-sensitive cultivar, Tachinagaha, and a tolerant landrace, Iyodaizu, were used. Seedlings were subjected to hypoxia, and root development was evaluated with the value change in root traits between after and before treatments. We found 230 polymorphic markers spanning 2519.2 cM distributed on all 20 chromosomes (Chrs.). Using these, we found 11 QTLs for root length (RL), root length development (RLD), root surface area (RSA), root surface area development (RSAD), root diameter (RD), and change in average root diameter (CARD) on Chrs. 11, 12, 13 and 14, and 7 QTLs for hypoxia tolerance of these root traits. These included QTLs for RLD and RSAD between markers Satt052 and Satt302 on Chr. 12, which are important markers of hypoxia tolerance in soybean; those QTLs were stable between 2 years. To validate the QTLs, we developed a near-isogenic line with the QTL region derived from Iyodaizu. The line performed well under both hypoxia and waterlogging, suggesting that the region contains one or more genes with large effects on root development. These findings may be useful for fine mapping and positional cloning of gene responsible for root development under hypoxia.
MCP-1/CCL2 plays an important role in the initiation and progression of cancer. Since tumor cells produce MCP-1, they are considered to be the main source of this chemokine. Here, we examined whether MCP-1 produced by non-tumor cells affects the growth and lung metastasis of 4T1 breast cancer cells by transplanting them into the mammary pad of WT or MCP-1−/− mice. Primary tumors at the injected site grew similarly in both mice; however, lung metastases were markedly reduced in MCP-1−/− mice, with significantly longer mouse survival. High levels of MCP-1 mRNA were detected in tumors growing in WT, but not MCP-1−/− mice. Serum MCP-1 levels were increased in tumor-bearing WT, but not MCP-1−/− mice. Transplantation of MCP-1−/− bone marrow cells into WT mice did not alter the incidence of lung metastasis, whereas transplantation of WT bone marrow cells into MCP-1−/− mice increased lung metastasis. The primary tumors of MCP-1−/− mice consistently developed necrosis earlier than those of WT mice and showed decreased infiltration by macrophages and reduced angiogenesis. Interestingly, 4T1 cells that metastasized to the lung constitutively expressed elevated levels of MCP-1, and intravenous injection of 4T1 cells producing a high level of MCP-1 resulted in increased tumor foci in the lung of WT and MCP-1−/− mice. Thus, stromal cell-derived MCP-1 in the primary tumors promotes lung metastasis of 4T1 cells, but tumor cell-derived MCP-1 can also contribute once tumor cells enter the circulation. A greater understanding of the source and role of this chemokine may lead to novel strategies for cancer treatment.  相似文献   
Multidrug efflux pumps play an important role as a self-defense system in bacteria. Bacterial multidrug efflux pumps are classified into five families based on structure and coupling energy: resistance−nodulation−cell division (RND), small multidrug resistance (SMR), major facilitator (MF), ATP binding cassette (ABC), and multidrug and toxic compounds extrusion (MATE). We cloned a gene encoding a MATE-type multidrug efflux pump from Streptococcus pneumoniae R6, and designated it pdrM. PdrM showed sequence similarity with NorM from Vibrio parahaemolyticus, YdhE from Escherichia coli, and other bacterial MATE-type multidrug efflux pumps. Heterologous expression of PdrM let to elevated resistance to several antibacterial agents, norfloxacin, acriflavine, and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) in E. coli KAM32 cells. PdrM effluxes acriflavine and DAPI in a Na+- or Li+-dependent manner. Moreover, Na+ efflux via PdrM was observed when acriflavine was added to Na+-loaded cells expressing pdrM. Therefore, we conclude that PdrM is a Na+/drug antiporter in S. pneumoniae. In addition to pdrM, we found another two genes, spr1756 and spr1877,that met the criteria of MATE-type by searching the S. pneumoniae genome database. However, cloned spr1756 and spr1877 did not elevate the MIC of any of the investigated drugs. mRNA expression of spr1756, spr1877, and pdrM was detected in S. pneumoniae R6 under laboratory growth conditions. Therefore, spr1756 and spr1877 are supposed to play physiological roles in this growth condition, but they may be unrelated to drug resistance.  相似文献   
Systematic Parasitology - Recent occasional examinations of two species of eels (Anguilliformes: Anguillidae) in Japan, the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica Temminck &amp; Schlegel from central...  相似文献   
Unraveling the metabolic and phytohormonal changes in anthers exposed to heat stress would help identify mechanisms regulating heat stress tolerance during the sensitive reproductive stage. Two spring wheat genotypes contrasting for heat tolerance were exposed to heat stress during heading in controlled environment chambers. Anthers were collected from main and primary spikes for metabolic and phytohormonal profiling. A significant reduction in seed set (38%), grain number (54%) and grain weight (52%) per plant was recorded in the sensitive (KSG1177) but not in the tolerant (KSG1214) genotype under heat stress compared to control. Anther metabolite accumulation did not vary quantitatively between main and primary spikes. Hierarchical clustering of the genotypes and treatments using metabolites and phytohormones revealed a distinct cluster for KSG1177 under heat stress from that of control and KSG1214. A significant increase in N-based amino acids, ABA, IAA-conjugate and a decrease in polyamines and organic acids were observed in wheat anthers exposed to heat stress. Unlike KSG1214, a significantly higher accumulation of amino acids, ABA and IAA-conjugate in anthers of the sensitive KSG1177 was recorded under heat stress. These findings provide the rationale and direction towards developing molecular markers for enhancing heat stress tolerance in wheat.  相似文献   
Missense mutations of the RET gene have been identified in both multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 2A/B and Hirschsprung disease (HSCR: congenital absence of the enteric nervous system, ENS). Current consensus holds that MEN2A/B and HSCR are caused by activating and inactivating RET mutations, respectively. However, the biological significance of RET missense mutations in vivo has not been fully elucidated. In the present study, we introduced one MEN2B-associated (M918T) and two HSCR-associated (N394K and Y791F) RET missense mutations into the corresponding regions of the mouse Ret gene by genome editing (RetM919T, RetN396K and RetY792F) and performed histological examinations of Ret-expressing tissues to understand the pathogenetic impact of each mutant in vivo. RetM919T/+ mice displayed MEN2B-related phenotypes, including C-cell hyperplasia and abnormal enlargement of the primary sympathetic ganglia. Similar sympathetic phenotype was observed in RetM919T/- mice, demonstrating a strong pathogenetic effect of the Ret M918T by a single-allele expression. In contrast, no abnormality was found in the ENS of mice harboring the Ret N394K or Y791F mutation. Most surprisingly, single-allele expression of RET N394K or Y791F was sufficient for normal ENS development, indicating that these RET mutants exert largely physiological function in vivo. This study reveals contrasting pathogenetic effects between MEN2B- and HSCR-associated RET missense mutations, and suggests that some of HSCR-associated RET missense mutations are by themselves neither inactivating nor pathogenetic and require involvement of other gene mutations for disease expressivity.  相似文献   
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