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Sera from individuals infected by HIV-1 usually neutralize multiple viral isolates. To determine the extent to which these neutralizing antibodies recognize a principal neutralizing determinant in the V3 region of the envelope protein gp120 (amino acids 308-332), one broadly neutralizing serum was fractionated by affinity chromatography on immobilized peptide columns. Antibodies that neutralize one isolate (HTLV-IIIMN) were substantially but not completely absorbed by the peptide corresponding to a portion of its V3 determinant, whereas the antibodies that neutralize two other isolates (HTLV-IIIB and HTLV-IIIRF) were not absorbed by homologous peptides corresponding to their neutralizing determinants. Neutralizing antibodies also failed to be absorbed by full length envelope protein gp160 and by two other envelope peptides previously reported to be broadly neutralizing epitopes (amino acids 254-274 and 735-752). We conclude that the infected individual had raised a type-restricted neutralizing response targeted at a linear epitope in the V3 region, and that broad neutralization resulted from recognition of epitopes not yet identified.  相似文献   
The ratio of the extracellular to the intracellular activityof carbonic anhydrase (CA) in cells of Chlorella ellipsoideaC-27, adapted to low levels of CO2 for 24 h (low-CO2 cells),was about one to one. Treatment of intact cells with PronaseP inactivated about one-half of the extracellular CA activitywithout affecting photosynthetic activity. The CA activity incell homogenates and in cell-wall ghosts liberated during celldivision was completely inactivated by the same treatment. Pretreatmentwith Glycosidase mix, Chitosanase and Macerozyme enhanced theinactivation of the CA activity in intact cells. These resultssuggest that extracellular CA is evenly distributed throughoutthe whole cell-wall region. The apparent K1/2 for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in low-CO2cells doubled when extracellular CA was inactivated by treatmentwith Pronase P, but the K1/2 obtained was still one-half ofthat in high-CO2 cells. Photosynthetic 14CO2-fixation in low-CO2cells was enhanced by acetazolamide, whereas H14CO3-fixationwas suppressed. The results suggest that CO2 is a dominant substrateutilized by cells and that HCO3 is utilized after conversionto CO2. The present results show that both intracellular andextracellular CA contribute to the increase in affinity forDIC during photosynthesis in low-CO2 cells of Chlorella ellipsoideaC-27. (Received May 7, 1990; Accepted July 18, 1990)  相似文献   
Growth of chimpanzees reared at the Kumamoto Primates Park of Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho Co. Ltd. was studied cross-sectionally from the viewpoints of somatic growth and reproductive maturation. Distance and velocity curves were expressed using spline function method. Males showed adolescent growth acceleration in body weight, with a peak at 7.86 yrs of age, but not in trunk length. Females showed continuous rapid growth from mid-juvenile to adolescent phase in both body weight and trunk length, but no isolated adolescent spurt. The Sanwa chimpanzees matured at about 12.5 yrs of age for females and 15.0 yrs for males. The mean adult weights and trunk lengths were 53.2 kg and 507.8 mm for males and 42.7 kg and 481.6 mm for females. The Sanwa chimpanzees had similar growth patterns to those of the Yerkes chimpanzees, although they showed a slight delay in infancy, and a higher growth rate from the early juvenile phase onwards. Growth patterns in these two laboratories may be regarded as “normative” for laboratory-reared chimpanzees. They matured earlier than wild chimpanzees by more than two years. The major reason for the retarded maturation in wild chimpanzees is the delay of growth from infant to the early juvenile phases (0–4 yrs of age), probably owing to a limited nutritional supply from the mother. Development of the testes comprised three phases: slow growth from infant to juvenile (until 6.4 yrs); rapid growth around adolescence (until 9.2 yrs); and adult (mean testicular volume, 187 cm3). Setting the nutritional standard at 2,000–2,600 Cal/day (= Kcal/day) per adult, calories were considered for captive chimpanzees in each age class.  相似文献   
The density of a Japanese serow (Capricornis crispus) population, which has been in stable habitat conditions and free from hunting and predation, was investigated by direct observation of serows at Kusoudomari (336 ha), Wakinosawa village, Aomori Prefecture, Japan, during 1977–89. The vegetation, composed of mature mixed forest ofThujopsis with deciduous trees (43.2%), secondary forest of deciduous trees (23.4%) and a plantation of coniferous trees (30.0%) showed little change during the study period. The serows were counted 17 times each winter for 14 consecutive years. The serow population maintained a stable density with a mean of 12.5 individuals km−2 (SD=1.4) ranging from 8.6 to 14.6 km−2. The ratio of the proportion of kids (<1 year old) to serows more than 1 year old decreased, but density did not decrease during the study period. Though extremely severe winters with heavy snowfall in 1984–86 caused a decline in serow density, the density recovered within a few years. It was considered that the stability of the serow density resulted mainly from the stable food supply and the lack of human disturbance, such as forest cutting in the habitat. Stable population density for a long period is probably related to the social organization of the serow.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effect of capsaicin on axoplasmic transport in cultured dorsal root ganglion cells was analyzed by video-enhanced contrast microscopy. Capsaicin inhibited particle transports in a dose-dependent manner, irrespective of the diameter of axons. The effect of capsaicin was reversible at low concentrations. Capsaicin affected both the anterograde and retrograde transport. Large organelles were more sensitive to capsaicin than small ones in the retrograde transport. An experiment using calcium-sensitive dye, Fura 2, indicated that capsaicin raised the intraneuronal free calcium concentration preceding the inhibition of the transport. Electron microscopy revealed that microtubules and neurofilaments are disorganized and disoriented by capsaicin. We reached a conclusion that capsaicin inhibits fast axoplasmic transport of both anterograde and retrograde directions in all types of somatosensory neurons in culture by disorganizing intraaxonal cytoskeletal structures, through the elevated intracellular Ca2+ concentration. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A new technique was devised for the dynamic detection of the axoplasmic transport of β-radioactively labeled materials in which a semiconductor radiation detector was used as the β-ray counter. The detector element is a silicon p-n junction diode and has a diameter of 2.0 mm. With this detector, the β-radioactive distribution of axoplasmic transport could be measured in an axon maintained physiologically without cutting nerves. This method makes possible determination of the transport rate using one bundle of peripheral nerves. The rate in the bullfrog was 6.4 mm per hour at 24.0 °C. Temperature effects on the bullfrog axoplasmic transport were also observed at different temperatures, ranging from 5.0 to 24.0 °C. At these temperatures the rate increased as an exponential function of temperature from 1.1 to 6.4 mm per hour. Within this temperature range, the Q10 is 2.5 and an Arrhenius plot of the natural logarithm of velocity versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature yielded an apparent activation energy of 14.8 Kcal. This technique offers great advantages in permitting direct study of the axoplasmic flow of the axon in a physiological condition.  相似文献   
The crystal structures of (1→3)-α-d-glucan triacetates were studied by X-ray diffraction measurements on fibre diagrams. The oriented films annealed in water at high temperature were of higher crystallinity and occurred as two crystalline polymorphs (GTA I and GTA II) depending on the samples and also the annealing temperature. All reflections in GTA I were indexed with a pseudo-orthorhombic unit cell with a = 1·753, b = 3·018 and c(fibre axis) = 1·205 nm. From the fibre repeat data coupled with the density data and the presence of only the (003) reflection on the meridian, an extended three-fold helical structure was proposed. Although some reflections in GTA II split from the layer lines, the basic unit cell was a monoclinic system with a = 1·685, b = 3·878, c (fibre axis) = 1·210 nm and γ = 112·2°. A similar three-fold structure to GTA I was proposed from the almost identical fibre repeat and the conformational analysis on (1→3)-α-d-glucan. It was concluded that, on acetylation, the d-glucan structure changed from the fully extended two-fold helix to the extended three-fold accompanied by some extent of chain shrinking.  相似文献   
Platelet aggregation activity due to platelet-activating factor (PAF) was detected at high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight fractions after gel-filtration chromatography of cell lysate of endothelial cells. [3H]PAF added to the cell lysate was similarly distributed after chromatography. The radioactivity associated with HMW fraction was not reduced by digesting the lysate with trypsin, suggesting that PAF was not making complexes with proteins but was included in lipid vesicles in cell lysate. Further evidence showed that an unknown specific factor(s) was needed to form these PAF-containing lipid vesicles. Radioactivity was not found in HMW fraction when [3H]PAF was mixed with cell lysate of vascular smooth muscle cells. When monomeric PAF was added to endothelial cell lysate, the specific activity of aggregation decreased to the level exerted by endogenous PAF-containing lipid vesicles due to incorporation into lipid vesicles. PAF in the form of lipid vesicles was more stable in plasma than monomeric form.  相似文献   
Catharanthine and akuammicine, together with ajmalicine and strictosidine, were isolated from a culture strain of Catharanthus roseus suspension cells. The biosynthetic capability of the cultured cells to produce akuammicine, catharanthine and vindoline was confirmed by feeding experiments with dl-tryptophan-[3-14C] to yield the radioactive alkaloids.  相似文献   
Radioisotopically labelled l-leucine and l-valine were fed to Pisum sativum and incorporated into squalene and β-amyrin. Chemical degradation of the radioactive squalene revealed an equal distribution of the radioactivity in the isopentenyl pyrophosphate(IPP)-derived and the 3,3-dimethylallyl pyrophosphate(DMAPP)-derived moieties of the squalene molecule, unlike the unbalanced distribution in favour of the DMAPP-derived moiety of a monoterpenoid molecule biosynthesized from these amino acids by higher plants.  相似文献   
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