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Convergent evolution is a widespread phenomenon seen in diverseorganisms inhabiting similar selective environments. However,it is unclear if similar phenotypes are produced by the sameor different genes and mutations. Here we analyze the molecularmechanisms underlying convergent pigment pattern among subspeciesof the beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus) inhabiting the Gulfand Atlantic coasts of Florida. In these two geographic regions,separated by more than 300 km, "beach mice" have lighter coloredcoats than do their mainland counterparts, produced by naturalselection for camouflage against the pale coastal sand dunes.We measured color pattern in eight beach mouse subspecies andshowed that three of the Gulf Coast subspecies are more phenotypicallysimilar to an Atlantic coast subspecies than to their Gulf Coastneighbors. However, light-colored beach mice do not form a monophyleticgroup. Previous results implicated a single derived amino acidchange in the melanocortin-1 receptor (Mc1r) as a major contributorto pigment pattern in the Gulf Coast beach mice; despite phenotypicsimilarities, the derived Mc1r allele was not found in the Atlanticcoast beach mouse populations. Here we show that Atlantic coastbeach mice have high levels of Mc1r polymorphism but they lackunique alleles. Functional assays revealed that single aminoacid mutations segregating in Atlantic coast beach mice do notcause any change in Mc1r activity compared with the activityof Mc1r from dark-colored mice. These joint results show thatconvergent pigment patterns in recently diverged beach mousesubspecies—whose developmental constraints are presumablysimilar—have evolved through a diversity of genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   
Even though relationships within Annelida are poorly understood, Eunicida is one of only a few major annelid lineages well supported by morphology. The seven recognized eunicid families possess sclerotized jaws that include mandibles and a maxillary apparatus. The maxillary apparatuses vary in shape and number of elements, and three main types are recognized in extant taxa: ctenognath, labidognath, and prionognath. Ctenognath jaws are usually considered to represent the plesiomorphic state of Eunicida, whereas taxa with labidognath and prionognath are thought to form a derived monophyletic assemblage. However, this hypothesis has never been tested in a statistical framework even though it holds considerable importance for understanding annelid phylogeny and possibly lophotrochozoan evolution because Eunicida has the best annelid fossil record. Therefore, we used maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference approaches to reconstruct Eunicida phylogeny using sequence data from nuclear 18S and 28S rDNA genes and mitochondrial 16S rDNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I genes. Additionally, we conducted three different tests to investigate suitability of combining data sets. Incongruence length difference (ILD) and Shimodaira-Hasegawa (SH) test comparisons of resultant trees under different data partitions have been widely used previously but do not give a good indication as to which nodes may be causing the conflict. Thus, we developed a partition addition bootstrap alteration (PABA) approach that evaluates congruence or conflict for any given node by determining how bootstrap scores are altered when different data partitions are added. PABA shows the contribution of each partition to the phylogeny obtained in the combined analysis. Generally, the ILD test performed worse than the other approaches in detecting incongruence. Both PABA and the SH approach indicated the 28S and COI data sets add conflicting signal, but PABA is more informative for elucidating which data partition may be misleading at a given node. All our analyses indicate that the monophyly of the labidognath/prionognath taxa and even a labidognath clade (i.e., a "Eunicidae"/Onuphidae/Lumbrineridae clade) is significantly rejected. We show that the definition of both the labidognath and ctenognath jaw type does not address adequately the variation within Eunicida and thus misleads our current evolutionary understanding. Based on the presented results a symmetric maxillary apparatus with a carrier and four to six maxillae is most likely the plesiomorphic condition for Eunicida. [COI; conflicting data; fossil record; ILD; Jaw Evolution; molecular phylogeny; rDNA; SH test.].  相似文献   
Neuritic plaques of Alzheimer patients are composed of multiple protein components. Among them, the amyloid beta-peptides (Abeta) 1-40/42 and further N- and C-terminally modified fragments of Abeta are highly abundant. Most prominent are the isoaspartate (isoAsp)-Abeta peptides and pyroglutamyl (pGlu)-Abeta. While pGlu-Abeta can only be formed from an N-terminal glutamate by glutaminyl cyclase, spontaneous isoAsp-isomerization cannot occur at an N-terminal aspartate of peptides. This means that isoAsp-Abeta formation must precede proteolysis of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Abeta generation from APP by beta- and gamma-secretases initiates the amyloid peptide aggregation and deposition process. Two aspartate proteases have been identified as secretases: BACE-1 (beta-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme) and the intramembrane gamma-secretase multiprotein complex. However, recent evidence supports more than one beta-secretase initiating this cascade. Formation of Abeta1-40/42 was predominantly studied by expression of mutated human APP sequences in cell culture and transgenic animals, generating Abeta fragments that did not contain such multiple posttranslational modifications as in Alzheimer's disease. This prompted us to investigate the catalytic turnover of Asp- or isoAsp-containing APP-derived peptide sequences by BACE-1 and cathepsin B, another potential beta-secretase. While cathepsin B is more effective than BACE-1 in processing the Asp-containing peptide derivatives, only cathepsin B can cleave the isoAsp-containing peptides, which occurs with high catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   
Mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella) rank among the most critically endangered mammals on the Arabian Peninsula. Past conservation efforts have been plagued by confusion about the phylogenetic relationship among various ‘phenotypically discernable’ populations, and even the question of species boundaries was far from being certain. This lack of knowledge has had a direct impact on conservation measures, especially ex situ breeding programmes, hampering the assignment of captive stocks to potential conservation units. Here, we provide a phylogenetic framework, based on the analysis of mtDNA sequences (360 bp cytochrome b and 213 bp Control Region) of 126 individuals collected from the wild throughout the Arabian Peninsula and from captive stocks. Our analyses revealed two reciprocally monophyletic genetic lineages within the presumed species Gazella gazella: one ‘northern clade’ on the Golan Heights (Israel/Syrian border) and one genetically diverse larger clade from the rest of the Arabian Peninsula including the Arava Valley (Negev, Israel). Applying the Strict Phylogenetic Species Concept (sensu Mishler & Theriot, 2000 Mishler, B. D. and Theriot, E. C. 2000. “The phylogenetic species concept (sensu Mishler and Theriot): monophyly, apomorphy, and phylogenetic species concepts”. In Species Concepts and Phylogenetic Theory. A Debate, Edited by: Wheeler, Q. D. and Meier, R. 4454. Columbia University Press, NY.  [Google Scholar]) allows assigning species status to these two major clades.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), the causative agent of Johne disease in cattle and other ruminants, is proposed to be at least one of the causes of Crohn disease in humans. MAP and Mycobacterium avium subspecies avium, a closely related opportunistic environmental bacterium, share 95% of their genes and exhibit homologies of more than 99% between these genes. The identification of molecules specific for MAP is essential for understanding its pathogenicity and for development of useful diagnostic tools. The application of gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance led to the structural identification of a major cell wall lipopeptide of MAP, termed Para-LP-01, defined as C20 fatty acyl-D-Phe-N-Me-L-Val-L-Ile-L-Phe-L-Ala methyl ester. Variations of this lipopeptide with different fatty acyl moieties (C16 fatty acyl through C17, C18, C19, C21 to C22) were also identified. Besides the specificity of this lipopeptide for MAP, the presence of an N-Me-L-valine represents the first reported N-methylated amino acid within an immunogenic lipopeptide of mycobacteria. Sera from animals with Johne disease, but not sera from uninfected cattle, reacted with this lipopeptide, indicating potential biological importance.  相似文献   
The Sec61/SecY translocon mediates translocation of proteins across the membrane and integration of membrane proteins into the lipid bilayer. The structure of the translocon revealed a plug domain blocking the pore on the lumenal side. It was proposed to be important for gating the protein conducting channel and for maintaining the permeability barrier in its unoccupied state. Here, we analyzed in yeast the effect of introducing destabilizing point mutations in the plug domain or of its partial or complete deletion. Unexpectedly, even when the entire plug domain was deleted, cells were viable without growth phenotype. They showed an effect on signal sequence orientation of diagnostic signal-anchor proteins, a minor defect in cotranslational and a significant deficiency in posttranslational translocation. Steady-state levels of the mutant protein were reduced, and when coexpressed with wild-type Sec61p, the mutant lacking the plug competed poorly for complex partners. The results suggest that the plug is unlikely to be important for sealing the translocation pore in yeast but that it plays a role in stabilizing Sec61p during translocon formation.  相似文献   
Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive intracellular pathogen responsible for opportunistic infections in humans and animals. Here we identified and characterized the dtpT gene (lmo0555) of L. monocytogenes EGD-e, encoding the di- and tripeptide transporter, and assessed its role in growth under various environmental conditions as well as in the virulence of L. monocytogenes. Uptake of the dipeptide Pro-[14C]Ala was mediated by the DtpT transporter and was abrogated in a ΔdtpT isogenic deletion mutant. The DtpT transporter was shown to be required for growth when the essential amino acids leucine and valine were supplied as peptides. The protective effect of glycine- and proline-containing peptides during growth in defined medium containing 3% NaCl was noted only in L. monocytogenes EGD-e, not in the ΔdtpT mutant strain, indicating that the DtpT transporter is involved in salt stress protection. Infection studies showed that DtpT contributes to pathogenesis in a mouse infection model but has no role in bacterial growth following infection of J774 macrophages. These studies reveal that DptT may contribute to the virulence of L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   
Two hundred sixty-four δ18O and δ13C values of Permian articulate brachiopod shells were analyzed and 81 of these values were characterized as well preserved and biostratigraphically well defined. These were then utilized for construction of baseline oxygen and carbon isotope curves for the Permian interval. In addition, 21 δ13C whole rock values are reported for the Wordian and Capitanian.The early Permian, Asselian to Artinskian, times are characterized by ∼ 2.5‰ decrease in oxygen isotope values, from ∼ − 0.7‰ to − 3.3‰ (V-PDB). This is attributed to a ∼ 4-7 °C increase in temperature in the Southern Urals, concomitant with the retreat of the Permo-Carboniferous ice sheets and return of the 18O-depleted melt water into the oceans. The Late Permian samples from Iran (Jolfa at Kuh-e-Ali-Bashi) and China (Meishan) yield δ18O values, and presumably temperatures, similar to those that followed the termination of the large-scale glaciation in the Lower Permian. In between, the upper Kungurian to Capitanian samples from the Delaware Basin (Guadalupe Mountains) are enriched in 18O, at − 1.5‰ to − 3‰. We have no definitive explanation for these data, but tentatively suggest that the “anomaly” can potentially be a result of evaporative enrichment of seawater in 18O, due to intracratonic arid setting of the basin. The 18O-enriched nature of the Zechstein samples (− 1.2‰ to + 2.5‰), on the other hand, is in all probability a reflection of the high evaporation rates in the Zechstein sea.The Permian interval is characterized by a relatively constant δ13C, at about 4‰. The exceptions are again the brachiopods from the Delaware Basin (Guadalupe Mountains), which show ∼ 1.6‰ increase in the Guadalupian, to values of up to 5.9‰ in the Wordian. A tentative explanation, as in the case of oxygen, is based on the proposition that the semi-enclosed Delaware Basin was likely stratified, with sequestration of the 13C-depleted carbon to the deeper water layers and a complementary 13C enrichment in the upper oxygenated layer. The coeval open ocean water DIC may have been similar to that of the remainder of the Permian interval, at ∼ 4‰, as indicated by whole rock carbonate samples from Oman, Sicily, and Iran. In the latest Permian, the trend mimics the well-known δ13C drop at the Permian/Triassic boundary.  相似文献   
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