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INTRoDUCTIoNlYho1iumrePensL,whiteclover,isaneconomicallyimportantplantspeciesintemperatepastures.Asbrieflyreportedby[1],ithas16pairsofchromosomes(2n=32).Asyet,nodetailedcytologicalexaminationofthisspecies,suchasC-banding,hasbeenrep0rted.Inthelastdecade,thetechnique0fC-bandinghasbeenusedt0examinehighlyrepeatedsequencesinplantchrom0s0mesandhasprovidedausefultoolf0rtheanalysis0fcyt0geneticstructureincr0pplants[2-71.Inplants,thechr0m0s0mall0calizationofhighlyrepeatedDNAsequencesbyinsituhybr…  相似文献   
1. Development in organisms can vary in response to fluctuating environments. In holometabolous insects, variation in adult phenotypic traits is strongly influenced by growth conditions experienced by larvae. The main aim of this study was to assess how much environmental insight can be gained from analysis of the phenotypic changes in an insect's life history parameters in response to realistic food limitations. 2. This investigation was motivated by a need for more information about the developmental requirements of the endangered pine hoverfly Blera fallax (Linnaeus) (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Scotland. Blera fallax depends on a scarce and often ephemeral habitat, rot holes of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. stumps. We studied how rearing conditions affected growth in captive larvae, and compared these responses with a wild population. 3. The growth curve observed in the field was similar to that in resource‐limited, lab conditions, suggesting that resources are limiting in nature. The effects of resource availability on development time and body size depended on sex. Adult females were larger but had more variable size at maturity compared with males. In contrast, males typically were not smaller in resource‐limited conditions, but rather continued to develop for another year. Between 2% and 20% of larvae extended development over 2 years regardless of growth conditions, perhaps indicating a semivoltine strategy to circumvent extinction during years with a low breeding success. 4. These results identify life history traits that may be important for other saproxylic Diptera in rot holes, and organisms that experience food restrictions during growth.  相似文献   
Kinetic measurements are employed to reconstruct the steady-state activation of acetylcholine [Ach] receptor channels in electrophorus electroplaques. Neurally evoked postsynaptic currents (PSCs) decay exponentially; at 15 degrees C the rate constant, α, equals 1.2 ms(-1) at 0 mV and decreases e-fold for every 86 mV as the membrane voltage is made more negative. Voltage-jump relaxations have been measured with bath-applied ACh, decamethonium, carbachol, or suberylcholine. We interpret the reciprocal relaxation time 1/τ as the sum of the rate constant α for channel closing and a first-order rate constant for channel opening. Where measureable, the opening rate increases linearly with [agonist] and does not vary with voltage. The voltage sensitivity of small steady-state conductances (e- fold for 86 mV) equals that of the closing rate α, confirming that the opening rate has little or no additional voltage sensitivity. Exposure to α-bungarotoxin irreversibly decreases the agonist-induced conductance but does not affect the relaxation kinetics. Tubocurarine reversibly reduces both the conductance and the opening rate. In the simultaneous presence of two agonist species, voltage-jump relaxations have at least two exponential components. The data are fit by a model in which (a) the channel opens as the receptor binds the second in a sequence of two agonist molecules, with a forward rate constant to 10(7) to 2x10(8) M(-1)s(-1); and (b) the channel then closes as either agonist molecule dissociates, with a voltage-dependent rate constant of 10(2) to 3x10(3)s(-1).  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. A lagged, density-dependent relationship between survival of early instars and host-tree condition is revealed during outbreaks of spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana Clem. Persistent damage to hosts leads to deterioration of the stand.
2. Resource limitation affects survival during early-instar dispersal of spruce budworm. Impediments to distinguishing these events with estimates of survival were overcome with a simple model that describes the dispersal and survival processes. The model was used to analyse a recent 15-year population series from Black Sturgeon Lake and two historical datasets from Green River, in Canada.
3. Defoliation-induced damage to the trees resulted in increased losses of spring-emerging larvae that are dispersing in search of feeding sites. Losses were further exacerbated by biotic factors such as maternal fecundity, rates of infection by the pathogen, Nosema fumiferanae , and by weather-related effects on the foraging period.
4. Survival of early-stage budworm larvae in persistent outbreaks declined and the likelihood of other density-related factors such as rate of mortality from natural enemies increased. These results may reconcile outstanding differences in interpretation of the role of the forest resource in spruce budworm population dynamics and point to a common process linking the dynamics of other well-known budworm species.  相似文献   
Monthly surveys of Bewick's Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii , Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus and Mute Swans Cygnus olor in Britain and Ireland were made during the 1990–1991 winter to determine factors affecting the swans' selection of feeding sites. Geographic location and habitat both influenced site selection. Whooper Swans occurred in greatest numbers at sites in Scotland, northeastern England and Northern Ireland, whereas Bewick's Swans had a more southerly distribution, reflecting differences in the migratory routes used by these two species. The resident Mute Swans were more widespread, with large flocks occurring in southeastern England and in parts of Scotland. Whooper and Mute Swans were found mainly on permanent inland waters (68% and 61%, respectively), but the majority of Bewick's Swans (60%) were on arable land. The percentage of Bewick's Swan flocks found on permanent inland waters (42%) was higher than that found on arable fields (23%), indicating that the large number recorded on arable land was a result of the birds congregating at a comparatively small number of sites. Overall, less than 15% of Whooper Swans and 3% of Mute Swans were on arable crops during the winter, but the largest flocks were associated with arable land for all three species. Thus, although the occurrence of large flocks at particular arable sites may give an impression that swans feed mainly on farmland, the swans are in fact more widely dispersed. Regional variation in the percentage of juveniles present was recorded for all three species. Changes during the winter in the distribution of juveniles, and of the swans as a whole, are considered in relation to food supply and to migratory routes for the Bewick's and Whooper Swans.  相似文献   
In the first leaf of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Capelle) the content of soluble protein diminished to about 50% of the initial value between the 7th and the 19th day after sowing. In order to understand proteolysis in the leaves, the activities of several peptidases were measured in extracts from leaves at four different ages. The carboxypeptidase activities increased during the growth of the leaves, and then began to decrease. The activities of the alkaline peptidases increased, while that of the benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide (BAPA) hydrolysing enzyme decreased during the whole period studied. The “naphthylamidase” activities showed first a slow rise, but then leveled off. Two bands with naphthylamidase activity could be detected after disc electrophoresis. All the peptidases studied were present in the leaves at rather high concentrations. This indicates that they all may participate in the hydrolysis of leaf proteins into free amino acids.  相似文献   
Dental plaque is a natural biofilm which has been a focus of attention for many years because of its known roles in caries and periodontal diseases. Acid production by plaque bacteria leads to the erosion of tooth mineral in caries, and the cariogenicity of plaque is related to population levels of acid-tolerant organisms such as mutants streptococci. However, the biofilm character of plaque allows for survival of a diverse flora, including less acid-tolerant organisms, some of which can produce ammonia from arginine or urea to counter acidification. Plaque is often considered to be relatively anaerobic. However, evidence is presented here that both supragingival and subgingival plaque have active oxygen metabolism and that plaque bacteria, including anaerobes, have developed defenses against oxidative stress. Even in subgingival plaque associated with periodontitis, measured residual oxygen levels are sufficient to allow for oxygen metabolism by organisms considered to be extremely anaerobic such asTreponema denticola, which metabolizes oxygen by means of NADH oxidases and produces the protective enzymes superoxide dismutase and NADH peroxidase. The finding that plaque bacteria produce a variety of protective enzymes is a good indicator that oxidative stress is a part of their everyday life. The biofilm character of plaque allows for population diversity and coexistence of aerobes, anaerobes and microaerophiles. Overall, agents that affect oxidative metabolism offer possibilities for reducing the pathogenic activities of plaque.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We investigated the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic variables on overwinter survival of raccoons (Procyon lotor; n = 114) at the northern edge of their distribution. A Cox proportional hazard model identified winter severity as the variable with the greatest influence on raccoon survival (β = 1.08). Autumn body condition estimates (20.5 ± 0.46% total body fat) were relatively stable across years even though we observed large differences in autumn food indices. Variations in autumn body condition did not explain heterogeneity observed in overwinter survival nor the spring condition in which raccoons emerged. Relatively constant autumn body condition suggests reliable availability of anthropogenic food resources may negate variations observed in natural food items on which raccoons rely during hyperphagia. Conversely, spring body condition did vary among years and was highly correlated with winter severity. Accordingly, we also observed a strong inverse relationship with overwinter survival and winter severity. Our findings indicate winter climatic constraints are important factors governing the northern limit of raccoon distribution and changes in winter severity could have important implications in further range expansion of this species.  相似文献   
We developed eight polymorphic microsatellite loci to study the natural populations of Crocidura suaveolens, the lesser white‐toothed shrew. These loci are used in the study of insular populations of the French Atlantic coast where these shrews exhibit gigantism features that suggest an insular syndrome. These populations were threatened by the invasion of the rat Rattus norvegicus and the eradication of this alien pest in some islands was followed by a demographic expansion of the shrew populations. These first genetic results suggest that the shrew populations in the three studied islands are very differentiated.  相似文献   
悬钩子属植物化学成分及药理活性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对近10年来悬钩子属植物的化学成分和药理活性研究进行了综述,为该属植物的进一步开发利用提供参考。悬钩子属植物的化学成分主要包括黄酮、萜、鞣质、甾等。药理活性主要包括抗菌、抗炎、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、抗过敏、保肝、镇痛等。  相似文献   
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