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The high mutation rate of RNA viruses enables a diverse genetic population of viral genotypes to exist within a single infected host. In-host genetic diversity could better position the virus population to respond and adapt to a diverse array of selective pressures such as host-switching events. Multiple new coronaviruses, including SARS, have been identified in human samples just within the last ten years, demonstrating the potential of coronaviruses as emergent human pathogens. Deep sequencing was used to characterize genomic changes in coronavirus quasispecies during simulated host-switching. Three bovine nasal samples infected with bovine coronavirus were used to infect human and bovine macrophage and lung cell lines. The virus reproduced relatively well in macrophages, but the lung cell lines were not infected efficiently enough to allow passage of non lab-adapted samples. Approximately 12 kb of the genome was amplified before and after passage and sequenced at average coverages of nearly 950×(454 sequencing) and 38,000×(Illumina). The consensus sequence of many of the passaged samples had a 12 nucleotide insert in the consensus sequence of the spike gene, and multiple point mutations were associated with the presence of the insert. Deep sequencing revealed that the insert was present but very rare in the unpassaged samples and could quickly shift to dominate the population when placed in a different environment. The insert coded for three arginine residues, occurred in a region associated with fusion entry into host cells, and may allow infection of new cell types via heparin sulfate binding. Analysis of the deep sequencing data indicated that two distinct genotypes circulated at different frequency levels in each sample, and support the hypothesis that the mutations present in passaged strains were “selected” from a pre-existing pool rather than through de novo mutation and subsequent population fixation.  相似文献   
Using resistant cultivars is the most sustainable and practical approach against plant diseases. Plant germplasm and breeding lines are selected and assayed against, usually, the most aggressive or virulent strains of a pathogen (e.g., fungus) that causes the disease. However, prolong storage of the pathogen in culture media could affect virulence that, consequently, also influence the outcome of the resistance assay. This study demonstrates that long‐term storage (at least a year) of Colletotrichum truncatum and C. scovillei, causal agents of pepper anthracnose, in potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium decreased the aggressiveness and virulence of the fungus in host‐pepper fruits. However, reintroduction of the pathogen to the host and isolation of the pathogen as the new inoculum, prior to inoculation assays, increased the virulence of the fungi. These findings suggest that re‐inoculation and re‐isolation of Colletotichum truncatum and C. scovillei that have been stored for at least 1 year in PDA medium are necessary when using fungal cultures in pathogenicity and plant resistance assays to achieve desirable, comparable and reliable results.  相似文献   
Soluble receptors for hormones and cytokines have beendescribed. They can serve as natural blockers of theirrespective ligands. The natural soluble interferongamma receptor (sIFNR) has been isolated andcharacterized only in urine. Chromatography of human(hu) plasma from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patientsand controls on immobilized hu IFN orantibodies against IFN R chainpermitted us to isolate the sIFNR. Thereceptor isolated from one control is a protein witha molecular weight between 60-67 kDa depending on thepresence of reducing agents. We detected asignificantly higher level of plasma sIFNR inpatients with rheumatoid arthritis than in apparentlyhealthy subjects.  相似文献   
This study focused on the use of sound playbacks as acoustic deterrents to direct native potamodromous migratory species away from all kind of traps. The effects of two acoustic treatments, a repeated sine sweep up to 2 kHz (sweep-up stimulus) and an intermittent 140 Hz tone, were tested in three fish species native to Iberia: Salmo trutta, Pseudochondrostoma duriense and Luciobarbus bocagei. In contrast with S. trutta, the endemic cyprinids P. duriense and L. bocagei exhibited a strong repulse reaction to the frequency sweep-up sound. The 140 Hz stimulus did not seem to alter significantly the behaviour of any of the studied species. These results highlight the potential of acoustic stimuli as fish behavioural barriers and their application to in situ conservation measures of native Iberian fish populations, to protect them from hydropower dams. In addition, this study shows that acoustic deterrents can be used selectively on target species.  相似文献   
The mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA), porphyra-334 (lambda(max) = 334 nm; epsilon = 42,300 M(-1) cm(-1)), was isolated from the aquatic cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) and its structure was verified by spectroscopic methods. The UVA absorption properties of the crude methanolic extract were determined against two commercial sun care products in terms of mean critical wavelength, mean UVA/UVB ratios and UVA protection category (Boots the Chemists, Ltd.). The crude methanolic extract from AFA exhibited maximum UVA protection comparable to that determined for Boots SPF 4.  相似文献   
Aphids display life cycles largely determined by the photoperiod.During the warm long-day seasons.most aphid species reproduce by viviparous parthenogenesis.The shortening of the photoperiod in autumn induces a switch to sexual reproduction.Males and sexual females mate to produce overwintering resistant eggs.In addition to this full life cycle(holocycle),there are anholocyelic lineages that do not respond to changes in photoperiod and reproduce continuously by parthenogenesis.The molecular or hormonal events that trigger the scasonal response(i.c,induction of the sexual phenotypes)are still unknown.Although circadian synthesis of melatonin is known to play a key role in vertebrate photoperiodism,the involvement of the circadian clock and/or of the hor-mone melatonin in insect seasonal responses is not so well established.Here we show that melatonin levels in the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum are significantly higher in holocyclice aphids reared under short days than under long days,while no differences were found between anholoeyelic aphids under the same conditions.We also found that melatonin is localized in the aphid suboesophageal ganglion(SOG)and in the thoracic ganglionic mass(TGM).In analogy to vertcbrates,insect-type arylalkxylamine N-acetyltransferases(i-AANATs)are thought to play a key role in melatonin synthesis.We measured the expression of four I-AANAT genes identified in A.pisum and localized two of them in situ in the insect central nervous systems(CNS).Levels of expression of these genes were compatible with the quantities of melatonin observed.Moreover,like melatonin,expression of these genes was found in the SOG and the TGM.  相似文献   
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