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Communities worldwide are losing multiple species at an unprecedented rate, but how communities reassemble after these losses is often an open question. It is well established that the order and timing of species arrival during community assembly shapes forthcoming community composition and function. Yet, whether the order and timing of species losses can lead to divergent community trajectories remains largely unexplored. Here, we propose a novel framework that sets testable hypotheses on the effects of the order and timing of species losses—inverse priority effects—and suggests its integration into the study of community assembly. We propose that the order and timing of species losses within a community can generate alternative reassembly trajectories, and suggest mechanisms that may underlie these inverse priority effects. To formalize these concepts quantitatively, we used a three-species Lotka-Volterra competition model, enabling to investigate conditions in which the order of species losses can lead to divergent reassembly trajectories. The inverse priority effects framework proposed here promotes the systematic study of the dynamics of species losses from ecological communities, ultimately aimed to better understand community reassembly and guide management decisions in light of rapid global change.  相似文献   
Purine nucleotide synthesis in protozoa takes place exclusively via the purine salvage pathway and S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) is an important enzyme in the Plasmodium salvage pathway which is not present in erythrocytes. Here, we describe the antimalarial effect of 2′3′-dialdehyde adenosine or oxidized adenosine (oADO), inhibitor of SAHH, on in vitro infection of human erythrocytes by P. falciparum. Treatment of infected erythrocytes with oADO inhibits parasite development and reinvasion of new cells. Erythrocytes pre-treated with oADO have a reduced susceptibility to invasion. Our results suggest that oADO interferes with one or more parasitic enzymes of the purine salvage pathway.  相似文献   
Advanced classes of modern application require new generation of versatile solar cells showcasing extreme mechanical resilience, large‐scale, low cost, and excellent power conversion efficiency. Conventional crystalline silicon‐based solar cells offer one of the most highly efficient power sources, but a key challenge remains to attain mechanical resilience while preserving electrical performance. A complementary metal oxide semiconductor‐based integration strategy where corrugation architecture enables ultraflexible and low‐cost solar cell modules from bulk monocrystalline large‐scale (127 × 127 cm2) silicon solar wafers with a 17% power conversion efficiency. This periodic corrugated array benefits from an interchangeable solar cell segmentation scheme which preserves the active silicon thickness of 240 µm and achieves flexibility via interdigitated back contacts. These cells can reversibly withstand high mechanical stress and can be deformed to zigzag and bifacial modules. These corrugation silicon‐based solar cells offer ultraflexibility with high stability over 1000 bending cycles including convex and concave bending to broaden the application spectrum. Finally, the smallest bending radius of curvature lower than 140 µm of the back contacts is shown that carries the solar cells segments.  相似文献   
Water level, ash content, proximate (protein, lipid, carbohydrate and chitin) and elemental (carbon and nitrogen) composition were analyzed in twentythree species of Antarctic Zooplankton collected during the austral fall (1986) and winter (1988) from the Scotia/Weddell Sea region. Extremes in water level, ash content and organic components were typified by copepods and gelatinous forms. Ostracods and polychaetes were generally similar in composition to copepods, being only slightly higher in water level and ash content. Chaetognaths exhibited a composition intermediate in character with some components similar in value to that shown by crustaceans (i.e. protein) while other components were more in the range of values seen in gelatinous forms (i.e. water level and ash content). Protein was the major proximate component and measured values (as % Afdw) were fairly uniform among non-gelatinous species (x=33.9±6.9). Lipid levels were variable, with high values (>30% AFDW) only found for the copepods Calanoides acutus, Calanus propinquus and Euchaeta antarctica. Carbohydrate values were low in all species examined. Chitin was measured in crustacean species only. With the exception of C. acutus (x=2.5% AFDW chitin), values were similar among species with mean values being slightly higher in fall (x=11.8±2.5) than in winter (x=6.7±1.8). Among non-gelatinous species, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen was positively correlated with the lipid to protein ratio, underscoring the compositional association between elemental and proximate components in these groups. In gelatinous species, the relationship between carbon:nitrogen and lipid:protein was inconsistent and less pronounced. Caloric content was estimated from recovered organic matter for nongelatinous species. As a function of wet weight and dry weight, values reflected differences in water level and ash content among individual species. As a function of ashfree dry weight, values were similar among all species (x=3.6±0.9 kcal/g).Seasonal comparisons were possible for 12 of the 23 species. Among crustaceans, changes in water level and organic components were variable reflecting dissimilar trophic, reproductive or ecological habits among different species. Essentially no change in composition between fall and winter was observed for diapause species (e.g. Calanoides acutus and Rhincalanus gigas) as well as for omnivorous/ carnivorous species (e.g. Gaetanus tenuispinus). Conversely, large compositional changes were evident for Calanus propinquus, a small-particle grazer that relies heavily on lipid reserves. Chaetognaths and some gelatinous species exhibited a considerable decrease in ash content from fall to winter which, for most cases, was mirrored by some degree of increase in lipid level. At present, however, scant data are available to help explain the observed patterns of compositional change within non-crustacean species.  相似文献   
PR1 is a pathogenesis-related protein encoded in the parsley genome by a family of three genes (PR1-1, PR1-2 and PR1-3). Loss- and gain-of-function experiments in a transient expression system demonstrated the presence of two fungal elicitor responsive elements in each of the PR1-1 and PR1-2 promoters. These elements, W1, W2 and W3, contain the sequence (T)TGAC(C) and mutations that disrupt this sequence abolish function. Gel shift experiments demonstrated that W1, W2 and W3 are bound specifically by similar nuclear proteins. Three cDNA clones encoding sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins were isolated by South-Western screening and these proteins, designated WRKY1, 2 and 3, also bind specifically to W1, W2 and W3. WRKY1, 2 and 3 are members of the family of sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins, which we call the WRKY family. Treatment of parsley cells with the specific oligopeptide elicitor Pep25 induced a transient and extremely rapid increase in mRNA levels of WRKY1 and 3. WRKY2 mRNA levels in contrast showed a concomitant transient decrease. These rapid changes in WRKY mRNA levels in response to a defined signal molecule suggest that WRKY1, 2 and 3 play a key role in a signal transduction pathway that leads from elicitor perception to PR1 gene activation.  相似文献   
DEAE-cellulose column chromatography of Neurospora crassa soluble mycelial extracts leads to the resolution of three major protein kinase activity peaks designated PKI, PKII, and PKIII.PKII activity is stimulated by Ca2+ and Neurospora or brain calmodulin. Maximal stimulation was observed at 2 µM-free Ca2+ and 1 µg/ml of the modulator. The stimulatory effect of the Ca2+-calmodulin complex was blocked by EGTA and by some calmodulin antagonists such as phenothiazine drugs or compound 48/80.PKII phosphorylates different proteins, among which histone II-A at a low concentration and CDPKS, the synthetic peptide specific for Ca2+-calmodulin dependent protein kinases, are the best substrates. Some phosphorylation can be detected in the absence of any exogenous acceptor. PKII activity assayed in the presence of histone II-A or in the absence of exogenous phosphate acceptor (autophosphorylation) co-elute in a DEAE-cellulose column at 0.28 M NaCl. As result of the autophosphorylation reaction of the purified enzyme a main phosphorylated component of 70 kDa was resolved by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It is possible that this component is an active part of this enzyme.  相似文献   
Assuming that the repertoire of responses by living systems to perturbation gives a measure of their Darwinian fitness in a rapidly fluctuating environment, those that fulfill allometries (power laws) are described by means of catastrophes, whose variables and parameters are smooth functions of biological attributes. Using empirical allometries from a given system as input, a method is proposed to construct its associated catastrophe, allowing specific predictions on its susceptibility to perturbation and related properties, based on general results from catastrophe theory. The method is discussed within the macroecological context, and an example is provided by applying it to ecological systems that satisfy the self-thinning rule.  相似文献   
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