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Summary The hydrocarbon composition ofPseudomonas maltophilia was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Mono-, di- and tri-unsaturated alkenes were identified with a predominance of polyunsaturated components. The carbon chains of the alkenes contained single methyl branches iniso andanteiso position and double methyl branches in theiso-iso andanteiso-anteiso configurations. The composition of the hydrocarbons from cells grown in synthetic media enriched with amino acids or volatile fatty acids demonstrated that the probable precursors incorporated into individual hydrocarbons were branched and normal fatty acid chains in the range from C3 to C16. The probable fatty acid precursors which were connected together to form the major triunsaturated hydrocarbon chains were two monounsaturated chains, whereas the major liunsaturated chains resulted from condensation of saturated and monounsaturated chains. The probable precursors for the major monounsaturated hydrocarbons were C14 (C15) and C16 (C15) fatty acids. The accumulation of hydrocarbons was not detected until the cells were in the late exponential phase of growth; the maximal levels were reached at the mid-stationary phase of growth.  相似文献   
Lipopolysaccharides of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of two isolates of Microcystis aeruginosa were extracted with phenol/water and purified. Cesium chloride gradient ultracentrifugation of these preparations yielded only one fraction. The LPS contained significant amounts of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid, glucose, 3-deoxy sugars, glucosamine, fatty acids, fatty acid esters, hexoses, and phosphate. Heptose, a characteristic sugar component of the polysaccharide moiety of LPS of most gram-negative bacteria was absent. Lipopolysaccharides and lipid A hydrolysate of LPS preparations were active in mouse lethality and Limulus lysate gelation. The lipid A moiety was slightly less active in toxicity and Limulus lysate gelation assays than the intact LPS. The LPS and lipid A moiety of the two isolates of M. aeruginosa were less active in toxicity in mice and Limulus test than LPS of Salmonella abortus equi.  相似文献   
Micrococcus luteus cells exposed to Pb(NO3)2 contained cytosol ribosomal particles and disaggregated membranal ribosomal particles as determined by ultracentrifugation and spectral studies. Approx. 60% of the membrane ribosome fraction from lead exposed cells had a sedimentation value of 8.4S. Cytosol ribosomes from lead exposed cells as well as membranal and cytosol ribosomes from control cells were comparable by their contents of predominantly the 70S type with the 50S and 100S present in relatively small amounts. The lead content of the 8.4S component was more than 200 times higher than the components with higher sedimentation coefficients from lead exposed cells and approx. 650 times more than that of control cell ribosomes. The cells exposed to lead, however, showed no adverse effects from the lead in respect to their growth rates and cellular yields. These results indicate that lead is interacting only at specific sites of the membrane and is inducing events initiated only in strategic cellular regions. These data further substantiate that subtle changes do occur in lead exposed cells that show no obvious effects. It is assumed that these ‘minor’ alterations are, in toto, biologically significant.  相似文献   
Sarcina lutea was grown in Trypticase Soy Broth, Nutrient Broth, and a chemically defined medium. Gas chromatographic analysis of lipid components demonstrated that the composition of the medium had an effect on the relative per cent composition of the aliphatic hydrocarbons and fatty acids present in the cells. The branched olefinic hydrocarbons from the organisms grown in Trypticase Soy Broth showed no predominance or only a slight predominance of odd-numbered carbon chains, whereas the hydrocarbons from cells grown in the other two media showed an obvious predominance of odd-numbered carbon chains. The monocarboxylic fatty acid content and distribution showed only minor differences, with all normal saturated fatty acids present in relatively small quantities for cells grown in Nutrient Broth and in a chemically defined medium.  相似文献   
Arg(82) is one of the four buried charged residues in the retinal binding pocket of bacteriorhodopsin (bR). Previous studies show that Arg(82) controls the pK(a)s of Asp(85) and the proton release group and is essential for fast light-induced proton release. To further investigate the role of Arg(82) in light-induced proton pumping, we replaced Arg(82) with histidine and studied the resulting pigment and its photochemical properties. The main pK(a) of the purple-to-blue transition (pK(a) of Asp(85)) is unusually low in R82H: 1.0 versus 2.6 in wild type (WT). At pH 3, the pigment is purple and shows light and dark adaptation, but almost no light-induced Schiff base deprotonation (formation of the M intermediate) is observed. As the pH is increased from 3 to 7 the M yield increases with pK(a) 4.5 to a value approximately 40% of that in the WT. A transition with a similar pK(a) is observed in the pH dependence of the rate constant of dark adaptation, k(da). These data can be explained, assuming that some group deprotonates with pK(a) 4.5, causing an increase in the pK(a) of Asp(85) and thus affecting k(da) and the yield of M. As the pH is increased from 7 to 10.5 there is a further 2.5-fold increase in the yield of M and a decrease in its rise time from 200 &mgr;s to 75 &mgr;s with pK(a) 9. 4. The chromophore absorption band undergoes a 4-nm red shift with a similar pK(a). We assume that at high pH, the proton release group deprotonates in the unphotolyzed pigment, causing a transformation of the pigment into a red-shifted "alkaline" form which has a faster rate of light-induced Schiff base deprotonation. The pH dependence of proton release shows that coupling between Asp(85) and the proton release group is weakened in R82H. The pK(a) of the proton release group in M is 7.2 (versus 5.8 in the WT). At pH < 7, most of the proton release occurs during O --> bR transition with tau approximately 45 ms. This transition is slowed in R82H, indicating that Arg(82) is important for the proton transfer from Asp(85) to the proton release group. A model describing the interaction of Asp(85) with two ionizable residues is proposed to describe the pH dependence of light-induced Schiff base deprotonation and proton release.  相似文献   
Long‐term datasets are needed to evaluate temporal patterns in wildlife disease burdens, but historical data on parasite abundance are extremely rare. For more than a century, natural history collections have been accumulating fluid‐preserved specimens, which should contain the parasites infecting the host at the time of its preservation. However, before this unique data source can be exploited, we must identify the artifacts that are introduced by the preservation process. Here, we experimentally address whether the preservation process alters the degree to which metazoan parasites are detectable in fluid‐preserved fish specimens when using visual parasite detection techniques. We randomly assigned fish of three species (Gadus chalcogrammus, Thaleichthys pacificus, and Parophrys vetulus) to two treatments. In the first treatment, fish were preserved according to the standard procedures used in ichthyological collections. Immediately after the fluid‐preservation process was complete, we performed parasitological dissection on those specimens. The second treatment was a control, in which fish were dissected without being subjected to the fluid‐preservation process. We compared parasite abundance between the two treatments. Across 298 fish individuals and 59 host–parasite pairs, we found few differences between treatments, with 24 of 27 host–parasite pairs equally abundant between the two treatments. Of these, one pair was significantly more abundant in the preservation treatment than in the control group, and two pairs were significantly less abundant in the preservation treatment than in the control group. Our data suggest that the fluid‐preservation process does not have a substantial effect on the detectability of metazoan parasites. This study addresses only the effects of the fixation and preservation process; long‐term experiments are needed to address whether parasite detectability remains unchanged in the months, years, and decades of storage following preservation. If so, ecologists will be able to reconstruct novel, long‐term datasets on parasite diversity and abundance over the past century or more using fluid‐preserved specimens from natural history collections.  相似文献   
Measures of population productivity and individual survival are essential for effective conservation management and scientific investigations. In studies of birds, individuals are often marked with unique colour band combinations to enable estimates of population vital rates. If birds are banded in the nest this must be done at the correct stage in nestling development. If nestlings are banded too early it can lead to leg damage. If they are banded too late it can cause early fledging and reduced survival. Here, we use photographs to guide estimation of the best stage to band North Island robin (Petroica longipes), or toutouwai, nestlings, which is typically at 9–12 days of age.  相似文献   
The Nes subgroup of the Gobiosomatini (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) is an ecologically diverse clade of fishes endemic to the tropical western Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans. It has been suggested that morphological characters in gobies tend to evolve via reduction and loss associated with miniaturization, and this, coupled with the parallel evolution of adaptations to similar microhabitats, may lead to homoplasy and ultimately obscure our ability to discern phylogenetic relationships using morphological characters alone. This may be particularly true for the Nes subgroup of gobies, where several genera that are diagnosed by ‘reductive characters’ have been shown to be polyphyletic. Here we present the most comprehensive phylogeny to date of the Nes subgroup using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. We then evaluate the congruence between the distribution of morphological characters and our molecular tree using maximum‐likelihood ancestral state reconstruction, and test for phylogenetic signal in characters using Pagel's λ tree transformations (Nature, 401 , 1999 and 877). Our results indicate that all of the characters previously used to diagnose genera of the Nes subgroup display some degree of homoplasy with respect to our molecular tree; however, many characters display considerable phylogenetic signal and thus may be useful in diagnosing genera when used in combination with other characters. We present a new classification for the group in which all genera are monophyletic and in most cases diagnosed by combinations of morphological characters. The new classification includes four new genera and nine new species described here, many of which were collected from rarely sampled deep Caribbean reefs using manned submersibles. The group now contains 38 species in the genera Carrigobius gen. nov., Chriolepis, Eleotrica, Gobulus, Gymneleotris, Nes, Paedovaricus gen. nov., Pinnichthys gen. nov., Psilotris, and Varicus. Lastly, we provide a key to all named species of the Nes subgroup along with photographs and illustrations to aid in identification.  相似文献   
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