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Helicobacter pylori is one of the most prevalent human pathogens in the world and is the aetiological agent of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and gastric malignancies. In addition H. pylori and other novel members of the genus are capable of successfully colonising the bile-rich niche of the upper intestine and are associated with a diverse range of intestinal pathologies. Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry was used to analyse surface extracts from H. pylori, Helicobacter bilis, Helicobacter pullorum and "Helicobacter sp. flexispira" to characterise cell surface changes following bile stress. The system detected two distinct response patterns to bile stress on the cell surface of Helicobacter spp. in vitro. The first involved the increase under bile stress of peaks at 7.6 and 7.9 kDa for H. billis and H. pullorum, respectively. In contrast both "Helicobacter sp. flexispira" and a clinical isolate of H. pylori had similar response profiles to bile stress. Both strains had at least three low mass peaks decreased under bile stress and a single peak induced by bile stress. The present study has established the use of ProteinChip(R) technology to analyse helicobacter-related proteomics. Specifically this study has established that different patterns are generated in response to bile stress among various pathogenic Helicobacter spp. which may give insights into the ability of these strains to colonise different niches.  相似文献   
The regulatory anatomy of honeybee lifespan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Honeybee workers (Apis mellifera) may be classified as either short-lived summer bees or long-lived winter bees in temperate zones. The protein status appears to be a major determinant of honeybee lifespan, and the lipoprotein vitellogenin seems to play a crucial role. Here, we give a review of the role of the vitellogenin in honeybee workers, and present a data-driven mathematical model describing the dynamics of this representative protein in the individual bee as a function of its task profile under various regimes. The results support the hypothesis that vitellogenin is a true storage protein that is utilized for various metabolic purposes including the synthesis of brood food. Except for workers having been foragers for many days, they also suggest that the previous life histories of workers do not constrain them from becoming winter bees as long as they get ample food and time to build up their protein reserves before wintering. The results also indicate that it may not be necessary to introduce the ovary as a storage organ for vitellogenin in order to generate normal winter bees. The insights gained from these results are then discussed in a broader gerontological and life history context. Remarkably similar features concerning regulation of ageing in Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster and honeybees are pointed out and discussed. Furthermore, we show that in contrast to the "mutation accumulation" and the "antagonistic pleiotropy" evolutionary theories of ageing, the "disposable soma" theory is capable of explaining the bimodal longevity distribution of honeybees when interpreted in a group selection context. Finally, by showing that depletion of nutrient stores can be actively controlled by pathways connected to regulation of ageing, we strengthen the claim that age-based division of labour, with performance of risky tasks delayed until late in life by workers with depleted nutrient stores, may have evolved as an energy-saving mechanism in insect colonies.  相似文献   
Binding of collagen to group A, B, C, D and G streptococci   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Binding of 125I-labelled collagen type II to group A, B, C, D and G streptococci was studied. Strains of all five serogroups were found to bind. Binding to one high-binding strain (group G, strain 12127) was characterised. This was reversible, saturable with time and inhibited by unlabelled type II collagen, but not by other proteins such as fibronectin and ovalbumin. However, binding was inhibited by unlabelled type I, II and III collagens and gelatin, suggesting that a common structure of various collagens is involved in binding.  相似文献   
Abstract Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) producing strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from 18 patients with toxic shock syndrome (TSS) and from 56 patients with other diagnoses were compared for capacity to interact with various serum and connective tissue proteins. TSS associated isolates showed significantly stronger binding of Type-I collagen (Cn-I) and Cn-II than non-TSS strains, in a particle agglutination assay (PAA) as well as in 125I labelled Cn uptake experiments. 125I Cn-IV binding, was similar between the two groups, whereas in PAA, a stronger interaction was observed for non-TSS than TSS associated strains. The median binding of 125I Cn to TSS-associated strains were 52.2 (Cn-I), 30.6 (Cn-II) and 20.0 (Cn-IV) compared to 20.0 (Cn-I), 14.4 (Cn-II) and 24.4 (Cn-IV) values of non-TSS strains. A saturation with 125I Cn-I and Cn-II binding was established for TSS (30 min) and non-TSS (15 min) strains. 125I Cn-IV binding reached a saturation in 10 min and 90 min with TSS and non-TSS strains respectively. Finally, the binding profiles of TSS associated and non-TSS strains to fibronectin, fibrinogen, laminin and IgG did not differ in both PAA and radioisotope assays. In scanning electron microscopy, cells of TSS associated strains bound to the reprecipitated native Cn-I fibrils. In contrast, most cells of non-TSS strains were localized to the distal end or were trapped between the Cn fibrils. The stronger interaction with Cn-I and II in particular, shown by TSS associated strains, might enhance submucosal localization, thereby facilitating entry of toxins into the blood and establishment of TSS.  相似文献   
During three periods of 16 to 25 days, bacterioplankton production, bacterial cell volume, chlorophyll a, CO2 assimilation, and particulate organic carbon were measured in enclosures situated in the eutrophic estuary Roskilde Fjord, Denmark. The enclosures were manipulated with respect to sediment contact and contents of inorganic nutrients, planktivorous fish, and suspension-feeding bivalves. Nutrient enrichment, the presence of suspension feeders, and sediment contact induced pronounced changes in bacterial production, as well as minor changes in bacterial cell volume; however, these effects seemed to be indirect, transmitted via phytoplankton. Bacterial production, measured as [3H]thymidine incorporation, closely followed changes in phytoplankton biomass and production, with time lags of 5 to 10 days. Good correlations of mean bacterioplankton production to chlorophyll a concentration and CO2 assimilation suggested phytoplankton to be the dominating source of bacterial substrate, apparently independent of nutrient stress. Zooplankton >140 μm, bivalves, and sediment seemed to provide insignificant, if any, substrate for bacterioplankton, and benthic suspension feeders seemed not to act as direct competitors for dissolved organic carbon. The bacterioplankton mean cell volume, measured by image analysis, changed seasonally, with the smallest cells during the summer. Within each period, the bacterial cell volume correlated positively to growth rate and negatively to temperature.  相似文献   
Abstract The pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori , which causes active, chronic type B gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, and increases the risk for development of gastric cancer, could tentatively interfere with growth factors and growth factor receptors of importance for the gastroduodenal mucosa, e.g. heparin-binding FGFs (fibroblast growth factors). H. pylori binds FGF with an extremely strong affinity (3.8 × 10−12 M), and also heparan sulfate and heparin with higher affinity ( K d 9 × 10−9 M) than FGFs bind to heparin (10−8–10−9 M). FGF receptors are also dependent on heparin for their activation. Heparan sulfate binding proteins (HSBP) are exposed on and shed from the surface of H. pylori , which often are localised close to the epithelial stem cells in the gastroduodenal glands. H. pylori could thus efficiently interfere with growth factors and growth factor receptors, tentatively resulting in disturbance of the delicate balance that control the renewal, maintenance and repair of the gastroduodenal mucosa. This mode of action has previously not been considered, but may constitute part of its pathogenic mechanism. Such a dynamic mode of action of H. pylori may explain the reason for that infected victims may either suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms or lack clinical evidence of disease or discomfort.  相似文献   
Summary Structural changes in the gallbladder epithelial cells of the mouse were studied following in vivo and in vitro stimulation of the gallbladder with the gastrointestinal hormone cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (CCK-PZ). Signs of increased secretory activity were observed within the first 2–3 min after hormone administration. At the ultrastructural level, best visualized with the PA-CrA-silver technique, granule discharge was observed, as was an overall increase in size of the granules. After prolonged in vitro incubation or repeated in vivo stimulation, there was an almost total depletion of secretory granules. This phenomenon is accompanied by an enhanced uptake of extracellular thorium dioxide by endocytotic vesicles at the apical cell surface. An exocytosisendocytosis coupling mechanism may be important for membrane conservation in the gallbladder epithelial cells. The findings establish that the hormone CCK-PZ stimulates the secretion of glycoproteins from the mouse gallbladder epithelium.This investigation was supported by grants from the University of Umeå and from the Swedish Medical Research Council (grant No. B76-12X-04758-01). The authors wish to thank Miss K. Karlsson and Miss M. Borg for skilful technical assistance  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure and cytochemistry of the secretory granules of the male hamster submandibular salivary gland were studied. After fixation in glutaraldehyde followed by osmium tetroxide the granules exhibit a characteristic bipartite substructure, with an electron lucid crescenteric rim and a more dense central core. A differentiation into two regions of the granules could also be visualized in specimens primarily fixed in Millonig's osmium tetroxide or in potassium permanganate. The electron lucid peripheral portion of the membrane bounded secretory granules further displays a strong positive reaction after staining of ultrathin sections with the periodic acid-chromic acid-(PA-CrA)-silver technique. The strong periodate reactivity of the rim relative to the core, suggests a difference in mucin composition of the two granule regions. With the PA-CrA-silver staining technique a positive reaction was also observed within the Golgi apparatus of the acinar cells.  相似文献   
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