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The adaptive potential of tree species to cope with climate change has important ecological and economic implications. Many temperate tree species experience a wide range of environmental conditions, suggesting high adaptability to new environmental conditions. We investigated adaptation to regional climate in the drought‐sensitive tree species Alnus glutinosa (Black alder), using a complementary approach that integrates genomic, phenotypic and landscape data. A total of 24 European populations were studied in a common garden and through landscape genomic approaches. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing was used to identify SNPs across the genome, resulting in 1990 SNPs. Although a relatively low percentage of putative adaptive SNPs was detected (2.86% outlier SNPs), we observed clear associations among outlier allele frequencies, temperature and plant traits. In line with the typical drought avoiding nature of A. glutinosa, leaf size varied according to a temperature gradient and significant associations with multiple outlier loci were observed, corroborating the ecological relevance of the observed outlier SNPs. Moreover, the lack of isolation by distance, the very low genetic differentiation among populations and the high intrapopulation genetic variation all support the notion that high gene exchange combined with strong environmental selection promotes adaptation to environmental cues.  相似文献   


Orthostatic intolerance is common in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and several studies have documented an abnormal sympathetic predominance in the autonomic cardiovascular response to gravitational stimuli. The aim of this study was to explore whether the expectancies towards standing are contributors to autonomic responses in addition to the gravitational stimulus itself.


A total of 30 CFS patients (12–18 years of age) and 39 healthy controls underwent 20° head-up tilt test and a motor imagery protocol of standing upright. Beat-to-beat cardiovascular variables were recorded.


At supine rest, CFS patients had significantly higher heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, and mean arterial blood pressure, and lower stroke index and heart rate variability (HRV) indices. The response to 20° head-up tilt was identical in the two groups. The response to imaginary upright position was characterized by a stronger increase of HRV indices of sympathetic predominance (power in the low-frequency range as well as the ratio low-frequency: high-frequency power) among CFS patients.


These results suggest that in CFS patients expectancies towards orthostatic challenge might be additional determinants of autonomic cardiovascular modulation along with the gravitational stimulus per se.
An increasing number of broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (bnMAb) against the HIV-1 envelope (Env) protein has been discovered recently. Despite this progress, vaccination efforts with the aim to re-elicit bnMAbs that provide protective immunity have failed so far. Herein, we describe the development of a mammalian cell based FACS-panning method in which bnMAbs are used as tools to select surface-exposed envelope variants according to their binding affinity. For that purpose, an HIV-1 derived lentiviral vector was developed to infect HEK293T cells at low multiplicity of infection (MOI) in order to link Env phenotype and genotype. For proof of principle, a gp145 Env model-library was established in which the complete V3 domain was substituted by five strain specific V3 loop sequences with known binding affinities to nMAb 447-52D, respectively. Env genes were recovered from selected cells by PCR, subcloned into a lentiviral vector (i) to determine and quantify the enrichment nMAb binders and (ii) to generate a new batch of transduction competent particles. After 2 selection cycles the Env variant with highest affinity was enriched 20-fold and represented 80% of the remaining Env population. Exploiting the recently described bnMAbs, this procedure might prove useful in selecting Env proteins from large Env libraries with the potential to elicit bnMAbs when used as vaccine candidates.  相似文献   
Surveillance of bacterial susceptibility to five antimicrobial agents was performed during a 1-year period in and around four freshwater fish farms situated along a stream in western Denmark. Besides assessing the levels of antibiotic resistance among the culturable fraction of microorganisms in fish, water, and sediment samples, two major fish pathogens (88 Flavobacterium psychrophilum isolates and 134 Yersinia ruckeri isolates) and 313 motile Aeromonas isolates, representing a group of ubiquitous aquatic bacteria, were isolated from the same samples. MICs were obtained applying a standardized agar dilution method. A markedly decreased susceptibility of F. psychrophilum isolates to most antimicrobial agents presently available for use in Danish aquaculture was detected, while the collected Y. ruckeri isolates remained largely sensitive to all therapeutic substances. Comparing the inlet and outlet samples, the increase of the antibiotic-resistant proportions observed among the culturable microflora was more pronounced and statistically significant among the motile aeromonads. High levels of individual and multiple antimicrobial resistances were demonstrated within the collected flavobacteria and aeromonads, thus indicating a substantial impact of fish farming on several groups of bacteria associated with aquacultural environments.  相似文献   
The Golgi complex is essential for the processing, sorting, and trafficking of newly synthesized proteins and lipids. Golgi turnover is regulated to meet different cellular physiological demands. The role of autophagy in the turnover of Golgi, however, has not been clarified. Here we show that CALCOCO1 binds the Golgi-resident palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC17 to facilitate Golgi degradation by autophagy during starvation. Depletion of CALCOCO1 in cells causes expansion of the Golgi and accumulation of its structural and membrane proteins. ZDHHC17 itself is degraded by autophagy together with other Golgi membrane proteins such as TMEM165. Taken together, our data suggest a model in which CALCOCO1 mediates selective Golgiphagy to control Golgi size and morphology in eukaryotic cells via its interaction with ZDHHC17.  相似文献   
Canine hip dysplasia is characterized by poor hip joint conformation and laxity. The disease is a complex trait influenced by both genetics and environment. Diagnosis and quantification of hip dysplasia are performed by radiographic examination of the hip joint and the diagnosis is used for making breeding decisions in many breeds. A prognostic genetic test (the Dysgen test) based on seven associated SNPs has been developed in a study based on Spanish Labrador Retrievers. In our study this test has been evaluated in 39 Danish Labrador Retrievers with known radiographic hip score: 14 with hip dysplasia (grade D or E) and 25 without hip dysplasia (grade A or B). There was no significant correlation between the Dysgen test results and the radiographic hip status (P = 0.3203) in these dogs, indicating that Dysgen test results obtained for Danish Labrador Retrievers have no prognostic value.  相似文献   
The gH-gL complex of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is essential for virion infectivity and virus-induced cell fusion, but functional domains of the gH molecule remain to be defined. We have addressed this question by mutagenesis. A set of linker insertion mutants in HSV-1 gH was generated and tested in transient assays for their ability to complement a gH-negative virus. Insertions at three sites in the C-terminal third of the external domain affected the ability of gH to function in cell-cell fusion and virus entry, while insertions at six sites in the N-terminal half of the external domain induced conformational changes in gH such that it was not recognized by monoclonal antibody LP11, although expression at the cell surface was unchanged. A recombinant virus in which a potential integrin-binding motif, RGD, in gH was changed to the triplet RGE entered cells as efficiently as the wild type, indicating that HSV-1 entry is not mediated by means of the gH-RGD motif binding to cell surface integrins. Furthermore, mutagenesis of the glycosylation site which is positionally conserved in all herpesvirus gH sequences in close proximity to the transmembrane domain generated a recombinant virus that grew in vitro with wild-type single-step kinetics.  相似文献   
Ecomorphological differentiation is a key feature of adaptive radiations, with a general trend for specialization and niche expansion following divergence. Ecological opportunity afforded by invasion of a new habitat is thought to act as an ecological release, facilitating divergence, and speciation. Here, we investigate trophic adaptive morphology and ecology of an endemic clade of oreochromine cichlid fishes (Alcolapia) that radiated along a herbivorous trophic axis following colonization of an isolated lacustrine environment, and demonstrate phenotype‐environment correlation. Ecological and morphological divergence of the Alcolapia species flock are examined in a phylogenomic context, to infer ecological niche occupation within the radiation. Species divergence is observed in both ecology and morphology, supporting the importance of ecological speciation within the radiation. Comparison with an outgroup taxon reveals large‐scale ecomorphological divergence but shallow genomic differentiation within the Alcolapia adaptive radiation. Ancestral morphological reconstruction suggests lake colonization by a generalist oreochromine phenotype that diverged in Lake Natron to varied herbivorous morphologies akin to specialist herbivores in Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi.  相似文献   
Summary A boy with partial monosomy 21 is described. The child has an unbalanced 20/21 translocation with deletion of the centromeric and juxtacentromeric region of chromosome 21. Examination by C-banding technique shows that the translocation is of maternal origin. Investigation of a number of genetic marker systems shows that the HL-A, AcP, and GPT loci are not located in the deleted segment.
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Junge mit partieller Monosomie Nr. 21 beschrieben. Das Kind hat eine unbalancierte 20/21-Translokation mit einer Deletion der Zentromer-und Juxtazentromer-Region des Chromosomes Nr. 21. Untersuchung mit der C-Band-Technik zeigt, daß die Translokation mütterlichen Ursprungs ist. Untersuchung einer Reihe genetischer Markersysteme zeigt, daß die HL-A-, AcP- und GPT-Loci nicht in dem deletierten Segment liegen.
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