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Submerged macrophytes may play an important role as a refuge for zooplankton against predators. However, a recent study suggests that their importance depends on the trophic state of the lake. We studied the impact of fish and macrophytes on the horizontal distribution of pelagic cladocerans in 56 oligotrophic arctic Greenland lakes. In north-east and western Greenland, zooplankton was sampled in the near-shore (littoral) and central (pelagial) part of all lakes and fish were sampled with multiple mesh-sized gill nets. Macrophytes were visually estimated in the littoral. In north-east Greenland, 5 taxa of cladocerans were found, while 14 taxa were recorded in western Greenland. Daphnia pulex occurred only in fishless lakes in both northeast and western Greenland and avoided the near-shore areas in the shallow and deep lakes. Bosmina spp. and Holopedium gibberum were evenly distributed between the littoral and the pelagial in the deep and shallow fishless lakes. However, their near-shore density was lowest in the presence of fish. Macrophyte-related and benthic cladocerans concentrated either in the littoral or were evenly distributed between the littoral and the pelagial, irrespective of depth and fish presence or absence. Macrophytes had no impact on the horizontal distribution of pelagic cladocerans. Thus, it is concluded that horizontal heterogeneity of Bosmina spp. and Holopedium gibberum might be affected by the presence of fish.  相似文献   
(1) The effects of vanadate of hexose transport, 45Ca-exchange and (Na+, K+)-contents have been characterized in isolated adipose tissue and skeletal muscles of the rat. (2) In whole epididymal fat pads, vanadate (0.5–5.0 mM) markedly stimulated the uptake of 2-deoxyl[14C]glucose as well as the efflux of 3-O-[14C]methylglucose. (3) Within the same concentration range, vanadate induced an early increase in 45Ca-washout from preloaded fat pads. The maximum increases in the fractional losses of 3-O-[14C]methylglucose and 45Ca were significantly correlated (P < 0.001, r = 0.98). (4) In extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles, vanadate (0.5–5.0 mM) stimulated the efflux of 3-O-[14C]methylglucose and this effect was preceded by a rise in the washout of 45Ca. The maximum increases in the fractional losses of 3-O-[14C]methyglucose and 45Ca were significantly correlated (P < 0.005, r = 0.98). (5) In extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles, vanadate increased K+-contents and decreased Na+ contents. (6) The stimulation of 45Ca-washout presumably reflects an increase in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ level, brought about by an inhibitory effect of vanadate on the Ca2+-sensitive ATPase of the sarcoplasmic or the endoplasmic reticulum. As demonstrated for most other insulin-like agents (Sørensen, S.S., Christensen, F. and Clausen, T. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 602, 433–445), the stimulating effect of vanadate on glucose transport appears to be associated with or mediated by a rise in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ level.  相似文献   
Despite the clear importance of language in our life, our vital ability to quickly and effectively learn new words and meanings is neurobiologically poorly understood. Conventional knowledge maintains that language learning—especially in adulthood—is slow and laborious. Furthermore, its structural basis remains unclear. Even though behavioural manifestations of learning are evident near instantly, previous neuroimaging work across a range of semantic categories has largely studied neural changes associated with months or years of practice. Here, we address rapid neuroanatomical plasticity accompanying new lexicon acquisition, specifically focussing on the learning of action-related language, which has been linked to the brain’s motor systems. Our results show that it is possible to measure and to externally modulate (using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of motor cortex) cortical microanatomic reorganisation after mere minutes of new word learning. Learning-induced microstructural changes, as measured by diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) and machine learning-based analysis, were evident in prefrontal, temporal, and parietal neocortical sites, likely reflecting integrative lexico-semantic processing and formation of new memory circuits immediately during the learning tasks. These results suggest a structural basis for the rapid neocortical word encoding mechanism and reveal the causally interactive relationship of modal and associative brain regions in supporting learning and word acquisition.

This combined neuroimaging and brain stimulation study reveals rapid and distributed microstructural plasticity after a single immersive language learning session, demonstrating the causal relevance of the motor cortex in encoding the meaning of novel action words.  相似文献   
This paper investigates how vascular plants affect carbon flow and the formation and emission of the greenhouse gas methane (CH4) in an arctic wet tundra ecosystem in NE Greenland. We present a field experiment where we studied, in particular, how species‐specific root exudation patterns affect the availability of acetate, a hypothesized precursor of CH4 formation. We found significantly higher acetate formation rates in the root vicinity of Eriophorum scheuchzeri compared with another dominating sedge in the wetland, i.e. Dupontia psilosantha. Furthermore a shading treatment, which reduced net photosynthesis, resulted in significantly decreased formation rates of acetate. We also found that the potential CH4 production of the peat profile was highly positively correlated to the concentration of acetate at the respective depths, whereas it was negatively correlated to the concentration of total dissolved organic carbon. This suggests that acetate is a substrate of importance to the methanogens in the studied ecosystem and that acetate concentration in this case can serve as a predictor of substrate quality. To further investigate the importance of acetate as a predecessor to CH4, we brought an intact peat‐plant monolith system collected at the field site in NE Greenland to the laboratory, sealed it hermetically and studied the decomposition of 14C‐labelled acetate injected at the depth of methanogenic activity. After 4 h, 14CH4 emission from the monolith could be observed. In conclusion, allocation of recently fixed carbon to the roots of certain species of vascular plants affects substrate quality and influence CH4 formation.  相似文献   


Neutrophil dysfunction plays a key role in the development of diseases characterized by inflammation and angiogenesis. Here, we studied the systemic expression of neutrophil markers reflecting activation, adhesion, and resolution of inflammation in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD).


This was a prospective case-control study of patients with neovascular AMD and age-matched healthy control individuals. Patients were recruited from an outpatient program, and control individuals were recruited amongst patients’ relatives. Current smokers and individuals with either active immune-disease or ongoing cancer were not included, as these factors are known to affect neutrophil function. Fresh-drawn venous blood was processed for flow cytometric analysis of neutrophil markers. We determined percentages of positive cells and compared expression levels using fluorescence intensity measures. We found conditional differences on marker expression between patients with neovascular AMD (n = 29) and controls (n = 28): no differences were found when looking broadly, but several differences emerged when focusing on non-smokers. Here, patients with neovascular AMD had increased expression of the activity marker cluster of differentiation (CD) 66b (P = 0.003; Mann-Whitney U test), decreased expression of adhesion marker CD162 (P = 0.044; Mann-Whitney U test), and lower expression of the resolution of inflammation marker C-X-C chemokine receptor 2 (P = 0.044; Mann-Whitney U test).


We present novel evidence suggesting that the activity of circulating neutrophils, sensitive to smoking, may differ in patients with neovascular AMD.
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