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Many of the morphological features of animals are considered to be adaptations to the habitat that the animals utilize. The habitats utilized by birds vary, perhaps more than for any other group of vertebrates. Here, we study possible adaptations in the morphology of the skeletal elements of the hind limbs to the habitat of birds. Measurements of the lengths of the femur, tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus of 323 bird species from 74 families are used together with body mass data, taken from the literature. The species are separated into six habitat groups on the basis of literature data on leg use. A discriminant analysis of the groups based on leg morphology shows that swimming birds, wading birds and ground living species are more easily identified than other birds. Furthermore, functional predictions are made for each group based on ecological and mechanical considerations. The groups were tested for deviation from the norm for all birds for three indices of size- and leg-length-independent measures of the bones and for a size-independent-index of leg length. Several of the groups deviate significantly from the norm for one or more of the indices used, suggesting habitat-related adaptations in the leg morphology of birds. The results indicate that stability is an important factor affecting the leg morphology of primarily long-legged birds. The femur seems to be more important than previously thought because several of the groups have high femur indices, suggesting a positive selection pressure on this bone. On a general basis, the results suggest that the effect of leg length should be taken into consideration when discussing adaptations of mass-independent lengths of the long bones of the legs of birds.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79, 461–484.  相似文献   
Field and laboratory studies were conducted to determine effects of nitrogen fertilizers and soil water content on N2O and CH4 fluxes in a humisol located on the Central Experimental Farm of Agriculture Canada, Ottawa. Addition of 100 kg N ha–1 as either urea or NaNO3 had no significant effect on soil CH4 flux measured using chambers. Fertilization with NaNO3 resulted in a significant but transitory stimulation of N2O production. Inorganic soil N profiles and the potential nitrification rate suggested that much of the NH 4 + from urea hydrolysis was rapidly nitrified. CH4 fluxes measured using capped soil cores agreed well with fluxes measured using field chambers, and with fluxes calculated from soil gas concentration gradients using Fick's diffusion law. This humisol presents an ideal, unstructured, vertically homogeneous system in which to study gas diffusion, and the influence of gas-filled porosity on CH4 uptake. In soil cores gradually saturated with H2O, the relationship of CH4 flux to gas-filled porosity was an exponential rise to a maximum. Steepening CH4 concentration gradients partially compensated for the decreasing diffusion coefficient of CH4 in soil matrix air as water content increased, and diffusion limitation of CH4 oxidation occurred only at water contents > 130% (dry weight), or gas-filled porosities < 0.2.Corresponding author  相似文献   
Maize centromeres are composed of CentC tandem repeat arrays, centromeric retrotransposons (CRs), and a variety of other repeats. One particularly well-conserved CR element, CRM, occurs primarily as complete and uninterrupted elements and is interspersed thoroughly with CentC at the light microscopic level. To determine if these major centromeric DNAs are part of the functional centromere/kinetochore complex, we generated antiserum to maize centromeric histone H3 (CENH3). CENH3, a highly conserved protein that replaces histone H3 in centromeres, is thought to recruit many of the proteins required for chromosome movement. CENH3 is present throughout the cell cycle and colocalizes with the kinetochore protein CENPC in meiotic cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrates that CentC and CRM interact specifically with CENH3, whereas knob repeats and Tekay retroelements do not. Approximately 38 and 33% of CentC and CRM are precipitated in the chromatin immunoprecipitation assay, consistent with data showing that much, but not all, of CENH3 colocalizes with CentC.  相似文献   
A gram-negative bacterium which hydrolyzed aryl N-methylcarbamate insecticides was isolated from an agricultural soil which quickly degraded these pesticides. This organism, designated strain ER2, grew on carbofuran as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen with a doubling time of 3 h in a mineral salts medium. The aromatic nucleus of the molecule was not metabolized, and carbofuran 7-phenol accumulated as the end product of metabolism. The insecticides carbaryl, bendiocarb, and propoxur were similarly hydrolyzed, with each yielding the corresponding phenol. Strain ER2 contained two plasmids (120 and 130 kb). A probe cloned from the pDL11 plasmid of Achromobacter sp. strain WM111, which encodes the carbofuran hydrolase (mcd) gene (P. H. Tomasek and J. S. Karns, J. Bacteriol. 171:4038-4044, 1989), hybridized to the 120-kb plasmid. Restriction fragment profiles of pDL11 and strain ER2 plasmid DNAs suggested that the 120-kb plasmid of strain ER2 is very similar to pDL11. On the basis of the results of biochemical tests, 16S rRNA sequence analysis, and membrane lipid analyses, strain ER2 was found to be a phylogenetically unique type II methylotroph. The constitutive carbofuran hydrolase activity in glucose-grown cells increased sevenfold when strain ER2 was grown in the presence of 100 mg of carbofuran per liter as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen or as the sole nitrogen source in the presence of glucose. Growth on carbofuran resulted in the induction of enzymes required for methylamine-dependent respiration and the serine pathway of formaldehyde assimilation. These results indicate that the carbofuran hydrolase mcd gene is conserved on a plasmid found in organisms from different geographic areas and that the specific activity of carbofuran degradation may increase in response to carbofuran treatment.  相似文献   
Repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR fingerprinting of Escherichia coli is one microbial source tracking approach for identifying the host source origin of fecal pollution in aquatic systems. The construction of robust known-source libraries is expensive and requires an informed sampling strategy. In many types of farming systems, waste is stored for several months before being released into the environment. In this study we analyzed, by means of repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR using the enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus primers and comparative analysis using the Bionumerics software, collections of E. coli obtained from a dairy farm and from a swine farm, both of which stored their waste as a slurry in holding tanks. In all fecal samples, obtained from either barns or holding tanks, the diversity of the E. coli populations was underrepresented by collections of 500 isolates. In both the dairy and the swine farms, the diversity of the E.coli community was greater in the manure holding tank than in the barn, when they were sampled on the same date. In both farms, a comparison of stored manure samples collected several months apart suggested that the community composition changed substantially in terms of the detected number, absolute identity, and relative abundance of genotypes. Comparison of E. coli populations obtained from 10 different locations in either holding tank suggested that spatial variability in the E. coli community should be accounted for when sampling. Overall, the diversity in E. coli populations in manure slurry storage facilities is significant and likely is problematic with respect to library construction for microbial source tracking applications.  相似文献   
Mimetics of beta-turn structures in proteins have been used to calibrate the relative reactivities toward deamidation of asparagine residues in the two central positions of a beta-turn and in a random coil. N-Acetyl-Asn-Gly-6-aminocaproic acid, an acyclic analog of a beta-turn mimic undergoes deamidation of the asparaginyl residue through a succinimide intermediate to generate N-acetyl-Asp-N-Gly-6-aminocaproic acid (6-aminocaproic acid, hereafter Aca) and N-acetyl-L-iso-aspartyl (isoAsp)-Gly-Aca (pH 8.8, 37 degrees C) approximately 3-fold faster than does the cyclic beta-turn mimic cyclo-[L-Asn-Gly-Aca] with asparagine at position 2 of the beta-turn. The latter compound, in turn, undergoes deamidation approximately 30-fold faster than its positional isomer cyclo-[Gly-Asn-Aca] with asparagine at position 3 of the beta-turn. Both cyclic peptides assume predominantly beta-turn structures in solution, as demonstrated by NMR and circular dichroism characterization. The open-chain compound and its isomer N-acetyl-Gly-Asn-Aca assume predominantly random coil structures. The latter isomer undergoes deamidation 2-fold slower than the former. Thus the order of reactivity toward deamidation is: asparagine in a random coil approximately 3x(asparagine) in position 2 of a beta-turn approximately 30x (asparagine) in position 3 of a beta-turn.  相似文献   
长期以来,Zelkova crenata Spach被认为是榉属(Zelkova)的模式。作者基于国际植物命名法规中的模式指定原则,并通过有关文献的考证,确认Zelkova carpinifolia(Pall.) K. Koch为榉属的合法模式,而并非Z. crenata Spach或Z. carpinifolia(Pall.) Dipp.。  相似文献   
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