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In this paper, we describe a neural network analysis of sequences connecting two protein domains (domain linkers). The neural network was trained to distinguish between domain linker sequences and non-linker sequences, using a SCOP-defined domain library. The analysis indicated that a significant difference existed between domain linkers and non-linker regions, including intra-domain loop regions. Moreover, the resulting Hinton diagram showed a position-dependent amino acid preference of the domain linker sequences, and implied their non-random nature. We then applied the neural network to predict domain linkers in multi-domain protein sequences. As the result of a Jack-knife test, 58% of the predicted regions matched actual linker regions (specificity), and 36% of the SCOP-derived domain linkers were predicted (sensitivity). This prediction efficiency is superior to simpler methods derived from secondary structure prediction that assume that long loop regions are putative domain linkers. Altogether, these results suggest that domain linkers possess local characteristics different from those of loop regions.  相似文献   
A number of researchers have reported that free radicals generated in the brain are involved in various brain dysfunctions, including ischemia-reperfusion injury, brain tumors, and neurodegenerative diseases. It has been reported that the spin probe MC-PROXYL can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and can be useful for evaluating oxidative stress in the brain. Preliminary comparisons were made by ESR imaging of the heads of live mice and isolated rat brains using the spin probe MC-PROXYL and the blood-brain-barrier impermeable probe carbamoyl-PROXYL. The results showed that MC-PROXYL, but not carbamoyl-PROXYL, was widely distributed in the brain. These methods were also applied for the imaging of brains from stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSPs). The rapid decay of 2D ESR images of MC-PROXYL in isolated SHRSP-brain was observed, compared to Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKYs), using the ESR imaging system. Furthermore, we provide evidence, by using L-band ESR non-invasively, that the decay rate of MC-PROXYL in the head region is faster in live SHRSPs than in live WKYs. Taken together, the high oxidative stress sustained by oxygen radical generation in SHRSPs may cause the alteration of MC-PROXYL metabolism in the brain. Our results suggest that in vivo ESR could be applied to the assessment of antioxidant effects on oxidative stress in the brain in animal disease models, such as the SHRSP.  相似文献   
Phosphofructokinase deficiency (Tarui disease, glycogen storage disease VII, GSD VII) stands out among all the GSDs. PFK deficiency was the first recognized disorder that directly affects glycolysis. Ever since the discovery of the disease in 1965, a wide range of biochemical, physiological and molecular studies of the disorder have greatly expanded our understanding of the function of normal muscle, general control of glycolysis and glycogen metabolism. The studies of PFK deficiency vastly enriched the field of glycogen storage diseases, as well as the field of metabolic and neuromuscular disorders. This article cites a historical overview of this clinical entity and the progress that has been made in molecular genetic area. We will also present the results of a search in-silico, which allowed us to identify a previously unknown sequence of the human platelet PFK gene (PFK-P). In addition, we will describe phylogenetic analysis of evolution of PFK genes.  相似文献   
This study was carried out to shed light on confused subfamilial groupings in the Cyprinidae from the biochemical viewpoint at the molecular level, specifically by using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of liver proteins. Six pairs of cypriniform fishes, which are different from one another at familial, subfamilial, generic, specific, subspecific, and individual levels, were compared. The genetic distances between pairs of fishes increased as taxonomic ranks of the pairs became higher, confirming the reliable usefulness of this technique. Four species representing the different subfamilies, Cyprininae, Gobioninae, Acheilognathinae, and Leuciscinae, were compared to give new insight into relationships at the subfamilial level. Cyprinus carpio (Cyprininae) and Pseudogobio esocinus esocinus (Gobioninae) gave the smallest genetic distance and the largest values were obtained between either one of the above species and Acheilognathus melanogaster (Acheilognathinae), suggesting that the former two subfamilies compose the most closely related group that is in turn distantly related to Acheilognathinae. Tribolodon hakonensis (Leuciscinae) had almost equal genetic distances to the three other species.  相似文献   
In wild-type mice, 2-wk administration of losartan, an angiotensin (Ang) II type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist, along with dietary sodium restriction, resulted in an elevation of plasma aldosterone greater than that seen with sodium restriction alone (2.75 +/- 0.35 vs. 1.38 +/- 0.16 ng/ml, P < 0.01). Plasma potassium increased in sodium-restricted, losartan-treated mice (6.0 +/- 0.2 mEq/liter), while potassium remained unchanged in mice with sodium restriction alone. To study the effect of Ang II on glomerulosa cells that may operate independently of plasma potassium in situ, we used chimeric mice made of cells with or without the intact AT1A gene (Agtr1a). When animals were fed a normal diet or chronically infused with Ang II, the aldosterone synthase mRNA was detectable only in Agtr1a+/+ but not Agtr1a-/- zona glomerulosa cells. After 2 wk of sodium restriction, plasma aldosterone increased (1.51 +/- 0.27 ng/ml) and potassium remained on average at 4.5 +/- 0.2 mEq/liter, with aldosterone synthase mRNA expressed intensively in Agtr1a+/+, but not detectable in Agtr1a-/- cells. Simultaneous sodium restriction and losartan treatment caused increases in plasma potassium (5.5 +/- 0.1 mEq/liter) and aldosterone (1.84 +/- 0.38 ng/ml), with both Agtr1a-/- and Agtr1a+/+ cells intensively expressing aldosterone synthase mRNA. Thus, aldosterone production is regulated by Ang II in the adrenal gland during chronic alterations in extracellular fluid volume when plasma potassium is maintained within the normal range. In the light of a previous observation that dietary potassium restriction superimposed on sodium restriction abolished secondary hyperaldosteronism in angiotensinogen null-mutant mice, the present findings demonstrate that when the renin-Ang system is compromised, plasma potassium acts as an effective alternative mechanism for the volume homeostasis through its capacity to induce hyperaldosteronism.  相似文献   
Tissue and cellular localization of NADH-dependent glutamate synthase (NADH-GOGAT, EC in the unexpanced leaf blades and young grains of rice (Oryza sativa L.) was investigated using tissue-print immunoblot and immunocytological methods with an affinity-purified anti-NADH-GOGAT immunoglobulin G. Tissue-print immunoblots showed that the NADH-GOGAT protein was mostly located in large and small vascular bundles of the unexpanded blades. When the cross-sections (10μ in thickness) prepared from the paraffin-embedded blades were stained with the antibody, the NADH-GOGAT protein was detected in vascular-parenchyma cells and mestome-sheath cells. In developing grains, the NADH-GOGAT protein was detected in both phloem- and xylem-parenchyma cells of dorsal and lateral vascular bundles, and in the nucellar projection, nucellar epidermis, and aleurone cells. On the other hand, ferredoxin (Fd)-dependent GOGAT (EC was located mainly in mesophyll cells of the leaf blade and in chloroplast-containing cross-cells of the pericarp of the grains. The spatial expression of these GOGAT proteins indicates distinct and non-overlapping roles in rice plants. In the leaf blades and young grains, NADH-GOGAT could be involved in the synthesis of glutamate from the glutamine that is transported through the vascular system from roots and senescing tissues.  相似文献   
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