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Second-order rate constants, kappa s, for H-atom abstraction by phenoxyl radicals from five tocopherol (vitamin E) derivatives have been measured spectrophotometrically at 25.0 degrees C by the stopped-flow method, as a model reaction of tocopherols with unstable free radicals (LOO., LO., and HO.) in biological systems. Three new tocopherol derivatives with a five-membered heterocyclic ring were found to be 1.9-2.1 times more active than the alpha-tocopherol which has the highest antioxidant activity among natural tocopherols. The proton hyperfine splittings for the five tocopheroxyl radicals derived from these tocopherols by the reaction with phenoxyl were also determined by ESR measurements.  相似文献   
We synthesized the biotinylated chondroitin sulfate tetrasaccharides CS-CC [-3)βGalNAc6S(1–4)βGlcA(1-]2 and CS-DD [-3)βGalNAc6S(1–4)βGlcA2S(1-]2 which possess sulfate groups at O-6 of GalNAc and an additional sulfate group at O-2 of GlcA, respectively. We also analyzed interactions among CS-CC and CS-DD and the antibodies 2H6 and LY111, both of which are known to bind with CS-A, while CS-DD was shown for the first time to bind with both antibodies.  相似文献   
Coumarins are ubiquitous in higher plants and exhibit various biological actions. The aim of this study was to investigate the structure-activity relationships of coumarin derivatives on tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP)-induced oxidative damage in human hepatoma HepG2 cells. A series of coumarin derivatives were prepared and assessed for their cytoprotective effects. Among these, a caffeoyl acid-conjugated dihydropyranocoumarin derivative, caffeoyllomatin, efficiently protected against cell damage elicited by t-BHP. Our findings suggest that caffeoyllomatin appears to be a potent cytoprotective agent.  相似文献   
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is the process in which epithelial cells lose cell polarity and cell adhesion with surrounding cells to obtain migratory and invasive abilities. On the other hand, the expression of connexin is decreased or lacked in the many types of tumor cells. This study examined the effect of gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) on EMT induced by the transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1). To investigate the effect of GJIC on EMT in U2OS cells, smooth muscle 22-α (sm22α) promoter-driven luciferase reporter gene was introduced into Cx43-expressing cells (U2OS-Luc Cx43) and into the control parental cell line (U2OS-Luc). TGF-β1 induced the expression of EMT markers and the sm22α promoter activity of U2OS-Luc cells. Sm22α promoter activity of U2OS cells was neither dependent on the expression of Cx43 nor on the establishment of GJIC among U2OS cells. Furthermore, we found that the homocellular communication among tumor cells did not affected the tumor cell growth and migration. However, we revealed that tumor cell density was an important factor for tumor cells to acquire metastatic phenotype. Interestingly, the co-culture of U2OS cells with osteoblasts revealed that sm22α promoter activity was inhibited only by the GJIC established between these two cell types. These results suggest that normal osteoblast cells negatively regulate the EMT of tumor cells, at least in part. Thus, Cx43-mediated GJIC may have anti-metastatic activity in tumor cells. Our findings provide a new insight into the role of GJIC in cancer progression and metastasis and identify potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of cancer.  相似文献   
The ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase from log-phase and sporulating cells of Bacillus subtilis was analyzed to determine whether any structural changes occurred during sporulation. The elution pattern of RNA polymerase from a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-cellulose column revealed that sporulating cells at stages III and IV contained a new RNA polymerase fraction in addition to the vegetative holoenzyme (alpha2betabeta'sigma). Stage III cells contained the vegetative holoenzyme and a new enzyme with the composition alpha2betabeta'delta1; the molecular weight of delta1 was 28,000. Stage IV cells contained the vegetative holoenzyme, the delta1-containing enzyme, and another enzyme with the composition alpha2betabeta'delta2. The delta2 factor had a molecular weight of around 20,000. The delta-containing enzymes have a higher affinity for the DNA-cellulose column and a higher specific activity on various templates than vegetative holoenzyme. The simultaneous appearance of these enzymes with vegetative holoenzymes in sporulating cells is consistent with the data found previously with DNA-RNA hybridization studies, which showed that sporulating cells contained both vegetative and sporulation messenger RNAs.  相似文献   
In recent decades, the link between the exaggeration of male sexual ornaments and ejaculate quality has received much attention. When males with conspicuous sexual ornaments have high-quality ejaculate, females are believed to obtain benefits, such as high fertilization success and offspring with good genes, by choosing mates on the basis of male ornamentation. In this study, we examined the relationships among male body coloration, female mate preference, and sperm longevity in the sexually dichromatic fish Puntius titteya. Males of this species assume a bright red coloration over the entire body, and neither sex invests in the parental care of eggs. In the female preference test, females preferred males with redder body coloration over their counterpart males with duller coloration. In addition, the sperm longevity test indicated that redder males had sperm with greater longevity. These results suggest that the red coloration of males in this species may signal sperm longevity and that females can mate with males with higher quality sperm by choosing redder males.  相似文献   
A sensitized immunoblotting method was established for measuringsmall amounts of plant tubulin. The method involves electrophoretictransfer of protein including tubulin from SDS-polyacrylamidegels onto nitrocellulose paper, successive incubation of thenitrocellulose paper with a mouse monoclonal antibody to - orß-tubulin of chicken brain, an antibody to mouse IgGas the second antibody and the radioactive iodinated proteinA, and determination of the radioactivities of the bands onthe nitrocellulose paper thus probed. The radioactivities werelinearly proportional to the amounts of - or ß-tubulinfrom dark-grown Vigna mungo seedlings within a range of 4 to56 ng or of 4 to 32 ng, respectively. This method was used to estimate the tubulin contents of severalplant species using Vigna tubulin as a standard. -Tubulin contentsthus estimated were 25, 9, 19 and 11 µg-equivalents ofVigna tubulin per mg protein for Vigna seedlings, Daucus suspensioncells, Catharanthus suspension cells and Mougeolia cells, respectively.ß-Tubulin contents of Vigna, Daucus, Catharanthusand Mougeotia cells were 29, 10, 13 and 5 µg-equivalentsof Vigna tubulin per mg protein, respectively. (Received August 6, 1985; Accepted December 5, 1985)  相似文献   
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