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Medaka (Oryzias latipes) is a small freshwater teleost that provides an excellent developmental genetic model complementary to zebrafish. Our recent mutagenesis screening using medaka identified headfish (hdf) which is characterized by the absence of trunk and tail structures with nearly normal head including the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB). Positional-candidate cloning revealed that the hdf mutation causes a functionally null form of Fgfr1. The fgfr1hdf is thus the first fgf receptor mutant in fish. Although FGF signaling has been implicated in mesoderm induction, mesoderm is induced normally in the fgfr1hdf mutant, but subsequently, mutant embryos fail to maintain the mesoderm, leading to defects in mesoderm derivatives, especially in trunk and tail. Furthermore, we found that morpholino knockdown of medaka fgf8 resulted in a phenotype identical to the fgfr1hdf mutant, suggesting that like its mouse counterpart, Fgf8 is a major ligand for Fgfr1 in medaka early embryogenesis. Intriguingly, Fgf8 and Fgfr1 in zebrafish are also suggested to form a major ligand-receptor pair, but their function is much diverged, as the zebrafish fgfr1 morphant and zebrafish fgf8 mutant acerebellar (ace) only fail to develop the MHB, but develop nearly unaffected trunk and tail. These results provide evidence that teleost fish have evolved divergent functions of Fgf8-Fgfr1 while maintaining the ligand-receptor relationships. Comparative analysis using different fish is thus invaluable for shedding light on evolutionary diversification of gene function.  相似文献   
Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells can switch between two mating types, plus (P) and minus (M). The change in cell type occurs due to a replication-coupled recombination event that transfers genetic information from one of the silent-donor loci, mat2P or mat3M, into the expressed mating-type determining mat1 locus. The mat1 locus can as a consequence contain DNA encoding either P or M information. A molecular mechanism, known as synthesis-dependent strand annealing, has been proposed for the underlying recombination event. A key feature of this model is that only one DNA strand of the donor locus provides the information that is copied into the mat1. Here we test the model by constructing strains that switch using two different mutant P cassettes introduced at the donor loci, mat2 and mat3. We show that in such strains wild-type P-cassette DNA is efficiently generated at mat1 through heteroduplex DNA formation and repair. The present data provide an in vivo genetic test of the proposed molecular recombination mechanism.  相似文献   
The DNA adenine methylation status on specific 5'-GANTC-3' sites and its change during the establishment of plant-microbe interactions was demonstrated in several species of alpha-proteobacteria. Restriction landmark genome scanning (RLGS), which is a high-resolution two dimensional DNA electrophoresis method, was used to monitor the genomewide change in methylation. In the case of Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099, real RLGS images obtained with the restriction enzyme MboI, which digests at GATC sites, almost perfectly matched the virtual RLGS images generated based on genome sequences. However, only a few spots were observed when the restriction enzyme HinfI was used, suggesting that most GANTC (HinfI) sites were tightly methylated and specific sites were unmethylated. DNA gel blot analysis with the cloned specifically unmethylated regions (SUMs) showed that some SUMs were methylated differentially in bacteroids compared to free-living bacteria. SUMs have also been identified in other symbiotic and parasitic bacteria. These results suggest that DNA adenine methylation may contribute to the establishment and/or maintenance of symbiotic and parasitic relationships.  相似文献   
Among mammals, only eutherians and marsupials are viviparous and have genomic imprinting that leads to parent-of-origin-specific differential gene expression. We used comparative analysis to investigate the origin of genomic imprinting in mammals. PEG10 (paternally expressed 10) is a retrotransposon-derived imprinted gene that has an essential role for the formation of the placenta of the mouse. Here, we show that an orthologue of PEG10 exists in another therian mammal, the marsupial tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), but not in a prototherian mammal, the egg-laying platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), suggesting its close relationship to the origin of placentation in therian mammals. We have discovered a hitherto missing link of the imprinting mechanism between eutherians and marsupials because tammar PEG10 is the first example of a differentially methylated region (DMR) associated with genomic imprinting in marsupials. Surprisingly, the marsupial DMR was strictly limited to the 5′ region of PEG10, unlike the eutherian DMR, which covers the promoter regions of both PEG10 and the adjacent imprinted gene SGCE. These results not only demonstrate a common origin of the DMR-associated imprinting mechanism in therian mammals but provide the first demonstration that DMR-associated genomic imprinting in eutherians can originate from the repression of exogenous DNA sequences and/or retrotransposons by DNA methylation.  相似文献   
Marine Biotechnology - Microalgae including diatoms are of interest for environmentally friendly manufacturing such as production of biofuels, chemicals, and materials. The highly oil-accumulating...  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Research - The article Why is chlorophyll b only used in light-harvesting systems.  相似文献   
The population structure and dynamics of Ainsliaea apiculata, a forest understory evergreen herb widely distributed in Japan, was examined in a Chamaecyparis obtusa forest in Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan (36°51N, 140°33E; 750 m a.s.l.). The mean population growth rate () calculated from the transition matrices for 4 years was 0.69 per year, predicting that the population size will decrease remarkably. There was a significant positive correlation between the survival of old leaves and the growth of new shoots in the following year. The shoots, especially new leaves, were damaged severely by herbivores (caterpillars of Leioptilus sp.). The survival rate of leaves formed in the previous spring to the next spring was remarkably low (41–54%). The growth of new shoots depended mainly on the reserves contained in old shoots, especially those in old leaves. New shoots of A. apiculata began to develop in spring, even though they were formed in autumn of the previous year. A defoliation experiment also showed that the removal of old shoots at the beginning of the growing season significantly inhibited the growth of new shoots. Damage to old shoots by herbivores severely influenced the growth and population dynamics of A. apiculata.  相似文献   
Mitochondria play a central role to provide ATP for fertilization and preimplantation embryo development in the ooplasm. The mitochondrial dysfunction of oocyte has been proposed as one of the causes of high levels of developmental retardation and arrest that occur in preimplantation embryos generated using Assisted Reproductive Technology. Cytoplasmic transfer (CT) from a donor to a recipient oocyte has been applied to infertility due to dysfunctional ooplasm, with resulting pregnancies and births. However, neither the efficacy nor safety of this procedure has been appropriately investigated. In order to improve embryogenesis, we observed the mitochondrial distribution in ooplasma under the several conditions using mitochondrial GFP-transgenic mice (mtGFP-tg mice) in which the mitochondria are visualized by GFP. In this report, we will present our research about the mitochondrial distribution in ooplasm during early embryogenesis and the fate of injected donor mitochondria after CT using mtGFP-tg mice. The mitochondria in ooplasm from the germinal vesicle stage to the morula stage were accumulated in the perinuclear region. The mitochondria of the mtGFP-tg mouse oocyte transferred into the wild type mouse embryo could be observed until the blastocysts stage, suggesting that the mtGFP-tg mice oocyte is very useful for visual observation of the mitochondrial distribution in the oocyte, and that the aberrant early developmental competences due to the oocyte mitochondrial dysfunction may be overcome by transferring the "normal" mitochondria.  相似文献   
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