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An integration plasmid, pIARL28, containing the ribosomal DNA gene as a homologous recombination sequence was constructed for introduction of the alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase gene into brewer's yeast. The transformation efficiency of pIARL28 was 20- to 50-fold higher than those of the other YIp vectors, as yeast cells had approximately 140 copies of the ribosomal DNA gene. All transformants showed very high alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase activity due to the multiple integrated copies of the plasmid. The transformants were grown in nonselective conditions, and segregants which had maintained the alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase expression cassette but no other vector sequences were isolated. Southern analysis showed that these marker-excised segregants contained more than 20 copies of the alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase gene and were stably maintained under nonselective conditions. Fermentation tests confirmed that the diacetyl concentration was considerably reduced in wort fermented by these marker-excised segregants. The degree of reduction was related to the copy number of the alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase gene.  相似文献   
As an aid for developing a new type of potent insecticide acting on the neuromuscular junction, conformational characteristics of domoic acid and isodomoic acid A, the naturally occurring glutamate agonists, were investigated by X-ray crystal analyses. Conformational comparison with a neuroactive alpha-kainic acid provides information concerning the stereochemical feature responsible for the biological activity.  相似文献   
The glutathione (GSH)-conjugating activity of human class Pi glutathione S-transferase (GST pi) toward 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) was significantly lowered by reaction with N-acetylimidazole, an O-acetylating reagent for tyrosine residues. Further, the replacement of Tyr7 in GST pi, which is conserved in all cytosolic GSTs, with phenylalanine by site-directed mutagenesis also lowered the activities toward CDNB and ethacrynic acid. The Km values of the mutant for both GSH and CDNB were almost equivalent to those of the wild type, while the Vmax of the former was about 55-fold smaller than that of the latter. Therefore, Tyr7 is considered to be an essential residue for the catalytic activity of GST pi.  相似文献   
By heating an aqueous solution of aspartic acid and urea, carbamylaspartic acid is first formed and then the molecule is cyclized to dihydroorotic acid (DHO) with loss of water. Irradiation of an aqueous solution of DHO with a tungsten lamp yields orotic acid by photo-dehydrogenation of the molecule. This pathway of orotic acid formation is quite similar to that of biosynthesis of the molecule.  相似文献   
The conformation of the L-iduronate residue in non-sulphated di-, tetra- and hexa-saccharides and their alditol derivatives derived from rooster comb dermatan sulphate was investigated by 400 MHz 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy. The ratio of conformational isomers is obtained by the average spin-spin coupling constants of a mixture of nearly isoenergetic conformers (1C4, 4C1 and 2S0). The non-reducing terminal L-iduronate residue in the tetrasaccharides (I-H-I-H and I-H-G-H) and their alditols (I-H-I-H-ol and I-H-G-H-ol) is in equilibrium with three conformers (1C4, 30%; 4C1, 40%; 2S0, 30%) of nearly equal population. Whereas the internal L-iduronate residue in the tetrasaccharides (I-H-I-H and G-H-I-H) exists as an equilibrium mixture of 1C4 (54%) and 2S0 (42-44%) conformers, that of their alditols (I-H-I-H-ol and G-H-I-H-ol) is in equilibrium between 2S0 conformer (66%) and 1C4 conformer (28%). The conformational population for the internal L-iduronate residue 2I in the hexasaccharide (3I-H-2I-H-1I-H) is also calculated and compared with that for the L-iduronate residue in native dermatan sulphate, which was calculated on the basis of the spin-spin coupling constants reported by Gatti, Casu, Torri & Vercellotti [(1979) Carbohydr. Res. 68, c3-c7].  相似文献   
Esters of 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoic acid are reduced with bakers' yeast by three methods: free bakers' yeast in water, immobilized bakers' yeast in water, and immobilized bakers' yeast in hexane. Although (R)-hydroxy esters are obtained in all cases, the enantiomeric excess varies from 3% (reduction of the methyl ester with free bakers' yeast in water) to 93% (reduction of the butyl ester with immobilized bakers' yeast in hexane) depending on the structure of substrate and on the reaction conditions. The mechanism of the present stereochemical control is discussed.  相似文献   
To identify the regions that are important in human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) envelope function, we synthesized 23 kinds of peptides covering the envelope proteins and examined the inhibitory effect of each peptide on syncytium formation induced by HTLV-1-bearing cells. Of the 23 synthetic peptides, 2, corresponding to amino acids 197 to 216 on gp46 and 400 to 429 on gp21, inhibited syncytium formation induced by HTLV-1-bearing cells but did not affect syncytium formation induced by human immunodeficiency virus type 1-producing cells. The peptide concentrations giving 50% inhibition of syncytium formation for gp46 197 to 216 and gp21 400 to 429 were 14.9 and 6.0 microM, respectively. A syncytium formation assay with overlapping synthetic peptides containing amino acids 175 to 236 and 391 to 448 of the envelope proteins showed that syncytium formation was inhibited by peptides that contained the amino acid sequences 197 to 205 (Asp-His-Ile-Leu-Glu-Pro-Ser-Ile-Pro) and 397 to 406 (Gln-Glu-Gln-Cys-Arg-Phe- Pro-Asn-Ile-Thr). These observations suggest that the two regions corresponding to amino acids 197 to 216 and 400 to 429 are involved] in HTLV-1 envelope function.  相似文献   
Many eukaryotic proteins are bound to the plasma membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. Its core backbone, which is conserved in different organisms, is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum by the sequential addition of glycan components to phosphatidylinositol. One of the human GPI synthesis genes,PIGF(phosphatidylinositol glycan complementation class F), which is involved late in the synthesis pathway, has been cloned. In this study, we isolated complementary and genomic clones ofPigf,a murine counterpart ofPIGF. Pigfencodes a 219 amino acid protein that complements a class F mutation. ThePigfgene consists of six exons spanning 30 kb and was mapped to chromosome 17 at 17E4–E5. These features are very similar toPIGF,thus demonstrating the interspecies conservation of structure, function, gene organization, and genetic locus between these GPI synthesis genes. The results also extend a region in murine distal chromosome 17 that is syntenic to human chromosome 2p16–p22.  相似文献   
Nocturnal flying insects were collected monthly for 13 months using ultra violet light-traps set at various vertical levels in a weakly-seasonal, tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. Abundance, faunal composition, size distribution and guild structure of these samples were analyzed with respect to temperal and vertical distributions. The nocturnal flying insect community in the canopy level was highly dominated by fig wasps (84%) in individual number, and by scarabaeid beetles (28%) in weight. A principal component analysis on monthly catches detected non-random, seasonal trends of insect abundance. The first two principal trends were an alternation of wetter (September to January) and less wet seasons (February to August) and an alternation between the least wet (January to March) and the other seasons. Many insect groups were less abundant in the least wet season than the other seasons, whilst inverse patterns were found in Scarabaeidae and Tenebrionidae. Significantly positive and negative correlations between monthly catch and rainfall were detected only in ovule-feeders and in phloem-feeders, respectively. Delayed, significant negative correlations between monthly catch and 1–3 month preceding rainfall were more frequently detected in phytophages, phloem-feeders, seed-feeders, wood-borers and scavengers. The peak in abundance along vertical levels were found at the canopy level (35 m) for phloem-, ovule-, seed-, root-, fungal-feeders and nectar collectors, at an upper subcanopy level (25 m) for scavengers and aquatic predators, and at a middle subcanopy level (17 m) for ants. Catches at the emergent level (45 m) did not exceed those at the canopy level.  相似文献   
A high expression system of the -glutamylcysteine synthetase gene (gshl) of Escherichia coli B was constructed, and rapid purification of GSH-I was performed. The active site of GSH-I was analysed by chemical modification, and Lys, Arg and His residues seemed to be involved in the active site of the enzyme. Among them, His residues were substituted to Ala by site-directed mutagenesis, and His-150 was found to be essential for the activity of GSH-I. Correspondence to: A. Kimura  相似文献   
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