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Summary The mechanism of intracellular maturation and sorting of herpes simplex virus type I glycoproteins is not known in details. To elucidate the intracellular sorting of viral glycoproteins and their possible interaction with the cytoskeleton, a method for simultaneous immunogold staining of three antigens in ultrathin cryosections is described. Each antigen is stained by an indirect technique using mouse monoclonal IgG as first layer, rabbit antimouse IgG as second and gold-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG as third layer antibody. After each staining cycle the paraformaldehyde vapour at 80° C for 30 min. This destroys the free antigen combining sites of the second and the third layer IgG and abolish contaminating staining. Simultaneous triple-staining is documented with three mouse monoclonal antisera specific for 1) herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein C, 2) glycoprotein D and 3) - and -tubulin as primary antibodies. Labelling for virus glycoproteins was found in some Golgi vesicles and close to the cytoplasmic microtubules as well as on the cell surface and on intracytoplasmic and extracellular virus particles.Presented in part at the 9th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, York, England, September 4–9, 1988  相似文献   
A series of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) analogs and positional isomers was examined to explore the structure-activity relationships among IP3 5-phosphatase, IP3 3-kinase, and the release of Ca2+. All analogs with additional groups on the 2nd position of IP3 inhibited the hydrolysis of [5-32P]IP3 catalyzed by erythrocyte ghosts, with a lower Ki value than seen with IP3. IP3 dehydroxylated at the 2nd position also had a lower Ki, while 2,4,5-IP3 or cyclic(1:2), 4,5-IP3 had higher Ki values. Among these compounds 2-deoxy-IP3 was as potent as IP3 in inhibiting the phosphorylation by [3H] IP3-3-kinase in rat brain cytosol. The other compounds, except for 2,4,5-IP3 inhibited the phosphorylation, however, 2-30 times higher concentrations were required. By lowering free Ca2+, the concentrations required for half-maximal inhibition were low, while those of IP3, 2-deoxy-IP3, and positional isomers remained unchanged. These compounds acted as full agonists in releasing Ca2+ from permeabilized macrophages, although 1.6-50-fold higher concentrations than IP3 were required. These compounds also inhibited the binding of [3H]IP3 to rat cerebellum and bovine adrenal cortex microsomes, but the potencies were 2.9-33 times less than that of IP3. Thus, the 2nd position of IP3 can be modified with only a slight loss of biological activity.  相似文献   
Cortical microtubules (MTs) in protoplasts prepared from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) BY-2 cells were found to be sensitive to cold. However, as the protoplasts regenerated cell walls they became resistant to cold, indicating that the cell wall stabilizes cortical MTs against the effects of cold. Since poly-l-lysine was found to stabilize MTs in protoplasts, we examined extensin, an important polycationic component of the cell wall, and found it also to be effective in stabilizing the MTs of protoplasts. Both extensin isolated from culture filtrates of tobacco BY-2 cells and extensin isolated in a similar way from cultures of tobacco XD-6S cells rendered the cortical MTs in protoplasts resistant to cold. Extensin at 0.1 mg·ml−1 was as effective as the cell wall in this respect. It is probable that extensin in the cell wall plays an important role in stabilizing cortical MTs in tobacco BY-2 cells.  相似文献   
A new heterogeneous "sandwich" immunoassay utilizing microparticles as labels to realize high sensitivity is described. In this method, antibody fixed on the microparticles reacts with antigen previously trapped on a microplate surface, which makes the antigen molecules visible and countable with an inverted optical microscope. The method is highly sensitive because the reacted single microparticle, therefore single antigen molecule, can be detected. The sensitivity depends both on the reaction efficiency of the immunoreaction and on nonspecific adsorption of the microparticles on the microplate surface. Therefore, the protocol for preparing microparticle having antibody on the surface and a microplate having capture antibody was investigated to realize high sensitivity. Carboxylated microparticles of 0.76 microns in diameter were conjugated with affinity-purified antibody using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide. It was determined that 1 g microparticles had 880 micrograms antibody (approximately 1100 antibody molecules per 1 microparticle). The immunoreaction efficiency reached 18% at 1 x 10(-13) mol/liter antigen concentration. The lower detection limit was 3.1 x 10(-14) mol/liter (1.6 amol) using human alpha-fetoprotein as a model antigen.  相似文献   
Renal cell carcinoma is known as a neoplastic condition of renal tubular cells and usually shows a hypervascular tumor in angiographic examination. We examined the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in human renal cell carcinoma. To determine if alterations in bFGF gene expression are present in human renal cell carcinoma, paired samples of normal and neoplastic renal tissue from 6 patients were analyzed for bFGF mRNA content by Northern blot hybridization. In 4 out of 6 patients, tumor tissue expressed bFGF mRNA 2 to 4 times greater than corresponding normal tissue. Two patients showed minimal elevation of tumor bFGF mRNA. The localization of bFGF in the renal cell carcinoma tissue was also examined using immunohistochemical staining, and it was found that bFGF was positively stained at the nuclei of tumor cells and the cell surface. These results suggest that increased expression of bFGF may be associated with neoplastic growth in renal tubular epithelial cells and neovascularization.  相似文献   
Indole-3-acetaldehyde (IAAId) was detected in the culture supernatantof Bradyrhizobium elkanii. Deuteriumlabelled L-tryptophan (Trp)was incorporated into IAAId and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA),suggesting that B. elkanii produces IAA via IAAId from Trp.In B. elkanii cell suspension, indole-3-pyruvic acid (IPyA)was converted to IAAId, and exogenously added IAAId was rapidlyconverted to IAA. Furthermore, the activity of indolepyruvatedecarboxylase (IPDC), which catalyzes the decarboxylation ofIPyA to produce IAAId and is a key enzyme for IPyA pathway,was detected in B. elkanii cell-free extract. The IPDC activitydepended on Mg2+ and thiamine pyrophosphate, cofactors of decarboxylation.This mounting evidence strongly suggests that IAA synthesisoccurs via IPyA pathway (Trp IPyA p IAAId IAA) in B. elkanii. (Received December 11, 1995; Accepted March 4, 1996)  相似文献   
In a study of various phytopathogenic fungi, we found that fungithat belong to the genus Rhizoctonia produce IAA efficientlyfrom tryptophan. R. solani Kühn MAFF-305219, in particular,produced large amounts of tryptophol (Tol), which was assumedto be a specific by-product of the indole-3-pyruvate (IPy) pathway,in addition to IAA. Therefore, this fungus seemed suitable foranalysis of the function and the regulation of the biosynthesisof auxin by a fungal pathogen. Under normal aerobic conditions,the ratio of IAA to Tol synthesized by this strain was higherthan that under less aerobic conditions. In metabolic studieswith various indole derivatives, R. solani converted L-tryptophanand indole-3-acetaldehyde to IAA and Tol, but other indole derivativeswere scarcely metabolized. These results suggest that both IAAand Tol are synthesized from tryptophan through the IPy pathwayin Rhizoctonia. (Received May 27, 1996; Accepted July 8, 1996)  相似文献   
A latex agglutination test for cryptococcal antigen, the Eiken Latex test (Eiken, Tokyo, Japan), was compared with a monoclonal antibody-based agglutination assay, Pastorex® Cryptococcus (Diagnostics Pasteur, Marneur-la-Coquette, France). In a murine model of disseminated cryptococcosis, the kinetics of the antigen titers by the Eiken Latex were similar to those by the Pastorex® Cryptococcus, but sensitivity was much higher. In HIV-negative patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis, a cryptococcal antigen was detected in 6 of 10 patients by the Eiken Latex test and in only 3 of those patients by the Pastorex® Cryptococcus. The results indicate that the Eiken Latex is more sensitive for the detection of the cryptococcal antigen, even in non-disseminated cryptococcosis. The sensitivity and specificity of the Eiken Latex were examined using 195 sera from 25 patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis and 170 patients with non-cryptococcosis. The cutoff value of 1:8 showed a sensitivity of 76% (19/25) and a specificity of 98.9% (168/170).  相似文献   
The mechanisms that control the wound-induced expression of the prxC2 gene for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have been investigated. Analysis of the regulatory properties of 5′-deleted promoters showed that a positive element involved in the response to wounding was located between −307 and −99 bp from the site of initiation of translation. In in vitro binding assays of tobacco nuclear proteins and DNA fragments of prxC2 promoter, the binding site was the Box 1 from −296 to −283 containing the CACGTG motif. To identify the functional role of Box 1, the prxC2 promoter that has been digested from the 5′ end to −289 with a disrupted Box 1 was fused to a reporter gene for β-glucuronidase (GUS). No induction of GUS activity was observed in transgenic tobacco plants with the prxC2(−289)/GUS construct. These data indicated that the expression of prxC2 in response to wounding required the Box 1 sequence from −296 to −283. Furthermore, a tobacco cDNA expression library was screened and a cDNA clone for a protein, designated TFHP-1, that bound specifically to the Box 1 sequence was identified. The putative TFHP-1 protein contains a basic region and leucine zipper (bZip) motif and a helix—loop—helix (HLH) motif. The mRNA for TFHP-1 was abundant in roots and stems, and it was not induced by wounding in leaves. In tobacco protoplasts, antisense TFHP-1 suppressed the expression of prxC2 (−529)/GUS.  相似文献   
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