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In an attempt to study on metabolic changes in rats fed on an amino acid diet devoid of one branched chain amino acid and of niacin, rats were force-fed a leucine-free, isoleucine-free, valine-free or complete amino acid diet for 3 or 4 days and killed 3 hr after the feeding on day 4 or 5 to observe the body weight changes, the urinary nitrogen and N1-methylnicotinamide (MNA), and liver tryptophanpyrrolase (TPase) and tyrosine-α-keto-glutarate transaminase (TKase) activities.

The excretion of the urinary nitrogen and MNA, TPase and TKase activities, and fat content of livers of rats force-fed these amino acid deficient diets were higher than those fed the complete amino acid diet. It was further confirmed in the present study that changes in TPase activity of rats given diets devoid of one essential amino acid were in the same direction with changes in urinary MNA which was observed in the previous studies on rats given threonine-free, tryptophan-free, methionine-free, lysine-free and complete amino acid diets. However, such metabolic changes in rats fed the leucine-free diet were not so remarkable, compared with those of rats fed the other amino acid deficient diets.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess the adhesion of Bifidobacterium strains to acidic carbohydrate moieties of porcine colonic mucin. Mucins were extracted and purified via gel filtration chromatography followed by density-gradient ultracentrifugation. The presence of sulfated and sialylated carbohydrates in mucins was shown by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays using PGM34 and HMC31 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), respectively. Adhesion of Bifidobacterium strains to mucin preparations was markedly affected by the degree of purification. In eight of 22 strains, we observed increased adhesion to mucin preparations purified by ultracentrifugation. Moreover, in some of these eight strains, adhesion to mucin was reduced by pretreatment with sulfatase and/or sialidase, and competitively inhibited by pretreatment with PGM34 and/or HCM31 mAbs. Our results showed that some Bifidobacterium strains adhered to sulfo- and/or sialomucin and were able to recognize carbohydrate structures of the mAbs epitopes.  相似文献   
Macaranga myrmecophytes (ant-plants) provide their partner symbiotic ants (plant-ants) with food bodies as their main food, and they are protected by the plant-ants from herbivores. The amount of resource allocated to food bodies determines the plant-ant colony size and consequently determines the intensity of ant defense (anti-herbivore defense by plant-ants). As constraints in resource allocation change as plants grow, the plant-ant colony size is hypothesized to change with the ontogenesis of Macaranga myrmecophyte. To determine the ontogenetic change in the relative size of the plant-ant colony, we measured the dry weights of the whole plant-ant colony and all of the aboveground parts of trees at various ontogenetic stages for a myrmecophytic species (Macaranga beccariana) in a Bornean lowland tropical rain forest. Ant biomass increased as plant biomass increased. However, the rate of increase gradually declined, and the ant biomass appeared to reach a ceiling once trees began to branch. The ant/plant biomass ratio consistently decreased as plant biomass increased, with the rate of decrease gradually accelerating. We infer that the ontogenetic reduction in ant/plant biomass ratio is caused by an ontogenetic change in resource allocation to food rewards for ants related to the physiological changes accompanying the beginning of branching.  相似文献   
Endothelin-1 (Edn1), originally identified as a vasoconstrictor peptide, is involved in the development of cranial/cardiac neural crest-derived tissues and organs. In craniofacial development, Edn1 binds to Endothelin type-A receptor (Ednra) to induce homeobox genes Dlx5/Dlx6 and determines the mandibular identity in the first pharyngeal arch. However, it remains unsolved whether this pathway is also critical for pharyngeal arch artery development to form thoracic arteries. Here, we show that the Edn1/Ednra signaling is involved in pharyngeal artery development by controlling the fate of neural crest cells through a Dlx5/Dlx6-independent mechanism. Edn1 and Ednra knock-out mice demonstrate abnormalities in pharyngeal arch artery patterning, which include persistent first and second pharyngeal arteries, resulting in additional branches from common carotid arteries. Neural crest cell labeling with Wnt1-Cre transgene and immunostaining for smooth muscle cell markers revealed that neural crest cells abnormally differentiate into smooth muscle cells at the first and second pharyngeal arteries of Ednra knock-out embryos. By contrast, Dlx5/Dlx6 knockout little affect the development of pharyngeal arch arteries and coronary arteries, the latter of which is also contributed by neural crest cells through an Edn-dependent mechanism. These findings indicate that the Edn1/Ednra signaling regulates neural crest differentiation to ensure the proper patterning of pharyngeal arch arteries, which is independent of the regional identification of the pharyngeal arches along the dorsoventral axis mediated by Dlx5/Dlx6.  相似文献   
Cohesin is a ring‐shaped protein complex that plays a crucial role in sister chromatid cohesion and gene expression. The dynamic association of cohesin with chromatin is essential for these functions. However, the exact nature of cohesin dynamics, particularly cohesin translocation, remains unclear. We evaluated the dynamics of individual cohesin molecules on DNA and found that the cohesin core complex possesses an intrinsic ability to traverse DNA in an adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase)‐dependent manner. Translocation ability is suppressed in the presence of Wapl‐Pds5 and Sororin; this suppression is alleviated by the acetylation of cohesin and the action of mitotic kinases. In Xenopus laevis egg extracts, cohesin is translocated on unreplicated DNA in an ATPase‐ and Smc3 acetylation‐dependent manner. Cohesin movement changes from bidirectional to unidirectional when cohesin faces DNA replication; otherwise, it is incorporated into replicating DNA without being translocated or is dissociated from replicating DNA. This study provides insight into the nature of individual cohesin dynamics and the mechanisms by which cohesin achieves cohesion in different chromatin contexts.  相似文献   
Light is the strongest synchronizer of human circadian rhythms, and exposure to residential light at night reportedly causes a delay of circadian rhythms. The present study was conducted to investigate the association between color temperature of light at home and circadian phase of salivary melatonin in adults and children. Twenty healthy children (mean age: 9.7 year) and 17 of their parents (mean age: 41.9 years) participated in the experiment. Circadian phase assessments were made with dim light melatonin onset (DLMO). There were large individual variations in DLMO both in adults and children. The average DLMO in adults and in children were 21:50 ± 1:12 and 20:55 ± 0:44, respectively. The average illuminance and color temperature of light at eye level were 139.6 ± 82.7 lx and 3862.0 ± 965.6 K, respectively. There were significant correlations between color temperature of light and DLMO in adults (r = 0.735, p < 0.01) and children (r = 0.479, p < 0.05), although no significant correlations were found between illuminance level and DLMO. The results suggest that high color temperature light at home might be a cause of the delay of circadian phase in adults and children.  相似文献   
Ferulic acid (FA) has been reported to exhibit protective effects against amyloid-β (Aβ)-induced neurodegeneration in vitro and in vivo. Recently, we developed two water-soluble FA derivatives: 1-feruloyl glycerol and 1-feruloyl diglycerol. In this study, we examined the neuroprotective effects of these water-soluble FA derivatives on Aβ-induced neurodegeneration both in vitro and in vivo. FA and water-soluble FA derivatives inhibited Aβ aggregation and destabilized pre-aggregated Aβ to a similar extent. Furthermore, water-soluble FA derivatives, as well as FA, inhibited Aβ-induced neuronal cell death in cultured neuronal cells. In in vivo experiments, oral administration of water-soluble FA derivatives to mice improved Aβ-induced dysmnesia assessed by contextual fear conditioning test and protected hippocampal neurons against Aβ-induced neurotoxicity. This study provides useful evidence suggesting that water-soluble FA derivatives are expected to be effective neuroprotective agents.  相似文献   
To extend life expectancy and ensure healthy aging, it is crucial to prevent and minimize age‐induced skeletal muscle atrophy, also known as sarcopenia. However, the disease's molecular mechanism remains unclear. The age‐related Wnt/β‐catenin signaling pathway has been recently shown to be activated by the (pro)renin receptor ((P)RR). We report here that (P)RR expression was increased in the atrophied skeletal muscles of aged mice and humans. Therefore, we developed a gain‐of‐function model of age‐related sarcopenia via transgenic expression of (P)RR under control of the CAG promoter. Consistent with our hypothesis, (P)RR‐Tg mice died early and exhibited muscle atrophy with histological features of sarcopenia. Moreover, Wnt/β‐catenin signaling was activated and the regenerative capacity of muscle progenitor cells after cardiotoxin injury was impaired due to cell fusion failure in (P)RR‐Tg mice. In vitro forced expression of (P)RR protein in C2C12 myoblast cells suppressed myotube formation by activating Wnt/β‐catenin signaling. Administration of Dickkopf‐related protein 1, an inhibitor of Wnt/β‐catenin signaling, and anti‐(P)RR neutralizing antibody, which inhibits binding of (P)RR to the Wnt receptor, significantly improved sarcopenia in (P)RR‐Tg mice. Furthermore, the use of anti‐(P)RR neutralizing antibodies significantly improved the regenerative ability of skeletal muscle in aged mice. Finally, we show that Yes‐associated protein (YAP) signaling, which is coordinately regulated by Wnt/β‐catenin, contributed to the development of (P)RR‐induced sarcopenia. The present study demonstrates the use of (P)RR‐Tg mice as a novel sarcopenia model, and shows that (P)RR‐Wnt‐YAP signaling plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   
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