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Inbreeding and the loss of genetic diversity are known to be significant threats to small, isolated populations. Hymenoptera represent a special case regarding the impact of inbreeding. Haplodiploidy may permit purging of deleterious recessive alleles in haploid males, meaning inbreeding depression is reduced relative to diploid species. In contrast, the impact of inbreeding may be exacerbated in Hymenopteran species that have a single-locus complementary sex determination system, due to the production of sterile or inviable diploid males. We investigated the costs of brother-sister mating in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. We compared inbred colonies that produced diploid males and inbred colonies that did not produce diploid males with outbred colonies. Mating, hibernation and colony founding took place in the laboratory. Once colonies had produced 15 offspring they were placed in the field and left to forage under natural conditions.  相似文献   


Trichomonas vaginalis is a human urogenital pathogen responsible for trichomonosis, the number-one, non-viral sexually transmitted disease (STD) worldwide, while T. tenax is a commensal of the human oral cavity, found particularly in patients with poor oral hygiene and advanced periodontal disease. The extent of genetic identity between T. vaginalis and its oral commensal counterpart is unknown.  相似文献   
Seeds of 39 species representing all native genera and sections of New WorldAntirrhineae were examined with the Scanning Electron Microscope and Light Microscope. Based on seed shape and surface ornamentation, seven morphological categories are recognized: cristate, tetracostate, foveolate, tumid tuberculate/cristate, circumalate, medusiform, and a miscellaneous category. Most sections and/or generic categories can be characterized by a single morphological type, althoughMaurandya s.l. has several distinctive seed types included within present generic boundaries. The cristate seed type is believed to be the “primitive type” from which the medusiform and tumid tuberculate/cristate types have developed. The tumid tuberculate/cristate type presumably gave rise to the circumalate, tetracostate, and foveolate patterns. The miscellaneous category (represented byLinaria andKickxia) may be phyletically remote from the other New World types. Seeds of the New WorldAntirrhineae mostly seem to be adapted for water dispersal although some adaptations for wind dispersal (e.g. wings, light weight) are evident. Free-hand sections and seed coat clearings indicate that circumalate seeds are of two different anatomical patterns; such structural diversity may be found in the other seed types.  相似文献   
Early origin of foraminifera suggested by SSU rRNA gene sequences   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
Foraminifera are one of the largest groups of unicellular eukaryotes with probably the best known fossil record. However, the origin of foraminifera and their phylogenetic relationships with other eukaryotes are not well established. In particular, two recent reports, based on ribosomal RNA gene sequences, have reached strikingly different conclusions about foraminifera's evolutionary position within eukaryotes. Here, we present the complete small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences of three species of foraminifera. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences indicates that they branch very deeply in the eukaryotic evolutionary tree: later than those of the amitochondrial Archezoa, but earlier than those of the Euglenozoa and other mitochondria-bearing phyla. Foraminifera are clearly among the earliest eukaryotes with mitochondria, but because of the peculiar nature of their SSU genes we cannot be certain that they diverged first, as our data suggest.   相似文献   
A plasmid library of PstI fragments of Haemophilus influenzae Rd genomic DNA was mutagenized in Escherichia coli with mini-Tn10kan. The mutagenized PstI fragments were introduced by transformation into the H. influenzae chromosome, and kanamycin-resistant transformants were screened for the transformation-deficient phenotype by a cyclic AMP-DNA plate method. Fifty-four mutant strains containing 24 unique insertions that mapped to 10 different PstI fragments were isolated. Strains carrying unique insertions were tested individually for DNA uptake, transformation efficiency, UV sensitivity, and growth rate. The transformation frequencies of these mutants were decreased by factors of 10(-2) to 10(-6). Five of the mutants had normal competence-induced DNA uptake, and the rest were variably deficient in competence development. Three strains were moderately UV sensitive. All strains but one had doubling times within 50% of that of the wild type. Mutated genes were cloned into an H. influenzae-E. coli shuttle vector, and wild-type loci were recovered by in vivo recombinational exchange. Hybridization of these clones to SmaI genomic fragments separated in pulsed-field gels showed that these insertions were not clustered in a particular region of the chromosome.  相似文献   
Transferrin, a glycoprotein involved in iron transport in body fluids, was isolated from amniotic fluid of a hydramniospatient by sequential anion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The N-glycans of human amniotic fluid transferrin (hAFT) were enzymatically liberated by PNGase-F digestion, isolated by gel filtration and fractionated by (high-pH) anion-exchange chromatography. After alkaline borohydride treatment of native hAFT, the released O-glycans were isolated by gel filtration and fractionated by anion-exchange chroma-tography. Structure elucidation of 14 N- and 2 O-glycans was performed by 500 or 600 MHz1H-NMR spectroscopy. Besides conventional N-glycans established earlier for human serum transferrin (hST), new (alpha1-3)-fucosylated N- glycans were found, representing sialyl Le(x) elements. Furthermore, as compared to hST, a higher degree of (alpha1-6)-fucosylation and an increase in branching from di- to triantennary compounds has been detected. The presence of O-glycans is demonstrated for the first time in transferrin.   相似文献   
A male cause is responsible in near 50% of infertilities. The radiologist takes place in a multidisciplinary management, after clinical and biological screening, which distinguishes:
  • - excretory infertilities, of which some causes are curable. Transrectal sonography (TRUS) and scrotal sonography are the first tests. In case of epididymal obstacle, scrotal abnormalities may correspond to constitutional or acquired causes; TRUS is normal. TRUS usually identifies congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens; without renal agenesia, a genital form of cystic fibrosis must be evocated. In case of distal obstacles, TRUS may be completed with MRI, especially in case of voluminous cystic tumors. Vasography, which directly shows was deferens patency, is required to accurately diagnose obstruction when ultrasound is not conclusive; vasography must be integrated in a surgical strategy.
  • - secretory azoospermies, from gonadic or hypothalamo-hypophyseal causes. Scrotal sonography may complete clinical examination. When hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis must be explored, MRI is the reference test.
  • - oligo-astheno-teratospermies, where infertilities are often mixed, with various male factors.
  • Three groups must be explored: hyperprolactinemies (MRI); chronic genital infection (ultrasound); varicoceles; Doppler color ultrasound may help to the detection; spermatic phlebography produce a pretherapeutic cartography, and may be the first step of a percutaneous sclerotherapy.  相似文献   
    Reports of 150 original chromosome counts are recorded, including reports of 22 genera and 57 species and subspecific taxa in tribe Lactuceae. Also included are first reports for 12 specific or subspecific taxa. x = 9 appears to be the ancestral base of the tribe. Chromosome numbers are known for over 85% of the genera of the tribe and the frequency of polyploidy is ca. 23%, which is about one-half that of the angiosperms.  相似文献   
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