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Phylogeographic studies of highly mobile large carnivores suggest that intra-specific genetic differentiation of modern species might be the consequence of the most recent Pleistocene glaciation. However, the relative influence of biogeographical processes and subsequent human-induced population fragmentation requires a better understanding. Poland represents the western edge of relatively continuous distributions of many wide-ranging species, e.g. lynx (Lynx lynx), wolves (Canis lupus), moose (Alces alces) and, therefore, a key area for understanding historic and contemporary patterns of gene flow in central Europe. We examined wolf genetic structure in Poland and in a recently recolonized area in eastern Germany using microsatellite profiles (n = 457) and mitochondrial DNA sequencing (mtDNA, n = 333) from faecal samples. We found significant genetic structure and high levels of differentiation between wolves in the Carpathian Mountains and the Polish lowlands. Our findings are consistent with previously reported mtDNA subdivision between northern lowlands and southern mountains, and add new and concordant findings based on autosomal marker variation. Wolves in western Poland and eastern Germany showed limited differentiation from northeastern Poland. Although the presence of private alleles suggests immigration also from areas not sampled in this study, most individuals seem to be immigrants from northeastern Poland or their descendants. We observed moderate genetic differentiation between certain northeastern lowland regions separated by less than 50 km. Moreover, mtDNA results indicated a southeastern subpopulation near the border with Ukraine. The observed structure might reflect landscape fragmentation and/or ecological differences resulting in natal habitat-biased dispersal.  相似文献   
River Habitat Survey (RHS) data collected for the EU-funded STAR project was used to identify hydromorphological characteristic features of rivers in four European regions namely: lowlands; mountain; the Alps; and the Mediterranean. Using RHS attributes, Habitat Quality Assessment (HQA) – a measure of natural habitat diversity, and Habitat Modification Score (HMS) – a measure of anthropogenic modification, we identified considerable differences in frequency, diversity and evenness of features between the regions. A relatively small subset of features clearly distinguish the hydromorphological characters of lowland, Alpine and southern European rivers. It was more difficult to distinguish mountain rivers from Alpine rivers. The highest statistical differences are observed between Lowland and Mountain region. Within the four regions studied the RHS attributes that most strongly influence the HQA and HMS indices were identified. We conclude that specific effort should be made to ensure these are recorded properly as part of the quality control of RHS data. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   
Reaching the limit of cell divisions, a phenomenon referred to as replicative aging, of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves a progressive increase in the cell volume. However, the exact relationship between the number of cell divisions accomplished (replicative age), the potential for further divisions and yeast cell volume has not been investigated thoroughly. In this study an increase of the yeast cell volume was achieved by treatment with pheromone alpha for up to 18 h. Plotting the number of cell divisions (replicative life span) of the pheromone-treated cells as a function of the cell volume attained during the treatment showed an inverse linear relationship. An analogous inverse relationship between the initial cell volume and replicative life span was found for the progeny of the pheromone-treated yeast. This phenomenon indicates that attaining an excessive volume may be a factor contributing to the limitation of cellular divisions of yeast cells.  相似文献   
We compared the products of autolytic amidase-catalyzed wall degradation in vivo (in penicillin-induced lysis) and in vitro. Pneumococci labeled in their cell wall stem peptides by radioactive lysine were treated with penicillin, and the nature of wall degradation products released to the medium during lysis of the bacteria was determined. At early times of lysis (20% loss of wall label), virtually all the radioactive peptides released (greater than 94%) were of high molecular size and were still attached to glycan and teichoic acid. At times of more extensive bacterial lysis (56%), progressively larger and larger fractions of the released peptides became free, i.e., detached from glycan and teichoic acid. Analysis of the nondegraded residual wall material by high-resolution high-pressure liquid chromatography revealed that this in vivo-triggered autolysis did not involve selective hydrolysis of some of the chemically distinct stem peptides. Parallel in vitro experiments yielded completely different results. Purified pneumococcal cell walls labeled with radioactive lysine were treated in vitro with low concentrations of pure amidase, and the nature of wall degradation products released during limited hydrolysis and after more extensive degradation was determined. In sharp contrast to the in vivo experiments, the main products of in vitro hydrolysis were free peptides. After a short treatment with amidase (resulting in a 20% loss of label), the material released was enriched for the monomeric stem peptides. At all times of hydrolysis (including the time of extensive degradation), only a relatively small fraction of the released wall peptides was covalently attached to glycan and teichoic acid components (17% as compared with 40% in the intact cell wall). We propose that the in vivo-triggered amidase activity first attacks the amide bonds in some strategically located (or unprotected) stem peptides that hold large segments of cell wall material together. The observations indicate that the in vivo activity of the pneumococcal autolysin is under topographic constraints.  相似文献   
The association between the concentrations of hydroxamic acids, total phenols, and indole alkoloids in winter wheat cultivars with their antibiotic resistance to the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) was studied. The antibiosis was measured under field conditions using the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm). The content of the studied allelochemicals was estimated in flag leaf at the anthesis growth stage. Highly significant negative correlations were found between the rm values and the concentrations of hydroxamic acids (r=–0.905) and total phenols (r=–0.946), but not with indole alkaloids (r=–0.380). The contribution of these allelochemicals to the resistance of winter wheat to S. avenae is discussed.
Résumé Les effets combinés de la concentration en substances allélochimiques des feuilles flétries et de la résistance antibiotique aux pucerons des grains ont été étudiés sur 4 cultivars de blé d'hiver, dont 2 modérément résistants: Saga et Grana et 2 sensibles: Emika et Liwilla. L'antibiose a été évaluée dans les conditions de la nature, aux stades d'épiaison et d'anthèse, en utilisant le taux intrinsèque de croissance rm. La quantification des substances allélochimiques a été effectuée par colorimétrie.Des corrélations négatives hautement significatives ont été trouvées entre les valeurs de Rm et la concentration en acides hydroxamiques (r=–0,905 pour 10 dl, P<0,01) et la teneur totale en phénols (r=–0,946, pour 10 dl, P<0,01). La teneur en alcaloïdes indols était elle aussi corrélée négativement, mais pas significativement avec rm (r=–0,380, pour 10 dl, P>0,1). La discussion porte sur la contribution de ces substances allélochimiques à la résistance du blé d'hiver à Sitobion avenae.
Reverse genetic screens have driven gene annotation and target discovery in model organisms. However, many disease‐relevant genotypes and phenotypes cannot be studied in lower organisms. It is therefore essential to overcome technical hurdles associated with large‐scale reverse genetics in human cells. Here, we establish a reverse genetic approach based on highly robust and sensitive multiplexed RNA sequencing of mutant human cells. We conduct 10 parallel screens using a collection of engineered haploid isogenic cell lines with knockouts covering tyrosine kinases and identify known and unexpected effects on signaling pathways. Our study provides proof of concept for a scalable approach to link genotype to phenotype in human cells, which has broad applications. In particular, it clears the way for systematic phenotyping of still poorly characterized human genes and for systematic study of uncharacterized genomic features associated with human disease.  相似文献   
Summary It is proposed as a working hypothesis that conformational changes propagated like waves along intracellular fibrils (tubules, microtubules, microfilaments) have an electric component,i.e., there are waves of disturbance of electric potential in the fibrils. The paper considers the unavoidable consequences of the wave. The latter is accompanied by local electric field in the boundary layer of cytoplasmic fluid. Both positively and negatively charged particles may be attracted to the fibril in certain regions of the field and, being attracted, the particle may be under the action of longitudinal component of electric force. When the force is strong enough to move the particle with wave velocity, the particle will travel smoothly along the fibril, otherwise the movement will be saltatory or of agitation type. Net electroosmotic flow in one direction in the boundary layer of fluid may be expected when the waves are propagated in series. Turbulent motion of the fluid caused by the waves may provide the basis for activated diffusion. Asymmetry of the wave may account for polar transport of this sort. The electric field transmitted along the fibril across a sieve pore in phloem may facilitate electroosmotically the flow through the pore. Quantitative requirements of the hypothesis that electric field generated by the waves may account for different aspects of longitudinal transport in cells are apparently met.  相似文献   
We describe the purification and properties of Dp-1, a bacteriophage isolated from Diplococcus pneumoniae. The phage was sensitive to the organic solvents deoxycholate and Sarkosyl, and its infectivity was reduced by treatment with phospholipase C. Electron microscopy indicated the presence of a double-layered coat around the phage particles. Purified phage preparations contained lipid amounting to about 8.5% of the dry weight of the phage, and thin-layer chromatography resolved the lipids into four components. The phage had a buoyant density in CsCl of 1.47 g/cm3, and a sedimentation constant in 0.1 M NaCl of 313S. Analysis in acrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated the presence of three major proteins. Dp-1 DNA shows a density of 1.681 g/cm3. Neutralizing antisera against the phage have a low potency (K less than 120/min).  相似文献   
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