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In the present investigation we have examined the ability of melatonin to modify the pulsatile LH secretion induced by treatment with a DA antagonist (sulpiride, SULP) or opioid antagonist (naloxone, NAL) in intact mid-anestrous ewes. The experimental design comprised the following treatments-in experiment 1: (1) intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) infusion of vehicle (control I); (2) pretreatment with SULP (0.6 mg/kg subcutaneously) and then i.c.v. infusion of vehicle (SULP + veh); (3) pretreatment with SULP and then i.c.v. infusion of melatonin (SULP + MLT, 100 microg per 100 microl/h, total 400 microg). In experiment 2: (4) i.c.v. infusion of vehicle (control II); (5) i.c.v. infusion of NAL (NAL-alone, 100 microg per 100 microl/h, total 300 microg); (6) i.c.v. infusion of NAL in combination with MLT (NAL + MLT, 100 microg + 100 microg per 100 microl/h). All infusions were performed during the afternoon hours. Pretreatment with SULP induced a significant (P < 0.01) increase in LH pulse frequency, but not in mean LH concentration, compared with control I. In SULP + MLT-treated animals, the LH concentration was significantly (P < 0.01) higher during MLT infusion, but due to highly increased LH secretion in only one ewe. The significant changes in the SULP + MLT group occurred in LH pulse frequency. A few LH pulses were noted after melatonin administration compared with the number during the infusion (P < 0.05) and after vehicle infusion in the SULP + MLT group (P < 0.05). The i.c.v. infusion of NAL evoked a significant increase in the mean LH concentration (P < 0.001) and amplitude of LH pulses (P < 0.01) compared with these before the infusion. The enhanced secretion of LH was also maintained after i.c.v. infusion of NAL (P < 0.01) with a concomitant decrease in LH pulse frequency (P < 0.05). In NAL + MLT-treated ewes, mean plasma LH concentrations increased significantly during and after the infusion compared with that noted before ( P < 0.001). No difference in the amplitude of LH pulses was found in the NAL + MLT group, but this parameter was significantly higher in ewes during infusion of both drugs than during infusion of the vehicle (P < 0.01). The LH pulse frequency differed significantly (p < 0.05), increasing slightly during NAL + MLT administration and decreasing after the infusion. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that: (1) in mid-anestrous ewes EOPs, besides DA, are involved in the inhibition of the GnRH/LH axis; (2) brief administration of melatonin in long-photoperiod-inhibited ewes suppresses LH pulse frequency after the elimination of the inhibitory DA input, but seems to not affect LH release following opiate receptor blockade.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial genomes of some Phaseolus species contain a fragment of chloroplast trnA gene intron, named pvs-trnA for its location within the Phaseolus vulgaris sterility sequence (pvs). The purpose of this study was to determine the type of transfer (intracellular or horizontal) that gave rise to pvs-trnA. Using a PCR approach we could not find the respective portion of the trnA gene as a part of pvs outside the Phaseolus genus. However, a BLAST search revealed longer fragments of trnA present in the mitochondrial genomes of some Citrus species, Helianthus annuus and Zea mays. Basing on the identity or near-identity between these mitochondrial sequences and their chloroplast counterparts we concluded that they had relocated from chloroplasts to mitochondria via recent, independent, intracellular DNA transfers. In contrast, pvs-trnA displayed a relatively higher sequence divergence when compared with its chloroplast counterpart from Phaseolus vulgaris. Alignment of pvs-trnA with corresponding trnAfragments from 35 plant species as well as phylogenetic analysis revealed that pvs-trnA grouped with non-eudicot sequences and was well separated from all Fabalessequences. In conclusion, we propose that pvs-trnA arose via horizontal transfer of a trnA intron fragment from chloroplast of a non-eudicot plant to Phaseolus mitochondria. This is the first example of horizontal transfer of a chloroplast sequence to the mitochondrial genome in higher plants.  相似文献   
Microsatellites are widely distributed in plant genomes and comprise unstable regions that undergo mutational changes at rates much greater than that observed for non-repetitive sequences. They demonstrate intrinsic genetic instability, manifested as frequent length changes due to insertions or deletions of repeat units. Detailed analysis of 1600 clones containing genomic sequences of Vicia bithynica revealed the presence of microsatellite repeats in its genome. Based on the screening of a partial DNA library of plasmids, 13 clones harbouring (GA/TC)n tracts of various lengths of repeated motif were identified for further analysis of their internal sequence organization. Sequence analyses revealed the precise length, number of repeats, interruptions within tracts, as well as sequence composition flanking the repeat motifs. Representative plasmids containing different lengths of (GA/TC)n embedded in their original flanking sequence were used to investigate the genetic stability of the repeats. In the study presented herein, we employed a well characterised and tractable bacterial genetic system. Recultivations of Escherichia coli harbouring plasmids containing (GA/TC)n inserts demonstrated that the genetic instability of (GA/TC)n microsatellites depends highly on their length (number of repeats). These observations are in agreement with similar studies performed on repetitive sequences from humans and other organisms.  相似文献   
It has been 25 years since the introduction of in vitro fertilization (IVF) for treatment of infertility. During this time very dynamic advances have taken place in all aspects of assisted reproductive technology (ART). The rapid improvement in embryological methods, especially these related to preimplantation embryo evaluation are of great importance. This article is a review of embryo classification systems utilized in ART programs. The most widely used scoring systems of zygotes and embryos (including blastocysts) are described. Additionally, the advantages of advanced embryo classifications in relation to ART success rates are presented.  相似文献   
Staphostatins, a novel family of cysteine protease inhibitors with a unique mechanism of action and distinct protein fold has recently been discovered. In this report we describe the properties of Staphylococcus epidermidis staphostatin A (EcpB), a new member of the family. As for other staphostatins, the recombinant S. epidermidis staphostatin A exerted very narrow inhibitory specificity, limited to cysteine protease from the same species. The closely related proteases from S. aureus cleaved the inhibitor at the reactive site peptide bond and inactivated it. The EcpB homologue, S. aureus staphostatin A (ScpB), was also susceptible to proteolytic cleavage at the same site by non-target cysteine proteases. Conversely, S. aureus staphostatin B (SspC) was resistant to such proteolysis. The difference in the susceptibility of individual inhibitors to proteolytic cleavage at the reactive site suggests subtle variations in the mechanism of interaction with cysteine proteases.  相似文献   
The F11 receptor (F11R) (a.k.a. Junctional Adhesion Molecule, JAM) was first identified in human platelets as a 32/35 kDa protein duplex that serves as receptor for a functional monoclonal antibody that activates platelets. We have sequenced and cloned the F11R and determined that it is a member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily of cell adhesion molecules. The signaling pathways involved in F11R-induced platelet activation were examined in this investigation. The binding of M.Ab.F11 to the platelet F11R resulted in granule secretion and aggregation. These processes were found to be dependent on the crosslinking of F11R with the Fc gammaRII by M.Ab.F11. This crosslinking induced actin filament assembly with the conversion of discoidal platelets to activated shapes, leading to the formation of platelet aggregates. We demonstrate that platelet secretion and aggregation through the F11R involves actin filament assembly that is dependent on phosphoinositide-3 kinase activation, and inhibitable by wortmannin. Furthermore, such activation results in an increase in the level of free intracellular calcium, phosphorylation of the 32 and 35 kDa forms of the F11R, F11R dimerization coincident with a decrease in monomeric F11R, and association of the F11R with the integrin GPIIIa and with CD9. On the other hand, F11R-mediated events resulting from the binding of platelets to an immobilized surface of M.Ab.F11 lead to platelet adhesion and spreading through the development of filopodia and lammelipodia. These adhesive processes are induced directly by interaction of M.Ab.F11 with the platelet F11R and are not dependent on the Fc gammaRII. We also report here that the stimulation of the F11R in the presence of nonaggregating (subthreshold) concentrations of the physiological agonists thrombin and collagen, results in supersensitivity of platelets to natural agonists by a F11R-mediated process independent of the Fc gammaRII. The delineation of the two separate F11R-mediated pathways is anticipated to reveal significant information on the role of this cell adhesion molecule in platelet adhesion, aggregation and secretion, and F11R-dependent potentiation of agonist-induced platelet aggregation. The participation of F11R in the formation and growth of platelet aggregates and plaques in cardiovascular disorders, resulting in enhanced platelet adhesiveness and hyperaggregability, may serve in the generation of novel therapies in the treatment of inflammatory thrombosis, heart attack and stroke, and other cardiovascular disorders.  相似文献   
Amsacrine is an acridine derivative drug applied in haematological malignancies. It targets topoisomerase II enhancing the formation of a cleavable DNA-enzyme complex and leading to DNA fragmentation in dividing cancer cells. Little is known about other modes of the interaction of amsacrine with DNA, by which it could affect also normal cells. Using the alkaline comet assay, we showed that amsacrine at concentrations from the range 0.01 to 10 microM induced DNA damage in normal human lymphocytes, human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells lacking the p53 gene and murine pro-B lymphoid cells BaF3 expressing BCR/ABL oncogene measured as the increase in percentage tail DNA. The effect was dose-dependent. Treated cells were able to recover within a 120-min incubation. Amifostine at 14 mM decreased the level of DNA damage in normal lymphocytes, had no effect on the HL-60 cells and potentiated the DNA-damaging effect of the drug in BCR/ABL-transformed cells. Vitamin C at 10 and 50 microM diminished the extent of DNA damage in normal lymphocytes, but had no effect in cancer cells. Pre-treatment of the cells with the nitrone spin trap, N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone or ebselen, which mimics glutathione peroxidase, reduced the extent of DNA damage evoked by amsacrine in all types of cells. The cells exposed to amsacrine and treated with endonuclease III and 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase II, the enzymes recognizing oxidized and alkylated bases, respectively, displayed greater extent of DNA damage than those not treated with these enzymes. The results obtained suggest that free radicals may be involved in the formation of DNA lesions induced by amsacrine. The drug can also methylate DNA bases. Our results indicate that the induction of secondary malignancies should be taken into account as diverse side effects of amsacrine. Amifostine may potentate DNA-damage effect of amsacrine in cancer cells and decrease this effect in normal cells and Vitamin C can be considered as a protective agent against DNA damage in normal cells.  相似文献   
Analysis of microsatellite instability (MI) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is recommended for screening patients with sporadic and hereditary malignancies. This study shows an application of a fluorescent hexaplex PCR system for microsatellite typing on A.L.F. DNA Sequencer (Pharmacia Biotech). This technique detects changes in microsatellites providing a time-efficient, reliable and accurate method for MI and LOH analyses. The Fragment Manager software was used for automated size calculation and quantitation of DNA fragments, enabling rapid and precise measurement of allelic ratios. We examined 70 breast cancer and 70 control DNA specimens, classified all the patterns of microsatellite alterations, and set up MI and LOH assessment criteria for the automated multiplex fluorescent method.  相似文献   
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