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Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII, EC is a membrane-bound enzyme found on the extracellular face ofglia. The gene for this enzyme is designated FOLH1 in humans and Folh1 in mice. This enzyme has been proposed to be responsible for inactivation of the neurotransmitter N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) following synaptic release. Mice harboring a disruption of the gene for GCPII/Folh1 were generated by inserting into the genome a targeting cassette in which the intron-exon boundary sequences of exons 1 and 2 were removed and stop codons were inserted in exons 1 and 2. Messenger RNA for GCPII was not detected by northern blotting or RT-PCR analysis of RNA from the brains of -/- mutant mice nor was GCPII protein detected on western blots of this tissue. These GCPII null mutant mice developed normally to adulthood and exhibited a normal range of neurologic responses and behaviors including mating, open field activity and retention of position in rotorod tests. No significant differences were observed among responses of wild type, heterozygous mutant and homozygous mutant mice on tail flick and hot plate latency tests. Glutamate, NAAG and mRNA for metabotropic glutamate receptor type 3 levels were not significantly altered in response to the deletion of glutamate carboxypeptidase II. A novel membrane-bound NAAG peptidase activity was discovered in brain, spinal cord and kidney of the GCPII knock out mice. The kinetic values for brain NAAG peptidase activity in the wild type and GCPII nullmutant were Vmax = 45 and 3 pmol/mg/min and Km = 2650 nm and 2494 nm, respectively. With the exception of magnesium and copper, this novel peptidase activity had a similar requirement for metal ions as GCPII. Two potent inhibitors of GCPII, 4,4'-phosphinicobis-(butane-1,3 dicarboxilic acid) (FN6) and 2-(phosphonomethyl)pentanedioic acid (2-PMPA) inhibited the residual activity. The IC50 value for 2-PMPA was about 1 nm for wild-type brain membrane NAAG peptidase activity consistent with its activity against cloned ratand human GCPII, and 88 nm for the activity in brain membranes of the null mutants.  相似文献   
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) provides a unique means of measuring interatomic distances in biological molecules in real time. Recent advances have been made in the application of this technique to studies of conformational changes in proteins. New ways of introducing fluorescence probes into proteins, newly developed fluorescence probes, and progress in the technologies for fluorescence signal detection have greatly expanded the range of applications of FRET. In particular, studies of conformational changes in proteins at a single molecule level and in the native in vivo context of a living cell are now possible.  相似文献   
Blastocyst culture requires strictly defined culture media to sustain its viability and quality. Although blastocyst media are commercially available, they do not meet all the needs and research focused on blastocyst-promoting agents is on the way. The aims of the study were to evaluate the significance of insulin-like growth factors I (IGF-I) and II (IGF-II); epidermal growth factor (EGF) and a mixture of insulin, transferrin and selenium (ITS) on the development of embryos exposed to oxidative stress. C3B6F1 mice were stimulated with 5 IU of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin following by administration of 5 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin and mating with DBA males. The mice were killed 40 h after eCG injection by cervical dislocation and then the 2 cell embryos were flushed out from the fallopian tubes. To evaluate whether the growth factors may compensate the unfavorable--oxidative milieu created by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the embryos were transferred to 1/ control medium, 2/ control medium+0.1 mM (H2O2) or 3/ control medium+H2O2 enriched with 10(-7) g/ml of IGF-I, IGF-II, EGF or a mixture of insulin (5x10(-6) g/ml), transferrin (5 x10(-6) g/ml) and selenium (5x10(-9) g/ml; ITS). Embryos were evaluated 96-144 hours following eCG injection. In the study the dynamics of embryo development and blastocyst cell numbers (including inner cell mass) were assessed. The morphological evaluation comprised viability and apoptosis (TUNEL). In oxidative stress setting, IGF-I, IGF-II, EGF and ITS minimized the negative influence of H2O2, and embryos developed faster than in control conditions. Blastocysts cultured with hydrogen peroxide and growth factors or ITS displayed normal morphology and had more cells--also within the inner cell mass--than those treated only with H2O2. The positive TUNEL reactions were sporadically observed in embryos cultured with hydrogen peroxide supplemented with growth factors. IGF-I, IGF-II, EGF and ITS have a positive effect on pre-implantation embryo development in detrimental culture conditions of oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Folliculogenesis was studied daily in the 18 oestrous cycles in six prolific Olkuska ewes from October to December using transrectal ultrasonography to record the number and size of all ovarian follicles > or =2 mm in diameter. Blood samples were taken once a day and were analyzed for concentrations of FSH, LH, estradiol and progesterone. Follicular and hormonal data were analyzed for associations between different stages of development of the follicular waves and concentrations of FSH and estradiol. The first wave during which at least one follicle reached maximum diameter of > or =4 mm after ovulation, was defined as a wave 1, and the following waves were numbered sequentially. Waves 1, 2, 3, 4 and the ovulatory one emerged on days: -2 to 4, 4 to 8, 6 to 11, 10 to 12 and 11 to 15, respectively. The mean number of follicles per wave that reached diameter of > or =4 mm was 4.15 +/- 1.1 and 16.62 +/- 8.6 follicles per estrous cycle of a total 299 follicles were observed. Significantly more follicles (p> or =0.05) emerged on days 2, 8 and 13 than in other days. Serum FSH concentrations fluctuated from 0.11 ngml(-1) on day 2 to preovulatory maximum 1.81 ngml(-1) on day 17 of the estrous cycle. The emergence of follicular waves was associated with elevations of FSH concentrations in blood serum. The mean increase in FSH concentration was followed by the recruitment of follicles of the next wave. The mean daily FSH concentration and the mean number of follicles emerging each day were negatively correlated. The length of the interwave interval (4.4 +/- 1.6 days) did not differ significantly from the interval between pulses of FSH (4.8 +/- 0.3 days). The mean serum estradiol concentrations showed fluctuations until day 14 and then gradually increased from 5.47 +/- 0.3 pgml(-1) to reach a peak 13.14 +/- 0.2 pgml(-1) on the day before ovulation. To summarize, the growth of ovarian follicles during the estrous cycle in high fecundity Olkuska sheep exhibited a distinct wave-like pattern. Ovarian follicles emerged from the pool of 2 mm follicles. The preovulatory follicles originated from the large follicle population were present in the ovary at the time of luteal regression. The initial stages of the growth of the largest follicles appears to be controlled primarily by increases in FSH secretion.  相似文献   
A study was carried out on 92 patients (58 males and 34 females) aged 42–76 treated for malignant neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract (54 patients with colorectal carcinoma, 38 with gastric carcinoma). In all patients, the zinc serum concentration was measured and the results obtained were referred to some epidemiological-clinical factors (sex, age, primary cause of cancer, the stage of clinical progression, and histological type). The results showed that the most pronounced hypozincemia occurred in male patients with mucous membrane carcinoma of the stomach.  相似文献   
In February 2001 a radiation accident occurred in a radiotherapy unit of an oncology hospital in Poland. Five breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy received a single high dose of 8 MeV electrons. The exact doses are not known, but they were heterogeneous and may have reached about 100 Gy. To assess whether such exposure would be detectable in peripheral blood lymphocytes, chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei were analyzed in lymphocytes from the accident patients and compared to values for lymphocytes from 10 control patients who were not involved in the accident but who received similar radiotherapy treatments. Lymphocytes were harvested for analysis of chromosomal aberrations at three different culture times to determine whether heavily damaged cells reached mitosis with a delay. There was no effect of harvest time on the frequencies of chromosomal aberrations, indicating that there was no delay of heavily damaged cells in entering mitosis. A good correlation was observed between micronuclei and chromosomal aberrations. In lymphocytes from three of the accident patients, significantly enhanced frequencies of both aberrations and micronuclei were found. The great individual variability observed in the frequency of cytogenetic damage in lymphocytes from both control and accident patients precluded the unambiguous identification of all accident patients.  相似文献   
ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) mediated recruitment of COPI to membranes plays a central role in transport between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi. The activation of ARFs is mediated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Although several ARF-GEFs have been identified, the transport steps in which they function are still poorly understood. Here we report that GBF1, a member of the Sec7-domain family of GEFs, is responsible for the regulation of COPI-mediated events at the ER-Golgi interface. We show that GBF1 is essential for the formation, differentiation, and translocation of pre-Golgi intermediates and for the maintenance of Golgi integrity. We also show that the formation of transport-competent ER-to-Golgi intermediates proceeds in two stages: first, a COPI-independent event leads to the formation of an unstable compartment, which is rapidly reabsorbed in the absence of GBF1 activity. Second, the association of GBF1 with this compartment allows COPI recruitment and leads to its maturation into transport intermediates. The recruitment of GBF1 to this compartment is specifically inhibited by brefeldin A. Our findings imply that the continuous recruitment of GBF1 to spatially differentiated membrane domains is required for sustained membrane remodeling that underlies membrane traffic and Golgi biogenesis.  相似文献   
The doublecortin-like domains (DCX), which typically occur in tandem, are novel microtubule-binding modules. DCX tandems are found in doublecortin, a 360-residue protein expressed in migrating neurons; the doublecortin-like kinase (DCLK); the product of the RP1 gene that is responsible for a form of inherited blindness; and several other proteins. Mutations in the gene encoding doublecortin cause lissencephaly in males and the 'double-cortex syndrome' in females. We here report a solution structure of the N-terminal DCX domain of human doublecortin and a 1.5 A resolution crystal structure of the equivalent domain from human DCLK. Both show a stable, ubiquitin-like tertiary fold with distinct structural similarities to GTPase-binding domains. We also show that the C-terminal DCX domains of both proteins are only partially folded. In functional assays, the N-terminal DCX domain of doublecortin binds only to assembled microtubules, whereas the C-terminal domain binds to both microtubules and unpolymerized tubulin.  相似文献   
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