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Silencing the morphogenesis of rotavirus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The morphogenesis of rotaviruses follows a unique pathway in which immature double-layered particles (DLPs) assembled in the cytoplasm bud across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), acquiring during this process a transient lipid membrane which is modified with the ER resident viral glycoproteins NSP4 and VP7; these enveloped particles also contain VP4. As the particles move towards the interior of the ER cisternae, the transient lipid membrane and the nonstructural protein NSP4 are lost, while the virus surface proteins VP4 and VP7 rearrange to form the outermost virus protein layer, yielding mature infectious triple-layered particles (TLPs). In this work, we have characterized the role of NSP4 and VP7 in rotavirus morphogenesis by silencing the expression of both glycoproteins through RNA interference. Silencing the expression of either NSP4 or VP7 reduced the yield of viral progeny by 75 to 80%, although the underlying mechanism of this reduction was different in each case. Blocking the synthesis of NSP4 affected the intracellular accumulation and the cellular distribution of several viral proteins, and little or no virus particles (neither DLPs nor TLPs) were assembled. VP7 silencing, in contrast, did not affect the expression or distribution of other viral proteins, but in its absence, enveloped particles accumulated within the lumen of the ER, and no mature infectious virus was produced. Altogether, these results indicate that during a viral infection, NSP4 serves as a receptor for DLPs on the ER membrane and drives the budding of these particles into the ER lumen, while VP7 is required for removing the lipid envelope during the final step of virus morphogenesis.  相似文献   
Methanosarcina acetivorans is an archaeon isolated from marine sediments which utilizes a diversity of substrates for growth and methanogenesis. Part I of a two-part investigation has profiled proteins of this microorganism cultured with both methanol and acetate as growth substrates, utilizing two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry. In this report, Part II, the analyses were extended to identify 34 proteins found to be present in different amounts between methanol- and acetate-grown M. acetivorans. Among these proteins are enzymes which function in pathways for methanogenesis from either acetate or methanol. Several of the 34 proteins were determined to have redundant functions based on annotations of the genomic sequence. Enzymes which function in ATP synthesis and steps common to both methanogenic pathways were elevated in acetate- versus methanol-grown cells, whereas enzymes that have a more general function in protein synthesis were in greater amounts in methanol- compared to acetate-grown cells. Several group I chaperonins were present in greater amounts in methanol- versus acetate-grown cells, whereas lower amounts of several stress related proteins were found in methanol- versus acetate-grown cells. The potential physiological basis for these novel patterns of protein synthesis are discussed.  相似文献   
We cloned a novel human β-defensin gene and determined its full-length cDNA sequence. The entire gene spanned more than 7 kb and included a large 6962-bp intron. The 362-bp cDNA encoded a prepropeptide that corresponded precisely to the recently identified human β-defensin HBD-1, an antimicrobial peptide implicated in the resistance of epithelial surfaces to microbial colonization. By two-color fluorescencein situhybridization on both metaphase chromosome and released chromatin fiber, HBD-1 gene (DEFB1 in HUGO/GDB nomenclature) mapped to chromosomal region 8p23.1–p23.2 in close proximity (within 100–150 kb) to the gene for the human neutrophil α-defensin HNP-1 (DEFA1). Thus, despite a complete lack of DNA sequence similarity and despite differences in their disulfide-pairing pattern, the α- and β-families appear to have evolved from a common premammalian defensin gene.  相似文献   
The PCB biodegradative ability of plant cells cultivated in vitro in media containing a mixture of PCB congeners, Delor 103, is demonstrated. For experiments we used submerged cultures of Armoracia rusticana, Solanum aviculare, Atropa bella-donna, transformed hairy root or embryogenic cultures of Solanum nigrum. Transformation of PCB was followed by gas chromatography after cultivations of the above-mentioned cultures with Delor 103 (10 mg 100 ml−1). The overall PCB metabolizing capability and also degradation of individual congeners greatly differed from strain to strain. The highest capability to metabolize PCB was assayed with differentiated cultures of Solanum nigrum. Beside the capability of PCB degradation, total peroxidase activity in the medium and the cell extract was also followed. Differentiated or hairy root cultures exhibiting higher degradation abilities of PCB also showed increase of peroxidase activities.  相似文献   
The crystalline cell surface layer (S-layer) of Bacillus stearothermophilus PV72 shows hexagonal lattice symmetry and is composed of a single protein species with a molecular weight of 130000. For investigating the regulation of S-layer protein synthesis, Bacillus stearothermophilus PV72 was grown in continuous culture on synthetic PVIII- medium with glucose as carbon source at constant dilution rate of 0.3 h−1 at 57 ° C under different conditions and limitations. A complete outer S-layer and an S-layer protein pool sufficient for formation of about 70% inner S-layer was produced under carbon-limited growth. The inner S-layer results from an S-layer protein pool stored in the peptidoglycan-containing layer of whole cells which can emerge and assemble on the inner face of the rigid cell wall layer during the cell wall preparation procedure. Under oxygen-limited growth, only a complete outer S-layer but no S-layer protein pool was synthesized. Reduction of the methionine concentration of PVIII-medium from 100 to 10 mg l−1 led to a clear decrease in S-layer protein production and to an incomplete outer S-layer. During growth in the presence of excess glucose, S-layer protein synthesis was replaced by that of an exopolysaccharide matrix. After changing to carbon limitation again, the original level of S-layer protein synthesis was achieved after only four volume exchanges. Feeding of casein hydrolysate or aromatic or basic amino acids to the continuous culture induced an irreversible loss of S-layer protein synthesis after from five to ten volume exchanges. In contrast, addition of Gly, Ala, Val, Leu, Ile, Glu, Gln, Asp, Asn, Ser and Thr in different mixtures could significantly stimulate S-layer protein production.  相似文献   
Mouritsen  Kim N.  Jensen  Tomas  Jensen  K. Thomas 《Hydrobiologia》1997,355(1-3):61-70
The phenology of microphallid trematodes within their intermediate hostpopulations has been studied on an intertidal mud flat. The parasites usethe mud snail Hydrobia ulvae and the infaunal amphipod Corophium volutatoras first and secondary intermediate host, respectively. Migratory shorebirdsact as final hosts. Our results show a general trend of decline in thedensity of infected intermediate hosts during both spring and autumn, whichcould mainly be ascribed to shorebird predation. During summer the densityof both infected snails and infected amphipods increased considerably, witha culmination in June within the snail population (1000 infectedm-2 and in August within the amphipod population (40 000infected m-2. This time lag in parasite occurrence could berelated to (1) the development time of larval trematodes within the snails,(2) higher ambient temperatures in late summer increasing parasitetransmission between snails and amphipods during this period, and (3) ageneral increase in the Corophium population during late summer. Fromsamples collected between 1990 and 1995 it is shown that microphallidtrematodes occasionally may give rise to mass mortality in the amphipodpopulation. The prerequisites for such an event are a high parasiteprevalence within the first intermediate host population and unusually highambient temperatures, facilitating parasite transmission to the secondaryintermediate host, C. volutator.  相似文献   
The effect of infestation by the birdcherry-oat aphid ( Rhopalosiphum padi L.), on induction of PR-proteins was investigated in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.), using barley lines susceptible or resistant to R. padi. The PR-proteins PR-1a (unknown function), PR-5a (acidic thaumatin) and peroxidase (EC were not affected, whereas one chitinase (EC and 4 β -1,3-glucanases (EC were induced by the aphid treatment. In the resistant breeding line CI 16145, but not in the susceptible cultivar Golf, accumulation of one basic chitinase and two acidic β -1,3-glucanases increased with time from 2 until 11 days after infestation, as determined by western blots, with antibodies raised against purified chitinase (PR-3a) and β -1,3-glucanase (PR-2a) from barley. By isoelectric focusing, two additional basic β -1,3-glucanases were detected, which increased after infestation in both the resistant and the susceptible barley. The basic chitinase was only detected at days 7 and 11 in the susceptible cultivar, but already at day 2 in the resistant line. The induction was localized to the infested leaf. The PR-proteins PR-3a and PR-2a were also induced by the fungal pathogen ( Blumeria [syn. Erysiphe ] graminis f. sp. hordei ), methyl salicylate and, to a lower extent, by wounding with tweezers and methyl jasmonate (MeJA). Needle wounding performed to mimic aphid stylet penetration did not induce chitinase or β -1,3-glucanase. It is concluded that the fungal pathogen and the aphid infestation induce both similar and different responses, and that the aphid induction is not due to wounding only. The different responses in resistant and susceptible lines indicate that the induced enzymes may play a role in the resistance against aphid infestation.  相似文献   
Åke Berg  Tomas Pärt 《Ecography》1994,17(2):147-152
The aim with this study was to investigate whether abundance of farmland birds on fields at forest edges were associated with (I) type of field (young set-aside vs arable fields), (n) the length and structure of the field-forest edge zone, and/or (m) with residual habitats such as habitat islands, ditches, roads etc Twenty-eight farmland bird species (all nesting and/or foraging on open fields) were censused during the breeding season on 48 plots (open fields with adjoining forest edges) in the central parts of Sweden, covering a total area of 595 ha Skylark Alauda arvensis , linnet Carduelis cannabina , whitethroat Sylvia communis and whinchat Saxicola rubetra were found in significantly higher numbers in set-aside-plots than cereal ones However, the most important factor explaining variation in the abundance of most species was the structure of the field-forest ecotone, with the length of shrubby southern deciduous forest edges being the most important factor in 7 of the species Mixed forest edges seemed to be of some importance for the abundance of 3 species, while associations between abundance and length of the other deciduous and coniferous field-forest ecotones only were significant for one species each Skylarks, white wagtails Motaalla alba and whinchats were positively associated to ditches and yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella and linnets were significantly associated to habitat islands The observed preferences for set-asides and shrubby field forest edges are suggested to be results of reduced predation risk and increased food abundance  相似文献   
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