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Complement dysregulation has been documented in adults with COVID-19 and implicated in relevant pediatric inflammatory responses against SARS-CoV-2. We propose that signatures of complement missense coding SNPs associated with dysregulation could also be identified in children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). We investigated 71 pediatric patients with RT-PCR validated SARS-CoV-2 hospitalized in pediatric COVID-19 care units (November 2020–March 2021) in three major groups. Seven (7) patients suffered from MIS-C (MIS-C group), 32 suffered from COVID-19 and were hospitalized (admitted group), whereas 32 suffered from COVID-19, but were sent home. All patients survived and were genotyped for variations in the C3, C5, CFB, CFD, CFH, CFHR1, CFI, CD46, CD55, MASP1, MASP2, MBL2, COLEC11, FCN1, and FCN3 genes. Upon evaluation of the missense coding SNP distribution patterns along the three study groups, we noticed similarities, but also considerably increased frequencies of the alternative pathway (AP) associated with SNPs rs12614 CFB, rs1061170, and rs1065489 CFH in the MIS-C patients. Our analysis suggests that the corresponding substitutions potentially reduce the C3b-inactivation efficiency and promote slower and weaker AP C3bBb pre-convertase assembly on virions. Under these circumstances, the complement AP opsonization capacity may be impaired, leading to compromised immune clearance and systemic inflammation in the MIS-C syndrome.  相似文献   
The effect of copper additions (Cu ranging from 0 to 30?µM) on the photosynthesis of three different microalgal biofilms was studied to identify the factors that cause sensitivity differences between benthic and pelagic algae. The response of biofilms which colonized artificial substrata in the River Meuse was compared with those of two laboratory-grown monospecific biofilms, one consisting of the diatom Synedra ulna, and the other composed of a filament-forming cyanobacterium, Oscillatoria sp. The photosynthetic yield ΦII (quantum efficiency of photosystem II) was studied with PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulated) fluorimetry. S. ulna biofilms appeared to be the most sensitive to Cu, followed by the cyanobacteria, while natural biofilms, dominated by supposedly very sensitive diatom species such as Melosira varians and Diatoma vulgare, were the most resistant to Cu. In the highly productive biofilms, pH is suggested to play a role in lowering toxicity by helping the precipitation of cupric ions. Cu accumulation by the biofilms during the exposure period followed a linear relationship with Cu concentration, saturation not being observed; natural biofilms had an accumulation factor of 1–2.5?×?103 relative to the concentrations in the water, while the diatoms growing unattached to the substratum had a higher concentration factor, up to 4.9?×?103. It was concluded that the physical structure of the biofilm (package of cells and thickness), and not the species composition, was the main factor regulating the sensitivity of the biofilm to Cu toxicity during short-term exposures.  相似文献   
We investigated lipid profiles and lipoprotein modification after immuno-intervention in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA). Fifty-eight patients with ERA who met the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria were included in the study. These patients had disease durations of less than one year and had not had prior treatment for it. Smokers or patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, liver or kidney disease, Cushing's syndrome, obesity, familiar dyslipidemia and those receiving medications affecting lipid metabolism were excluded from the study. Sixty-three healthy volunteers (controls) were also included. Patients were treated with methotrexate and prednisone. Lipid profiles, disease activity for the 28 joint indices score (DAS-28) as well as ACR 50% response criteria were determined for all patients. The mean DAS-28 at disease onset was 5.8 +/- 0.9. After a year of therapy, 53 (91.3%) patients achieved the ACR 20% response criteria, while 45 (77.6%) attained the ACR 50% criteria. In addition, a significant decrease in the DAS-28, C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were observed. ERA patients exhibited higher serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglycerides, whereas their serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels were significantly lower compared to controls. As a consequence, the atherogenic ratio of TC/HDL-C as well as that of LDL-C/HDL-C was significantly higher in ERA patients compared to controls. After treatment, a significant reduction of the atherogenic ratio of TC/HDL-C as well as that of LDL-C/HDL-C was observed, a phenomenon primarily due to the increase of serum HDL-C levels. These changes were inversely correlated with laboratory changes, especially CRP and ESR. In conclusion, ERA patients are characterized by an atherogenic lipid profile, which improves after therapy. Thus, early immuno-intervention to control disease activity may reduce the risk of the atherosclerotic process and cardiovascular events in ERA patients.  相似文献   
Four trityl-type (i.e. non-substituted trityl-, o-Cl-trityl-, o-F-trityl- and p-CN-trityl-) amidomethyl polystyrene resins were evaluated comparatively, in terms of the stability of the trityl-ester bond in slightly acidic dichloromethane solutions, and the p-CN-trityl-amidomethyl polystyrene resin was found to be the most stable of them. The above resins were applied, in parallel with Wang benzyl-type resin, well known for its stability in mild acidic conditions, to the Fmoc solid phase synthesis of the 43-amino acid residue long bioactive peptide thymosin beta-4. Independent of their differences in acid sensitivity, the resins seemed to function equally well under the conditions used, since pure thymosin beta-4 was obtained with a final yield of approximately 30% from each resin. The trityl-type amidomethyl polystyrene resins were also applied, in parallel with the Wang resin, to the Fmoc solid phase synthesis of a bioactive peptide containing proline at its C-terminus, i.e. the N-terminal tetrapeptide of thymosin beta-4, AcSDKP. In this case, the best yield (87%) was obtained with the o-Cl-trityl-amidomethyl polystyrene resin, which may be the resin of choice, of those studied, for the Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis.  相似文献   
Two substituted ureas of beta-D-glucose, N-acetyl-N'-beta-D-glucopyranosyl urea (Acurea) and N-benzoyl-N'-beta-D-glucopyranosyl urea (Bzurea), have been identified as inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase, a potential target for therapeutic intervention in type 2 diabetes. To elucidate the structural basis of inhibition, we determined the structure of muscle glycogen phosphorylase b (GPb) complexed with the two compounds at 2.0 A and 1.8 A resolution, respectively. The structure of the GPb-Acurea complex reveals that the inhibitor can be accommodated in the catalytic site of T-state GPb with very little change in the tertiary structure. The glucopyranose moiety makes the standard hydrogen bonds and van der Waals contacts as observed in the GPb-glucose complex, while the acetyl urea moiety is in a favourable electrostatic environment and makes additional polar contacts with the protein. The structure of the GPb-Bzurea complex shows that Bzurea binds tightly at the catalytic site and induces substantial conformational changes in the vicinity of the catalytic site. In particular, the loop of the polypeptide chain containing residues 282-287 shifts 1.3-3.7 A (Calpha atoms) to accommodate Bzurea. Bzurea can also occupy the new allosteric site, some 33 A from the catalytic site, which is currently the target for the design of antidiabetic drugs.  相似文献   
Common terminal sterilization methods are known to alter the natural structure and properties of soft tissues. One approach to providing safe grafts with preserved biological properties is the combination of a validated chemical sterilization process followed by an aseptic packaging process. This combination of processes is an accepted method for production of sterile healthcare products as described in ANSI/AAMI ST67:2011. This article describes the validation of the peracetic acid and ethanol-based (PAAE) chemical sterilization process for allograft dermal tissues at the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF, Edison, NJ). The sterilization capability of the PAAE solution used during routine production of aseptically processed dermal tissue forms was determined based on requirements of relevant ISO standards, ISO 14161:2009 and ISO 14937:2009. The resistance of spores of Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium sporogenes, Mycobacterium terrae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecium, and Staphylococcus aureus to the chemical sterilization process employed by MTF was determined. Using a worst-case scenario testing strategy, the D value was calculated for the most resistant microorganism, Bacillus. The 12D time parameter determined the minimum time required to achieve a SAL of 10?6. Microbiological performance qualification demonstrated a complete kill of 106 spores at just a quarter of the full cycle time. The validation demonstrated that the PAAE sterilization process is robust, achieves sterilization of allograft dermal tissue to a SAL 10?6, and that in combination with aseptic processing secures the microbiological safety of allograft dermal tissue while avoiding structural and biochemical tissue damage previously observed with other sterilization methods such as ionizing irradiation.  相似文献   
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