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Summary Sections of neurosecretory cells fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide were studied by means of an EMMA-4 analytical microscope. Secretory granules in neurosecretory cells of the corpus cardiacum and of the brain, both in the desert locust Schistocerca and in the blowfly Calliphora, as well as neurosecretory granules in posterior pituitaries of the frog Rana and of the albino rat all contain a high concentration of calcium. A distinct sulphur peak was also a constant feature.In neurosecretory cells of the corpus cardiacum of Schistocerca the chromatin contained a high concentration of calcium. The mitochondria also contained much calcium, but part of this disappeared during preparation except when fixative and wash contained calcium chloride. By block staining with uranyl acetate most calcium is displaced from the mitochondria, whereas most of the calcium remains in the neurosecretory granules. Since the calcium peaks in spectra from neurosecretory granules appear of similar size, regardless of variations in the preparative procedure, this calcium must be firmly bound. The possible role of the calcium bound to the neurosecretory substance is discussed.The presence of sulphur in insect neurosecretory granules indicates the presence of a protein besides the hormone, i.e., an insect neurophysin.We wish to thank Dennis Greer for the operation of the analytical microscope. This work was supported by a Wellcome-Carlsberg Travelling Research Fellowship awarded to T.N. The EMMA-4 facility is supported by a grant from the British Science Research Council  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that several rabbit tissues contain proteins which cross-react in the radioimmunoassay for uteroglobin, a progestin-regulated protein in rabbit uterus (Torkkeli et al. (1977) Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 9, 101–118). In the present study, a uteroglobin-like protein was purified to an apparent homogeneity from an extra-uterine tissue, rabbit lung, by successive chromatographies on hydroxyapatite, Sephadex G-75, SP-Sephadex, DEAE-cellulose and CM-cellulose. The final preparation behaved homogeneously in various polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic systems and in isoelectric focusing. The uteroglobin-like protein isolated from the lung had very similar physico-chemical and immunological properties to those of uteroglobin present in the rabbit uterine fluid. The two proteins had: (i) the same molecular weight, of approx. 13 000, with a two subunit structure (each approx. Mr 7000); (ii) identical behavior in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing and denaturing conditions; (iii) the same isoelectric point at pH 5.4; (iv) absence of carbohydrate in the molecule; (v) very similar amino acid compositions; (vi) lack of tryptophan among the amino acids; (vii) the same N-terminal amino acid (glycine), and (viii) indistinguishable immunological characteristics. Collectively, these data strongly suggest that uterine and lung uteroglobins are identical proteins.In contrast to the induction of the uterine uteroglobin by steroids with progestational activity, the synthesis of extra-uterine uteroglobins was not affected by these steroid hormones to any major extent. In keeping with the concept that lung is a target tissue for glucocorticoid action, cortisol and dexamethasone were capable of increasing the concentration of lung uteroglobin 3-fold (from 3 to 9 μg/mg soluble protein). These compounds did not, however, alter the secretion of the uterine protein. Administration of high doses of testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone elevated significantly the content of both uterine and lung uteroglobin. Only approx. one-fifth of the adult pulmonary uteroglobin levels were present in lungs of newborn rabbits indicating that developmental changes occur in the lung uteroglobin content.  相似文献   
The aerial parts of Daphne sericea yielded two new flavonoids, luteolin 7-methyl ether 5-β-d-glucoside and luteolin 7,3′-dimethyl ether 5-β-d-glucoside, as well as luteolin 7-methyl ether, isovitexin, apigenin and its 7-β-d-glucoside.  相似文献   
Summary Sesquiterpene lactone glaucolide-A from Vernonia, incorporated in the rearing diets of five species of Lepidoptera, significantly reduced the rate of growth of larvae of the southern armyworm, Spodoptera eridania; fall armyworm, S. frugiperda; and yellowstriped armyworm, S. ornithogalli. Quantitative feeding tests demonstrated that decreased feeding levels and reduced growth resulted from ingestion of a sesquiterpene lactone. Ingestion of glaucolide-A increased the number of days to pupation in four of the species. In the southern armyworm, it significantly reduced pupal weight. Glaucolide-A decidedly reduced percentage of survival of southern and fall armyworms. Yellow woollybear, Diacrisia virginica, and cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, larvae were essentially uneffected by the ingestion of the sesquiterpene lactone. Sesquiterpene lactones adversely affect growth rate and survival of certain insects that feed upon plants containing them. They apparently function as defensive products, screening out a portion of the potential herbivores.Vernonieae: Compositae  相似文献   
Using, as an example, the susceptibility of 437 bacterial strains (belonging to nomenspecies of the genera,Pseudomonas andXanthomonas) to 86 bacteriophage preparations, this study describes how sequential removal of the more distinctive emerging clusters (or selected groups of elements with prior knowledge of their taxonomic relationships) in a principal components analysis can be employed to analyze, the affinities among the remaining original numerical units. The initial, well-defined clusters had a constraining impact on other elements. This constraint was eased upon successive removal from the data matrix of initially distinctive clusters, thereby enabling clearer views of the relationships among the remaining elements. This procedure (sequential principal components analysis) might be used to evaluate the impacts of individual taxa in a numerical classification.  相似文献   
Using a number of intrafamilial PLTs raised against identical HLA haplotypes it has been possible to construct a model in an informative family defining the HLA-D region as a genetic system. This system consists of at least two regions separated by a recombination between HLA-D and GLO. In relation to the site of recombination, a minimum of one centromeric and three telomeric components can be identified per haplotype.—Fourteen PLTs raised and defined within the family were subsequently tested in a Caucasian population (n=84) and in 13 unrelated, complete families.—It is concluded that the hypothetical model proposed for the HLA-D region as a genetic system of linked loci, coding at the cell surface for associated but distinct components (at least four per haplotype), allows for typing of the components of the HLA-D system of any given haplotype. Serological typing of HLA-D components should, in the near future, provide a more convenient way of establishing component phenotypes than the present use of primed lymphocyte typing reagents. Among the components isolated, some have a high association with the classic alleles defined either by homozygous typing cells or DR serology. Others form the basis of cross-reactivity but their presence does not interfere with standard typing. Others, however, seem by their mere presence to be responsible for false assignments.—The concept of HLA-D as a genetic system clarifies many of the inconsistencies observed with a one-locus system.Research scientists from INSERM.Research Fellow from the Danish Medical Research Council.Central Blood Bank — Marseille  相似文献   
A soluble somatostatin-binding protein was detected in the cytosol fractions of various rat, human and bovine tissues. Maximum binding occurred at pH8.0-8.5 and was Ca(2+)-dependent. The specific binding of somatostatin per 10mug of cytosol protein from 12 rat tissues ranged between 36 and 15%, and 3% for peripheral blood cells. There was also substantial binding in cytosol from human anterior pituitary and liver, and bovine anterior pituitary. The specific binding in rat and human plasma in the presence of EDTA was only 1%. Gel filtration suggested a molecular weight of approx. 80000 for the somatostatin-binding protein from several sources. Exposure of the binding protein to trypsin eliminates somatostatin-binding activity but ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease have no effect. The binding protein is thermolabile, ethanol-precipitable, and not completely specific for somatostatin. Bound (125)I-labelled [Tyr(1)]somatostatin is not easily displaced by excess of unlabelled somatostatin. The effects of dithiothreitol and mercaptoethanol on the binding of (125)I-labelled [Tyr(1)]somatostatin to the binding protein suggests that binding involves two sequential steps, first loose binding, then disulphide linkage. Since semipurified somatostatin-binding protein causes a dose-related inhibition of the binding of (125)I-labelled [Tyr(1)]somatostatin in radioimmunoassays for somatostatin, estimates of somatostatin content of tissue extracts by radioimmunoassay in some cases may be spuriously high. It is not yet clear whether the binding protein is a true cytosol protein or an easily solubilized membrane protein.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to discover the pathway of starch breakdown during thermogenesis in the club of the spadix of Arum maculatum. The conventional α-amylase of higher plants could not be demonstrated in extracts of clubs although such extracts did exhibit considerable hydrolytic activity towards starch. This activity had an action pattern characteristic of an endo-amylase, was destroyed by heating to 70°, and was not inhibited by either 7 mM ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid or 100 mM N-ethyl maleimide. Measurements of this hydrolytic activity, and of the maximum catalytic activities of starch phosphorylase, phosphoglucomutase and hexokinase, were made at different stages of club development. These measurements were compared with estimates of the rate of starch breakdown at thermogenesis. This comparison indicates that phosphorolytic cleavage does not play a large role in such starch breakdown, and that this process is mediated, mainly, by the hydrolytic activity, described above, and by hexokinase.  相似文献   
Summary The vocal repertoire of magpie (Pica pica) chicks consists of six calls: Begging Trill (BT), Soft Whistle (SW), Begging Scream (BS), Alarm Call (AC), Distress Call (DC) and Brief Contact Note (BCN). Both BT and SW have a tonal structure and their occurrence is restricted to the nestling period. At fledging, there is a gradual change from BT into BS and a sudden appearance of harsh calls similar to those of adult birds (AC, DC, BCN), without evident transitional forms with preceding tonal calls. Both the existence and the structural design of calls seem to be adapted for providing nestlings with immediate benefits linked to the two major chapters of allocation of parental care. Emission rates of BT increase with hunger motivation under laboratory conditions. Their structure suggests that they are easily located but liable to suffer from environmental degradation. BS of fledglings may be more resistant to degradation, a trait which may facilitate the identification by parents of their own offspring. Both AC and DC attract parents to defend the nest against potential predators, and their structure make them to be easily located and detectable at long distances. BCN are given by fledglings during bouts of locomotory activity (exploration and play) and they probably help in maintaining the cohesion of the group under conditions of poor visibility. In accordance, this call may be fairly located at short distances. The function of SW was unclear. It is given during periods of nestling inactivity between begging bouts, and could be easily elicited by tactile and auditory stimuli. After laboratory experiments, it is concluded that SW serve to indicate parents that nestlings are in good condition, hence to benefit from the parental willingness to invest in a brood with high prospects of survival. Since (i) there is a widespread lack of continuity in the development of adult vocalizations starting from nestling calls, and (ii) nestling calls seem to have evolved to provide birds with benefits in the short-term, these facts argue against the prevailing idea that the main function of calls early in ontogeny is to act as precursors of adult vocalizations.
Zusammenfassung Das Lautrepertoire von Elsternestlingen besteht aus 6 Lautäußerungen: Betteltrillern (BT), Sanftes Pfeifen (SP), Bettelkreischen (BK), Alarmruf (AR), Angstschreien (AS) und kurzer Kontaktruf (KR). BT und SP sind tonal und treten nur während der Nestlingsperiode auf. Zum Zeitpunkt des Ausfliegens geht BT graduell in BK über und plötzlich treten auch ohne vorausgehende tonale Übergangsformen rauhe Rufe ähnlich denen der Altvögel auf (AR, AS, KR). Sowohl die Existenz als auch die Struktur der Lautäußerungen scheinen als Anpassungen im Zusammenhang mit einer Optimierung der Brutpflege zu interpretieren zu sein. Die Emissionsrate von BT steigt unter Laborbedingungen mit der Hungermotivation. Die Struktur legt nahe, daß BT leicht geortet werden kann, aber auch leicht von der Umgebung verschluckt wird. BS der flüggen Jungen scheint davon weniger betroffen zu sein, so daß die Eltern leichter ihre Jungen identifizieren können. AR und AS veranlassen die Altvögel, ihr Nest gegenüber potentiellen Prädatoren zu verteidigen; die Struktur der Laute begünstigt ihre Ortung und Wahrnehmung über größere Entfernungen. KR werden von den flüggen Jungen bei lebhafter lokomotorischer Aktivität (Exploration, Spiel) geäußert; sie tragen vielleicht dazu bei, die Gruppe auch unter erschwerten optischen Kontaktmöglichkeiten zusammenzuhalten. Die Funktion von SP blieb unklar. SP war während inaktiver Perioden zwischen Bettelverhalten zu hören und konnte leicht durch taktile und akustische Reize ausgelöst werden. Nach Laborexperimenten ist zu schließen, daß SP den Eltern Wohlbefinden der Jungen anzeigt und so Bereitschaft zur Investition in eine Brut mit hoher Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit fördert. Daß (1) zwischen den Rufen der Altvögel und dem Repertoire der Nestlingen weitgehend keine kontinuierlichen Übergänge festzustellen und (2) Nestlingsrufe offensichtlich im Hinblick auf kuzfristige Gewinne zu interpretieren sind, spricht gegen die allgemein vorherrschende Ansicht, das Lautrepertoire in frühen Stadien der Ontogenie sei hauptsächlich ein Vorläufer der Adultlaute.
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