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Two premenopausal women (aged 40 and 34 years) and multiple undisplaced, often asymptomatic fractures of the femurs, ribs, metatarsals and other bones. The fractures, which appeared on roentgenograms as transverse radiolucent zones with variable callus formation, healed slowly or not at all despite treatment with calcium and vitamin D. They resembled pseudofractures (Looser''s transformation zones) radiologically, but the biochemical and histologic findings were those of idiopathic osteoporosis rather than osteomalacia. Since neither patient had been subjected to unusual stress it was concluded that the fractures had resulted from normal activity in abnormal bone.  相似文献   
Summary The vocal repertoire of magpie (Pica pica) chicks consists of six calls: Begging Trill (BT), Soft Whistle (SW), Begging Scream (BS), Alarm Call (AC), Distress Call (DC) and Brief Contact Note (BCN). Both BT and SW have a tonal structure and their occurrence is restricted to the nestling period. At fledging, there is a gradual change from BT into BS and a sudden appearance of harsh calls similar to those of adult birds (AC, DC, BCN), without evident transitional forms with preceding tonal calls. Both the existence and the structural design of calls seem to be adapted for providing nestlings with immediate benefits linked to the two major chapters of allocation of parental care. Emission rates of BT increase with hunger motivation under laboratory conditions. Their structure suggests that they are easily located but liable to suffer from environmental degradation. BS of fledglings may be more resistant to degradation, a trait which may facilitate the identification by parents of their own offspring. Both AC and DC attract parents to defend the nest against potential predators, and their structure make them to be easily located and detectable at long distances. BCN are given by fledglings during bouts of locomotory activity (exploration and play) and they probably help in maintaining the cohesion of the group under conditions of poor visibility. In accordance, this call may be fairly located at short distances. The function of SW was unclear. It is given during periods of nestling inactivity between begging bouts, and could be easily elicited by tactile and auditory stimuli. After laboratory experiments, it is concluded that SW serve to indicate parents that nestlings are in good condition, hence to benefit from the parental willingness to invest in a brood with high prospects of survival. Since (i) there is a widespread lack of continuity in the development of adult vocalizations starting from nestling calls, and (ii) nestling calls seem to have evolved to provide birds with benefits in the short-term, these facts argue against the prevailing idea that the main function of calls early in ontogeny is to act as precursors of adult vocalizations.
Zusammenfassung Das Lautrepertoire von Elsternestlingen besteht aus 6 Lautäußerungen: Betteltrillern (BT), Sanftes Pfeifen (SP), Bettelkreischen (BK), Alarmruf (AR), Angstschreien (AS) und kurzer Kontaktruf (KR). BT und SP sind tonal und treten nur während der Nestlingsperiode auf. Zum Zeitpunkt des Ausfliegens geht BT graduell in BK über und plötzlich treten auch ohne vorausgehende tonale Übergangsformen rauhe Rufe ähnlich denen der Altvögel auf (AR, AS, KR). Sowohl die Existenz als auch die Struktur der Lautäußerungen scheinen als Anpassungen im Zusammenhang mit einer Optimierung der Brutpflege zu interpretieren zu sein. Die Emissionsrate von BT steigt unter Laborbedingungen mit der Hungermotivation. Die Struktur legt nahe, daß BT leicht geortet werden kann, aber auch leicht von der Umgebung verschluckt wird. BS der flüggen Jungen scheint davon weniger betroffen zu sein, so daß die Eltern leichter ihre Jungen identifizieren können. AR und AS veranlassen die Altvögel, ihr Nest gegenüber potentiellen Prädatoren zu verteidigen; die Struktur der Laute begünstigt ihre Ortung und Wahrnehmung über größere Entfernungen. KR werden von den flüggen Jungen bei lebhafter lokomotorischer Aktivität (Exploration, Spiel) geäußert; sie tragen vielleicht dazu bei, die Gruppe auch unter erschwerten optischen Kontaktmöglichkeiten zusammenzuhalten. Die Funktion von SP blieb unklar. SP war während inaktiver Perioden zwischen Bettelverhalten zu hören und konnte leicht durch taktile und akustische Reize ausgelöst werden. Nach Laborexperimenten ist zu schließen, daß SP den Eltern Wohlbefinden der Jungen anzeigt und so Bereitschaft zur Investition in eine Brut mit hoher Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit fördert. Daß (1) zwischen den Rufen der Altvögel und dem Repertoire der Nestlingen weitgehend keine kontinuierlichen Übergänge festzustellen und (2) Nestlingsrufe offensichtlich im Hinblick auf kuzfristige Gewinne zu interpretieren sind, spricht gegen die allgemein vorherrschende Ansicht, das Lautrepertoire in frühen Stadien der Ontogenie sei hauptsächlich ein Vorläufer der Adultlaute.
Summary We used powdered fluorescent dyes to estimate receipt of self vs. outcross pollen in the self-incompatible species Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae). Flowers on small and large plants received equal amounts of outcross pollen, whereas flowers on large plants received more self pollen, so the proportion of self pollen delivered through geitonogamy increased with plant size. In natural populations emasculation of all flowers on a plant raised average seed set per flower from 5.19 to 6.99 and also raised fruit set, though not significantly. From these results one expects a negative correlation between plant size and seeds per flower. The opposite trend was observed in a sample of plants in the field, suggesting that deleterious effects of geitonogamy on female fecundity in large plants can be overruled by other factors such as size-related fruit or seed abortion. Results are discussed in relation to the evolution of gynodioecy.  相似文献   
Two frameshift mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a recessive disease caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. We have identified in exon 7 two frameshift mutations, one caused by a two-nucleotide insertion and the other caused by a one-nucleotide deletion; these mutations--CF1154insTC and CF1213delT, respectively, are predicted to shift the reading frame of the protein and to introduce UAA(ochre) termination codons at residues 369 and 368.  相似文献   
Protein engineering techniques were used to construct a derivative of the serine protease subtilisin that ligates peptides efficiently in water. The subtilisin double mutant in which the catalytic Ser221 was converted to Cys (S221C) and Pro225 converted to Ala (P225A) has 10-fold higher peptide ligase activity and at least 100-fold lower amidase activity than the singly mutated thiolsubtilisin (S221C) that was previously shown to have some peptide ligase activity [Nakatsuka, T., Sasaki, T., & Kaiser, E.T. (1987) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 109, 3808-3810]. A 1.5-A X-ray crystal structure of an oxidized derivative of the double mutant (S221C/P225A) supports the protein design strategy in showing that the P225A mutation partly relieves the steric crowding expected from the S221C substitution, thus accounting for its improved catalytic efficiency. Stable and synthetically reasonable alkyl ester peptide substrates were prepared that rapidly acylate the S221C/P225A enzyme, and aminolysis of the resulting thioacyl-enzyme intermediate by various peptides is strongly preferred over hydrolysis. The efficiency of aminolysis is relatively insensitive to the sequence of the first two residues in the acyl acceptor peptide whose alpha-amino group attacks the thioacyl-enzyme. To obtain greater flexibility in the choice of coupling sites, a set of three additional peptide ligases were engineered by introducing mutations into the parent ligase (S221C/P225A) that were previously shown to change the specificity of subtilisin for the residue nearest the acyl bond (the P1 residue). The specificity properties of the parent ligase and derivatives of it paralleled those of wild type and corresponding specificity variants.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The most widely held model for the human TSH receptor is of holoreceptor of 80 kDa with two subunits of approximately 50 and 30 kDa linked by disulfide bridges, with the former subunit containing the major hormone-binding site. We reexamined this model by covalently cross-linking radiolabeled TSH to the recombinant human TSH receptor stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. When cross-linking was performed after the preparation of CHO membranes, analysis of hormone-receptor complexes under reducing and nonreducing conditions provided results supporting the two-subunit TSH receptor model. In contrast, however, cross-linking of TSH to the TSH receptor in intact CHO cells before membrane preparation revealed, even under reducing conditions, an approximately 100-kDa receptor as well as an approximately 54-kDa hormone-binding subunit. The approximately 100-kDa holoreceptor size is consistent with the size of the TSH receptor, as predicted from its derived amino acid sequence. The proportions of the approximately 100-kDa TSH receptor and the 54-kDa fragment varied in different experiments, suggesting the occurrence of proteolytic cleavage. Cross-linking of radiolabeled TSH to intact cells expressing a mutant TSH receptor (TSHR-D1) lacking amino acids 317-366 localized the proteolytic cleavage site to just up-stream of amino acid residue 317. In summary, the present data obtained by cross-linking TSH to recombinant human TSH receptors in intact cells provides evidence that the receptor exists in vivo as an approximately 100-kDa glycoprotein with a single polypeptide chain with intramolecular disulfide bridges.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A sensitive and accurate stable isotope dilution assay was developed for the measurement of pipecolic acid in body fluids using capillary gas chromatography with electron-capture detection. The method utilizes [2H11]pipecolic acid as the internal standard. Sample preparation consisted of derivatization in aqueous solution (pH 11.5) of the amine moiety with methyl chloroformate to the N-methylcarbamate, followed by acidic ethyl acetate extraction at pH ≤ 2 and further derivatization of the carboxyl moiety with pentafluorobenzyl bromide, the excess of which was removed by solid-phase extraction. Control values have been determined in the plasma of at-term infants, age > 1 week (n = 21, mean = 1.36 μM, range = 0.47–3.27 μM). The utility of the method was demonstrated by quantitating pipecolic acid in biological fluids derived from patients with peroxisomal disorders. The method was validated against an established electron-capture negative ion mass fragmentographic technique.  相似文献   
The rates of synthesis of a class of both secreted and intracellular degradative enzymes in Bacillus subtilis are controlled by a signal transduction pathway defined by at least four regulatory genes: degS, degU, degQ (formerly sacQ), and degR (formerly prtR). The DegS-DegU proteins show amino acid similarities with two-component procaryotic modulator-effector pairs such as NtrB-NtrC, CheA-CheY, and EnvZ-OmpR. By analogy with these systems, it is possible that DegS is a protein kinase which could catalyze the transfer of a phosphoryl moiety to DegU, which acts as a positive regulator. DegR and DegQ correspond to polypeptides of 60 and 46 amino acids, respectively, which also activate the synthesis of degradative enzymes. We show that the degS and degU genes are organized in an operon. The putative sigma A promoter of the operon was mapped upstream from degS. Mutations in degS and degU were characterized at the molecular level, and their effects on transformability and cell motility were studied. The expression of degQ was shown to be subject both to catabolite repression and DegS-DegU-mediated control, allowing an increase in the rate of synthesis of degQ under conditions of nitrogen starvation. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that this control system responds to an environmental signal such as limitations of nitrogen, carbon, or phosphate sources.  相似文献   
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