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Summary The localisation of GABA immunoreactive neurones in retinas of a variety of animals was examined. Immunoreactivity was associated with specific populations of amacrine neurones in all species examined, viz. rat, rabbit, goldfish, frog, pigeon and guinea-pig. All species, with the exception of the frog, possessed immunoreactive perikarya in their retinal ganglion cell layers. These perikarya are probably displaced amacrine cells because GABA immunoreactivity was absent from the optic nerves and destruction of the rat optic nerve did not result in degeneration of these cells. GABA immunoreactivity was also associated with the outer plexiform layers of all the retinas studied; these processes are derived from GABA-positive horizontal cells in rat, rabbit, frog, pigeon and goldfish retinas, from bipolar-like cells in the frog, and probably from interplexiform cells in the guinea-pig retina.The development of GABA-positive neurones in the rabbit retina was also analysed. Immunoreactivity was clearly associated with subpopulations of amacrine and horizontal cells on the second postnatal day. The immunoreactivity at this stage is strong, and fairly well developed processes are apparent. The intensity of the immunoreactivity increases with development in the case of the amacrine cells. The immunoreactive neurones appear fully developed at about the 8th postnatal day, although the immunoreactivity in the inner plexiform layer becomes more dispersed as development proceeds. The immunoreactive horizontal cells become less apparent as development proceeds, but they can still be seen in the adult retina.The GABA immunoreactive cells in rabbit retinas can be maintained in culture. Cultures of retinal cells derived from 2-day-old animals can be maintained for up to 20 days and show the presence of GABA-positive cells at all stages. In one-day-old cultures the GABA immunoreactive cells lacked processes but within three days had clearly defined processes. After maintenance for 10 days a meshwork of GABA-positive fibres could also be seen in the cultures.  相似文献   
Widespread mortality of the black sea urchin Diadema antillarum occurred in the Caribbean in 1983; beginning in Panama in January, and having its major impact at Barbados in September. Mortality on ten reefs surveyed in Barbados was 93.2%, with the highest being 99.9% and the lowest 86.9%. Mortality on each reef was independent of the pre-mortality density on the reef. Urchins with test diameters between 20 and 40 mm were more severely affected than smaller or larger urchins. Populations on reefs exposed to incoming oceanic water suffered heavier mortality than those on protected reefs. Mean size of urchins was smallest on high density reefs. This may indicate a negative effect of density on urchin growth. At post-mortality densities, urchins may grow faster and reach sexual maturity sooner.  相似文献   
Abstract. Early subcultures of human embryonic lung fibroblasts are exceptional, as they grow far beyond confluence before growth ceases: the stationary dish may well contain 3-10 monolayer equivalents. Maximal growth rates, however, occur at about one-sixth confluence when doubling times are 15-20 hr; a density at which cell contacts begin to become frequent. the fact that a slowing down of growth is first apparent at such low densities argues against this regulation being due to diffusion effects. Confirmation of the role of short-range or contact interactions in growth regulation comes from an experiment using mixed cultures of fibroblasts: this shows that growth inhibition is not carried by medium-borne influences but depends on short-range (<1 mm) interactions. Evidence that cells can escape the effects of such contact interactions and so divide comes from time-lapse studies of dense cultures: there is a burst of motility soon after a fresh-medium change, which is followed by a burst of mitosis × 20 hr later. A medium change to conditioned medium supplemented with 10% foetal calf serum leads to neither the burst of motility nor the subsequent burst of mitosis, although this medium is better able to support the growth of sparse cells than is fresh medium. Data are also presented to show that the amount of collagen deposited in superconfluent cultures affects their growth: the stimulation of collagen production with ascorbic acid leads to an unexpectedly low stationary cell density and rather less movement in the culture. This result suggests that the collagen stabilizes cell contacts that are responsible for growth inhibition. the question of why these cells grow more slowly as density increases cannot be answered directly by these experiments; nevertheless, the results suggest that cell contact affects the permeability of the cell membrane to medium.  相似文献   
Summary A monoclonal antibody against substance P was used for immunocytochemical staining of the central ganglia of the snail Helix aspersa and several peripheral tissues including the gut, reproductive system, cardiovascular system, tentacle and other muscles.Within the central ganglia many neurones, and many fibres in the neuropile and the nerves entering the ganglia, were stained for the SP-like material. The largest numbers of reactive cell bodies were in the pleural ganglia and on the dorsal surfaces of the pedal ganglia. A group of cells was also found, surrounding the right pedal-cerebral connective, that did not fluoresce, but were enveloped by reactive processes terminating directly onto the neurone somata.Specific staining was observed in all peripheral tissues examined and always appeared to be concentrated in nerve terminals. Most particularly these occurred in the heart and aorta, the pharyngeal retractor muscle and the tentacle. Although mostly present in muscular tissues, some fluorescence was also observed in the nervous layer surrounding the retina. The tentacular ganglion also contained immunoreactive cell bodies.  相似文献   
The kidney fat was histologically examined of 27 spontaneously dead lambs of which 14 had starved. The lambs were born with mature fat, but in young animals a starvation period of more than 24 hrs. reduced the fat tissues and changed its cells towards the embryonal type built up of preadipocytes. These cells were smaller than the mature fat cells. Nucleus was large, round and situated in the centre of the cell. The slight eosinophilic, strongly diminished cytoplasm was some granulated and had some small fat droplets. The starvation changes of fat cells did not depend on the weight of animals or on the age of lambs less than two weeks.  相似文献   
From middle Pennsylvanian coal balls collected in Kansas and Illinois the ligules and rhizomorph of Paurodendron have been illustrated. Assignment of Paurodendron to the Lycopsida is corroborated. Discovery of the root-bearing portion of this Carboniferous lycopod establishes a diminutive, phyletic line in the Paleozoic with rhizomorphs smaller than many species of Isoeles. Paurodendron resembles the selaginelloid line more closely than other rhizomorphic types. Anatomical comparisons of Paurodendron with roots and root-bearing structures of lycopods are made; the root-bearing and a representative leaf-bearing portion of Paurodendron fraiponti have been reconstructed. The specific diagnosis has been emended, and the three species described by Fry have been reduced to one.  相似文献   
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