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Sorghum, a C4 model plant, has been studied to develop an understanding of the molecular mechanism of resistance to stress. The auxin-response genes, auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA), auxin-response factor (ARF), Gretchen Hagen3 (GH3), small auxin-up RNAs, and lateral organ boundaries (LBD), are involved in growth/development and stress/defense responses in Arabidopsis and rice, but they have not been studied in sorghum. In the present paper, the chromosome distribution, gene duplication, promoters, intron/exon, and phylogenic relationships of Aux/IAA, ARF, GH3, and LBD genes in sorghum are presented. Furthermore, real-time PCR analysis demonstrated these genes are differently expressed in leaf/root of sorghum and indicated the expression profile of these gene families under IAA, brassinosteroid (BR), salt, and drought treatments. The SbGH3 and SbLBD genes, expressed in low level under natural condition, were highly induced by salt and drought stress consistent with their products being involved in both abiotic stresses. Three genes, SbIAA1, SbGH3-13, and SbLBD32, were highly induced under all the four treatments, IAA, BR, salt, and drought. The analysis provided new evidence for role of auxin in stress response, implied there are cross talk between auxin, BR and abiotic stress signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Although it has been established that cellular stiffness can change as a stem cell differentiates, the precise relationship between cell mechanics and other phenotypic properties remains unclear. Inherent cell heterogeneity and asynchronous differentiation complicate population analysis; therefore, single-cell analysis was employed to determine how changes in cell stiffness correlate with changes in molecular biomarkers during differentiation. Design of a custom gridded tissue culture dish facilitated single-cell comparisons between cell mechanics and other differentiation biomarkers by enabling sequential measurement of cell mechanics and protein biomarker expression at the single cell level. The Young’s modulus of mesenchymal stem cells was shown not only to decrease during chemically-induced osteoblast differentiation, but also to correlate more closely with the day of differentiation than did the relative expression of the traditional osteoblast differentiation markers, bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin. Therefore, cell stiffness, a measurable property of individual cells, may serve as an improved indicator of single-cell osteoblast differentiation compared to traditional biological markers. Revelation of additional osteoblast differentiation indicators, such as cell stiffness, can improve identification and collection of starting cell populations, with applications to mesenchymal stem cell therapies and stem cell-based tissue engineering.  相似文献   
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is an indigenous bacterium of marine environments. It accumulates in oysters and may reach levels that cause human illness when postharvest temperatures are not properly controlled and oysters are consumed raw or undercooked. Predictive models were produced by injecting Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) with a cocktail of V. parahaemolyticus strains, measuring viability rates at storage temperatures from 3.6 to 30.4°C, and fitting the data to a model to obtain parameter estimates. The models were evaluated with Pacific and Sydney Rock oysters (Saccostrea glomerata) containing natural populations of V. parahaemolyticus. V. parahaemolyticus viability was measured by direct plating samples on thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose (TCBS) agar for injected oysters and by most probable number (MPN)-PCR for oysters containing natural populations. In parallel, total viable bacterial counts (TVC) were measured by direct plating on marine agar. Growth/inactivation rates for V. parahaemolyticus were −0.006, −0.004, −0.005, −0.003, 0.030, 0.075, 0.095, and 0.282 log10 CFU/h at 3.6, 6.2, 9.6, 12.6, 18.4, 20.0, 25.7, and 30.4°C, respectively. The growth rates for TVC were 0.015, 0.023, 0.016, 0.048, 0.055, 0.071, 0.133, and 0.135 log10 CFU/h at 3.6, 6.2, 9.3, 14.9, 18.4, 20.0, 25.7, and 30.4°C, respectively. Square root and Arrhenius-type secondary models were generated for V. parahaemolyticus growth and inactivation kinetic data, respectively. A square root model was produced for TVC growth. Evaluation studies showed that predictive growth for V. parahaemolyticus and TVC were “fail safe.” The models can assist oyster companies and regulators in implementing management strategies to minimize V. parahaemolyticus risk and enhancing product quality in supply chains.  相似文献   
Azoles inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis, resulting in ergosterol depletion and accumulation of toxic 14α-methylated sterols in membranes of susceptible yeast. We demonstrated previously that miconazole induces actin cytoskeleton stabilization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae prior to induction of reactive oxygen species, pointing to an ancillary mode of action. Using a genome-wide agar-based screening, we demonstrate in this study that S. cerevisiae mutants affected in sphingolipid and ergosterol biosynthesis, namely ipt1, sur1, skn1, and erg3 deletion mutants, are miconazole-resistant, suggesting an involvement of membrane rafts in its mode of action. This is supported by the antagonizing effect of membrane raft-disturbing compounds on miconazole antifungal activity as well as on miconazole-induced actin cytoskeleton stabilization and reactive oxygen species accumulation. These antagonizing effects point to a primary role for membrane rafts in miconazole antifungal activity. We further show that this primary role of membrane rafts in miconazole action consists of mediating intracellular accumulation of miconazole in yeast cells.  相似文献   
Recent data suggest that there might be a subtle thermal explanation for the apparent induction by radiofrequency (RF) radiation of transgene expression from a small heat-shock protein (hsp16-1) promoter in the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans. The RF fields used in the C. elegans study were much weaker (SAR 5-40 mW kg(-1)) than those routinely tested in many other published studies (SAR approximately 2 W kg(-1)). To resolve this disparity, we have exposed the same transgenic hsp16-1::lacZ strain of C. elegans (PC72) to higher intensity RF fields (1.8 GHz; SAR approximately 1.8 W kg(-1)). For both continuous wave (CW) and Talk-pulsed RF exposures (2.5 h at 25 degrees C), there was no indication that RF exposure could induce reporter expression above sham control levels. Thus, at much higher induced RF field strength (close to the maximum permitted exposure from a mobile telephone handset), this particular nematode heat-shock gene is not up-regulated. However, under conditions where background reporter expression was moderately elevated in the sham controls (perhaps as a result of some unknown co-stressor), we found some evidence that reporter expression may be reduced by approximately 15% following exposure to either Talk-pulsed or CW RF fields.  相似文献   
Brown trout Salmo trutta is endemic to Europe, western Asia and north-western Africa; it is a prominent member of freshwater and coastal marine fish faunas. The species shows two resident (river-resident, lake-resident) and three main facultative migratory life histories (downstream–upstream within a river system, fluvial–adfluvial potamodromous; to and from a lake, lacustrine–adfluvial (inlet) or allacustrine (outlet) potamodromous; to and from the sea, anadromous). River-residency v. migration is a balance between enhanced feeding and thus growth advantages of migration to a particular habitat v. the costs of potentially greater mortality and energy expenditure. Fluvial–adfluvial migration usually has less feeding improvement, but less mortality risk, than lacustrine–adfluvial or allacustrine and anadromous, but the latter vary among catchments as to which is favoured. Indirect evidence suggests that around 50% of the variability in S. trutta migration v. residency, among individuals within a population, is due to genetic variance. This dichotomous decision can best be explained by the threshold-trait model of quantitative genetics. Thus, an individual's physiological condition (e.g., energy status) as regulated by environmental factors, genes and non-genetic parental effects, acts as the cue. The magnitude of this cue relative to a genetically predetermined individual threshold, governs whether it will migrate or sexually mature as a river-resident. This decision threshold occurs early in life and, if the choice is to migrate, a second threshold probably follows determining the age and timing of migration. Migration destination (mainstem river, lake, or sea) also appears to be genetically programmed. Decisions to migrate and ultimate destination result in a number of subsequent consequential changes such as parr–smolt transformation, sexual maturity and return migration. Strong associations with one or a few genes have been found for most aspects of the migratory syndrome and indirect evidence supports genetic involvement in all parts. Thus, migratory and resident life histories potentially evolve as a result of natural and anthropogenic environmental changes, which alter relative survival and reproduction. Knowledge of genetic determinants of the various components of migration in S. trutta lags substantially behind that of Oncorhynchus mykiss and other salmonines. Identification of genetic markers linked to migration components and especially to the migration–residency decision, is a prerequisite for facilitating detailed empirical studies. In order to predict effectively, through modelling, the effects of environmental changes, quantification of the relative fitness of different migratory traits and of their heritabilities, across a range of environmental conditions, is also urgently required in the face of the increasing pace of such changes.  相似文献   
Thraustochytrid strain ACEM 6063, rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, was cultured at 15°C and 20°C in high (>40%) and low (<5%) dissolved oxygen (DO), and at 25°C in low-DO media. Samples were taken 4, 2, and 0 days before each culture reached peak biomass (T−4, T−2, and Tp, respectively). Twenty sterols, 13 of which were identified, were detected. Predominant were cholest-5-en-3β-ol, 24-ethylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol, 24-methylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol, and 2 coeluting sterols, one of which was 24-ethylcholesta-5,7,22-trien-3β-ol. These 4 sterols comprised 50% to 90% of total sterols. Cultures grown at high DO had simpler sterol profiles than those grown at low DO. Only the 4 sterols mentioned above were present at more than 3% of total sterols in high-DO cultures. In low-DO cultures, up to 6 additional sterols were present at more than 3% of total sterols. Culture age, temperature, and DO influenced squalene and sterol content. Total sterols (as a proportion of total lipids) decreased with increasing culture age. If organisms such as ACEM 6063 are to be used for commercial production of lipid products for human consumption, both their sterol content and factors influencing sterol production need to be characterized thoroughly. Received January 8, 2001; accepted March 6, 2001.  相似文献   
Nematodes are omnipresent in composts and are active in virtually all stages of the composting process. Major shifts in species composition, life strategies, and feeding behavior occur during the composting process. Due to the heat peak, nematodes can be virtually absent, but several taxa appear immediately when the temperatures drop. These comprise both taxa present before the heat peak and new taxa. However, it is not known how nematodes populate the compost. In this study, we aimed to assess the survival and colonization capacity of nematodes in compost. Our results showed that composting processes inaccessible to insects or not in contact with soil did not significantly influence nematode succession during composting. However, differences between treatments were found for some specific taxa (i.e., for Acrostichus sp., Neodiplogasteridae sp., Nygolaimoides sp., and Rhabditidae sp. 1), illustrating the importance of insects for the dispersal of nematodes to compost. Experiments in the lab with the blue bottle fly as a possible carrier demonstrated actual transport of nematodes isolated from compost by the fly (i.e., Halicephalobus cfr. gingivalis, Diploscapter coronatus, Diplogasteritus sp., Acrostichus sp., and Mesorhabditis sp.). Juveniles and dauer stages of Aphelenchoides sp., Panagrolaimus sp., and rhabditids survived an experimentally induced temperature peak, while members of Tylenchidae did not. In conclusion, our results indicate that the rapidly changing nematode community in compost is the result of both differential survival and colonization capacities.  相似文献   
Microarrays allow monitoring of gene expression for tens of thousands of genes in parallel and are being used routinely to generate huge amounts of valuable data. Handling and analysis of such data are becoming major bottlenecks in the utilization of the technology. To enable the researcher to interpret the results postanalysis, we have developed a laboratory information management system for microarrays (LIMaS) with an n-tier Java front-end and relational database to record and manage large-scale expression data preanalysis. This system enables the laboratory to replace the paper trail with an efficient and fully customizable interface giving it the ability to adapt to any working practice, e.g., handling many resources used to form many products (chaining of resources). The ability to define sets of activities, resources, and workflows makes LIMaS MIAME-supportive.LIMaS is available for download at (http://www.mgu.har.mrc.ac.uk/microarray.)  相似文献   
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