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Nuclear transplantation of male primordial germ cells in the mouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the developmental ability of enucleated eggs receiving embryonic nuclei and male primordial germ cells (PGCs) in the mouse. Reconstituted eggs developed into the blastocyst stage only when an earlier 2-cell nucleus was transplanted (36%) but very rarely if the donor nucleus was derived from a later 2-cell, 8-cell, or inner cell mass of a blastocyst (0-3%). 54-100%, 11-67%, 6-43% and 6-20% of enucleated eggs receiving male PGCs developed to 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell and blastocyst stage, respectively, in culture. The overall success rate when taking into account the total number of attempts at introducing germ cells was actually 0-6%. Live fetuses were not obtained after transfer of reconstituted eggs to recipients, although implantation sites were observed. The developmental ability of reconstituted eggs in relation to embryonic genome activation and genomic imprinting is discussed.  相似文献   
The complete amino acid sequence and disulfide bridge location of HR2a, one of the hemorrhagic proteins isolated from the snake venom of Trimeresurus flavoviridis, have been determined by analysis of peptides derived from digests with cyanogen bromide, lysyl endopeptidase, trypsin, and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. Peptides were purified by gel filtration followed by reversed-phase HPLC. HR2a has the amino-terminal sequence of less than Glu-Gln-Arg- and consists of a total of 202 residues with a calculated molecular weight of 23,015. Sequence analysis indicates the presence of another isoform which lacks the amino-terminal residue, making 201 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22,887. Three disulfide bridges of HR2a link Cys-118 to Cys-197, Cys-159 to Cys-181, and Cys-161 to Cys-164. HR2a contains a segment which is similar to the zinc-chelating sequences found in thermolysin and several mammalian metalloproteinases, suggesting that HR2a is a metalloproteinase with limited substrate specificity. However, there is no other significant sequence homology with thermolysin except for the zinc-ligand region.  相似文献   
Polymorphism of the ABO blood group gene was investigated in 262 healthy Japanese donors by a polymerase chain reactions-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) method, and 13 different alleles were identified. The number of alleles identified in each group was 4 for A1 (provisionally called ABO*A101, *A102, *A103 and *A104 according to the guidelines for human gene nomenclature), 3 for B (ABO*B101, *B102 and *B103), and 6 for O (ABO*O101, *O102, *O103, *O201, *O202 and *O203). Nucleotide sequences of the amplified fragments with different SSCP patterns were determined by direct sequencing. Phylogenetic network analysis revealed that these alleles could be classified into three major lineages, *A/*O1, *B and *O2. In Japanese, *A102 and *13101 were the predominant alleles with frequencies of 83% and 97% in each group, respectively, whereas in group O, two common alleles, *O101 (43%) and *O201 (53%), were observed. These results may be useful for the establishment of ABO genotyping, and these newly described ABO alleles would be advantageous indicators for population studies.  相似文献   
A synthetic 22-mer oligodeoxyribonucleotide having an AACGTT palindrome, AAC-22, induced interferon (IFN) production and augmented the natural killer (NK) activity in murine splenocytes, whereas its analogue, ACC-22, having an ACCGGT palindrome, did not. The binding of AAC-22 to splenocytes was not different from that of ACC-22. Lipofection of AAC-22 to splenocytes remarkably enhanced IFN production and NK cell activity, whereas that of ACC-22 caused little enhancement. These results strongly suggest that the prerequisite for IFN production is not the binding of AAC-22 to the cell surface receptors, but its penetration into the spleen cells.  相似文献   
Neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) is distributed in most nerve cells and some non-neural tissues. The present immunohistochemical study has revealed, for the first time, the expression of N-CAM in perisinusoidal stellate cells of the human liver. Liver specimens were stained with monoclonal antibody against human Leu19 (N-CAM) by a streptoavidin-biotin-peroxidase-complex method. Light- and electron-microscopic analyses have shown that N-CAM-positive nerve fibers are distributed in the periportal and intermediate zones of the liver lobule. Perisinusoidal stellate cells in these zones are also positive for N-CAM. N-CAM is expressed on the surface of the cell, including cytoplasmic projections. Close contact of N-CAM-positive nerve endings with N-CAM-positive stellate cells has been observed. On the other hand, stellate cells in the centrilobular zone exhibit weak or no reaction for N-CAM. Perivascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts in the portal area and myofibroblasts around the central veins are negative for N-CAM. The present results indicate that the perisinusoidal stellate cells in the periportal and intermediate zones of the liver lobule characteristically express N-CAM, unlike other related mesenchymal cells, and suggest that the intralobular heterogeneity of N-CAM expression by stellate cells is related to the different maturational stages of these cells.  相似文献   
Genes coding for sporamin and β-amylase of sweet potato are inducible not only by high levels of metabolizable sugars, such as sucrose, but also by a low concentration of polygalacturonic acid (PGA). Calmodulin inhibitors and EGTA inhibited both the PGA-inducible and the sucrose-inducible accumulation of mRNAs for sporamin and β-amylase in sweet potato. Calmodulin inhibitors, EGTA and La3+, also inhibited the sucrose-inducible expression, in leaves of transgenic tobacco, of a fusion gene, β-Amy:GUS, which consists of the promoter of the β-amylase gene and the coding sequence for β-glucuronidase. The sucrose-inducible expression of the β-Amy:GUS fusion gene was also inhibited by two inhibitors of Ca2+ channels, diltiazem and nicardipine. These results suggest that the sugar-inducible expression of genes for sporamin and β-amylase involves, at least in part, Ca2+-mediated signalling, and that the cytosolic free Ca2+ may mediate cross-talk between signals related to carbohydrate metabolism and other stimuli. Treatment of coelenterazine-loaded leaf discs of tobacco expressing a Ca2+-binding photoprotein, aequorin, with 0.2 M sucrose for 24 h significantly reduced the level of luminescence that could be induced by cold shock, as compared to cold shock-induced luminescence in coelenterazine-loaded leaf discs treated with water. Repression of cold shock-induced luminescence was due to the conversion of holoaequorin to apoaequorin during the treatment with sucrose. Treatment of coelenterazine-loaded leaf discs with a 0.2 M solution of glucose or fructose, but not of mannitol or sorbitol, also reduced the cold shock-induced luminescence. It is suggested that non-synchronous increases in cytosolic level of free Ca2+ occur in leaf discs during treatment with high levels of metabolizable sugars.  相似文献   
Summary Specificity of reception on 11 electrolytes in the slime moldPhysarum polycephalum was investigated in the presence of polyvalent cations in media. Membrane potential and motive force of tactic movement were examined with the aid of the double chamber method, and the zeta potential at the membrane surface of the slime mold was measured by electrophoretic mobility. The results obtained are summarized as follows: (1) The presence of polyvalent cations (e.g., Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, La3+, Th4+) in medium led to an increase in threshold concentration,C th , determined from the potential measurements for Na- or Li-salts, and to a decrease inC th for K-, Rb-, or NH4-salts,C th for 11 electrolytes changed discontinuously when the concentration of polyvalent cations in medium exceeded their respective thresholds. (2) TheC th determined from chemotaxis agreed with that from the potential response both in the presence and absence of polyvalent cations. (3) Sequence of selectivity of univalent cations varied extensively in the presence of polyvalent cations. (4) Changes in the zeta potential induced by NaCl reception agreed with those in the membrane potential even in the presence of Ca2+ in medium. (5) TheC th for reception of NaCl changed sharply at about 12 °C in the presence of polyvalent cations, while that for KCl was independent of the temperature.Conformational changes in surface membrane of the slime mold in response to reception of polyvalent cations were then discussed in relation to the discrimination of univalent cations.  相似文献   
When rat liver mitochondria labeled with [59Fe]heme were incubated with microsomes in the presence of cytosol, about 16 % of the heme in mitochondria was transported to microsomes during a 1 hr-incubation period. In the absence of cytosol, little heme was transported. DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography of the cytosol partially purified by pH 5.1 treatment and ammonium sulfate precipitation (45–65%) revealed that there were at least two proteins with a releasing activity from mitochondria via heme transport.  相似文献   
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