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Kinetic studies with skeletal-muscle hexokinase   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Rat skeletal-muscle hexokinase was partially purified by ammonium sulphate fractionation and gel filtration. The mechanism of the skeletal-muscle hexokinase was studied kinetically by initial-velocity analysis and product inhibition. Glucose 6-phosphate was a non-competitive inhibitor of glucose and ATP. ADP was a non-competitive inhibitor of glucose and a competitive inhibitor of ATP. The data on product inhibition and initial-velocity analysis of skeletal-muscle hexokinase support an ordered sequential mechanism (ordered Bi Bi) where the addition of substrates and release of products is in the order: ATP, glucose, glucose 6-phosphate and ADP.  相似文献   
Inclusion of 1.1% elemental tellurium in the diet of postweanling rats produces a peripheral neuropathy due to a highly synchronous primary demyelination of sciatic nerve; this demyelination is followed closely by remyelination. Sciatic nerves from animals fed tellurium for various times were removed and incubated ex vivo for 1 h with [14C]acetate, and radioactivity incorporated into individual lipid classes was determined. In nerves from rats exposed to tellurium, there was a profound and selective block in the conversion of radioactive acetate to cholesterol. Another radioactive precursor, [3H]water, gave similar results. We suggest that tellurium feeding inhibits squalene epoxidase activity and that the consequent lack of cholesterol destabilizes myelin, thereby causing destruction of the larger internodes. Ex vivo incubation experiments were also carried out with liver slices. As with nerve, tellurium feeding caused accumulation in squalene of label from radioactive acetate, whereas labeling of cholesterol was greatly inhibited. Unexpectedly, however, incorporation of label from [3H]water into both squalene and cholesterol was increased. Relevant is the demonstration that liver was the primary site of bulk accumulation of squalene, which accounted for 10% of liver dry weight at 5 days. Thus, accumulation of squalene (and other mechanisms, possibly including up-regulation of cholesterol biosynthetic pathways) drives squalene epoxidase activity at normal levels in liver even in the presence of inhibitors of this enzyme. This is reflected by continuing incorporation of [3H]water into cholesterol; incorporation of this precursor takes place at many of the postsqualene biosynthetic steps for sterol formation. [14C]Acetate entering the sterol pathway before squalene in liver is greatly diluted in specific activity when it reaches the large squalene pool, and thus increased squalene epoxidase activity does not transfer significant 14C label to sterols. In contrast to the situation with liver, synthesis of sterols is markedly depressed in sciatic nerve, and squalene does not accumulate to high levels.  相似文献   
Livers isolated from control or turpentine-injected rats were perfused for 3 h with human red cells suspended in Krebs-Henseleit solution containing bovine serum albumin, dextran, glucose, heparin, cortisol, insulin, a mixture of 20 amino acids and [3H]leucine. Changes in the concentrations of antithrombin III and α-1-antitrypsin were evaluated by rocket immunoelectrophoresis using specific antisera, and incorporation of the 3H radioactivity into the total protein, albumin, antithrombin III and α-1-antitrypsin in the perfusate was measured. The results indicate that both antithrombin III and α-1-antitrypsin are synthesized in the liver. Local inflammation induced in the liver donors moderately stimulated the synthesis of α-1-antitrypsin but it affected only marginally that of antithrombin III.  相似文献   
The success of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) as a therapy for malignant and inherited disorders is limited by infectious complications. We previously demonstrated syngeneic BMT mice are more susceptible to Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia due to defects in the ability of donor-derived alveolar macrophages (AMs), but not polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), to phagocytose bacteria. We now demonstrate that both donor-derived AMs and PMNs display bacterial killing defects post-BMT. PGE2 is a lipid mediator with potent immunosuppressive effects against antimicrobial functions. We hypothesize that enhanced PGE2 production post-BMT impairs host defense. We demonstrate that lung homogenates from BMT mice contain 2.8-fold more PGE2 than control mice, and alveolar epithelial cells (2.7-fold), AMs (125-fold), and PMNs (10-fold) from BMT animals all overproduce PGE2. AMs also produce increased prostacyclin (PGI2) post-BMT. Interestingly, the E prostanoid (EP) receptors EP2 and EP4 are elevated on donor-derived phagocytes post-BMT. Blocking PGE2 synthesis with indomethacin overcame the phagocytic and killing defects of BMT AMs and the killing defects of BMT PMNs in vitro. The effect of indomethacin on AM phagocytosis could be mimicked by an EP2 antagonist, AH-6809, and exogenous addition of PGE2 reversed the beneficial effects of indomethacin in vitro. Importantly, in vivo treatment with indomethacin reduced PGE2 levels in lung homogenates and restored in vivo bacterial clearance from the lung and blood in BMT mice. Genetic reduction of cyclooxygenase-2 in BMT mice also had similar effects. These data clearly demonstrate that overproduction of PGE2 post-BMT is a critical factor determining impaired host defense against pathogens.  相似文献   
A method was developed to rapidly identify high-affinity human antibodies from phage display library selection outputs. It combines high-throughput Fab fragment expression and purification with surface plasmon resonance (SPR) microarrays to determine kinetic constants (kon and koff) for 96 different Fab fragments in a single experiment. Fabs against human tissue kallikrein 1 (hK1, KLK1 gene product) were discovered by phage display, expressed in Escherichia coli in batches of 96, and purified using protein A PhyTip columns. Kinetic constants were obtained for 191 unique anti-hK1 Fabs using the Flexchip SPR microarray device. The highest affinity Fabs discovered had dissociation constants of less than 1 nM. The described SPR method was also used to categorize Fabs according to their ability to recognize an apparent active site epitope. The ability to rapidly determine the affinities of hundreds of antibodies significantly accelerates the discovery of high-affinity antibody leads.  相似文献   
Homologous recombination (HR) is a key pathway that repairs DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) and helps to restart stalled or collapsed replication forks. How HR supports replication upon genotoxic stress is not understood. Using in vivo and in vitro approaches, we show that the MMS22L–TONSL heterodimer localizes to replication forks under unperturbed conditions and its recruitment is increased during replication stress in human cells. MMS22L–TONSL associates with replication protein A (RPA)‐coated ssDNA, and the MMS22L subunit directly interacts with the strand exchange protein RAD51. MMS22L is required for proper RAD51 assembly at DNA damage sites in vivo, and HR‐mediated repair of stalled forks is abrogated in cells expressing a MMS22L mutant deficient in RAD51 interaction. Similar to the recombination mediator BRCA2, recombinant MMS22L–TONSL limits the assembly of RAD51 on dsDNA, which stimulates RAD51‐ssDNA nucleoprotein filament formation and RAD51‐dependent strand exchange activity in vitro. Thus, by specifically regulating RAD51 activity at uncoupled replication forks, MMS22L–TONSL stabilizes perturbed replication forks by promoting replication fork reversal and stimulating their HR‐mediated restart in vivo.  相似文献   
In Brazil, the Neotropical brown stink bug, Euschistus heros (F.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), commonly disperses from soybeans to cotton fields. The establishment of an economic treatment threshold for this pest on cotton crops is required. Infestation levels of adults of E. heros were evaluated on cotton plants at preflowering, early flowering, boll filling, and full maturity by assessing external and internal symptoms of injury on bolls, seed cotton/lint production, and fiber quality parameters. A completely randomized experiment was designed to infest cotton plants in a greenhouse with 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 bugs/plant, except at the full-maturity stage in which only infestation with 8 bugs/plant and uninfested plants were evaluated. Results indicated that the preflowering, early-flowering, and full-maturity stages were not affected by E. heros. A linear regression model showed a significant increase in the number of internal punctures and warts in the boll-filling stage as the population of bugs increased. The average number of loci with mottled immature fibers was significantly higher at 4, 6, and 8 bugs compared with uninfested plants with data following a quadratic regression model. The seed and lint cotton was reduced by 18 and 25% at the maximum level of infestation (ca. 8 bugs/plant) in the boll-filling stage. The micronaire and yellowing indexes were, respectively, reduced and increased with the increase of the infestation levels. The economic injury level of E. heros on cotton plants at the boll-filling stage was determined as 0.5 adult/plant. Based on that, a treatment threshold of 0.1 adult/plant can be recommended to avoid economic losses.  相似文献   
Lemur beta-related globin genes have been isolated and sequenced. Orthology of prosimian and human epsilon-, gamma-, and beta-related globin genes was established by dot-matrix analysis. All of these lemur globin genes potentially encode functional beta-related globin polypeptides, though precisely when the gamma-globin gene is expressed remains unknown. The organization of the 18-kb brown lemur beta-globin gene cluster (5' epsilon-gamma-[psi eta-delta]-beta 3') is consistent with its evolution by contraction via unequal crossing-over from the putative ancestral mammalian beta-globin gene cluster (5' epsilon-gamma- eta-delta-beta 3'). The dwarf lemur nonadult globin genes are arranged as in the brown lemur. Similar levels of synonymous (silent) nucleotide substitutions and noncoding DNA sequence differences have accumulated between species in all of these genes, suggesting a uniform rate of noncoding DNA divergence throughout primate beta-globin gene clusters. These differences are comparable with those observed in the nonfunctional psi eta pseudogene and have therefore accumulated at the presumably maximal neutral rate. In contrast, nonsynonymous (replacement) nucleotide substitutions show a significant heterogeneity in distribution for both the same gene in different lineages and different genes in the same lineage. These major fluctuations in replacement but not silent substitution rates cannot be attributed to changes in mutation rate, suggesting that changes in the rate of globin polypeptide evolution in primates is not governed solely by variable mutation rates.   相似文献   
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