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Several teleost species have evolved anterior extensions of the swim bladder which come close to or directly contact the inner ears. A few comparative studies have shown that these morphological specializations may enhance hearing abilities. This study investigates the diversity of swim bladder morphology in four Asian and African cichlid species and analyzes how this diversity affects their hearing sensitivity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied swim bladder morphology by dissections and by making 3D reconstructions from high-resolution microCT scans. The auditory sensitivity was determined in terms of sound pressure levels (SPL) and particle acceleration levels (PAL) using the auditory evoked potential (AEP) recording technique. The swim bladders in Hemichromis guttatus and Steatocranus tinanti lacked anterior extensions and the swim bladder was considerably small in the latter species. In contrast, Paratilapia polleni and especially Etroplus maculatus possessed anterior extensions bringing the swim bladder close to the inner ears. All species were able to detect frequencies up to 3 kHz (SPL) except S. tinanti which only responded to frequencies up to 0.7 kHz. P. polleni and E. maculatus showed significantly higher auditory sensitivities at 0.5 and 1 kHz than the two species lacking anterior swim bladder extensions. The highest auditory sensitivities were found in E. maculatus, which possessed the most intimate swim bladder-inner ear relationship (maximum sensitivity 66 dB re 1 µPa at 0.5 kHz).


Our results indicate that anterior swim bladder extensions seem to improve mean absolute auditory sensitivities by 21–42 dB (SPLs) and 21–36 dB (PALs) between 0.5 and 1 kHz. Besides anterior extensions, the size of the swim bladder appears to be an important factor for extending the detectable frequency range (up to 3 kHz).  相似文献   
Trophozoites of E. histolytica are equipped with two chagasin-like cysteine protease inhibitors, EhICP1 and EhICP2, also known as amoebiasin 1 and 2. Expression studies using E. invadens as model organism showed that corresponding mRNAs were detectable in both life stages of the parasite, cyst and trophozoite state. Unlike EhICP1 known to act in the cytosol, EhICP2 co-localized with cysteine protease EhCP-A1 in lysosome-like vesicles, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy. Silencing or overexpressing of the two inhibitors did not show any effect on morphology and viability of the trophozoites. Overexpression of the EhICPs, however, although dramatically dampening the proteolytic activity of cell extracts from the corresponding cell lines, did not influence expression rate or localization of the major amoebic cysteine proteases as well as phagocytosis and digestion of erythrocytes. Activity gels of cell extracts from strains overexpressing ehicp1 showed a drastically reduced activity of EhCP-A1 suggesting a high affinity of EhICP1 towards this protease. From these data, we propose that EhCP-A1 accidentally released into the cytosol is the main target of EhICP1, whereas EhICP2, beside its role in house-keeping processes, may control the proteolytic processing of other hydrolases or fulfils other tasks different from protease inhibition.  相似文献   
Photoreceptor degeneration is the hallmark of several groups of inherited neurodegenerative diseases causing blindness in humans. These diseases are a major cause of visual handicap and to date no satisfactory treatment is available. Here, we briefly review different approaches for the treatment of photoreceptor degeneration, to then focus on neuroprotection. Up to date, translation of experimental neuroprotection into a clinical setting has faced major obstacles, which are in part due to an incomplete understanding of the regulation of pro-survival as well as neurodegenerative mechanisms. Previous approaches were often based on the hypothesis that photoreceptor cell death was governed by a single, apoptotic cell death mechanism. This perception has turned out too simple as recent work has demonstrated that photoreceptor cell death is governed by non-apoptotic mechanisms as well. Moreover, there is evidence, that several different destructive processes are executed in parallel. Briefly reviewing the complexity of degenerative mechanisms, this review discusses relevant pathways, options to target signaling cascades, final common denominators of cell death, and the interplay of events executing cell death. In particular, we focus on cGMP-signaling, epigenetic and proteolytic processes and the corresponding enzymatic activities that were recently shown to be causally related to retinal degeneration. Finally, we illustrate how a better understanding of destructive mechanisms may enable identification and validation of novel targets for neuroprotection, and allow development of next generation neuroprotective treatments as well as combination therapy.  相似文献   
In recBCD sbcB sbcC(D) mutants of Escherichia coli homologous recombination proceeds via RecF pathway, which is thought to require RecQ, UvrD and HelD helicases at its initial stage. It was previously suggested that depletion of all three helicases totally abolishes the RecF pathway. The present study (re)examines the roles of these helicases in transductional recombination, and in recombinational repair of UV-induced DNA damage in the RecF pathway. The study has employed the ΔrecBCD ΔsbcB sbcC201 and ΔrecBCD sbcB15 sbcC201 strains, carrying combinations of mutations in recQ, uvrD, and helD genes. We show that in ΔrecBCD ΔsbcB sbcC201 strains, recombination requires exclusively the RecQ helicase. In ΔrecBCD sbcB15 sbcC201 strains, RecQ may be partially substituted by UvrD helicase. The HelD helicase is dispensable for recombination in both backgrounds. Our results also suggest that significant portion of recombination events in the RecF pathway is independent of RecQ, UvrD and HelD. These events are initiated either by RecJ nuclease alone or by RecJ nuclease associated with an unknown helicase. Inactivation of exonuclease VII by a xseA mutation further decreases the requirement for helicase activity in the RecF pathway. We suggest that elimination of nucleases acting on 3' single-strand DNA ends reduces the necessity for helicases in initiation of recombination.  相似文献   
The mannosylated derivative of adamant‐1‐yl tripeptide (D ‐(Ad‐1‐yl)Gly‐L ‐Ala‐D ‐isoGln) was prepared to study the effects of mannosylation on adjuvant (immunostimulating) activity. Mannosylated adamant‐1‐yl tripeptide (Man‐OCH2CH(Me)CO‐D ‐(Ad‐1‐yl)Gly‐L ‐Ala‐D ‐isoGln) is a non‐pyrogenic, H2O‐soluble, and non‐toxic compound. Adjuvant activity of mannosylated adamantyl tripeptide was tested in the mouse model with ovalbumin as an antigen and in comparison to the parent tripeptide and peptidoglycan monomer (PGM, β‐D ‐GlcNAc‐(1→4)‐D ‐MurNAc‐L ‐Ala‐D ‐isoGln‐mesoDAP(εNH2)‐D ‐Ala‐D ‐Ala), a well‐known effective adjuvant. The mannosylation of adamantyl tripeptide caused the amplification of its immunostimulating activity in such a way that it was comparable to that of PGM.  相似文献   
Essential oils of 25 indigenous populations of Dalmatian sage (Salvia officinalis L.) that represent nearly half of native distribution area of the species were analyzed. Plantlets collected from wild populations were grown in the same field under the same environmental conditions and then sampled for essential‐oil analysis. The yield of essential oil ranged from 1.93 to 3.70% with average of 2.83%. Among the 62 compounds detected, eight (cis‐thujone, camphor, trans‐thujone, 1,8‐cineole, β‐pinene, camphene, borneol, and bornyl acetate) formed 78.13–87.33% of essential oils of individual populations. Strong positive correlations were observed between camphor and β‐pinene, β‐pinene and borneol, as well as between borneol and bornyl acetate. The strongest negative correlation was detected between camphor and trans‐thujone. Principal component analysis (PCA) on the basis of eight main compounds showed that first main component separated populations with high thujone content, from those rich in camphor, while the second component separated populations rich in cis‐thujone from those rich in trans‐thujone. Cluster analysis (CA) led to the identification of three chemotypes of S. officinalis populations: cis‐thujone; trans‐tujone, and camphor/β‐pinene/borneol/bornyl acetate. We propose that differences in essential oils of 25 populations are mostly genetically controlled, since potential environmental factors were controlled in this study.  相似文献   
Analysis by GC and GC/MS of the essential‐oil samples obtained from dry above‐ground parts of Hypericum rumeliacum Boiss . (collected in the flowering and fruit‐forming vegetative stages) allowed the identification of 212 components in total, comprising ≥97.8% of the total oil composition. In the flowering phase, the major identified volatile compounds were undecane (6.6%), dodecanal (10.8%), and germacrene D (14.1%), whereas α‐pinene (7.3%), β‐pinene (26.1%), (Z)‐β‐ocimene (8.5%), (E)‐β‐ocimene (10.2%), bicyclogermacrene (7.7%), and germacrene D (15.1%) were dominant in the fruit‐forming phase. Some of the minor constituents found in the studied oil samples (e.g., a homologous series of four 6‐alkyl‐5,6‐dihydro‐2H‐pyran‐2‐ones, i.e., massoia dodeca‐, trideca‐, tetradeca‐, and hexadecalactones) have a restricted occurrence in the Plant Kingdom, and their presence in Hypericum L. spp. has not been previously reported. The chemical compositions of the herein studied additional 34 oils obtained from selected Hypericum taxa were compared using multivariate statistical analysis (agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis). The results of these statistical analyses could not be used to either confirm or discard the existence of different H. rumeliacum chemotypes. However, they have implied that the volatile profile of this plant species is determined by the stage of its phenological development.  相似文献   
Composition of the essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis of ten populations from the Balkan Peninsula were determined by GC/FID and GC/MS. The main constituents were 1,8-cineole, camphor, α-pinene, and borneol. Multivariate statistical analysis (UPGMA cluster analysis and principal-component analysis (PCA)) revealed two major types of rosemary oil, i.e., 1,8-cineole and camphor-type, and two intermediate types, i.e., camphor/1,8-cineole/borneol type and 1,8-cineole/camphor type. The regression analyses (simple linear regression and stepwise multiple regression) have shown that, with respect to basic geographic, orographic, and 19 bioclimatic characteristics of each population, bioclimatic factor temperature of habitat represented the dominant abiogenetic factor, which, in chemical sense, led to differentiation of populations in the studied region. Also, the regression analysis have shown that some constituents of essential oils are independent of any single bioclimatic factors. However, some constituents display statistically significant correlations with some abiotic factors.  相似文献   
Analysis by GC and GC/MS of the essential oil obtained from above-ground parts of Micromeria dalmatica Benth. allowed the identification of 116 components, comprising 93.6% of the total oil composition. The major compounds are 3-oxygenated p-menthane monoterpenes and were identified as pulegone (29.6%), menthone (11.7%), and piperitenone (10.8%). The chemical composition of this and additional 30 oils obtained from selected Micromeria Benth. taxa were compared by using multivariate statistical analysis (agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA)). The results of statistical analyses, as well as the domination of different concurrent p-menthane-skeleton-type monoterpene biosynthetical sub-branches in the compared M. dalmatica samples, implied the occurrence of at least two different chemotypes of the mentioned species.  相似文献   
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