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Abstract Two chronosequences of unsaturated, buried loess sediments, ranging in age from <10,000 years to >1 million years, were investigated to reconstruct patterns of microbial ecological succession that have occurred since sediment burial. The relative importance of microbial transport and survival to succession was inferred from sediment ages, porewater ages, patterns of abundance (measured by direct counts, counts of culturable cells, and total phospholipid fatty acids), activities (measured by radiotracer and enzyme assays), and community composition (measured by phospholipid fatty acid patterns and Biolog substrate usage). Core samples were collected at two sites 40 km apart in the Palouse region of eastern Washington State, near the towns of Washtucna and Winona. The Washtucna site was flooded multiple times during the Pleistocene by glacial outburst floods; the Winona site elevation is above flood stage. Sediments at the Washtucna site were collected from near surface to 14.9 m depth, where the sediment age was approximately 250 ka and the porewater age was 3700 years; sample intervals at the Winona site ranged from near surface to 38 m (sediment age: approximately 1 Ma; porewater age: 1200 years). Microbial abundance and activities declined with depth at both sites; however, even the deepest, oldest sediments showed evidence of viable microorganisms. Same-age sediments had equal quantities of microorganisms, but different community types. Differences in community makeup between the two sites can be attributed to differences in groundwater recharge and paleoflooding. Estimates of the microbial community age can be constrained by porewater and sediment ages. In the shallower sediments (<9 m at Washtucna, <12 m at Winona), the microbial communities are likely similar in age to the groundwater; thus, microbial succession has been influenced by recent transport of microorganisms from the surface. In the deeper sediments, the populations may be considerably older than the porewater ages, since microbial transport is severely restricted in unsaturated sediments. This is particularly true at the Winona site, which was never flooded.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: By 2016, the proportion of Canadians older than 65 years of age will increase to 16%, and there will be an increase in the absolute number of cases of cardiovascular disease in older Canadians. The Canadian Heart Health Surveys database provides information about this population upon which health policy related to cardiovascular disease can be based. This paper presents for the first time population-based data on the risk factors for cardiovascular disease in older Canadians. METHODS: Canadians from all 10 provinces participated in surveys of cardiovascular risk factors; health insurance registries were used as sampling frames. In each province, probability samples of 2200 adults 18 to 74 years old not living in institutions, on reserves or in military camps were asked to participate in interviews and to undergo testing at clinics for major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. RESULTS: A total of 2739 men (response rate 70%) and 2617 women (response rate 66%) aged 55 to 74 years participated in the survey and also provided follow-up clinical measurements at the clinic. Overall, 52% of participants were hypertensive, 26% had isolated systolic hypertension, and 30% had a total blood cholesterol level of 6.2 mmol/L or greater. Rates of current smoking were lower in women than men (17% v. 22%). Overall, 87% of men and 78% of women who were current smokers smoked at least 10 cigarettes per day. Only slightly more than half of participants exercised at least once a week for at least 15 minutes, and almost half had a body mass index of 27 or greater. In only 4% was no major risk factor for cardiovascular disease detected. INTERPRETATION: Significant numbers of older Canadians have one or more major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Many of these risk factors are amenable to modification.  相似文献   
Dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) affects fat deposition and lipid metabolism in mammals, including livestock. To determine CLA effects in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), a major farmed fish species, fish were fed for 12 weeks on diets containing fish oil or fish oil with 2% and 4% CLA supplementation. Fatty acid composition of the tissues showed deposition of CLA with accumulation being 2 to 3 fold higher in muscle than in liver. CLA had no effect on feed conversion efficiency or growth of the fish but there was a decreased lipid content and increased protein content after 4% CLA feeding. Thus, the protein:lipid ratio in whole fish was increased in fish fed 4% CLA and triacylglycerol in liver was decreased. Liver beta-oxidation was increased whilst both red muscle beta-oxidation capacity and CPT1 activity was decreased by dietary CLA. Liver highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) biosynthetic capacity was increased and the relative proportion of liver HUFA was marginally increased in salmon fed CLA. CLA had no effect on fatty acid Delta6 desaturase mRNA expression, but fatty acid elongase mRNA was increased in liver and intestine. In addition, the relative compositions of unsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids changed after CLA feeding. CLA had no effect on PPARalpha or PPARgamma expression in liver or intestine, although PPARbeta2A expression was reduced in liver at 4% CLA feeding. CLA did not affect hepatic malic enzyme activity. Thus, overall, the effect of dietary CLA was to increase beta-oxidation in liver, to reduce levels of total body lipid and liver triacylglycerol, and to affect liver fatty acid composition, with increased elongase expression and HUFA biosynthetic capacity.  相似文献   
The dinoflagellate cyst record from an Upper Cretaceous (uppermost Cenomanian–upper Coniacian) Chalk core, drilled at Banterwick Barn, Berkshire, is described and statistically correlated with elemental and stable isotope bulk sediment geochemical data from the same core. Seventy-two dinocyst species and subspecies are recorded, and stable carbon and oxygen isotopic (δ13C, δ18O) trends are documented. Lithostratigraphy and chemostratigraphic correlation of the δ13C curve with an expanded section at Dover, Kent, are used to identify stratigraphically significant marls, and determine the positions of macrofossil zones and stage boundaries in the Banterwick Barn core. These data indicate that >30 m of chalk at Dover are represented by <2 m of Chalk Rock at Banterwick Barn, with much of the succession being absent due to erosion and non-deposition. First and last appearance datums (FAD, LAD), first and last common occurrences, and acmes of key Turonian–Coniacian dinocyst species are documented and compared with other records from the Anglo–Paris Basin. A new subspecies, Senoniasphaera rotundata alveolata is proposed, which has a FAD in the lower Turonian and last appears (LAD) in the lower Coniacian. Senoniasphaera rotundata rotundata [autonym, herein] has its FAD in the middle Turonian, first common occurrence in the uppermost Turonian, and LAD in the upper Coniacian. An extremely impoverished assemblage of dinocysts in the highest Cenomanian to lowest Turonian is considered to be largely a preservational artefact of intraclastic nodular and calcarenitic chalks, and is not related directly to the well-documented global oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) occurring at that time (93.5 Ma). A sharp increase in dinocyst abundance in the lower Turonian corresponds with a change in lithology to more marly chalks. A gradual decrease in the number of species is observed through the middle Turonian to upper Coniacian; δ18O records show that this was associated with global climatic cooling. Cluster analysis of the dinocyst abundance record with geochemical data indicates four distinct species groups with characteristic geochemical associations, i.e. Groups 1–4. Groups 1 and 2 are associated with phases of increased siliciclastic supply; a positive correlation with higher δ13C values differentiates the latter. Group 3 is independent of carbonate and detrital input, and Group 4 is associated with high carbonate flux and low detrital supply. These groupings suggest that cyst-forming dinoflagellates exhibited a range of ecological niches in the Late Cretaceous. Although the relationship between the encystment process and the geochemical associations is unclear, key environmental factors are likely to be sea-level and climate related, including water depth, turbidity, nutrient supply, sea-surface temperature, and environmental stability/predictability. Integrated geochemical and palynological studies have great potential for inter-regional correlation and palaeoenvironmental interpretation.  相似文献   
As the global population grows more of our fish and seafood are being farmed. Fish are the main dietary source of the omega-3 (n-3) long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids, but these cannot be produced in sufficient quantities as are now required for human health. Farmed fish have traditionally been fed a diet consisting of fishmeal and fish oil, rich in n-3 LC-PUFA. However, the increase in global aquaculture production has resulted in these finite and limited marine ingredients being replaced with sustainable alternatives of terrestrial origin that are devoid of n-3 LC-PUFA. Consequently, the nutritional value of the final product has been partially compromised with EPA and DHA levels both falling. Recent calls from the salmon industry for new sources of n-3 LC-PUFA have received significant commercial interest. Thus, this review explores the technologies being applied to produce de novo n-3 LC-PUFA sources, namely microalgae and genetically engineered oilseed crops, and how they may be used in aquafeeds to ensure that farmed fish remain a healthy component of the human diet.  相似文献   
Currently existing data show that the capability for long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA) biosynthesis in teleost fish is more diverse than in other vertebrates. Such diversity has been primarily linked to the subfunctionalization that teleostei fatty acyl desaturase (Fads)2 desaturases have undergone during evolution. We previously showed that Chirostoma estor, one of the few representatives of freshwater atherinopsids, had the ability for LC-PUFA biosynthesis from C18 PUFA precursors, in agreement with this species having unusually high contents of DHA. The particular ancestry and pattern of LC-PUFA biosynthesis activity of C. estor make this species an excellent model for study to gain further insight into LC-PUFA biosynthetic abilities among teleosts. The present study aimed to characterize cDNA sequences encoding fatty acyl elongases and desaturases, key genes involved in the LC-PUFA biosynthesis. Results show that C. estor expresses an elongase of very long-chain FA (Elovl)5 elongase and two Fads2 desaturases displaying Δ4 and Δ6/Δ5 specificities, thus allowing us to conclude that these three genes cover all the enzymatic abilities required for LC-PUFA biosynthesis from C18 PUFA. In addition, the specificities of the C. estor Fads2 enabled us to propose potential evolutionary patterns and mechanisms for subfunctionalization of Fads2 among fish lineages.  相似文献   
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