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Strigolactones are plant hormones that regulate both above- and belowground plant architecture. Strigolactones were initially identified as rhizosphere signaling molecules. In the present work, the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE 8 (SlCCD8) was cloned and its role in rhizosphere signaling and plant physiology assessed by generating knock-down lines. Transgenic SlCCD8 plants were generated by RNAi-mediated silencing. Lines with different levels of strigolactone reduction - confirmed by UPLC-MS/MS - were selected and their phenotypes investigated. Lines exhibiting reduced SlCCD8 levels displayed increased shoot branching, reduced plant height, increased number of nodes and excessive adventitious root development. In addition, these lines exhibited reproductive phenotypes such as smaller flowers, fruits, as well as fewer and smaller seeds per fruit. Furthermore, we show that strigolactone loading to the xylem sap is possibly restricted to orobanchol. Infestation by Phelipanche ramosa was reduced by 90% in lines with a relatively mild reduction in strigolactone biosynthesis and secretion while arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, apical dominance and fruit yield were only mildly affected. This demonstrates that reduction of strigolactone biosynthesis could be a suitable tool in parasitic weed management. Furthermore, our results suggest that strigolactones are involved in even more physiological processes than so far assumed.  相似文献   
Tryptophan synthase from Salmonella typhimurium is a bifunctional alpha 2 beta 2 complex that catalyzes the formation of L-tryptophan. We have characterized over the temperature range from 160 to 293 K the fluorescence and phosphorescence properties of the single tryptophan present at position 177 of the beta-subunit and of the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate bound through a Schiff's base in the beta-active site. The comparison between the fluorescence of the pyridoxal phosphate bound either to the protein or to valine free in solution indicates substantial protection for the coenzyme against thermal quenching and a greater intensity of the ketoenamine tautomer band. Trp-177 is highly luminescent, and its proximity to the pyridoxal moiety leads to an over 50% quenching of its fluorescence with both reduced and native coenzyme. The Trp phosphorescence spectrum possesses a narrow, well-defined, 0-0 vibrational band centered at 418.5 nm, a wavelength that indicates strong polar interactions with neighboring charges. The observation of delayed fluorescence in the native complex implies that the excited triplet state is involved in a process of triplet-singlet energy transfer to the ketoenamine tautomer. The rate of energy transfer, heterogeneous in low-temperature glasses with rate constants of 2.26 and 0.07 s-1, becomes homogeneous in fluid solutions as the coenzyme tautomer interconversion is likely faster than the phosphorescence decay. In both apo- and holo-alpha 2 beta 2, the phosphorescence from Trp-177 is long-lived even at ambient temperature.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Microspectrophotometry of single crystals of the tryptophan synthase alpha 2 beta 2 complex from Salmonella typhimurium is used to compare the catalytic and regulatory properties of the enzyme in the soluble and crystalline states. Polarized absorption spectra demonstrate that chromophoric intermediates are formed between pyridoxal phosphate at the active site of the beta subunit and added substrates, substrate analogs, and reaction intermediate analogs. Although the crystalline and soluble forms of the enzyme produce some of the same enzyme-substrate intermediates, including Schiff base and quinonoid intermediates, in some cases the equilibrium distribution of these intermediates differs in the two states of the enzyme. Ligands which bind to the active site of the alpha subunit alter the distribution of intermediates formed at the active site of the beta subunit in both the crystalline and soluble states. The three-dimensional structures of the tryptophan synthase alpha 2 beta 2 complex and of a derivative with indole-3-propanol phosphate bound at the active site of the alpha subunit have recently been reported (Hyde, C. C., Ahmed, S. A., Padlan, E. A., Miles, E. W., and Davies, D. R. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 17857-17871). Our present findings help to establish experimental conditions for selecting defined intermediates for future x-ray crystallographic analysis of the alpha 2 beta 2 complex with ligands bound at the active sites of both alpha and beta subunits. These crystallographic studies should explain how catalysis occurs at the active site of the beta subunit and how the binding of a ligand to one active site affects the binding of a ligand to the other active site which is 25 A away.  相似文献   
We previously showed that the deleterious effects from introducing abasic nucleotides in the hammerhead ribozyme core can, in some instances, be relieved by exogenous addition of the ablated base and that the relative ability of different bases to rescue catalysis can be used to probe functional aspects of the ribozyme structure [Peracchi et al., Proc NatAcad Sci USA 93:11522]. Here we examine rescue at four additional positions, 3, 9, 12 and 13, to probe transition state interactions and to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of base rescue as a tool for structure-function studies. The results confirm functional roles for groups previously probed by mutagenesis, provide evidence that specific interactions observed in the ground-state X-ray structure are maintained in the transition state, and suggest formation in the transition state of other interactions that are absent in the ground state. In addition, the results suggest transition state roles for some groups that did not emerge as important in previous mutagenesis studies, presumably because base rescue has the ability to reveal interactions that are obscured by local structural redundancy in traditional mutagenesis. The base rescue results are complemented by comparing the effects of the abasic and phenyl nucleotide substitutions. The results together suggest that stacking of the bases at positions 9, 13 and 14 observed in the ground state is important for orienting other groups in the transition state. These findings add to our understanding of structure-function relationships in the hammerhead ribozyme and help delineate positions that may undergo rearrangements in the active hammerhead structure relative to the ground-state structure. Finally, the particularly efficient rescue by 2-methyladenine at position 13 relative to adenine and other bases suggests that natural base modifications may, in some instance, provide additional stability by taking advantage of hydrophobic interactions in folded RNAs.  相似文献   
The 8-17 deoxyribozyme is a small RNA-cleaving DNA enzyme of significant applicative interest. We measured the kinetics of over 60 variants of 8-17, mutated within the "core" region. The data were analyzed according to a conceptual framework in which deleterious substitutions can either decrease the stability of the reaction's transition state, or favor unreactive ground-state conformations. In agreement with earlier in vitro evolution studies, the most severe functional effects were observed upon mutating four conserved residues, whose role was further explored by replacing them with non-standard nucleotides. Removal or modification of individual functional groups on the A6 and G7 bases suggested that these residues are involved in a close-contact interaction and form a network of functionally important hydrogen bonds. Mutagenesis of residues C13 and G14 was less revealing, but argued strongly against a role of C13 as a general acid/base catalyst. The use of non-standard nucleotides also led to the identification of one deoxyribozyme variant that, under some ionic conditions, is substantially more active than the wild-type construct. Finally, the effects of mutations in the intramolecular "core stem" correlated only in part with changes in helical stability, suggesting that a stable stem is required but not sufficient for optimal activity.  相似文献   
A genomic overview of pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent enzymes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Enzymes that use the cofactor pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) constitute a ubiquitous class of biocatalysts. Here, we analyse their variety and genomic distribution as an example of the current opportunities and challenges for the study of protein families. In many free-living prokaryotes, almost 1.5% of all genes code for PLP-dependent enzymes, but in higher eukaryotes the percentage is substantially lower, consistent with these catalysts being involved mainly in basic metabolism. Assigning the function of PLP-dependent enzymes simply on the basis of sequence criteria is not straightforward because, as a consequence of their common mechanistic features, these enzymes have intricate evolutionary relationships. Thus, many genes for PLP-dependent enzymes remain functionally unclassified, and several of them might encode undescribed catalytic activities. In addition, PLP-dependent enzymes often show catalytic promiscuity (that is, a single enzyme catalyses different reactions), implying that an organism can have more PLP-dependent activities than it has genes for PLP-dependent enzymes. This observation presumably applies to many other classes of protein-encoding genes.  相似文献   
We have recently demonstrated that the myelinolytic lesions in the spinal cord (SC) of rats made deficient in vitamin B(12) (cobalamin) (Cbl) through total gastrectomy (TG) are tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)-mediated. We investigate whether or not permanent Cbl deficiency, induced in the rat either through TG or by chronic feeding of a Cbl-deficient diet, might modify the levels of three physiological neurotrophic factors-epidermal growth factor (EGF), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and somatostatin (SS)-in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of these rats. We also investigated the ability of the central nervous system (CNS) in these Cbl-deficient rats to synthesize EGF mRNA and of the SC to take up labeled Cbl in vivo. Cbl-deficient rats, however the vitamin deficiency is induced, show a selective decrease in EGF CSF levels and an absence of EGF mRNA in neurons and glia in various CNS areas. In contrast, radiolabeled Cbl is almost exclusively taken up by the SC white matter, but to a much higher degree in totally gastrectomized (TGX) rats. Chronic administration of Cbl to TGX rats restores to normal both the EGF CSF level and EGF mRNA expression in the various CNS areas examined. This in vivo study presents the first evidence that the neurotrophic action of Cbl in the CNS of TGX rats is mediated by stimulation of the EGF synthesis in the CNS itself. It thus appears that Cbl inversely regulates the expression of EGF and TNF-alpha genes in the CNS of TGX rats.  相似文献   
cAMP-Phosphodiesterase has been studied in a mouse lymphoma cell line (P388F-36), a Chinese Hamster cell line (CH23), and the hybrid of these two (PCM3). This hybrid is unusual in that, at any one time, it exhibits both monolayer and suspension states of growth. Resolution of the crude cell extracts by sucrose density gradient centrifugation gave rise to three activity peaks (I, II, and III) when assayed at 100 μM cAMP, indicating the presence of three enzyme forms with molecular size increasing from peak I to III. Each peak on recentrifugation regenerated the three peaks suggesting that the molecular forms are interconvertible and may exist in equilibrium. The parental cells differ with regard to the relative sizes of the three peaks. Peak III, presumably corresponding to a low Km enzyme, was predominant in the malignant cell line P388F-36 and represented about 80% of total activity. Both the monolayer hybrid PCM3(M) and the suspension hybrid PCM3(S) exhibited some parental characteristics but were different from each other. These results were used to confirm or explain previous investigations on these cell lines especially with regard to basal cAMP concentration and some kinetic parameters. Resolution of the cell extracts by isoelectric focusing and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography gave a variable number of peaks depending on the experimental conditions. An explanation is given in every case.  相似文献   
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