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The DevR (DosR) response regulator initiates the bacterial adaptive response to a variety of signals, including hypoxia in in vitro models of dormancy. Its receiver domain works as a phosphorylation-mediated switch to activate the DNA binding property of its output domain. Receiver domains are characterized by the presence of several highly conserved residues, and these sequence features correlate with structure and hence function. In response regulators, interaction of phosphorylated aspartic acid at the active site with the conserved threonine is believed to be crucial for phosphorylation-mediated conformational change. DevR contains all the conserved residues, but the structure of its receiver domain in the unphosphorylated protein is strikingly different, and key threonine (T82), tyrosine (Y101), and lysine (K104) residues are placed uncharacteristically far from the D54 phosphorylation site. In view of the atypical location of T82 in DevR, the present study aimed to examine the importance of this residue in the activation mechanism. Mycobacterium tuberculosis expressing a DevR T82A mutant protein is defective in autoregulation and supports hypoxic induction of the DevR regulon only very weakly. These defects are ascribed to slow and partial phosphorylation and the failure of T82A mutant protein to bind cooperatively with DNA. Our results indicate that the T82 residue is crucial in implementing conformational changes in DevR that are essential for cooperative binding and for subsequent gene activation. We propose that the function of the T82 residue in the activation mechanism of DevR is conserved in spite of the unusual architecture of its receiver domain.  相似文献   
The present study demonstrated the combined effect of 24-epibrassinolide and salicylic acid against lead (Pb, 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 mM) toxicity in Brassica juncea seedlings. Various parameters including water status, metal uptake, total water- and lipid-soluble antioxidants, metal chelator content (total thiols, protein-bound thiols, and non-protein-bound thiols), phenolic compounds (flavonoids, anthocyanins, and polyphenols), and organic acids were studied in 10-day-old seedlings. Dry matter content and the heavy metal tolerance index were reduced by 42.24 and 52.3%, respectively, in response to Pb treatment. Metal uptake, metal-chelating compounds, phenolic compounds, and organic acids were increased in Pb-treated seedlings as compared to control plants. The treatment of Pb-stressed seedlings with combination of EBL and SA resulted in enhancement of heavy metal tolerance index by 40.07%, water content by 1.84%, and relative water content by 23.45%. The total water- and lipid-soluble antioxidants were enhanced by 21.01 and 2.21%, respectively. In contrast, a significant decline in dry weight, metal uptake, thiol, and polyphenol contents was observed following the application of 24-epibrassinolide and salicylic acid. These observations indicate that Pb treatment has an adverse effect on B. juncea seedlings. However, co-application of 24-epibrassinolide and salicylic acid mitigates the negative effects of Pb, by lowering Pb metal uptake and enhancing the heavy metal tolerance index, water content, relative water content, antioxidative capacities, phenolic content, and organic acid levels.  相似文献   
Neural progenitor cell (NPC) fate is influenced by a variety of biological cues elicited from the surrounding microenvironment and recent studies suggest their possible role in pediatric glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) development. Since a few GBM cells also display NPC characteristics, it is not clear whether NPCs transform to tumor cell phenotype leading to the onset of GBM formation, or NPCs migrate to developing tumor sites in response to paracrine signaling from GBM cells. Elucidating the paracrine interactions between GBM cells and NPCs in vivo is challenging due to the inherent complexity of the CNS. Here, we investigated the interactions between human NPCs (ReNcell) and human pediatric GBM-derived cells (SJ-GBM2) using a Transwell® coculture setup to assess the effects of GBM cells on ReNcells (cytokine and chemokine release, viability, phenotype, differentiation, migration). Standalone ReNcell or GBM cultures served as controls. Qualitative and quantitative results from ELISA®, Live/Dead® and BrdU assays, immunofluorescence labeling, western blot analysis, and scratch test suggests that although ReNcell viability remained unaffected in the presence of pediatric GBM cells, their morphology, phenotype, differentiation patterns, neurite outgrowth, migration patterns (average speed, distance, number of cells) and GSK-3β expression were significantly influenced. The cumulative distance migrated by the cells in each condition was fit to Furth's formula, derived formally from Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. ReNcell differentiation into neural lineage was compromised and astrogenesis promoted within cocultures. Such coculture platform could be extended to identify the specific molecules contributing to the observed phenomena, to investigate whether NPCs could be transplanted to replace lesions of excised tumor sites, and to elucidate the underlying molecular pathways involved in GBM-NPC interactions within the tumor microenvironment.  相似文献   
Diatoms are photosynthetic unicellular microalgae and are nature’s hidden source of several biosynthetic metabolites with their use in biofuel, food and drug industries. They mainly contain various lipids, sterols, isoprenoids and toxins with their use in apoptotic, fertility controlling and cancer drugs. Chemical studies on diatoms are limited due to various limitations such as variation of nutrients, contaminants and change in seasonal factors in the environment. To overcome these limitations, we obtained axenic cultures of 12 fresh-water diatom strains on the 22nd day of inoculation having a dry weight of 1 mg each and performed their Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) study for the detection of functional groups responsible for their chemical moiety. The spectral mapping showed a varied level of polyunsaturated fatty acids, amides, amines, ketone bodies and esters for their applications in various pharmacological, food and biofuel industries in the exponential phase of their growth in f/2 media. The FTIR study of the 12 diatom strains showed various similarities in the form of some common peak patterns ranging from 3000 to 3600 cm?1 for νO–H absorption. The symmetric stretching vibration frequency of Diadesmis confervaceae (V2) type species showed different behaviour than others in the spectral region starting from 1600 to 1700 cm?1. The absorption between 1500 and 1575 cm?1 reflects the presence of the –N–H group. Infrared (IR) absorptions falling between 1600 and 1700 cm?1 reflect the presence of amide’s νC=O in all species. Placoneis elginensis (V8) type species showed an additional absorption band which is centred around 1735–1750 cm?1 which perhaps reflects the presence of ester’s νC=O. Diadesmis confervaceae (V2), Nitzschia palea (V4), Placoneis elginensis (V8), Nitzschia palea var. debilis (V6), Nitzschia inconspicua (V10), Gomphonema parvulum (V11) and Sellaphora (V12) showed distinct structural features with important key functionalities that can make them essential drug markers in the pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   
A thermodynamic analysis of the driving forces is presented for intercalation and conversion reactions in battery cathodes across a range of possible working ion, transition metal, and anion chemistries. Using this body of results, the importance of polymorph selection as well as chemical composition on the ability of a host cathode to support intercalation reactions is analyzed. It is found that the accessibility of high energy charged polymorphs in oxides generally leads to larger intercalation voltages favoring intercalation reactions, whereas sulfides and selenides tend to favor conversion reactions. Furthermore, it is observed that Cr‐containing cathodes favor intercalation more strongly than those with other transition metals. Finally, it is concluded that two‐electron reduction of transition metals (as is possible with the intercalation of a 2 + ion) will favor conversion reactions in the compositions studied.  相似文献   
The exposure of plasmid pUC18 and pBR322 DNA to high hydrostatic pressure increased the ability of plasmids to transform competent Escherichia coli cells. For pUC18 plasmid, a pressure of 400 MPa, and for pBR322, a pressure of 200 MPa was found to provide the highest transformation efficiency. The DNA duplexes of the two plasmids were found to be the most stable for melting conditions at these pressures. At pressures higher than these, both the stability of the duplex DNA and the transformation efficiency were affected. The stabilizing effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the hydrogen bond may be responsible for the observed increase in transformation efficiency of the pressure-exposed plasmid DNA. The possibility of pressure-induced changes in the structure and conformation of DNA was studied using various techniques. In agarose gel electrophoresis, pressure-treated plasmids (pUC18 at 400 MPa and pBR322 at 200 MPa) consistently showed visibly distinct higher mobility compared to untreated plasmids. Pressure-treated pUC18 as well as pBR322 DNA showed significant reduction in ethidium bromide binding as is evident from the reduced intensity of fluorescence of the dye bound pressure-treated DNA. Spectroscopic studies using circular dichroism and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy also showed significant differences in the absorption profiles of pressure-treated plasmids as compared to an untreated control. These studies revealed that the pressure-induced changes in the conformation of these DNAs may be responsible for the observed increase in the transformation ability of the plasmids. On the other hand, the exposure of competent cells of E. coli to a high hydrostatic pressure of 50 MPa not only reduced their colony-forming ability but also drastically reduced their ability to take up plasmid DNA.  相似文献   
This article presents an approach for modeling the dissolution process of single component dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL), such as tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene, in a biologically reactive porous medium. In the proposed approach, the overall transport processes are conceptualized as three distinct reactions. Firstly, the dissolution (or dissolving) process of a residual DNAPL source zone is conceptualized as a mass-transfer limited reaction. Secondly, the contaminants dissolved from the DNAPL source are allowed to partition between sediment and water phases through a rate-limited sorption reaction. Finally, the contaminants in the solid and liquid phases are allowed to degrade by a set of kinetic-limited biological reactions. Although all of these three reaction processes have been researched in the past, little progress has been made towards understanding the combined effects of these processes. This work provides a rigorous mathematical model for describing the coupled effects of these three fundamental reactive transport mechanisms. The model equations are then solved using the general-purpose reactive transport code RT3D (Clement, 1997).  相似文献   
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