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Alpha1,6-fucosyltransferase (Fut8) plays important roles inphysiological and pathological conditions. Fut8-deficient (Fut8–/–)mice exhibit growth retardation, earlier postnatal death, andemphysema-like phenotype. To investigate the underlying molecularmechanism by which growth retardation occurs, we examined themRNA expression levels of Fut8–/– embryos (18.5days postcoitum [dpc]) using a cDNA microarray. The DNA microarrayand real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis showedthat a group of genes, including trypsinogens 4, 7, 8, 11, 16,and 20, were down-regulated in Fut8–/– embryos.Consistently, the expression of trypsinogen proteins was foundto be lower in Fut8–/– mice in the duodenum, smallintestine, and pancreas. Trypsin, an active form of trypsinogen,regulates cell growth through a G-protein-coupled receptor,the proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2). In a cell culturesystem, a Fut8 knockdown mouse pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma,TGP49-Fut8-KDs, showed decreased growth rate, similar to thatseen in Fut8–/– mice, and the decreased growth ratewas rescued by the application of the PAR-2-activating peptide(SLIGRL-NH2). Moreover, epidermal growth factor (EGF)-inducedreceptor phosphorylation was attenuated in TGP49-Fut8-KDs, whichwas highly associated with a reduction of trypsinogens mRNAlevels. The addition of exogenous EGF recovered c-fos, c-jun,and trypsinogen mRNA expression in TGP49-Fut8-KDs. Again, theEGF-induced up-regulation of c-fos and c-jun mRNA expressionwas significantly blocked by the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor.Our findings clearly demonstrate a relationship between Fut8and the regulation of EGF receptor (EGFR)-trypsin-PAR-2 pathwayin controlling cell growth and that the EGFR-trypsin-PAR-2 pathwayis suppressed in TGP49-Fut8-KDs as well as in Fut8–/–mice.  相似文献   
A low Na, high K diet (LNaHK) is associated with a low rate of cardiovascular (CV) disease in many societies. Part of the benefit of LNaHK relies on its diuretic effects; however, the role of aldosterone (aldo) in the diuresis is not understood. LNaHK mice exhibit an increase in renal K secretion that is dependent on the large, Ca-activated K channel, (BK-α with accessory BK-β4; BK-α/β4). We hypothesized that aldo causes an osmotic diuresis by increasing BK-α/β4-mediated K secretion in LNaHK mice. We found that the plasma aldo concentration (P[aldo]) was elevated by 10-fold in LNaHK mice compared with control diet (Con) mice. We subjected LNaHK mice to either sham surgery (sham), adrenalectomy (ADX) with low aldo replacement (ADX-LA), or ADX with high aldo replacement (ADX-HA). Compared to sham, the urinary flow, K excretion rate, transtubular K gradient (TTKG), and BK-α and BK-β4 expressions, were decreased in ADX-LA, but not different in ADX-HA. BK-β4 knockout (β4KO) and WT mice exhibited similar K clearance and TTKG in the ADX-LA groups; however, in sham and ADX-HA, the K clearance and TTKG of β4KO were less than WT. In response to amiloride treatment, the osmolar clearance was increased in WT Con, decreased in WT LNaHK, and unchanged in β4KO LNaHK. These data show that the high P[aldo] of LNaHK mice is necessary to generate a high rate of BK-α/β4-mediated K secretion, which creates an osmotic diuresis that may contribute to a reduction in CV disease.  相似文献   
一套新的籼稻初级三体的选育和细胞学鉴定   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
程祝宽  李欣 《遗传学报》1996,23(5):363-371
以秋水仙素处理中籼3037幼苗,从其后代中获得同源三倍体1株。为选育成套初级三体,将中籼3037同源三倍体茎节幼芽置于试管中离体繁殖,繁殖后的同源三倍体种于田间,授以正常中籼3037的花粉。获得3013粒种子,成苗1063株。通过染色体数目检查,共获得302株三体植株。这些三体按其形态特征可分为12类,对每类三体植株分别通过粗线期的染色体鉴定,获得了12种初级三体,依据额外染色体长度递减的顺序分别定名为三体1、三体2、………三体12。  相似文献   
Cutaneous mucormycosis is a rare opportunistic infection caused by zygomycetes that can be rapidly fatal if unrecognized. We describe the clinical, histopathological, fungal and molecular features of a case of gangrenous cutaneous mucormycosis. The patient presented with great necrosis on his right forearm at the site of detained intravenous cannula needle. He had type II diabetes and chronic renal insufficiency. KOH mount of black eschar showed many broad, aseptate fungal hyphae with right-angle branching. PAS staining of the tissue sample revealed similar broad hyphae in the dermis and cutis. Fungal culture and ITS sequence analysis identified this fungus as Rhizopus oryzae. As no organ involvement was detected, the patient was diagnosed with primary cutaneous mucormycosis. Considering the poor state of the patient, complete excision of the infectious tissue was performed without skin graft instead of amputation. At the same time, intravenous liposomal amphotericin B was given, starting from a small dosage and increased to a total dosage amount of 5.45 g. The wound recovered well with granulation. We emphasize that early recognition and prompt therapy including the control of the primary diseases were important. In this article, we also reviewed the features of primary cutaneous mucormycosis reported in China over the last 20 years.  相似文献   
Fomitopsis cana sp. nov. and F. subtropica sp. nov. are described from southern China based on morphological and molecular characters. Both species have annual, effused-reflexed basidiomata with several small imbricate pilei protruding from a large resupinate part. F. cana is characterized by its mouse-grey to dark grey basidiomata, pores 5–8 per mm, and small cylindrical to oblong-ellipsoid basidiospores (5–6.2?×?2.1–3 μm). F. subtropica is characterized by its white, cream, straw-yellow to more or less flesh-pink basidiomata which was easily separable from the substrate, smaller pores (6–9 per mm) and smaller basidiospores (3.2–4?×?1.8–2.1 μm), and presence of yellowish oil-like substances in trama. Phylogenetic analysis based on combined ITS and nLSU sequences suggest that the two new species belong in the Fomitopsis sensu stricto group within the Antrodia clade.  相似文献   
The structure of a recombinant pineapple cystatin (AcCYS) was determined by NMR with the RMSD of backbone and heavy atoms of twenty lowest energy structures of 0.56 and 1.11 Å, respectively. It reveals an unstructured N-terminal extension and a compact inhibitory domain comprising a four-stranded antiparallel β-sheet wrapped around a central α-helix. The three structural motifs (G45, Q89XVXG, and W120) putatively responsible for the interaction with papain-like proteases are located in one side of AcCYS. Significant chemical shift perturbations in two loop regions, residues 45 to 48 (GIYD) and residues 89 to 91 (QVV), of AcCYS strongly suggest their involvement in the binding to papain, consistent with studies on other members of the cystatin family. However, the highly conserved W120 appears not to be involved in the binding with papain as no chemical shift perturbation was observed. Chemical shift index analysis further indicates that the length of the α-helix is shortened upon association with papain. Collectively, our data suggest that AcCYS undergoes local secondary structural rearrangements when papain is brought into close contact. A molecular model of AcCYS/papain complex is proposed to illustrate the interaction between AcCYS and papain, indicating a complete blockade of the catalytic triad by AcCYS.  相似文献   
Metallic nanostructures that support multipolar Fano resonances have drawn much attention in recent years. Such structures are applicable especially to enhanced nonlinear optics, where two resonance wavelengths need to be modulated simultaneously. However, how to tune multipolar Fano resonances independently remains a challenge. In the paper, the plasmonic nanostructure consisting of two ring/disk cavities (RDCs) is investigated using the finite element method. The dark multipolar modes of each RDC are excited, and sharp multipolar Fano resonances are induced. The multipolar modes supported by different RDCs can be tuned independently by changing the sizes. The line-widths of such Fano resonances nearly keep below 0.05 eV, and the contrast ratio (CR) of the two quadrupolar Fano dips mostly maintain above 50 %. In addition, the exciting bonding modes of different RDCs make the selective storage of resonance energy available. Such plasmonic nanostructures may find applications in enhanced nonlinear optics or nano-optical elements.  相似文献   
Regenerating gene (Reg) IV is a newly discovered member of the regenerating gene family belonging to the calcium (C-type) dependent lectin superfamily. Reg IV is highly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract and markedly up-regulated in colon adenocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer, gastric adenocarcinoma, and inflammatory bowel disease. However, the physiological and pathological functions of Reg IV are largely unknown, partly due to the limited access of the bioactive protein. We report here the first expression and purification of Reg IV proteins using a prokaryotic system. Human Reg IV was expressed in Escherichia coli as an insoluble protein which was identified in the fraction of inclusion body after ultrasonication of the bacteria. After the protein aggregate was solubilized by guanidine–HCl, it was refolded by sucrose and arginine-assisted procedures and purified using cation-exchange chromatography. The protein identity and purity of the final preparation were confirmed by analysis of the protein mass and immune specificity in SDS–PAGE, Western blotting, and HPLC assay. The biological activity of the protein was determined by the HCT116 and HT29 cell proliferation assays. The highly purified bioactive human Reg IV should aid in further characterization of its physiological and pathological functions.  相似文献   
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