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蛋白质组学是后基因组时代的新兴研究领域,详细介绍了蛋白质组学的原理和方法在农业生物科学研究中的最新应用进展,提出了蛋白质组学技术目前所面临的问题,并展望了今后的发展前景.  相似文献   
用反向间接血凝试验快速检测轮状病毒抗原和抗体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香溪河库湾春季水华期间水体光学特征及相关分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
研究了香溪河库湾春季水华期间(2006年3月3日—4月16日)透明度水层可见光衰减系数KSd的时空特征,分析其与表层水叶绿素a浓度、DOC浓度和透明度Sd的相关关系。结果表明:香溪河库湾春季水华可见光衰减系数KSd时空变异很大;除峡口河段(样点X7—X8)外,可见光衰减系数KSd的变化特征取决于叶绿素a浓度和DOC浓度的时空变化,类似于深水湖泊;除峡口河段(样点X7—X8)外,香溪河库湾可见光衰减系数KSd和透明度之间呈反比的关系具有显著的相关,但它们之间的反比关系因水体叶绿素a和无机悬浮颗粒的空间差异而有所不同。    相似文献   
朱砂叶螨不同抗性品系酯酶同工酶研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在室内模拟田间药剂的选择压力,用3种不同药剂及其组合(轮用和混用)对朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus 进行抗药性选育.经过40余代的筛选,朱砂叶螨对甲氰菊酯、阿维菌素和哒螨·阿维混剂分别产生了68.5、8.7和6.7倍的抗性;甲氰菊酯和阿维菌素混用和轮用分别对甲氰菊酯产生了5.6倍和28.7倍抗性.朱砂叶螨各品系酯酶同工酶电泳结果和同工酶谱谱带密度扫描表明,与敏感品系相比,各抗性筛选品系的酯酶活性均有不同程度增加;阿维菌素抗性品系活性最强,酯酶带迁移距离明显远于其他抗性品系,表明该品系酯酶体系中存在变构酯酶.  相似文献   
在根癌农杆菌介导的T-DNA(携带有除草剂Basta抗性基因bar和Ds因子)转化中花11水稻群体中,获得了一个叶片发生明显内卷的突变体R1-A。经过连续三代的分离鉴定,获得突变体的纯合株(R1-A2),并与中花11号进行杂交,在调查的36个F_1植株中,全部表现为卷叶,并对Basta除草剂都表现为抗性。在852个F_2单株中,卷叶为645株,正常叶207株,卷叶和正常叶的比例为3:1,其中,卷叶株均对Basta表现抗性,正常叶株均对Basta表现敏感,表明卷叶性状和Basta抗性存在着共分离关系。用扩增Ds因子的引物,对F_2中45个卷叶抗性株进行PCR鉴定,都获得预期长度的Ds因子片段,进一步表明在这些卷叶的植株中都有T-DNA的插入;而30个正常叶敏感株都不能检测到Ds的特征片段。在以卷叶突变(R1-A2)为回交亲本的F_1B_1植株中,全部植株表现卷叶;在以中花11号为回交亲本的F_1B_1植株中,卷叶和正常叶植株的分离比为1:1。上述结果表明该卷叶突变是个显性突变,受一个基因所控制,且该基因的突变与T-DNA的插入有关。  相似文献   
宋内氏痢疾杆菌(S.Sonnei)的一个重要保护性抗原是菌体抗原(O抗原)即细菌细胞壁中的脂多糖(LPS)成分,已证实血清中足够水平的抗LPS IgG抗体抗体即能对该菌提供免疫保护作用。本文选用Westphal热酚法提纯宋内氏痢疾菌LPS,经酸水解法进一步脱毒处理后得到无毒但却具弱免疫原性的O-特异性多糖(O-SP),然后采用化学方法即通过连接剂己二酸二肼(ADH)将其共价结合到破伤风类毒素(TT)上,共制备得到了三批宋内氏痢疾杆菌O-SP-TT结合疫苗。经生化和免疫学方法检测证实我们提纯的LPOS,OSP及其合成的L-SP-AH衍生物,O-SP-TT结合物均具有宋内氏痢疾杆菌O抗原特异性,同时其核酸和杂蛋白质含量低(≤2%),表明纯度较高。同时经小鼠免疫原性试验证实三批结合物免疫小鼠后产生的抗LPS IgG抗体滴度均比单一O-SP免疫后产生的要高出10倍以上,且结合物再次注射后存在加强应答。补体介导的体外杀菌力试验表明结合物免疫小鼠后诱导产生的血清抗LPSIgG抗体对宋内氏痢疾杆菌具特异性杀菌活性。本文结果表明宋内氏痢疾杆菌O-SP-TT结合疫苗可望作为一种有效的侯选痢疾疫苗做进一步的大规模人体观察。  相似文献   
Bacillus gibsonii Alkaline Protease (BgAP) is a recently reported subtilisin protease exhibiting activity and stability properties suitable for applications in laundry and dish washing detergents. However, BgAP suffers from a significant decrease of activity at low temperatures. In order to increase BgAP activity at 15°C, a directed evolution campaign based on the SeSaM random mutagenesis method was performed. An optimized microtiter plate expression system in B. subtilis was established and classical proteolytic detection methods were adapted for high throughput screening. In parallel, the libraries were screened for increased residual proteolytic activity after incubation at 58°C. Three iterative rounds of directed BgAP evolution yielded a set of BgAP variants with increased specific activity (Kcat) at 15°C and increased thermal resistance. Recombination of both sets of amino acid substitutions resulted finally in variant MF1 with a 1.5‐fold increased specific activity (15°C) and over 100 times prolonged half‐life at 60°C (224 min compared to 2 min of the WT BgAP). None of the introduced amino acid substitutions were close to the active site of BgAP. Activity‐altering amino acid substitutions were from non‐charged to non‐charged or from sterically demanding to less demanding. Thermal stability improvements were achieved by substitutions to negatively charged amino acids in loop areas of the BgAP surface which probably fostered ionic and hydrogen bonds interactions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 711–720. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Several human genes related to DNA excision repair (ER) have been isolated via ER cross-species complementation (ERCC) of UV-sensitive CHO cells. We have now isolated and characterized cDNAs for the human ERCC5 gene that complement CHO UV135 cells. The ERCC5 mRNA size is about 4.6 kb. Our available cDNA clones are partial length, and no single clone was active for UV135 complementation. When cDNAs were mixed pairwise with a cosmid clone containing an overlapping 5'-end segment of the ERCC5 gene, DNA transfer produced UV-resistant colonies with 60 to 95% correction of UV resistance relative to either a genomic ERCC5 DNA transformant or the CHO AA8 progenitor cells. cDNA-cosmid transformants regained intermediate levels (20 to 45%) of ER-dependent reactivation of a UV-damaged pSVCATgpt reporter plasmid. Our evidence strongly implicates an in situ recombination mechanism in cDNA-cosmid complementation for ER. The complete deduced amino acid sequence of ERCC5 was reconstructed from several cDNA clones encoding a predicted protein of 1,186 amino acids. The ERCC5 protein has extensive sequence similarities, in bipartite domains A and B, to products of RAD repair genes of two yeasts, Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD2 and Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad13. Sequence, structural, and functional data taken together indicate that ERCC5 and its relatives are probable functional homologs. A second locus represented by S. cerevisiae YKL510 and S. pombe rad2 genes is structurally distinct from the ERCC5 locus but retains vestigial A and B domain similarities. Our analyses suggest that ERCC5 is a nuclear-localized protein with one or more highly conserved helix-loop-helix segments within domains A and B.  相似文献   
The role of the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction as a pathway of glutamate synthesis was studied by incubating synaptosomes with 5 mM 15NH4Cl and then utilizing gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to measure isotopic enrichment in glutamate and aspartate. The rate of formation of [15N]glutamate and [15N]aspartate from 5 mM 15NH4Cl was approximately 0.2 nmol/min/mg of protein, a value much less than flux through glutaminase (4.8 nmol/min/mg of protein) but greater than flux through glutamine synthetase (0.045 nmol/min/mg of protein). Addition of 1 mM 2-oxoglutarate to the medium did not affect the rate of [15N]glutamate formation. O2 consumption and lactate formation were increased in the presence of 5 mM NH3, whereas the intrasynaptosomal concentrations of glutamate and aspartate were unaffected. Treatment of synaptosomes with veratridine stimulated reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate during the early time points. The production of ([15N]glutamate + [15N]aspartate) was enhanced about twofold in the presence of 5 mM beta-(+/-)-2-aminobicyclo [2.2.1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid, a known effector of glutamate dehydrogenase. Supplementation of the incubation medium with a mixture of unlabelled amino acids at concentrations similar to those present in the extracellular fluid of the brain had little effect on the intrasynaptosomal [glutamate] and [aspartate]. However, the enrichment in these amino acids was consistently greater in the presence of supplementary amino acids, which appeared to stimulate modestly the reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate. It is concluded: (a) compared with the phosphate-dependent glutaminase reaction, reductive amination is a relatively minor pathway of synaptosomal glutamate synthesis in both the basal state and during depolarization; (b) NH3 toxicity, at least in synaptosomes, is not referable to energy failure caused by a depletion of 2-oxoglutarate in the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction; and (c) transamination is not a major mechanism of glutamate nitrogen production in nerve endings.  相似文献   
宁夏甜菜丛根病的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发生在宁夏甜菜上的一种病毒病的病株叶丛主要表现为黄化、焦桔和叶脉黄化坏死。从其分离的病毒粒子呈杆状,宽约20nm,长度为65—110nm、270—300nm和390—420nm,能侵染甜菜、菠菜、昆诺阿藜、苋色藜、番杏,与甜菜坏死黄脉病毒(BNYVV)抗血清呈阳性反应。综上所述,认为该病害是由BNYVV引起的。  相似文献   
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