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DNA polymerase alpha from germinated wheat embryos was purified by ammonium sulphate fractionation, chromatography on DEAE-Toyopearl, followed by phosphocellulose and heparin Sepharose columns. The specific activity of the purified enzyme was more than 60 000 units/mg. It belongs to the alpha-type according to the large molecular mass, high sensitivity to NEM, aphidicoline, 200 mM KCl, low sensitivity to ethidium bromide and the absence of inhibition by ddTTP. DNA polymerase alpha consists of four subunits as shown by SDS-PAGE and seems to be homogeneous under non-denaturating conditions.Abbreviations ddTTP dideoxythymidine triphosphate - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   
Insulators can block an enhancer of one gene from activating a promoter on another nearby gene. Almost all described vertebrate insulators require binding of the regulatory protein CTCF for their activity. We show that CTCF copurifies with the nucleolar protein nucleophosmin and both are present at insulator sites in vivo. Furthermore, exogenous insulator sequences are tethered to the nucleolus in a CTCF-dependent manner. These interactions, quite different from those of the gypsy insulator element in Drosophila, may generate similar loop structures, suggesting a common theme and model for enhancer-blocking insulator action.  相似文献   
Deserts represent dynamic ecosystems that support communities of endemic and specialised species. We analysed the role of present and past climatic conditions in shaping the distribution of the widespread Bunopus geckos in the Arabian and south-west Asian deserts. We studied their phylogeographic and demographic history to test whether the Bunopus geckos colonised Arabia from Asia or, vice versa, Asia from Arabia and to identify migration corridors that have historically enabled the dispersal of Bunopus geckos.  相似文献   
BackgroundNeutrophils are involved in the initial host responses to pathogens. Neutrophils can activate T cell responses either independently or through indirect involvement of Dendritic cells (DCs). Recently we have demonstrated direct neutrophil-T cell interactions that initiate adaptive immune responses following immunization with live attenuated Leishmania donovani centrin deleted parasite vaccine (LdCen-/-). However, neutrophil-DC interactions in T cell priming in vaccine immunity in general are not known. In this study we evaluated the interaction between neutrophils and DCs during LdCen-/- infection and compared with wild type parasite (LdWT) both in vitro and in vivo.Methodology/findingsLdCen-/- parasite induced increased expression of CCL3 in neutrophils caused higher recruitment of DCs capable of inducing a strong proinflammatory response and elevated co-stimulatory molecule expression compared to LdWT infection. To further illustrate neutrophil-DCs interactions in vivo, we infected LYS-eGFP mice with red fluorescent LdWT/LdCen-/- parasites and sort selected DCs that engulfed the neutrophil containing parasites or DCs that acquired the parasites directly in the ear draining lymph nodes (dLN) 5d post infection. The DCs predominantly acquired the parasites by phagocytosing infected neutrophils. Specifically, DCs containing LdCen-/- parasitized neutrophils exhibited a proinflammatory phenotype, increased expression of costimulatory molecules and initiated higher CD4+T cell priming ex-vivo. Notably, potent DC activation occurred when LdCen-/- parasites were acquired indirectly via engulfment of parasitized neutrophils compared to direct engulfment of LdCen-/- parasites by DCs. Neutrophil depletion in LdCen-/- infected mice significantly abrogated expression of CCL3 resulting in decreased DC recruitment in ear dLN. This event led to poor CD4+Th1 cell priming ex vivo that correlated with attenuated Tbet expression in ear dLN derived CD4+ T cells in vivo.ConclusionsCollectively, LdCen-/- containing neutrophils phagocytized by DC markedly influence the phenotype and antigen presenting capacity of DCs early on and thus play an immune-regulatory role in shaping vaccine induced host protective response.  相似文献   
Ribosomal RNA genes have long been a favoured locus in phylogenetic and metabarcoding studies. Within a genome, rRNA loci are organized as tandem repeated arrays and the copies are homogenized through the process of concerted evolution. However, some level of rRNA variation (intragenomic polymorphism) is known to persist and be maintained in the genomes of many species. In nematode worms, the extent of rRNA polymorphism (RP) across species and the evolutionary and life history factors that contribute to the maintenance of intragenomic RP is largely unknown. Here, we present an extensive analysis across 30 terrestrial nematode species representing a range of free‐living and parasitic taxa isolated worldwide. Our results indicate that RP is common and widespread, ribosome function appears to be maintained despite mutational changes, and intragenomic variants are stable in the genome and neutrally evolving. However, levels of variation were varied widely across rRNA locus and species, with some taxa observed to lack RP entirely. Higher levels of RP were significantly correlated with shorter generation time and high reproductive rates, and population‐level factors may play a role in the geographic and phylogenetic structuring of rRNA variants observed in genera such as Rotylenchulus and Pratylenchus. Although RP did not dramatically impact the clustering and recovery of taxa in mock metabarcoding analyses, the present study has significant implications for global biodiversity estimates of nematode species derived from environmental rRNA amplicon studies, as well as our understanding of the evolutionary and ecological factors shaping genetic diversity across the nematode Tree of Life.  相似文献   
Recent studies in tumor homing peptides have shown the specificity of LyP-1 (CGNKRTRGC) to tumor lymphatics. In this present work, we evaluated the possible interactions between cyclic LyP-1 and its receptor, p32, with molecular dynamics and docking studies in order to lead the design of novel LyP-1 derivatives, which could bind to p32 more effectively and perform enhanced antitumor effect. The total binding enthalpy energies have been obtained by MM-PBSA thermodynamic computations and the favorability of p32.LyP-1 complex in water has been shown by explicit water MD computations. The last 30 ns of molecular dynamics trajectory have shown the strong interaction of LyP-1 with the inner surface chains of p32, especially with chains B and C. ALA-SCAN mutagenesis studies have indicated the considerable influence of Asn3, Lys4, Arg5, and Arg7 amino acid residues on the specific binding of LyP-1. Within the knowledge of the critical role of p32 receptor in cancer cell metabolism, this study can lead to further developments in anticancer therapy by targeting p32 with LyP-1 derivatives as active targeting moiety. This data can also be applied for the development of new drug delivery systems in which LyP-1 can be used for its targeting and anticancer properties.  相似文献   
Body height is an important clinical indicator to derive body mass index (BMI), which is a useful screening tool for both excess adiposity and malnutrition. Height measurement in the elderly may impose some difficulties and the reliability is doubtful. Stature estimation from knee height is one of the commonly used methods; nevertheless no study has been carried out so far on the Turkish population. A cross sectional anthropometric study was conducted to develop body height estimation equations by using knee height measurement for Turkish people. Measurements of height and knee height were taken according to the International Biological Programme procedures from 1422 adults (610 males, 812 females) aged 18-90 years from Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. Samples were randomly split into two sub-samples, training and validation (control group) sub-samples. Height estimation equations were developed from the knee height measurements by linear regression analysis according to age groups and sexes. Males were significantly taller and have higher knee height values than females in all age groups. Height and the knee height variables showed a gradual decrease (P 50) with aging in females and males. Evaluated knee height equations for stature estimation were tested through the validation sample and the results showed high accuracy. The study presents sex and age specific regression equations for height estimation by using the knee height measurement for Turkish adults and suggests facilitating the accurate usage of knee height.  相似文献   
The physical properties of a material are defined by its electronic structure. Electrons in solids are characterized by energy (ω) and momentum (k) and the probability to find them in a particular state with given ω and k is described by the spectral function A(k, ω). This function can be directly measured in an experiment based on the well-known photoelectric effect, for the explanation of which Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize back in 1921. In the photoelectric effect the light shone on a surface ejects electrons from the material. According to Einstein, energy conservation allows one to determine the energy of an electron inside the sample, provided the energy of the light photon and kinetic energy of the outgoing photoelectron are known. Momentum conservation makes it also possible to estimate k relating it to the momentum of the photoelectron by measuring the angle at which the photoelectron left the surface. The modern version of this technique is called Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) and exploits both conservation laws in order to determine the electronic structure, i.e. energy and momentum of electrons inside the solid. In order to resolve the details crucial for understanding the topical problems of condensed matter physics, three quantities need to be minimized: uncertainty* in photon energy, uncertainty in kinetic energy of photoelectrons and temperature of the sample.In our approach we combine three recent achievements in the field of synchrotron radiation, surface science and cryogenics. We use synchrotron radiation with tunable photon energy contributing an uncertainty of the order of 1 meV, an electron energy analyzer which detects the kinetic energies with a precision of the order of 1 meV and a He3 cryostat which allows us to keep the temperature of the sample below 1 K. We discuss the exemplary results obtained on single crystals of Sr2RuO4 and some other materials. The electronic structure of this material can be determined with an unprecedented clarity.  相似文献   
A new set up for multi-analyte sensing: at-line bio-process monitoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A multi-analyte sensing device is described, for simultaneous at-line monitoring of glucose, ethanol, pO?-value and cell density. It consists of a dual biosensor, a modified microscope and a fiber optical pO?-sensor that are integrated into a flow analysis (FA) system. The biosensor is based on a conventional thin layer flow-through cell equipped with a gold (Au) dual electrode (serial configuration). The biosensors with no cross-talking were produced by modifying the electrochemical transducers. Each Au surface was initially modified by self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of cysteamine. Alcohol oxidase (AOx) and pyranose oxidase (PyOx) were immobilized each onto a gold surface by means of PAMAM (polyamidoamine) dendrimer via glutaraldehyde cross-linking. The responses for glucose and ethanol were linear up to 0.5 mM. The operational stability of the biosensors was very promising, after 11 h continuous operation, only 6.0% of the initial activity was lost. The potential of the described biosensor was demonstrated by parallel determination of ethanol and glucose in yeast fermentation process. Simultaneously the cell density of the culture was monitored with an in situ microscope (ISM), which was integrated into the FA system. Both the used in situ microscope and the image processing algorithm used for the analysis of the acquired image data are described. Furthermore the pO?-value was monitored using a fiber optical sensor, which was embedded in a flow cell. The multi-sensor device allows the at-line monitoring of several process values without the need for further sampling or time consuming offline measurements.  相似文献   
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