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Local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU) was measured, using the quantitative autoradiographic [14C]2-deoxy-D-glucose method, in 56 brain regions of 3-month-old, awake Fischer-344 rats, after intraperitoneal administration of sulpiride (SULP) 100 mg/kg. SULP, an "atypical" neuroleptic, is a selective antagonist of D2 dopamine receptors. LCGU was reduced in a few nondopaminergic regions at 1 h after drug administration. Thereafter, SULP progressively elevated LCGU in many other regions. At 3 h, LCGU was elevated in 23% of the regions examined, most of which are related to the CNS dopaminergic system (caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, lateral habenula, median eminence, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus). Increases of LCGU were observed also in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, lateral geniculate, and inferior olive. These effects of SULP on LCGU differ from the effects of the "typical" neuroleptic haloperidol, which produces widespread decreases in LCGU in the rat brain. Selective actions on different subpopulations of dopamine receptors may explain the different effects of the two neuroleptics on brain metabolism, which correspond to their different clinical and behavioral actions.  相似文献   
A plant collected in South Africa in the early 1960's has been considered an intergeneric hybrid with the parental taxa beingRuspolia hypocrateriformis (Vahl)Milne-Redhead var.australis Milne-Redhead andRuttya ovata Harv. The intermediate morphology of the plant provided the strongest evidence of its hybrid origin. The natural hybrid, named formally as ×Ruttyruspolia A. Meeuse & de Wet, is highly sterile. Crosses between the two presumed parental taxa produced two plants that are very similar to the putative natural hybrid. We had examined the presumed parental species and the natural and artificial hybrids using enzyme electrophoresis. The two parental species are highly differentiated at genes specifying soluble enzymes; they have a genetic identity of 0.51. They have no common alleles at two genes, and contain alternative alleles in very different frequencies at two loci.Ruttya andRuspolia exhibit both unique and common alleles at two additional genes. The natural and artificially produced plants of ×Ruttyruspolia are identical electrophoretically and contain alleles unique to each of the parental species at two genes. In addition, individuals of ×Ruttyruspolia combine alternative high frequency alleles from each parent at two loci. Allozymes provide strong confirming evidence for the hybrid origin of naturally occurring ×Ruttyruspolia because the products of specific alleles either unique to or highly characteristic of the two putative parental taxa are found combined in ×Ruttyruspolia.  相似文献   
Two major rat thymocyte surface glycoproteins, the leucocyte-common (L-C) antigen and the leucocyte sialoglycoprotein (LSGP), were induced to cap independently, using the specific monoclonal antibodies OX-1 and W3/13, respectively, and an appropriate fluorescently labeled second antibody layer. The caps were subsequently isolated from detergent extracted cells by a procedure involving gentle shearing. TRITC-phalloidin staining of the isolated caps demonstrated the presence of F-actin within these structures, and lectin-affinity staining after fractionation on SDS polyacrylamide gels revealed the presence of a concanavalin A (Con A) binding protein of relative molecular weight (Mr) 205,000, gp205, in both the L-C antigen and LSGP caps, but absent from the detergent-insoluble residue isolated from unchallenged cells. These results suggest that gp205 may be involved in the association of cross-linked glycoproteins with the cytoskeleton during capping.  相似文献   
A total of 34 isolates ofListeria monocytogenes were tested against ampicillin, cephalothin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracycline, and penicillin-G using the Autobac 3-h AIS and the Autobac 5-h MIC procedures. The results were compared to susceptibility category interpretations and MICs determined using the Sceptor system. With the Sceptor System, all isolates were interpreted to be moderately susceptible to ampicillin and penicillin-G, and susceptible to the four other antibiotics. With the Autobac AIS, all isolates were interpreted to be susceptible to all the antibiotics except penicillin-G. All but one of the 34 isolates were interpreted to be resistant to penicillin-G with the Autobac AIS test. The remaining isolate was interpreted to be indeterminant. The Autobac AIS test was unsatisfactory for determining the susceptibility ofL. monocytogenes isolates to penicillin-G. The Autobac MIC results correlated well with the MIC results of the Sceptor system provided that the Autobac was programmed as though it were testing enterococci. The Autobac MIC reported penicillin-G MICs in units per milliliter and required the use of a conversion factor to obtain micrograms per milliliter, and did not allow for the testing of erythromycin. The Autobac MIC susceptibility category interpretations must not be used, as they were derived from an outdated susceptibility standard. The Autobac MIC test may be used if the limitations given above are observed.  相似文献   
Summary A 1.9 kb clone of the T-DNA region of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid Bo542 which exhibited homology to the isopentenyl transferase (ipt) locus of pTiA6 was identified by low stringency DNA hybridization. Introduction of this segment of pTiBo542 DNA into cells of Nicotiana tabacum or N. glauca caused tumor formation in vivo, and allowed hormone independent growth in vitro. Furthermore, this DNA segment complemented ipt mutant strains of A. tumefaciens, restoring their ability to cause tumors on Kalanchöe leaves and tomato stems. The complete DNA sequence of this segment has been determined, revealing an open reading frame homologous to other known Agrobacterium ipt genes.  相似文献   
Endogenous testosterone levels were measured in association with sexual, aggressive, and social/affiliative behaviors in 11 outdoor-housed female rhesus monkeys over a ten-month period. Several behaviors (sex directed toward the male, sex received from the male, aggression directed toward the male, submission directed toward the male, submission directed toward the female, and groom another female) were significantly (p<0.05) positively correlated with testosterone in from one to five females. No trends were strong enough across all females to suggest that any of these correlations have species-wide significance. Factor analysis revealed clearcut clusters of behaviors, but elevations in testosterone were not strongly associated with any of these clusters. It is concluded that endogenous testosterone levels have little measurable effect on overt behavior in female rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   
The process of spermiation and sperm transport was studied using specific inhibitors of cytoskeletal elements. Within 12-24 hr after the intratesticular injection of taxol, a compound that acts to stabilize microtubules and inhibit microtubule-related processes, an unusually large number of microtubules was seen within the body of the Sertoli cell. At the same time, transport of elements within the seminiferous epithelium was affected. At the end of stage VI of the cycle, step 19 spermatids were maintained in the deep recesses of the Sertoli cell and not transported to the rim of the seminiferous tubule lumen. At stage VIII, residual bodies remained at, or near, the rim of the tubule and were not transported to the base of the tubule. They underwent only partial degradation at this site, indicating that there may have been two phases involved in their dissolution--one autophagic and one phagocytic, but the latter did not occur since the residual bodies were not transported to Sertoli lysosomes at the base of the tubule. The observations suggest that microtubules are involved in transport processes within the seminiferous epithelium. Within 1-12 hr after the intratesticular injection of 500 microM cytochalasin D, a compound which interferes with actin-related processes, normal appearing tubulobulbar complexes were not present. The tubular portion (distal tube) of the complex did not initiate development. It was assumed that filaments (which were identified as such using NBD-phallacidin and the S-1 fragment of myosin) played an important role in the development of this portion of the complex. Cells did not eliminate cytoplasm normally, as evidenced by an enlarged cytoplasmic droplet, further emphasizing the published role for tubulobulbar complexes in cytoplasmic elimination. Although sperm were released normally from stage VIII tubules, many remained within the tubular lumen and did not traverse the duct system. Cytochalasin did not inhibit fluid secretion by the Sertoli cell, as demonstrated by efferent duct ligation, but did alter myoid cell actin cytoskeletal organization, suggesting that myoid cell contractility is primarily responsible for transport of sperm. Overall, the observations suggest that cytoskeletal activity of the Sertoli cell is important for several aspects of the spermiation process as well as sperm transport.  相似文献   
An important component of computer programs for determining the solution conformation of proteins and other flexible molecules from nuclear magnetic resonance data are the so-called “bound smoothing algorithms”, which compute lower and upper limits on the values of all the interatomic distances from the relatively sparse set which can usually be measured experimentally. To date, the only methods efficient enough for use in large problems take account of only the triangle inequality, but an appreciable improvement in the precision of the limits is possible if the algebraic relations between the distances among each quadruple of atoms are also considered. The goal of this paper is to use a recently improved algorithm for computing these “tetrangle inequality limits” to determine just how much improvement really is possible, given the types of experimental data that are usually available.  相似文献   
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